
The outgoing and incoming Intelligence Officials have both said China is the #1 threat. That should tell you all you need to know. Not to mention that the State Department said last week the virus came from a Chinese Military Laboratory. That makes the Chinese response for the death of 400,000 of your American brothers and sisters.

Where’s the evidence of any of that? You don’t get to make hearsay statements. The state department most assuredly did not attribute the coronavirus to the Chinese military.

I’m still holding.
That’s a lot of words not to have a point or be supported by evidence. I saw a domestic terror attack that sought to remove our government three weeks ago. I mean I get that you support the party they do, but none of the other groups you warn us about did that.
Let me make this clear up front. I condemn all violence. That being said, domestic terrorist attacks via BLM and ANTIFA happened all over the US. Cities burned all summer. Over 50 people lost their lives. Over 2 Billion dollars of damage was done by these groups. They assaulted members of Congress in DC and threatened their lives. They burned churches. Dems did nothing to stop it but instead, encouraged it. Maxine encouraged people to harass republicans. Again, I condemn ALL violence. ALL violence!!!!! It divides our country and weakens us against the real enemy in China, Iran, and Russia but let’s not act like one side has some sort of moral high ground! On top of that, let’s be real.........stop being fake about this. This country is filled with weapons. If a group of people had real and serious intent to overtake any building, let alone the capital, it wouldn’t be done with batons and flags! Stop spreading stupidity!
Where’s the evidence of any of that? You don’t get to make hearsay statements. The state department most assuredly did not attribute the coronavirus to the Chinese military.

I’m still holding.
You seem somewhat literate. Read Their words, not mine! After you read, I will be here waiting on you to apologize for your ignorance! Tick tock!
People literally tried to murder our Congress, killed a cop, and you talk about Antifa and some other irrelevant bull crap. You are an embarrassment.
You seem somewhat literate. Read Their words, not mine! After you read, I will be here waiting on you to apologize for your ignorance! Tick tock!

No link. I’m not taking the time to look up crap that doesn’t exist. The highlight of your life was Keith Burns.
People literally tried to murder our Congress, killed a cop, and you talk about Antifa and some other irrelevant bull crap. You are an embarrassment.
Are you serious? What did they do to Rand Paul and other members of Congress? You are a troll!
You are whining about Rand Paul? That’s the hill you want to die on?

You are denying the seriousness of what happened on 1/6. You would rather support treason than reality. You are truly pathetic and should just hand in your TU degree. You don’t belong to this community.
You are whining about Rand Paul? That’s the hill you want to die on?

You are denying the seriousness of what happened on 1/6. You would rather support treason than reality.
An attack on one is an attack on all!!!!!!!!!!!! The 100 day siege conducted by ANTIFA and BLM during the summer was just as serious as 1/6. You don’t get to pick and choose nor do you control the narrative. What you are pushing is pure BS! I support peace! I denounce all violence unlike you endorsing ANTIFA and BLM like it’s ok! You are truly pathetic and should just hand in your TU degree. You don’t belong to this community.
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That’s a lot of words not to have a point or be supported by evidence. I saw a domestic terror attack that sought to remove our government three weeks ago. I mean I get that you support the party they do, but none of the other groups you warn us about did that.
We all saw a coordinated, well funded attack all summer in every major US city designed to remove our government. I mean I get you support the party they do but just because you don’t acknowledge it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen!
State Department says Wuhan lab researchers may have had COVID in the fall of 2019

1. Fox isn’t a news source. If that’s where you get your news, you’re trash.

2. You said the statement was made last week. That’s not true. The article from 1/15, which is more than a week ago.

3. The link in the article doesn’t work.

That’s because this was Mike Pompeo bull crap, everyone knows it was bull crap, and you are wasting people’s time. Because you are trash.
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An attack on one is an attack on all!!!!!!!!!!!! The 100 day siege conducted by ANTIFA and BLM during the summer was just as serious as 1/6. You don’t get to pick and choose nor do you control the narrative. What you are pushing is pure BS! I support peace! I denounce all violence unlike you endorsing ANTIFA and BLM like it’s ok! You are truly pathetic and should just hand in your TU degree. You don’t belong to this community.

