You, of all people (as a former TU football player), should know that scheduling better competition isn't that easy, especially for TU.
Of course we'd all love to see us get 1-1 deals with "name" teams, but finding those types of teams that'll come here is just not as easy as asking them to come. There are many factors working against us, a large factor being the small stadium size, the next large factor is that said "name" team may get their ass kicked by TU and they certainly don't want to do a 1-1 and go 0-2.
There is nearly ZERO city pride in Tulsa. Look around at other similar cities - Wichita for example, people are support their local sports because they are proud to be from Wichita. Of course, the probably follow KU and K State too, but they don't act like WSU is below them.
People in Tulsa would rather pay $50 to sit at home and watch OU pound Tulane by 50 points on ppv, than spend $15 for a ticket to see TU play a conference game. So yes, that's a fair weather fan and as an alum, I wouldn't be proud to tell anyone that I purposely chose not to watch the game because the opponent scheduled wasn't a home and home with a top 25 team. That's bs and you know it.