2024 Election prediction/discussion

One would hope. Not sure about killing two birds with one stone. Everything coming out of the Harris campaign regarding this proposal is direct pandering to black males. I’ve seen next to nothing about Hispanics regarding this proposal.
Not like Trump hasn't spent his fair share of pandering to black males in the past few years.
Care to share any of his proposals which gives tax breaks solely targeted to black males?
No, just to kick out immigrants so he can save “black jobs”.

Or cosying up to wackadoodles like Kanye West.

Or releasing a Jordan ripoff sneaker.

Both are pandering for votes, one is just doing it in a much more racist way. Kind of how you might think an owner of a golf course might treat a bunch of people he needs support from but secretly detests.

I bet you $100 that within the next 15 years we get evidence of Trump referring to those same people as N words in private.
No, just to kick out immigrants so he can save “black jobs”.

Or cosying up to wackadoodles like Kanye West.

Or releasing a Jordan ripoff sneaker.

Both are pandering for votes, one is just doing it in a much more racist way. Kind of how you might think an owner of a golf course might treat a bunch of people he needs support from but secretly detests.

I bet you $100 that within the next 15 years we get evidence of Trump referring to those same people as N words in private.
Did not expect you to acknowledge the extreme racist rhetoric coming out of the Harris camp but ok.
Care to share any of his proposals which gives tax breaks solely targeted to black males?
From reading the various articles about the proposal, they don't seem to be solely targeting black males in the proposal itself. Unless you want to ignore what other writers are saying when either reading the proposal, or hearing privately from campaign representatives, when talking with them. You know they(left focused media) & are biased towards the Democrats. The writers know they want this focused towards blacks and will only mention others in passing to follow the agenda that the campaign wants. Black males are the group they want to be aware of it because they are pandering more specifically towards them.

The fact that both campaigns are using different methods doesn't make it any better or worse, that they are both targeting black males to capture their vote. They both are pandering. Trump is disingenuous when he targets black males, he just wants that voting bloc. He is racist as heck. What do you call racist coming out of Kamala's camp?
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From reading the various articles about the proposal, they don't seem to be solely targeting black males in the proposal itself. Unless you want to ignore what other writers are saying when either reading the proposal, or hearing privately from campaign representatives, when talking with them. You know they(left focused media) & are biased towards the Democrats. The writers know they want this focused towards blacks and will only mention others in passing to follow the agenda the campaign wants. Black males are the group they want to be aware of it because they are pandering more specifically towards them.

The fact that both campaigns are using different methods doesn't make it any better or worse, that they are both targeting black males to capture their vote. They both are pandering. Trump is disingenuous when he targets black males, he just wants that voting bloc. He is racist as heck. What do you call racist coming out of Kamala's camp?
Chastising black men for not voting for a candidate because they share the same skin color is about as racist as it comes. Black men are not sheep. They can have a multitude of reasons for supporting a candidate. Race should not be one of them. Imagine if the Trump camp was openly shaming white people who were voting for Harris because they weren’t voting for a fellow white candidate. I generally get bothered when campaigns start making race a significant reason for voting to a candidate. Doesn’t really matter if it’s Pubs or Dems. Hate to see that reasoning (or lack thereof) brought into the discussion.
Chastising black men for not voting for a candidate because they share the same skin color is about as racist as it comes. Black men are not sheep. They can have a multitude of reasons for supporting a candidate. Race should not be one of them. Imagine if the Trump camp was openly shaming white people who were voting for Harris because they weren’t voting for a fellow white candidate. I generally get bothered when campaigns start making race a significant reason for voting to a candidate. Doesn’t really matter if it’s Pubs or Dems. Hate to see that reasoning (or lack thereof) brought into the discussion.
Sometimes race does matter, and chastising people of that race for voting against their own interest is legitimate. Did you know there were Jews in Germany who supported Hitler?

Voting for a party that hasn’t done anything for you (and in most cases has actively screwed you) since before we landed on the moon probably doesn’t make sense for black men (or women)
Chastising black men for not voting for a candidate because they share the same skin color is about as racist as it comes. Black men are not sheep. They can have a multitude of reasons for supporting a candidate. Race should not be one of them. Imagine if the Trump camp was openly shaming white people who were voting for Harris because they weren’t voting for a fellow white candidate. I generally get bothered when campaigns start making race a significant reason for voting to a candidate. Doesn’t really matter if it’s Pubs or Dems. Hate to see that reasoning (or lack thereof) brought into the discussion.
Trump is absolutely racist. I can easily see the democratic campaign knowing this, and wanting to point this out to blacks that are voting for him. I don't see that as racist. Trump only puts a thin veneer over his racism, but it's enough to fool some black voters.
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Sometimes race does matter, and chastising people of that race for voting against their own interest is legitimate. Did you know there were Jews in Germany who supported Hitler?