No, you relying a false equivalency between protests. One of these groups tried to stop our government, the other did not. You are don’t want the seditionists punished. You support their position and denied that Biden won the election repeatedly. Because you are trash. You push false information on here and are a disgrace.
We all saw a coordinated, well funded attack all summer in every major US city designed to remove our government. I mean I get you support the party they do but just because you don’t acknowledge it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen!

Haha. It wasn’t well funded or coordinated. There is no evidence. But sure, prosecute everyone who broke laws. Let’s start at the top. Trump needs to go to prison, right?
1. Fox isn’t a news source. If that’s where you get your news, you’re trash.

2. You said the statement was made last week. That’s not true. The article from 1/15, which is more than a week ago.

3. The link in the article doesn’t work.

That’s because this was Mike Pompeo bull crap, everyone knows it was bull crap, and you are wasting people’s time. Because you are trash.
Just bc you choose not to accept the facts doesn’t mean they don’t exist. That’s your problem. You live in your liberal fantasy world and ignore reality. I supported every word I said with facts. I’m waiting on you to be man enough to admit you were wrong! Tick tock!
Haha. It wasn’t well funded or coordinated. There is no evidence. But sure, prosecute everyone who broke laws. Let’s start at the top. Trump needs to go to prison, right?
Our justice system is blind. If you break laws, you should be held accountable. Rich or poor. The law is the law! Innocent until proven guilty!
Our justice system is blind. If you break laws, you should be held accountable. Rich or poor. The law is the law! Innocent until proven guilty!

I agree. Let’s enforce the laws. Donald Trump, come on down.
Just bc you choose not to accept the facts doesn’t mean they don’t exist. That’s your problem. You live in your liberal fantasy world and ignore reality. I supported every word I said with facts. I’m waiting on you to be man enough to admit you were wrong! Tick tock!

You didn’t support chit.

Your link was deleted because it’s false. No one with a TU’s knowledge of the situation believes that the Chinese government created Covid. Shame on you for accusing me of lying. My arguments are supported. Yours are trash and fantasy because you have a pathetic life.
You didn’t support chit.

Your link was deleted because it’s false. No one with a TU’s knowledge of the situation believes that the Chinese government created Covid. Shame on you for accusing me of lying. My arguments are supported. Yours are trash and fantasy because you have a pathetic life.
Shame on you for purposefully being ignorant! The information is still there! Its archived. It’s public record. Surely I don’t have to hold your hand to show you how to find it or did the quality of education fall off that much after I left. Oh wait, it actually did 😂 Be a man and admit you were wrong!
It’s actually not online. I posted the link. It’s been taken down by the state department. You misrepresented facts and are now lying further. It was fake news sponsored by idiot f$ucktards in our government who you support. There’s no other legitimate news source which believes this. You just waste people’s time with knowingly false information. You learned that from Keith Burns I guess.
It says the page is under construction and list the link of the archived years. Doesn’t matter what your personal views are about what was published by the State Department. It was published and you failing to acknowledge it doesn’t mean it’s incorrect. Under your logic, everything that comes from Bidens administration would be false as well. You don’t get to pick and choose! Facts are facts! 😂 Be a man and admit you were wrong!
I’m not wrong. You’re a lying asshole. No serious news organization or person believes Covid was caused by the Chinese military. You have no other source. You are making up facts. You are trash and just aren’t worth this board’s time.
I need no other source than the State Department! You are wrong and are cowardly projecting. Be a man and admit you are wrong. Facts are facts. You don’t get to pick and choose. You are trash and just aren’t worth this board’s time. I’m waiting! Tick Tock!
You have no evidence other than a broken link from the state department. Quit wasting people’s time. You are trash.
I don’t have a dog in this hunt, but neutral parties have acknowledged that both the Chinese and USA governments have floated the possibility of a virus leak from military weapons labs as part of internal and external disinformation campaigns with various goals.

