• G
    Gmoney4WW replied to the thread G5 realignment, playoffs.
    Come oooon, fall practices!
  • T
    TU65alum replied to the thread G5 realignment, playoffs.
    Best would be a big payday and a win.
  • L
    lawpoke87 replied to the thread This is the Republican Party.
    Seattle’s mayor conducted a study last year to find out some of the reasons people in his city were homeless. The study showed 60% of...
  • astonmartin708
    I think with the segment of the homeless population you're talking about (non-drug addicted, non-mentally ill) you also have to deal...
  • astonmartin708
    I think the most valid argument is public sanitation and safety. You want to make sure water quality is maintained and human waste and...
  • L
    lawpoke87 replied to the thread This is the Republican Party.
    I would be fine with a carrot if the same works. I just spent a week in Seattle due to soccer. The homeless problem downtown is...
  • G
    Gmoney4WW replied to the thread This is the Republican Party.
    Seems like their isn't a stick which has any effect, or which we are willing to wield. The carrot is likely the only effective method...
  • L
    lawpoke87 replied to the thread This is the Republican Party.
    I assume nothing. That segment of the homeless population are the ones we can most easily help. Those with mental illness or other...
  • astonmartin708
    You assume that homelessness is a result of not having a job / enough training for a job. I would be willing to bet that it’s much more...
  • L
    lawpoke87 replied to the thread This is the Republican Party.
    I have no problem with people with no money existing somewhere. I have a problem with cities having no say where they place their...
  • astonmartin708
    I agree on executive overreach in most cases. This one is not it. And if you have a problem with people who have no money trying to...
  • G
    Gmoney4WW replied to the thread This is the Republican Party.
    What sort of penalty would you ask. Jail? They would probably welcome that. Fines? Where would they get the money from. and...
  • W
    watu05 replied to the thread Marco Rubio, Trump, Immigration.
    No one's reputation has been enhanced by Trump, especially those who were closest to him. Rudy is at the head of the the line of a...
  • cmullinsTU
    cmullinsTU replied to the thread Tulsa Gear.
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • L
    lawpoke87 replied to the thread This is the Republican Party.
    A). We pretty much agree on this except without some sort of penalty the effort of move homeless would be problematic as they will...
  • G
    Gmoney4WW replied to the thread G5 realignment, playoffs.
    duhhhh... Which way did he go, which way did he go?