Voting for a party that hasn’t done anything for you (and in most cases has actively screwed you) since before we landed on the moon probably doesn’t make sense for black men (or women)
Because black men have seen such positive results from the policies set forth by the Democratic Party over the last 40 years? We all know the definition of insanity. Seems like black males are starting the realize Dem policies have failed them and are looking for alternative. I hate that Trump is the alternative in 2024 but I do respect them growing tired of being told to vote for policies which haven’t benefitted them.
Because black men have seen such positive results from the policies set forth by the Democratic Party over the last 40 years? We all know the definition of insanity. Seems like black males are starting the realize Dem policies have failed them and are looking for alternative. I hate that Trump is the alternative in 2024 but I do respect them growing tired of being told to vote for policies which haven’t benefitted them.
I can see them taking alternatives in the past & future, but Trump? Nah. Some of them did so with Bush. Apparently that movement is growing.
Because black men have seen such positive results from the policies set forth by the Democratic Party over the last 40 years? We all know the definition of insanity. Seems like black males are starting the realize Dem policies have failed them and are looking for alternative. I hate that Trump is the alternative in 2024 but I do respect them growing tired of being told to vote for policies which haven’t benefitted them.
This isn’t a case where Democrats can magically solve all of their problems. There is an adversary in this story who has inhibited a lot of progress for black men and caused a lot of heartache.

It doesn’t make sense to say, “well, these guys started the war on drugs and for profit prisons that threw a bunch of my friends in prison as teens, but the democrats haven’t been able to overcome them.”

You’re basically saying “if you can’t beat them join them”…

The problem with that sentiment is that the KKK doesn’t care if you want low taxes or not or if you go to church on Sunday, they still hate you and they still control a substantial interest within the Republican Party.

(PS, you sound like Candace Owens who is nuts)
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This isn’t a case where Democrats can magically solve all of their problems. There is an adversary in this story who has inhibited a lot of progress for black men and caused a lot of heartache.

It doesn’t make sense to say, “well, these guys started the war on drugs and for profit prisons that threw a bunch of my friends in prison as teens, but the democrats haven’t been able to overcome them.”

You’re basically saying “if you can’t beat them join them”…

The problem with that sentiment is that the KKK doesn’t care if you want low taxes or not or if you go to church on Sunday, they still hate you and they still control a substantial interest within the Republican Party.
That’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying it’s nice to see they’re maybe realizing the policies which the Dem party has pushed for decades aren’t working…at least not for them. Doesn’t mean they have to vote for a Pub but it does mean they have every right to demand a change in the current failed direction. Basically…we aren’t going to continue to be sheep. This isn’t working so either make changes or we will. It’s been a long time coming.
That’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying it’s nice to see they’re maybe realizing the policies which the Dem party has pushed for decades aren’t working…at least not for them. Doesn’t mean they have to vote for a Pub but it does mean they have every right to demand a change in the current failed direction. Basically…we aren’t going to continue to be sheep. This isn’t working so either make changes or we will. It’s been a long time coming.
I don’t think that the Dem policies are the problem for them.

It’s the undermining of Dem policies that is the issue.
As of today, the polling averages are:

PA - Trump +0.1%
MI - Harris +0.1%
GA - Even

Whoever takes 2 of the 3 will win.
Some changes in that past couple of days:

PA - Trump +0.1%
MI - Trump +0.7%
GA - Trump +0.5%

If these hold, the results would be 302 - 236 in favor of Trump. Harris still holds a 2.5% lead in the total popular vote.
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I don’t think that the Dem policies are the problem for them.

It’s the undermining of Dem policies that is the issue.
Of course it can’t be those same Dem policies they’ve had in place for decades. Even in places where the Dems control both local, city and state governments. Must be someone else’s fault so let’s just keep doing the same damn things which have failed black American males for the past 40 plus years. Sounds like the sheep are finally starting to ask questions.

One thing seems clear, Harris knows she can’t win the election receiving the current level of support from black males. Curious to see if the pandering will work and they will come back to the flock or if they are truly looking for new ideas instead of the ones which have failed them over the decades.
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Some changes in that past couple of days:

PA - Trump +0.1%
MI - Trump +0.7%
GA - Trump +0.5%

If these hold, the results would be 302 - 236 in favor of Trump. Harris still holds a 2.5% lead in the total popular vote.