Respectfully, nether one of you, nor any member of the public can be certain as to the virus’ origins at this point due to a lack of information. And to a limited extent, lack of cooperation from the Chinese government.

A trained intelligence analyst with subject matter expert support could not reach definitive conclusions using open source material like web based media reports, regardless of the tradition of that publication’s reputation for veracity.

We know more than likely it was naturally occurring, but we simply don’t know for sure. And may never know. Though the eggheaded computer modelers say they are close to figuring it out. (But they also said in the past it originated from several different types of animals and those statements were debunked).

The more interesting question is whether you believe the lab leak theory or not, there’s a lab similar to the Wuhan lab right outside Washington DC, but nobody is asking whether that was a good idea to build it there just for the convenience of hiring the bureaucratic infrastructure that goes along with any government/DOD related facility
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I don’t have a dog in this hunt, but neutral parties have acknowledged that both the Chinese and USA governments have floated the possibility of a virus leak from military weapons labs as part of internal and external disinformation campaigns with various goals.

Respectfully, nether one of you, nor any member of the public can be certain as to the virus’ origins at this point due to a lack of information. And to a limited extent, lack of cooperation from the Chinese government.

A trained intelligence analyst with subject matter expert support could not reach definitive conclusions using open source material like web based media reports, regardless of the tradition of that publication’s reputation for veracity.

We know more than likely it was naturally occurring, but we simply don’t know for sure. And may never know. Though the eggheaded computer modelers say they are close to figuring it out. (But they also said in the past it originated from several different types of animals and those statements were debunked).
I agree with you 99%. The only part I disagree with you on is the natural origins. The information that was released about Faucis research with Gain of Function with The virus in Wuhan after the research had been banned in the US is what makes the virus not natural.
I don’t have a dog in this hunt, but neutral parties have acknowledged that both the Chinese and USA governments have floated the possibility of a virus leak from military weapons labs as part of internal and external disinformation campaigns with various goals.

Respectfully, nether one of you, nor any member of the public can be certain as to the virus’ origins at this point due to a lack of information. And to a limited extent, lack of cooperation from the Chinese government.

A trained intelligence analyst with subject matter expert support could not reach definitive conclusions using open source material like web based media reports, regardless of the tradition of that publication’s reputation for veracity.

We know more than likely it was naturally occurring, but we simply don’t know for sure. And may never know. Though the eggheaded computer modelers say they are close to figuring it out. (But they also said in the past it originated from several different types of animals and those statements were debunked).

The more interesting question is whether you believe the lab leak theory or not, there’s a lab similar to the Wuhan lab right outside Washington DC, but nobody is asking whether that was a good idea to build it there just for the convenience of hiring the bureaucratic infrastructure that goes along with any government/DOD related facility

No sir. In a democracy, we need hard facts. There are no hard facts which link the two. Your argument is akin to “well, we don’t know if Obama really isn’t a foreign national” or “Saddam could have been behind 9/11.” No one who is serious has come up for a better cause for Covid than wet stalls in Wuhan and weird bats. This was litigated extensively months ago. The only reason it is coming back up is to give nattering racist morons like Shon something to talk about.
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No sir. In a democracy, we need hard facts. There are no hard facts which link the two. Your argument is akin to “well, we don’t know if Obama really isn’t a foreign national” or “Saddam could have been behind 9/11.” No one who is serious has come up for a better cause for Covid than wet stalls in Wuhan and weird bats. This was litigated extensively months ago. The only reason it is coming back up is to give nattering racist morons like Shon something if to talk about.
The facts are there you just choose to not acknowledge them! I posted the article the day it came out on here and you never said a word. You are not interested in the truth! As for you calling me, a black man racist, is disgusting and couldn’t be further from the truth 🤢. That’s who you are! That’s what you do. Shame on you Sir!
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No sir. In a democracy, we need hard facts. There are no hard facts which link the two. Your argument is akin to “well, we don’t know if Obama really isn’t a foreign national” or “Saddam could have been behind 9/11.” No one who is serious has come up for a better cause for Covid than wet stalls in Wuhan and weird bats. This was litigated extensively months ago. The only reason it is coming back up is to give nattering racist morons like Shon something if to talk about.
I think it’s a disservice to the scientific method when various actors, for varying reasons, insert conspiracy theories into the media. And we’ve seen some whoppers with this one with the 5G angle, Bill Gates, rogue Chinese military elements, Jewish currency speculators, etc. That stuff is easily refuted or obviously unsupported.

