Youth soccer club

Moneygrams field are in horrible condition. As of 3 weeks ago
We played an ECNL showcase there in March and they were quite nice. I know they’ve seen a lot of use this spring/summer. With all the rain in Dallas I’m not surprised they’ve suffered. There’s really no substitute for getting off a grass field for 4-6 weeks in the summer to allow it to heal. Did you play on the upper level fields? I would still prefer a subpar grass field to turf for ECNL age girls. Doesn’t matter near as much for boys.

I haven’t seen anything from TSC regarding TSA for this upcoming school year. Assume they decided to discontinue it?

This is the Republican Party

Remember a few weeks ago when Hiffy was waxing poetic about the dangers of child labor for these immigrants. Well, here’s an opportunity for him to show some moral fortitude for our own citizens….

Hmm... kids of a manager... not really the same as forced labor..
I was driving and working around combines, bailers, and hay haulers at 10-11 yrs old.. i guess it was sort of forced labor.. grandpa said if i didnt work, i didnt eat..

Quiktrip removal of tables

I don't think this means too much.

They have mostly closed the side doors at some stores and made it harder to loiter. Two of the stores near me have these measures in place.

Homelessness is the issue of course. You cannot blame them for taking steps to make customers more comfortable.
In my very limited experience, the homeless people I experienced in Tulsa stood out for being unusually hostile and surly compared to homeless people elsewhere.

This is the US health system

This article is about how Boeing was ruined by remaking a careful engineering oriented company into a Wall Street high flyer. The same thing is going on in our health care system. Private equity and large insurers are taking what should be a careful, safety oriented medical industry into a financially oriented, high P/E Wall Street high flyer. Boeing ended up killing hundreds of people and may kill more. Our health care system could do much worse.

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Youth soccer club

Koch money helps. Wichita in the summer? Yuck.

Honestly, the parenting situation hasn't been that bad, IMO. There have been some special coaches, but overall, it hasn't been too crazy. There has been very little emphasis on what you talk about, just playing long balls to the best player. A lot of it doesn't work at the highest academy games these days.

The officiating has been bad at times, but the older officials have been the worst. I give much more grace to the younger officials.
From my experience the parenting situation varies from team to team. Sounds like you’re on a good one. My most enjoyable soccer experience was watching my kid play on the third team at Blitz at U8. Just a great group of parents. The higher level the team the more vocal the parents in my experience. Type A parents tend to have type A kids after all.

Youth soccer club

Koch money helps. Wichita in the summer? Yuck.

Honestly, the parenting situation hasn't been that bad, IMO. There have been some special coaches, but overall, it hasn't been too crazy. There has been very little emphasis on what you talk about, just playing long balls to the best player. A lot of it doesn't work at the highest academy games these days. My biggest bitch is those that park people in front of goal while their other 3 players are playing. That is not development. That is a joke.

The officiating has been bad at times, but the older officials have been the worst. I give much more grace to the younger officials.

Youth soccer club

Best of luck at nationals. Great way to cap off his soccer journey. Stryker is nice but it’s not Scheels imo. Parking is atrocious if the complex is full. The indoor complex might be the nicest I’ve seen. I’ve always thought it’s a little crazy that Wichita would have a complex like Stryker.

My top complexes I’ve been to would be:

1). Surf in San Diego
2). 60 acres in Seattle
3). Richmond VA
4). Moneygram
5). Toyota
6). Austin

I’ve placed heavy emphasis on grass fields in my rankings :) #1 and #2 got my nod due to year round weather

I blame the coaches and clubs for crazy academy level parents. They should pound into their parents memory what the goals are at academy level (it shouldn’t be wins especially in league games). If you’re a U8 parent and the game plan is to play long balls up to the star forward because that’s the path to win today then find another team. Your kids are not developing.
Koch money helps. Wichita in the summer? Yuck.

Honestly, the parenting situation hasn't been that bad, IMO. There have been some special coaches, but overall, it hasn't been too crazy. There has been very little emphasis on what you talk about, just playing long balls to the best player. A lot of it doesn't work at the highest academy games these days.

The officiating has been bad at times, but the older officials have been the worst. I give much more grace to the younger officials.

US Olympic Swim Trials

My daughter swam in an extra meet this weekend and she achieved 2 additional state times and 3 more "B" times. She made state marks in both the 400 IM beating the qualifying time for her age group by more than 22 seconds. She also set a state time in the 200 IM although it was a bit closer (2 seconds). She has 1 second to go in her 100M backstroke and about .3 to go in her 50 backstroke. She's also pretty close to a state time in the 50 fly.

