Corona virus prevention

Saw where an infected person purposely broke quarantine in Missouri. Should they be charged with reckless endangerment? Attempted murder? Manslaughter if the infect someone and that person dies?
I'm not a lawyer, but I would think/hope that breaking a medical quarantine would be its own criminal statute. But if that isn't a thing (it ought to be), then I would think reckless endangerment might fit.
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I agree with you in principle. But it is now not just China and its authoritarian government that is doing massive quarantines. Italy has now quarantined over 16 million people.

I get what you are saying, but as a practical matter we have to draw a line at a medical quarantine to stop a dangerous plague. If you are more afraid of the government taking your rights away than a dangerous plague which is actually on our shores and can kill millions, then I would suggest you should re-evaluate your priorities.

I am not advocating mass quarantines in the US as of now. But if the need demonstrably arises, I will abide by one for the duration. I truly hope it doesn't come to that.

How will you know when the plague ends?..
How will you know when the plague ends?..
Are you serious? You think a city/state/country government would voluntarily kneecap their entire industrial output because they like everyone staying in their houses against their will? You really are a bit paranoid... Besides that, there is such a thing as internet and international media that would tell you if deaths and such are on the wane.

If you don't trust any of that, not the WHO, not the CDC, nor any number of other virology experts who have no stake in a government power grab that have worked tirelessly and dedicated their entire careers to helping people and studying exactly these kinds of situations, then there is really not much else to say.
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Are you serious? You think a city/state/country government would voluntarily kneecap their entire industrial output because they like everyone staying in their houses against their will? You really are a bit paranoid... Besides that, there is such a thing as internet and international media that would tell you if deaths and such are on the wane.

If you don't trust any of that, not the WHO, not the CDC, nor any number of other virology experts who have no stake in a government power grab that have worked tirelessly and dedicated their entire careers to helping people and studying exactly these kinds of situations, then there is really not much else to say.

Im not paranoid.. i just dont trust an organization who's entire purpose is to grow in power and size...
I'm not a lawyer, but I would think/hope that breaking a medical quarantine would be its own criminal statute. But if that isn't a thing (it ought to be), then I would think reckless endangerment might fit.

I am a lawyer and I have no idea if such a law exists :) If one does hopefully the penalties are stiff enough to prevent people from breaking it. One of the things which concerns me about this crisis is American's attitudes toward being able to do what they want to do. I realize there is a balancing act from our government as far as taking the necessary steps to slow the spread and creating a mass panic situation. I assume they will conduct most of their efforts behind the scenes while issuing calming statements publicly. Hopefully large treatment and isolation facilities are currently being obtained and equipped. I think we all know what's coming.
I bet you can't imagine how Trump is flipping out now. In public he is as calm, cool, and collected as he can be. In private, as a germophobe, he's gotta be flipping out.
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Initial results from Gilead's Remdesivir drug trial in Japan seem to be positive. The stock (GILD) popped on the initial news. There are about 6 trials going on in the US and Asia. Better results available in April. As these are phase 3 trials of an existing drug, it would be much closer to market than a new drug.

Consistent with what my friends in the healthcare and biotech industry have been saying for weeks.

Data point: the senior center in King County with all the deaths just got enough testing kits to test all the residents yesterday. Wide scale testing is a long way in the future.

Bright spots: The Gates Foundation is working on a testing kit for the home. Take a swab at home and send it off for testing. Gilead is in stage 3 trials for a treatment. Initial results due in April. Gilead's reputation is very strong.
Question for those more informed than I:

I mentioned previously that I'm in a wedding here in a couple weeks. The bride and groom are trying to decide if they should cancel/move the wedding date (at high cost to them). Should they?
Agree with the caveat that I expect a lot more cases in three weeks. Maybe by a factor of 20 or more. This is going to get much worse before it begins to improve.
Agreed. Depends on their personalities and such and if they have their hearts set on a big wedding. If that is the case, I would delay. But otherwise, maybe send out a mailer saying that there are absolutely no hard feelings if people pull a no show and that they release everyone from their rsvp. A lot of excess food, sure, but cheaper than rescheduling...

Edit: and I would expect a ton of people to leave right after the ceremony and not got to the reception...
Thanks for your replies. Day by day it’s looking more and more like that decision will be made for them. And I kind of wonder contractually what kind of obligation they’re under to hold the wedding if they believe there is no way to have a safe event. All those contracts say something to the tune of “if the hotel cancels you get a refund, but if you cancel you still owe the minimum(which is quite high). But I wonder if this is a unique enough event that it wouldn’t apply. I’m not a lawyer so?
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Thanks for your replies. Day by day it’s looking more and more like that decision will be made for them. And I’m kind of wonder contractually what kind of obligation they’re under to hold the wedding if they believe there is no way to have a safe event. All those contracts say something to the tune of “if the hotel cancels you get a refund, but if you cancel you still owe the minimum(which is quite high). But I wonder if this is a unique enough event that it wouldn’t apply. I’m not a lawyer so?

