

I.T.S. Redshirt Freshman
Jan 15, 2021
The Proud Boys and violent right turn on Trump for disavowing violence and the attack on Capitol. Hey, where’s our pardons?

Have to wonder what is next for Trump and these groups.
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family members turning in family members. Persecuting anyone associated with trump. Wow I thought we defeated this attitude in the 40s.
The Proud Boys and violent right turn on Trump for disavowing violence and the attack on Capitol. Hey, where’s our pardons?

Have to wonder what is next for Trump and these groups.
ANTIFA and the violent left disavowed Biden. How much longer do cities have to suffer before they are finally designated domestic terrorist?
ANTIFA and the violent left disavowed Biden. How much longer do cities have to suffer before they are finally designated domestic terrorist?
Biden never pretended to stand for or represent Antifa or the violent left. Unlike Trump and the far right.
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Biden never pretended to stand for or represent Antifa or the violent left. Unlike Trump and the far right.
Saying it was just an idealism certainly did nothing to quell violence. I personally put those statements from Biden on the same level of Trumps statements on Charlottesville
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family members turning in family members. Persecuting anyone associated with trump. Wow I thought we defeated this attitude in the 40s.
The Jews didn’t attack the Reichstag on national television at the behest of whoever their leader was.

There is a difference between being persecuted for an inherent element of your heritage and being persecuted for a violent act you willingly chose to undertake. We didn’t have any problem grabbing Nazi’s who were turned in by their families or people that knew them and trying them for their crimes.
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The people associated with Trump are being investigated based on probable cause (photos of them in Capitol) and prosecuted (not persecuted...there's a difference) if there is evidence of a crime. Then they will have the protections that all US citizens have in a court room. The distortions posted here to create fantastical excuses for criminal acts in support of Trump are more lame than creative.
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The Jews didn’t attack the Reichstag on national television at the behest of whoever their leader was.

There is a difference between being persecuted for an inherent element of your heritage and being persecuted for a violent act you willingly chose to undertake. We didn’t have any problem grabbing Nazi’s who were turned in by their families or people that knew them and trying them for their crimes.
Lots of private citizens are being harassed for being Republicans
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Lots of private citizens are being harassed for being Republicans
If they voted / publicly supported Trump, they deserve public ridicule. Not to say that they can’t hold certain jobs or they have to wear an armband as they walk around. No one will be sending them to re-education / labor camps, and they’re not going to be force-ably relieved of all of their possessions.
If they voted / publicly supported Trump, they deserve public ridicule. Not to say that they can’t hold certain jobs or they have to wear an armband as they walk around. No one will be sending them to re-education / labor camps, and they’re not going to be force-ably relieved of all of their possessions.
What exactly will public ridicule accomplish? Trump supporters were publicly ridiculed for 5 yrs and he got 12 Mil more votes than he did in 2016. This mentality of shaming weakness us as a Nation against real enemies. The infighting is distracting us from China and Iran
I’m more worried about a bunch of honkies who believe in Qanon than Iran or China. Need to take of business at home.
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I'm a life long Republican, but I was ready for Nixon to go. After refusing to admit he lost the election, Trump was sour milk. After the raid on Congress he was cat piss.
I’m more worried about a bunch of honkies who believe in Qanon than Iran or China. Need to take of business at home.
Do those people at home possess nuclear weapons, tanks, carriers etc? China by far is the #1 threat to us on every level
I’m not aware of China actively trying to take over our capital, denying reality, or threatening to assassinate elected officials. Perhaps you have facts which support your point. I will hold.
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I’m not aware of China actively trying to take over our capital, denying reality, or threatening to assassinate elected officials. Perhaps you have facts which support your point. I will hold.
The outgoing and incoming Intelligence Officials have both said China is the #1 threat. That should tell you all you need to know. Not to mention that the State Department said last week the virus came from a Chinese Military Laboratory. That makes the Chinese response for the death of 400,000 of your American brothers and sisters.
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The outgoing and incoming Intelligence Officials have both said China is the #1 threat. That should tell you all you need to know. Not to mention that the State Department said last week the virus came from a Chinese Military Laboratory. That makes the Chinese response for the death of 400,000 of your American brothers and sisters.
So NOW it is a deadly disease that is responsible for that many deaths? I thought it was vastly overinflated?! And no big deal!

