This is the Republican Party

Were these immigrant children ?
Bauer Food LLC said in a statement that the two 10-year-olds are children of a night manager and "were not approved by franchisee organization management to be in that part of the restaurant."

  • "Any ‘work’ was done at the direction of - and in the presence of - the parent without authorization by franchisee organization management or leadership," the company said.

Berhalter’s replacement may not have been to Oklahoma,

Lots of smoke that Berhalter has been canned.
Unfortunately I've heard that Cherundolo is the likely replacement. As a poster on IG called it, "Great, we get Berhalter 3.0" . Can't argue with that logic and if it's Cherundolo, the US is going to struggle to get out of the group stage a home WC and US soccer is going to take a devastating hit.

But the Klopp rumors still persist as well and that there are folks gauging the interest behind the scenes and Klopp has been making some posts about his appreciation for the passion of US Soccer fans.

Youth soccer club

I heard some other people talk about how terrible moneygram was as well. I have never been there so I can't say one way or another other than others I know bitched about it
It's been a couple years since my son played at Moneygram but they were pretty nice then. I'd 100% agree on Toyota. They were amazing fields. Parking can be an issue for the big tournament weekends. Dallas has a lot of really nice complexes. Hell, Russell Park in Plano is pretty nice for a public park. I've not been to any of the coast complexes you mentioned. I will say, Lakewood Ranch just outside of Bradenton) in Florida was really nice, and the complex my son played at in Tucson last year was really nice.

US Olympic Swim Trials

Is there a “State” meet for swimming and if so when and where is it ?
It's in 2 weeks and we think it will be at the Jenks pool. There will be races starting at 8am on Friday morning and then all day Saturday and Sunday. It was originally scheduled to be in Edmond except their pool is experiencing some AC issues that haven't been fixed. Right now my daughter is slated for 5 events, 200 medley relay, 400M freestyle relay, 400IM, 200IM, and 100M Fly. We're hoping she gets state times for the 50M fly, and at least the 50 or 100M backstroke if not both. She is swimming a 400M free this weekend and she is hopeful she can make a state time in that as well.
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US Olympic Swim Trials

What does she think about when she's swimming? How does she not get bored? It's a great mystery to me. That and the first 30 seconds in that icy water are the main things that keep me from improving my swimming (well, and being old, weak and out of shape).
Water isn't icy for sure. Most pools are at about 72-76 degrees. And what she is thinking about is stroke count, when to breath, etc. On the longer races, they put a lap counter at one end of the pool telling you how many lengths you've completed...and you know how many you need to complete. On the IMs, you have to think which stroke is next and when to switch. For me in the short course pool (25M), and you're doing a 400 IM, you have 4 lengths at each stroke. And it was always odd to me that the backstroke is the 2nd behind the fly, because in the team medley relay backstroke leads off because it's the only stroke you start in the water vs the platform.

The coaches yell things while they're swimming but it's very short, "Kick", stroke, or go is usually what they're saying. And believe it or not there is a race strategy the coaches talk over with the swimmers for certain events, especially the longer ones where they'll talk about how fast to go out in the 1st 100M, then what stroke count and rhythm for the middle 200 and what you're going to increase that too in the final 100 (example is a 400M race for any stroke really). The meet on Saturday had mixed heats because it was a dual and a smaller meet. So in my daughter's 200IM there were a couple kids younger than her and a couple older and it had both boys and girls because in the end, finishing first didn't matter, all that matters is your time. Her first 100 she was ahead of a 14 year old boy by about 2 body lengths. Well then you hit the breast stroke and this kid was a breast stroke specialist and absolutely flew for his 50M. My daughter has a solid breast stroke technically but isn't the fastest, and this kid blew by her in that 50M. Last 50M in the freestyle, my daughter beat his split by about 2.5 seconds. You'll see that most swimmers have a specialty stroke. Michael Phelps was the fly, mostly because he had a 7 ft wingspan and could seemingly unhinge his shoulders :)

She's already been told by the senior team coach she's moving to the highest team in August and that's where we expect to see the time start dropping. This middle team is mostly for stroke refinement and developing muscle memory. Next level the coach will focus on little things to increase speed and better times.

QT to close down by TU

Agree, two lanes on 11th street was unnecessary and bad decision.
I've never seen a bicycle in the bicycle lanes myself. Would be interesting for a true count of how many bicycles on the road every day for a week.

There are doods on bikes, but not the types the idiots at the city wanted when they thought this would raise tax revenue.

There’s just a lot of stuff on 11th that won’t or shouldn’t go away. They spent a fortune at 11th and Lewis, but that car part store ain’t going anywhere.

QT should donate it to TU. But with our luck, it will probably become a Rib Crib or car wash.
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Youth soccer club

We played an ECNL showcase there in March and they were quite nice. I know they’ve seen a lot of use this spring/summer. With all the rain in Dallas I’m not surprised they’ve suffered. There’s really no substitute for getting off a grass field for 4-6 weeks in the summer to allow it to heal. Did you play on the upper level fields? I would still prefer a subpar grass field to turf for ECNL age girls. Doesn’t matter near as much for boys.

I haven’t seen anything from TSC regarding TSA for this upcoming school year. Assume they decided to discontinue it?
I heard some other people talk about how terrible moneygram was as well. I have never been there so I can't say one way or another other than others I know bitched about it

QT to close down by TU

They can setup a replay of that BYU game and let me cash in all that credit with interest.

The city’s decision to make 11th a two lane road killed that QT. I just avoid that part of town during the week. 11th and Lewis is some sort of dystopian hellscape.

There are also multiple QTs nearby. And they all kind of suck anymore. They are closing the Admiral and Delaware one. Good.

Agree, two lanes on 11th street was unnecessary and bad decision.
I've never seen a bicycle in the bicycle lanes myself. Would be interesting for a true count of how many bicycles on the road every day for a week.

QT to close down by TU

Maybe Hardwood Sports Bar will make a comeback at the location.

They can setup a replay of that BYU game and let me cash in all that credit with interest.

The city’s decision to make 11th a two lane road killed that QT. I just avoid that part of town during the week. 11th and Lewis is some sort of dystopian hellscape.

There are also multiple QTs nearby. And they all kind of suck anymore. They are closing the Admiral and Delaware one. Good.
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