But I also think it’s an equal disservice to the scientific method to reject out of hand accidental leak as a possibility.

And it’s a disservice to lump the discussion of the possibility of such a leak with conspiracy.

And it’s possible to have such a moderate discussion without being vulnerable to, or oblivious to, the use of disinformation.

We are in such a bad place as a country now. We can’t even talk about science without screaming at each other.
Show actual scientific evidence from legitimate news sources or the actual documents original sources and we can talk. Fox News just ain’t legitimate anymore. Shon was posting the same link over and over and it had clearly been taken down. But this whole hearsay/ Trumpian “people are saying”/ NW ark sources crap has to stop.

I chose the Obama birth certificate conspiracy and Saddam 9/11 quackery quite deliberately. There was no evidence in either instance, yet we listened to this garbage for years. There’s just no hard evidence on the Chinese military causing Covid. At times, I’ve even wished there was. It would make this madness easier to understand. That’s how conspiracy theories work.

But this “coulda shoulda woulda” bs = you have the right to waste people’s time is not appropriate. I’m done with it. Shon can go rub off Rippin at Qanon weenie roasts for all I care.
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Your personal preference for ingestion of news doesn’t mitigate facts! The facts are written and are archived on the State Department website. Again, under your logic, everything published by gov reports are fake. Under that logic, Republicans could say the CISA report about the elections was also fake. Can’t throw the baby out with the bath water.
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Show actual scientific evidence from legitimate news sources or the actual documents original sources and we can talk. Fox News just ain’t legitimate anymore. Shon was posting the same link over and over and it had clearly been taken down. But this whole hearsay/ Trumpian “people are saying”/ NW ark sources crap has to stop.

I chose the Obama birth certificate conspiracy and Saddam 9/11 quackery quite deliberately. There was no evidence in either instance, yet we listened to this garbage for years. There’s just no hard evidence on the Chinese military causing Covid. At times, I’ve even wished there was. It would make this madness easier to understand. That’s how conspiracy theories work.

But this “coulda shoulda woulda” bs = you have the right to waste people’s time is not appropriate. I’m done with it. Shon can go rub off Rippin at Qanon weenie roasts for all I care.
The Obama birth certificate thing was off the shelf disinformation created by the same people from the Bush campaign who did the same thing to McCain since he was born in the Canal Zone. The racist undertone of the technique with Obama was particularly insidious.
I think it’s a disservice to the scientific method when various actors, for varying reasons, insert conspiracy theories into the media. And we’ve seen some whoppers with this one with the 5G angle, Bill Gates, rogue Chinese military elements, Jewish currency speculators, etc. That stuff is easily refuted or obviously unsupported.

But I also think it’s an equal disservice to the scientific method to reject out of hand accidental leak as a possibility.

And it’s a disservice to lump the discussion of the possibility of such a leak with conspiracy.

And it’s possible to have such a moderate discussion without being vulnerable to, or oblivious to, the use of disinformation.

We are in such a bad place as a country now. We can’t even talk about science without screaming at each other.
I agree with you here. But I think it's worth pointing out that the scientific community which studies these things has said that it is very unlikely that this thing is man made. I try to keep an open mind, and you are correct that nothing is proven. But yet, to the best of our expert knowledge, this thing is natural. ANything other than that is simply a shot in the dark. There are certain 'hallmarks' in the genetic code of an artificially manipulated virus from the techniques that are commonly used. This thing lacks them.