We're thinking she might be a better distance swimmer. She's pretty damn strong and she's got endurance. Her 50 splits in most of the races stay remarkably consistent throughout the course of her longer races. She has additional "second chance" meet this coming weekend where she can work to make those state times in additional events.
Is there a “State” meet for swimming and if so when and where is it ?

Youth soccer club

Speaking of Nationals, my son's team plays in the President's Cup nationals beginning Friday at the Stryker complex in Wichita. I've never been to Stryker (and only been to Wichita for any reason a couple of times). From the pictures I've seen, Stryker may be as good or better than Scheel' in KC. Looks like the U18 groups will primarily be in the indoor field, stadium field, and field 9 which looks pretty nice as well. My son already knows he's playing goal in the game on Saturday. Sounds like 2 groups of 4 with the top 2 in each group advancing to semis and finals. Coach seems pretty confident of that happening (Blitz team may be going in as the #1 or #2 seed based on regional performance). Glad he gets to close out his club soccer career with this experience. Great time with his teammates as well as rewarding end to something he's poured so much of his life into the last 13 years.
Best of luck at nationals. Great way to cap off his soccer journey. Stryker is nice but it’s not Scheels imo. Parking is atrocious if the complex is full. The indoor complex might be the nicest I’ve seen. I’ve always thought it’s a little crazy that Wichita would have a complex like Stryker.

My top complexes I’ve been to would be:

1). Surf in San Diego
2). 60 acres in Seattle
3). Richmond VA
4). Moneygram
5). Toyota
6). Austin

I’ve placed heavy emphasis on grass fields in my rankings :) #1 and #2 got my nod due to year round weather

I blame the coaches and clubs for crazy academy level parents. They should pound into their parents memory what the goals are at academy level (it shouldn’t be wins especially in league games). If you’re a U8 parent and the game plan is to play long balls up to the star forward because that’s the path to win today then find another team. Your kids are not developing.
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US Olympic Swim Trials

My daughter swam in an extra meet this weekend and she achieved 2 additional state times and 3 more "B" times. She made state marks in both the 400 IM beating the qualifying time for her age group by more than 22 seconds. She also set a state time in the 200 IM although it was a bit closer (2 seconds). She has 1 second to go in her 100M backstroke and about .3 to go in her 50 backstroke. She's also pretty close to a state time in the 50 fly.

We're thinking she might be a better distance swimmer. She's pretty damn strong and she's got endurance. Her 50 splits in most of the races stay remarkably consistent throughout the course of her longer races. She has additional "second chance" meet this coming weekend where she can work to make those state times in additional events.

Youth soccer club

Speaking of Nationals, my son's team plays in the President's Cup nationals beginning Friday at the Stryker complex in Wichita. I've never been to Stryker (and only been to Wichita for any reason a couple of times). From the pictures I've seen, Stryker may be as good or better than Scheel' in KC. Looks like the U18 groups will primarily be in the indoor field, stadium field, and field 9 which looks pretty nice as well. My son already knows he's playing goal in the game on Saturday. Sounds like 2 groups of 4 with the top 2 in each group advancing to semis and finals. Coach seems pretty confident of that happening (Blitz team may be going in as the #1 or #2 seed based on regional performance). Glad he gets to close out his club soccer career with this experience. Great time with his teammates as well as rewarding end to something he's poured so much of his life into the last 13 years.

Youth soccer club

OSA/OPC has a total of 6 girls teams in its academy league U7-U10. The boys side seems to still be hanging in there but one has to believe it’s an only a matter of time before the boys side fades away.

Many of the top academy teams from the area are now playing in Dallas based leagues. I know both TSC and WSA have girls teams playing down there. Assume boys teams are playing there as well.

Regarding parents and coaches getting kicked out of local U9-U10 meaningless league games, please re-think what you’re doing. These games are basically scrimmages with the sole goal of getting your kids touches and developing their game. Winning should be far down the list of game priorities. There will be games down the road where winning matters. This is not those games.
There are far more games in youth soccer that don't matter long term and only in the moment. Parents have lost sight of that fact thinking the result of every game has a college scholarship or pro contract riding on it. They matter far more to the parents than the kids long term. I've read a lot of insights from college coaches about what they're looking for when they show up to games and subsequent follow ups if they happen to see a player they like. Attitude towards coaches, teammates, referees and parents. Are the parents overbearing and insane or do they sit and watch quietly only offering encouragement? These little things set apart all the kids who have that skill level. Parents, coaches and kids who are screaming at referees about a throw in decision at a U12 game have no idea about the game. They'd be shocked to know their team is better off with the other team throwing it in as statistics show there is a turnover after a throw in on avg. about 4.5 seconds after the throw is taken.
