🏈 Recruiting Recruiting Notebook -- Updates on 14 TU Football recruiting targets

The Tulsa Football program was extremely busy in June, welcoming incoming freshmen, holding prospect camps and hosting approximately 25 recruits from the 2025 class for official visits. The Hurricane picked up its first 8 commitments and should get several more over the July 4th holiday.

The following is an update on 14 recruiting targets that have been top Tulsa targets but are yet to officially announce their college decision. Expect several more commitments soon...

🏈 Recruiting TU Football Recruiting Notebook -- updates on 14 prospects

The Tulsa Football program was extremely busy in June, welcoming incoming freshmen, holding prospect camps and hosting approximately 25 recruits from the 2025 class for official visits. The Hurricane picked up its first 8 commitments and should get several more over the July 4th holiday.

The following is an update on 14 recruiting targets that have been top Tulsa targets but are yet to officially announce their college decision. Expect several more commitments soon...

Berhalter’s replacement may not have been to Oklahoma,

Zero chance we hire someone whose coaching resume is 3 years with a U19 team imo. Not saying he wouldn’t do a great job. However, I don’t see US Soccer making such a move due to his limited coaching experience. I would take him over Berhalter btw.
May be all we can afford!

Policy is pay equity for men's and women's teams right?

The First Debate

My personal observations from watching this board is that we have very few right wing zealots (sorry ATUfan, you might be the only obvious one). We probably have a few more rabid left wingers than right wingers actually.

Others like Huffy and Lawpoke come across as thoughtful conservatives and/or Biden critics rather than blind zealots. It keeps things interesting to have smart people providing differing views.

US Olympic Swim Trials

I started doing triathlons a few years ago because I can't afford a Ferrari and I don't have the energy for a 23 year old GF. I've been really surprised by how hard swimming is. It also seems to be a love it or hate it thing. I haven't talked to anyone who was like "swimming, I could take it or leave it."
It is a lot more work than it looks like. I cannot tell you how much stronger she has gotten since she started as well as how much her endurance in the water she has gotten. I mean she swims like 2 hrs straight 4-5 days a week in practice. It's insane. She is swimming 5 races on Saturday (maybe 6) this Saturday in a meet organized by her club and the one in Bartlesville because there was a meet in Edmond that they canceled due to the pool's AC being out. She is swimming the 400 IM, 200IM, 50 back, 100 back, and 50 fly (and maybe 1 more). It's an extra meet to try to drop times for D2/B times and/or meet state meet qualifying times in an event. She's pretty close to state times in all of these events...and I'm not 100% sure why they have her swimming the 400 IM...they don't even run that event for her age group at the state meet.

This week practice has been at 7am all week (ugh) and they have to swim at McClure Park because it's OSSAA dead week and swimmers can't use the district's facilities (there are a number of Union swimmers at her swim club, including her, and they wouldn't be able to practice there all week).

The First Debate

Lesser aides not having regular contact with him is a warning sign. Maybe that works for a while, but the longer it goes on, the louder the buzz gets. Especially in the middle of a campaign.

It would resolve problems to have a caucus, but probably not in the way that he wants. There are problems there that likely cannot be covered up in a setting like that. Even if the problems don't hinder him in most situations of carrying out his duties, the Republicans & conservative media would shred him and never let go. The Democrats in the caucus would know that in the caucus. It likely would take mental exams(not the fake ones from 'ronny' that Trump bragged about.) and a lot of talk from doctors, to convince people if he is still capable of his duties. That won't happen. I don't think there is going to be a route out of this situation for Biden. He is going to lose or drop out.
Evidently, he hasn't even spoken to Jeffries since the debate. I agree that they could and maybe should hold a caucus meeting with Biden present, but the only way that ends well for Biden is if Biden is vigorous, of full faculty, and doesn't have a single slip up that a malcontent member might leak to the press. And yeah, maybe follow that up with a couple of public unscripted interviews and an independent cognitive assessment. He passes all that, and he might recover his standing.

I don't know if he is capable of that. And if he is, then all I can ask is what the hell is he waiting for?

