At that point Trump had barely offended all the many people he would offend throughout his political career, and had left them still in shock over his offences. The public and the intelligence community are so jaded at this point, many years later. But I'm really sure that the intelligence community would hold such a large grudge all this time later.
Based only on a meandering Senator's estimation years back, this would be my justification. It would tell me how upset the intelligence community must have been.(and still be) Their grudge would have to be so great, that the 5 or 8 agency officials,(minimum) that must have been necessary to coordinate this thing, some 7.5 years later, had all their crap so poorly coordinated. They really screwed the pooch to make such a botched attempt after seven and a half years of planning.
If our intelligence officials are so poor at planning this, that this is the best they can come up with, then we are in really bad shape as far as their real job, intelligence work. Such ineptitude in planning is really grievous after that much time available to them. I'm betting they wish they had picked a better shooter, because the guy missed, barely did any damage to Trump, and allowed Trump to react in such a way, that Trump looked better after the attempt, than he did before the attempt. SMH
That holds about as much water, as Trump planning it as an inside job to just miss him, and him rising up from the floor in brave defiance, with a
staged fist in the air. Hogwash, the stuff that all these conspiracy theorists pull out of their ass, to justify conspiracy theories every day. I had already thrown you in with the antivax, fake moon landing people, that
poorly guarded their comments on things of this nature. Thanks, for once again confirming it.