Does that mean that the Chinese couldn't have developed a different and classified (from their end) method for genetic manipulation of a virus? Or that our own experts couldn't simply be wrong? No. It's certainly possible. But extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. And there is no evidence that the Chinese have such a capability.

Add to this that certain actors, like Shon, are exploiting the fact that scientists don't generally like to speak in absolute terms. They are using that to sow the seeds of doubt and muddy the issue to push their own agenda related to COVID. It's sickening. And that's why I don't think it's worth giving it any oxygen whatsoever until there is some pretty strong evidence.
The Obama birth certificate thing was off the shelf disinformation created by the same people from the Bush campaign who did the same thing to McCain since he was born in the Canal Zone. The racist undertone of the technique with Obama was particularly insidious.

Thank you. And it’s that example that tempers a lot of my lens with right wing media. It just seems like a lot of these media stories have undertones about racial issues. I would argue the allegation about the Chinese military is no different. I’m no fan of the Chinese government, but let’s stick to hard facts: genocide of the Uighurs, persecution of Christians, Hong Kong, currency manipulation, and utter disregard for intellectual property rights and other international laws.
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You are whining about Rand Paul? That’s the hill you want to die on?

You are denying the seriousness of what happened on 1/6. You would rather support treason than reality. You are truly pathetic and should just hand in your TU degree. You don’t belong to this community.
Anybody who disagrees with the holder of ignorance is a troller. It is a racist against it's own race and through it's own ignorance is completely unaware. That's one of the worst and most pitiable kind. I laughed at the date on the article, but did not post, because I'm through with this ignorance.

If everybody ignored it, it would go away.

This ignorance needs an audience or it withers and dies off in a corner.
(I'd compare it to a cat, but I respect cat's more than that.)

In case it made another error of comprehension, 'This ignorance' and 'it', and 'the holder of ignorance' performs as the pronoun of he/him.

Wouldn't want a supporter of the Patriot party to make that same mistake again.
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Anybody who disagrees with the holder of ignorance is a troller. It is a racist against it's own race and through it's own ignorance is completely unaware. That's one of the worst and most pitiable kind. I laughed at the date on the article, but did not post, because I'm through with this ignorance.

If everybody ignored it, it would go away.

This ignorance needs an audience or it withers and dies off in a corner.
(I'd compare it to a cat, but I respect cat's more than that.)

In case it made another error of comprehension, 'This ignorance' and 'it', and 'the holder of ignorance' performs as the pronoun of he/him.

Wouldn't want a supporter of the Patriot party to make that same mistake again.
😂 Kind of early to be hitting the bottle. Stress does horrible things to the mind right 😉
Four or five zingers in the trash talk competition, and all he can do is come up with a 1/4 sized BB that has been shot so repetitively, it is wearing down to nothing.

Let him shoot the parent sized BB that is 1/8 the diameter.(Ow.)

Make those BB's into olives and pour me a drink, I haven't had one for a couple of days. :drink:

I hope it realizes, the humor is the only thing keeping me posting.
Four or five zingers in the trash talk competition, and all he can do is come up with a 1/4 sized BB that has been shot so repetitively, it is wearing down to nothing.

Let him shoot the parent sized BB that is 1/8 the diameter.(Ow.)

Make those BB's into olives and pour me a drink, I haven't had one for a couple of days. :drink:

I hope it realizes, the humor is the only thing keeping me posting.
😂😂😂😂😂 you are under full mind control
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Anybody who disagrees with the holder of ignorance is a troller. It is a racist against it's own race and through it's own ignorance is completely unaware. That's one of the worst and most pitiable kind. I laughed at the date on the article, but did not post, because I'm through with this ignorance.

If everybody ignored it, it would go away.

This ignorance needs an audience or it withers and dies off in a corner.
(I'd compare it to a cat, but I respect cat's more than that.)

In case it made another error of comprehension, 'This ignorance' and 'it', and 'the holder of ignorance' performs as the pronoun of he/him.

Wouldn't want a supporter of the Patriot party to make that same mistake again.

So let’s all just agree to “ignore” this crap if it’s not going to participate in reasoned argument.

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