The First Debate

It seems like an easy choice to me. Especially after the Supremes ruling on immunity. That be scary.
It's not hard for me either, we've had diminished presidents before. Wilson, Reagan, and possibly a couple others. Not ideal, but can be managed. We've never had a dictator wannabe with a fresh license to bend the law to his whims before, and that scares me a hell of a lot more.

A candidate that is clearly of full faculty would make the decision a lot easier for some people, or draw back in some of those that are saying they'll vote for Kennedy in protest.

2024-2025 Men's Schedule

Update on the tournament front. South Florida has accepted the Myrtle Beach invitational. There are 4 american teams not in one yet. Tulsa, Tulane, Rice and UTSA

tournaments with spots available for american teams

Cancun Challenge
Rainbow classic

I think there are a couple of tournaments that have not announced fields yet.
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The First Debate

I think you have a situation where he's been so shielded from most Dems even on Capitol Hill, that nobody really actually knows what kind of mental state he is in. That's part of what is causing the absolute panic. The regular rank-and-file house members feel like maybe they were lied to about his true condition, and frankly, so do I.

He did rattle off lots of factoids and actually got better as the debate wore on, which is a mitigating factor.

But the fact that the party leaders themselves seem to be in the dark as to if their candidate is actually in decline or not is a problem, even if he is perfectly fine. It means he's so isolated that when he stumbles, nobody knows what the hell to make of it.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has signaled support for trying Liz Cheney via a military tribunal for treason on national television. And we all know what the penalty for treason is.

I feel like I am in that split second between realizing I am about to crash my car, but not being able to do anything about it. I know that whatever happens next, it's going to hurt.

Personally, I'd rather have a well intentioned animated corpse than a power-hungry maniac that will disrupt many of our alliances. Sucks that is the choice, but that is the current choice.
It seems like an easy choice to me. Especially after the Supremes ruling on immunity. That be scary.

US Olympic Swim Trials

My daughter had a swim meet in St. Louis Friday-Sunday. Not as fast :) My daughter did drop a collective 106 seconds of time from her 8 events. That was a good thing. She also qualified for the state meet in the 100M butterfly which was a goal of hers. She also met 8 different B standard times (every event she swam) which opens the door for her to some other swim meets. She's put in a lot of work and she seems to really be enjoying the swimming thing.

Remarkable thing...I watched a 12 year old girl from St. Louis swim a 28 second 50M free style yesterday. That's about 4.5 seconds off the world record which is 23 seconds and some change. She took 1 breath in the race and I swear she looked like a dolphin gliding through the water. Remember the name Emma Fouke in 4 years for the Olympic trials. We did see 1 16 year old in the trials and there were a number of 17 year olds who made it there as well.
I started doing triathlons a few years ago because I can't afford a Ferrari and I don't have the energy for a 23 year old GF. I've been really surprised by how hard swimming is. It also seems to be a love it or hate it thing. I haven't talked to anyone who was like "swimming, I could take it or leave it."
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Where are they now?

Former TU defensive back and grad school buddy of mine. @chito_and_leon I think you know him too.

Wait, what?? I got back into town after a few weeks away and saw this. I remember Brent but wasn't close to him. Still shocking.

The First Debate

Biden will drop out. Donations have dried up. Polling numbers aren’t good. Big money boosters want him out. Media has turned on him. The race to replace him is likely going to be chaotic. The race card regarding Kamala has already been played by several black congressional Dems. Big money people want anyone but Kamala.
I think they need to come up with a talented mystery candidate similar to what Huffy was talking about. The old candidates, especially Kamala are not going to do it. It's time to barnstorm the Republicans with a new candidate if the Democrats want to have any success.

Rick Dickson interview after $30 million gift to the University of Tulsa's Athletics Endowment Fund

I had a chance to catch up with Rick Dickson this afternoon after the announcement was made. He was gracious enough to jump on a zoom for 18 min while he was in Mexico. This is only the beginning as mentions more to come. Wants to put this over $100 Million.