The hypocrisy is strong with this one. I'm not even going to address your nonsense about it coming from a lab.
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😂I’m only quoting the numbers that the MSM used.
State Department says Wuhan lab researchers may have had COVID in the fall of 2019
You've started entire threads called "COVID Lies" where you spread all kinds of nonsense and questioned its deadliness on multiple occasions. You don't get to act suddenly outraged by its devastation. You helped enable it. Even if it were started in a lab (which it most certainly was NOT), I don't really care. Our response was pathetic and half of those lives died needlessly. Some because they foolishly listened to people like you.
You've started entire threads called "COVID Lies" where you spread all kinds of nonsense and questioned its deadliness on multiple occasions. You don't get to act suddenly outraged by its devastation. You helped enable it. Even if it were started in a lab (which it most certainly was NOT), I don't really care. Our response was pathetic and half of those lives died needlessly. Some because they foolishly listened to people like you.
😂 the WHO admitting that the test was calibrated wrong proved me correct. Matter of fact, you owe me an apology! I was absolutely 100% correct when I said the numbers were overinflated!
😂 the WHO admitting that the test was calibrated wrong proved me correct. Matter of fact, you owe me an apology! I was absolutely 100% correct when I said the numbers were overinflated!
I owe you nothing of the sort and will entertain your nonsense no longer. Good bye.
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I’m more worried about a bunch of honkies who believe in Qanon than Iran or China. Need to take of business at home.
Which is exactly the attitude our foreign adversaries and competitors have in mind when for very little money they can start online disruption campaigns on both sides of the aisle to induce further isolationism. Right wing extremism is the number one source of terror related deaths in the USA over the past ten years. While that group presents a size of risk that is a greater potential to cause harm to individual citizens here at home, it is insignificant compared to the size of the threat posed by nation-state adversaries, competitors and disrupters. And that’s what the public often confuses. Mixing up risk with threat. Or lacking the judgment and experience to differentiate between the two. In the W era, we got into a moral panic on both sides of the aisle where we thought the size of the risk from Bin Laden was equal to the size of the threat. Once we pulled up our pants and listened to the people warning us for 5 years about him, he was still a threat, but very very small risk. I think you’ll see in short order DOJ and state investigators dramatically lower the risk of right wing extremism. We’ve done it before, we will do it again. And if the far left wants to start planting bombs again, they will get the same treatment. Don’t lose sight of the long term enduring threats of portions of the Chinese agenda in the short term and their declared long term goal of subjugating this nation. We ignored bin Ladens plans and discounted him because he was not a nation state. Well, we’ve got a nation state now, with largely unlimited resources, with similar declared goals and plans. I’d wake up.
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I'm not even going to address your nonsense about it coming from a lab.
With no evidence provided. Some posters post things like this without caring whether they provided any evidence yet.

Damn this site is slow right now. Is causing me difficulty right now.
Which is exactly the attitude our foreign adversaries and competitors have in mind when for very little money they can start online disruption campaigns on both sides of the aisle to induce further isolationism. Right wing extremism is the number one source of terror related deaths in the USA over the past ten years. While that group presents a size of risk that is a greater potential to cause harm to individual citizens here at home, it is insignificant compared to the size of the threat posed by nation-state adversaries, competitors and disrupters. And that’s what the public often confuses. Mixing up risk with threat. Or lacking the judgment and experience to differentiate between the two. In the W era, we got into a moral panic on both sides of the aisle where we thought the size of the risk from Bin Laden was equal to the size of the threat. Once we pulled up our pants and listened to the people warning us for 5 years about him, he was still a threat, but very very small risk. I think you’ll see in short order DOJ and state investigators dramatically lower the risk of right wing extremism. We’ve done it before, we will do it again. And if the far left wants to start planting bombs again, they will get the same treatment. Don’t lose sight of the long term enduring threats of portions of the Chinese agenda in the short term and their declared long term goal of subjugating this nation. We ignored bin Ladens plans and discounted him because he was not a nation state. Well, we’ve got a nation state now, with largely unlimited resources, with similar declared goals and plans. I’d wake up.
Not to worry. antifa or blm or or occupy wallstreet or the squad will protect us from them.
Some posters on this site don’t read the threads
With no evidence provided. Some posters post things like this without caring whether they provided any evidence yet.

Damn this site is slow right now. Is causing me difficulty right now.
Put your glasses on! The link from was posted
A statement is not evidence.
You are trolling harder than usual today! You ok? 😂😂😂😂😂😂If you think a Democratic filled State Department would post something like this without proof, I got some ocean front property in Bixby I want to sell you!
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I’m a Republican and never been harassed because of it.

BOOOM anecdote for the win!

Same, though i've shed the republican label since 2016. I'm viewed as a kind of amusing oddity in my line of work because the industry is filled with libs, but never have been harassed. Not being a jerk to the people you interact with helps though, and I work with great people.
It is in congress; vetting a judge or impeachment.

No, it’s not. You don’t know how evidence works. I would encourage you to learn, but I’m fairly certain that you are illiterate and your contributions here are some sort of Medicaid ordered dictaphone enhancement to your Cartman-robo-chair.
Which is exactly the attitude our foreign adversaries and competitors have in mind when for very little money they can start online disruption campaigns on both sides of the aisle to induce further isolationism. Right wing extremism is the number one source of terror related deaths in the USA over the past ten years. While that group presents a size of risk that is a greater potential to cause harm to individual citizens here at home, it is insignificant compared to the size of the threat posed by nation-state adversaries, competitors and disrupters. And that’s what the public often confuses. Mixing up risk with threat. Or lacking the judgment and experience to differentiate between the two. In the W era, we got into a moral panic on both sides of the aisle where we thought the size of the risk from Bin Laden was equal to the size of the threat. Once we pulled up our pants and listened to the people warning us for 5 years about him, he was still a threat, but very very small risk. I think you’ll see in short order DOJ and state investigators dramatically lower the risk of right wing extremism. We’ve done it before, we will do it again. And if the far left wants to start planting bombs again, they will get the same treatment. Don’t lose sight of the long term enduring threats of portions of the Chinese agenda in the short term and their declared long term goal of subjugating this nation. We ignored bin Ladens plans and discounted him because he was not a nation state. Well, we’ve got a nation state now, with largely unlimited resources, with similar declared goals and plans. I’d wake up.

That’s a lot of words not to have a point or be supported by evidence. I saw a domestic terror attack that sought to remove our government three weeks ago. I mean I get that you support the party they do, but none of the other groups you warn us about did that.
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