A decade ago RFK Jr decides to pick up a bear carcass that he thinks got hit by a car in upstate New York while he is there hawking. I guess he has an occasional habit of falconry. One he wanted to skin it because he's weird. I guess he is lusting after a bear skin rug. Two, he wanted the meat, having no idea how long ago it had 'been hit', or if it had been hit. It is dangerous to kill a bear and have it be free of parasites, and in this odd situation, he still thinks it wise to eat the meat.
So he is having a nice little coffee klatch about what to do about it with friends, because he got busy and then he had to go to the airport later, and couldn't leave it in his car at the airport. So he half jokingly mentions to the group, which includes of all people, Roseanne Barr, maybe they could leave it in Central Park. Roseanne and the group think it's a riot of an idea. So guess what, he illegally leaves it in Central Park. He gets nervous because there was fingerprints all over it 'apparently'. Luckily the story dies down in the media, without fingerprints being checked. It was in the news for several days.
@lawpoke87 this is the fruit loop that supports anti vax, hangs with Roseanne, and you want to vote for?