I still maintain and will always preserve the Electoral College is dumber than dirt. The situation this country has gotten itself into that 3 to four states dictate our election, and the Republicans want to lead through minority rule over some sick interpretation of the Federalist Papers is the wacky, wacky place to be. They are only here because they think it benefits them.
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Today's Updates:
(All swing states)

PA - Harris +0.2%
WI - Trump +0.4%
NC - Trump +0.5%
NV - Trump +0.6%
MI - Trump +0.7%
GA - Trump +1.2%
AZ - Trump +1.5%

EC - Trump 293-245
That interview was a disaster. Why would Harris agree to a Fox interview and not be prepared for the questions we all knew were coming ?
BS that will likely be disproven like all the stuff in 2020. What other conspiracy theory have you got. You will believe anything they say if it suits your belief system.
it being reported on local TV by local reporters, with evidence
Per which aggregator?
I believe it’s from realclearpolitics site. Those numbers are an aggregate of all state polling which has been released.

When I started this thread ten days ago I noted that the convention bump Harris received coming out of the convention had dissipated. She’s been in a slow decline now for the last 3-4 weeks. The good news for the Dems is I believe Trump has a hard ceiling. The bad news for the Dems is Harris isn’t a good candidate nor is she particularly likable.

Watch the polling over the next ten days. Also pay attention to early voting numbers. Can the Dems match their advantage over the Pubs they experienced in 2020? North Carolina looks to be a problem for the Pubs imo. Pennsylvania is a problem for the Dems. Still a tight race. Trump has some momentum but he also has that ceiling.
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it being reported on local TV by local reporters, with evidence
We shall see if this holds up. This 'evidence' is not to be believed until it has been brought up in court under scrutiny if it even gets that far. None of this 'evidence' that was followed up under the Trump campaign's instigation in 2020, actually held up. And there was tons of 'evidence' that turned out to be false allegations that didn't hold up. I doubt this does.

I would have to see the incident you are referencing because I find your analysis of evidence of anything, voter fraud or otherwise in articles you cite, extremely questionable. When the board reads articles you cite, they find many flaws in your interpretation of what you read. Couldn't find any reference to supposed findings of recent irregularities in Arizona, with a quick search. So that already throws your claim in question.

Saw a reference to a clerical error affecting local and state issues not federal that was in the midst of being corrected before it was too late. Saw evidence that a voting device related to tabulations was stolen or missing. Nothing related to irregularities. Care to site this local news station mention of irregularities? They have just barely begun to receive mail in ballots, how could there already be irregularities. Many of the people who put all of this BS stuff of irregularities have now gained appointment into positions of authority, so that will probably mean it will take the courts much more work to sort out this BS in a much more meaningful way, this time around. The courts will do their job as always.
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He does god's work. I don't know if this is funny or sad. It is just amazing when these people get called out on their BS. The latest Tulsa mayoral race is one good example of just how dumb this all has gotten. It's such a waste.

What is your bet that Trump will contest the election and call it rigged to sow more chaos? 100 or 99.99%?

Today's Updates:

PA - Harris +0.1%
NV - Tie
MI - Tie
WI - Trump +0.4%
NC - Trump +0.5%
GA - Trump +1.3%
AZ - Trump +1.5%

EC - Trump 272-266 if both ties swing to Harris
Today's Updates:

PA - Harris +0.1%
NV - Tie
MI - Tie
WI - Trump +0.4%
NC - Trump +0.5%
GA - Trump +1.3%
AZ - Trump +1.5%

EC - Trump 272-266 if both ties swing to Harris
Early prediction. Trump wins PA but loses NC.
Piece of advice for those following….pay attention to trends and not individual polls. Individual polls tend to be all over the place due to methodology, sampling, etc…. Trends across all polls over time are typically a fairly reliable example of where the race stands and is headed. Pay very close notice to the trend over the last ten days of the election. How are the undecideds breaking. Such will determine the victor.

Oh….and can we stop with the “stolen election of 2020” nonsense ?
"You can't handle the truth"
Saw a reference to a clerical error affecting local and state issues not federal that was in the midst of being corrected before it was too late. Saw evidence that a voting device related to tabulations was stolen or missing. Nothing related to irregularities. Care to site this local news station mention of irregularities?

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