If the venue is in the City of Tulsa and they’re expecting anywhere close to 250 people then they should have an out.
Update: Looks like the city is going to make that decision for them.
CDC just recommended no events over 50 people for the next two months.
Btw their hotel venue still is not willing to work with them to move the date until Austin/TX officially bans gatherings over 100 people. The Driskill Hotel is an abysmal excuse for a “hospitality” business.
Btw their hotel venue still is not willing to work with them to move the date until Austin/TX officially bans gatherings over 100 people. The Driskill Hotel is an abysmal excuse for a “hospitality” business.
That really sucks. They are probably fearing going out of business since our illustrious leadership has offered few solutions.

There are few good options left. Schools are cancelled across the country. Colorado and New Mexico have suspended ski operations during Spring Break. If something like that isn't an extenuating circumstance worthy of consideration of waiving cancellation fees, then nothing is. I hope for their sake the governor issues an order soon.

I just found out this morning that there is a nurse at the hospital here that very likely has it. She works at three different hospitals, all part time and has been treating patients all over the place. She has all the symptoms and has tested negative for flu and strep. She has been unable to get a COVID test, naturally. My wife will have to pick up her shifts, and since the daycare is closed, I will have to be home with the kids a lot the next few weeks and burning all my sick/vacation leave.

There is no excuse left whatsoever for not having hundreds of tests on the ready for not only the nurse in question, but everyone of her patients, co-workers, and family. We at least need to understand the scope of what we are dealing with.
Date: February 26, 2020 at 2:35:50 PM EST

Subject: What I am doing for the upcoming COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic

Dear Colleagues,

As some of you may recall, when I was a professor of pathology at the University of California San Diego, I was one of the first molecular virologists in the world to work on coronaviruses (the 1970s). I was the first to demonstrate the number of genes the virus contained. Since then, I have kept up with the coronavirus field and its multiple clinical transfers into the human population (e.g., SARS, MERS), from different animal sources.

The current projections for its expansion in the US are only probable, due to continued insufficient worldwide data, but it is most likely to be widespread in the US by mid to late March and April.

Here is what I have done and the precautions that I take and will take. These are the same precautions I currently use during our influenza seasons, except for the mask and gloves.:

1) NO HANDSHAKING! Use a fist bump, slight bow, elbow bump, etc.

2) Use ONLY your knuckle to touch light switches. elevator buttons, etc.. Lift the gasoline dispenser with a paper towel or use a disposable glove.

3) Open doors with your closed fist or hip - do not grasp the handle with your hand, unless there is no other way to open the door. Especially important on bathroom and post office/commercial doors.

4) Use disinfectant wipes at the stores when they are available, including wiping the handle and child seat in grocery carts.

5) Wash your hands with soap for 10-20 seconds and/or use a greater than 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer whenever you return home from ANY activity that involves locations where other people have been.

6) Keep a bottle of sanitizer available at each of your home's entrances. AND in your car for use after getting gas or touching other contaminated objects when you can't immediately wash your hands.

7) If possible, cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue and discard. Use your elbow only if you have to. The clothing on your elbow will contain infectious virus that can be passed on for up to a week or more!

What I have stocked in preparation for the pandemic spread to the US:

1) Latex or nitrile latex disposable gloves for use when going shopping, using the gasoline pump, and all other outside activity when you come in contact with contaminated areas.

Note: This virus is spread in large droplets by coughing and sneezing. This means that the air will not infect you! BUT all the surfaces where these droplets land are infectious for about a week on average - everything that is associated with infected people will be contaminated and potentially infectious. The virus is on surfaces and you will not be infected unless your unprotected face is directly coughed or sneezed upon.

This virus only has cell receptors for lung cells (it only infects your lungs) The only way for the virus to infect you is through your nose or mouth via your hands or an infected cough or sneeze onto or into your nose or mouth.

2) Stock up now with disposable surgical masks and use them to prevent you from touching your nose and/or mouth (We touch our nose/mouth 90X/day without knowing it!). This is the only way this virus can infect you - it is lung-specific. The mask will not prevent the virus in a direct sneeze from getting into your nose or mouth - it is only to keep you from touching your nose or mouth.

3) Stock up now with hand sanitizers and latex/nitrile gloves (get the appropriate sizes for your family). The hand sanitizers must be alcohol-based and greater than 60% alcohol to be effective.

4) Stock up now with zinc lozenges. These lozenges have been proven to be effective in blocking coronavirus (and most other viruses) from multiplying in your throat and nasopharynx. Use as directed several times each day when you begin to feel ANY "cold-like" symptoms beginning. It is best to lie down and let the lozenge dissolve in the back of your throat and nasopharynx. Cold-Eeze lozenges is one brand available, but there are other brands available.

I, as many others do, hope that this pandemic will be reasonably contained, BUT I personally do not think it will be. Humans have never seen this snake-associated virus before and have no internal defense against it.

Tremendous worldwide efforts are being made to understand the molecular and clinical virology of this virus. Unbelievable molecular knowledge about the genomics, structure, and virulence of this virus has already been achieved. BUT, there will be NO drugs or vaccines available this year to protect us or limit the infection within us. Only symptomatic support is available.

I hope these personal thoughts will be helpful during this potentially catastrophic pandemic. You are welcome to share.

Good luck to all of us!

James Robb, MD FCAP
It’s also good practice to routinely check your temperature with thermometer, especially before leaving the house. If, God forbid, someone does come down with it, it is best to catch it early & to keep from spreading it to others.
That really sucks. They are probably fearing going out of business since our illustrious leadership has offered few solutions.

There are few good options left. Schools are cancelled across the country. Colorado and New Mexico have suspended ski operations during Spring Break. If something like that isn't an extenuating circumstance worthy of consideration of waiving cancellation fees, then nothing is. I hope for their sake the governor issues an order soon.

I just found out this morning that there is a nurse at the hospital here that very likely has it. She works at three different hospitals, all part time and has been treating patients all over the place. She has all the symptoms and has tested negative for flu and strep. She has been unable to get a COVID test, naturally. My wife will have to pick up her shifts, and since the daycare is closed, I will have to be home with the kids a lot the next few weeks and burning all my sick/vacation leave.

There is no excuse left whatsoever for not having hundreds of tests on the ready for not only the nurse in question, but everyone of her patients, co-workers, and family. We at least need to understand the scope of what we are dealing with.
I really dont understand how we have so few tests.
Young people in my office talking about all the parties and bars they went to over the weekend. I'm really not sure what government can do when many of our citizens continue this type of behavior.
Young people in my office talking about all the parties and bars they went to over the weekend. I'm really not sure what government can do when many of our citizens continue this type of behavior.
Send in the national guard and make sure everything unnecessary is closed. Impose curfews. Impose fines for breaking such curfews.
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Btw their hotel venue still is not willing to work with them to move the date until Austin/TX officially bans gatherings over 100 people. The Driskill Hotel is an abysmal excuse for a “hospitality” business.

So how did it end? Were they able to get a refund? I'm currently in a similar battle with my daycare, who's holding my $2000 deposit hostage while also refusing to provide care since I'm not an essential worker.
So how did it end? Were they able to get a refund? I'm currently in a similar battle with my daycare, who's holding my $2000 deposit hostage while also refusing to provide care since I'm not an essential worker.
Dang, that sucks. Mine is not charging me until they reopen, and even refunded my account for the time in March we couldn’t use. Guess I was lucky, they are normally super stingy. Good luck!
So how did it end? Were they able to get a refund? I'm currently in a similar battle with my daycare, who's holding my $2000 deposit hostage while also refusing to provide care since I'm not an essential worker.

They eventually agreed to allow them to reschedule, but only after it became clear that events over 50 people would be banned in Austin. Up to that point they were going to force them to either cancel and pay the minimum(tens of thousands of dollars) or put their families at risk. The groom’s mother has an autoimmune disease and takes immune suppressing medication. It was gross the choice the hotel was going to force them to make.

Sucks to hear that man. What are the terms around your deposit?
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Even for the Driskill, which squeezes every penny out of you they can, that’s pretty low. Glad to hear they could reschedule at least. We were supposed to be at a baby shower today for my brother and his wife. That one’s a little harder to reschedule.

My contract states that I need to give 60 days notice or I lose the deposit. Needless to say, there’s no global pandemic clause. It’s not exactly airtight language, but what am I gonna do? Threaten to sue a daycare?

It’s an industry with a truly captive audience. Almost all of us with kids need it. Most places have a waiting list. They can charge pretty much whatever they want. And they’ll make up rules as they go. Thank the director of your place, @Clong83a, because I don’t get the sense that most places have been that generous.
Even for the Driskill, which squeezes every penny out of you they can, that’s pretty low. Glad to hear they could reschedule at least. We were supposed to be at a baby shower today for my brother and his wife. That one’s a little harder to reschedule.

My contract states that I need to give 60 days notice or I lose the deposit. Needless to say, there’s no global pandemic clause. It’s not exactly airtight language, but what am I gonna do? Threaten to sue a daycare?

It’s an industry with a truly captive audience. Almost all of us with kids need it. Most places have a waiting list. They can charge pretty much whatever they want. And they’ll make up rules as they go. Thank the director of your place, @Clong83a, because I don’t get the sense that most places have been that generous.

Sometimes the threat is what it takes, but I understand your hesitancy. It’s not quite a large enough sum for you to make it worth the fight but for the day care it’s every person’s deposit combined that they’d have to return. They probably see no reason to budge. Still you would have hoped that not being able to provide the service you paid for would be enough for them to feel obligated to maintain a good relationship with you going forward

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