Youth soccer club

Nice. Hands down the worst ass kicking I ever received was by Scott Gallagher in Memphis. A number of USMNT have come out of there

I think they are going to become St. Louis FC soon.
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Everyone survive hell week (ie...tryout drama week)?
They really need to stop calling them "tryouts". Maybe at the younger ages they actually evaluate during these sessions but once you reach U14, U15 these are vanity sessions for the coaches. I know my sons group was predetermined. And after being reassured multiple times during the past year that "tryouts" would look different and there would be a GK evaluation done by a GK coach and I put given. None of that happened. Instead they threw 22 kids on one field and scrimmaged while the coaches paid attention to the other field because that was their ECNL squad. 6 kids from Blitz didn't even show up the 1st night and then assigned to ECNL when they showed up the second night. Rumor is the Blitz kids are going to screw with TSC and trying to get TSC kids to leave because of the shenanigans and then the Blitz kids will stay where they're at.
There were several kids who left to WSA as well. All Hispanic. and this seems to happen every year. I asked a coach why and he said it's because WSA promises kids from other clubs that they'll cover all their dues and uniforms if they switch. The coach who used to coach at WSA says they just charge the kids in the lower teams more to cover it.
We'll see. There are a bunch of kids leaving Blitz for WSA following Levi. The kids not following seem to have latched onto Sheffield squads.
My son may benefit from all the movement as I suspect his age group may end up with 2 GKs for 3 teams as one of the current GKs left for WSA and another one is rumored to be trying out for an 03/04 Bartlesville team that is NPL.
There was some movement with the younger girls. 4 or 5 new players on the top 2009, 2010 and 2011 squads. Feel bad for the girls who get moved down.

The Blitz boys program is a mess right now. Interested to see how that shakes out. Surprised they would make that kind of movement on an established ECNL team even with quality Blitz kids coming in.
There was some movement with the younger girls. 4 or 5 new players on the top 2009, 2010 and 2011 squads. Feel bad for the girls who get moved down.

The Blitz boys program is a mess right now. Interested to see how that shakes out. Surprised they would make that kind of movement on an established ECNL team even with quality Blitz kids coming in.
We've heard of players being moved down. We're getting 3 from the NPL side. I know the coach's son got bumped down from 2nd to 3rd team.
My son now has 3 options for next year as the top Sheffield and the top Blitz team both need GKs for next year. The Blitz coach knows my son and remembers seeing him play in the Union/BA JV game. The Sheffield coach remembers playing against my son. That team is currently holding its own against NPL sides without a true GK (their GK quit soccer altogether midseason). The hard thing would be to leave his current team as it sounds like every player would be back next season. And they've gotten pretty good. And he likes the coaches. Leaving would be more about TSC and their "process" and lack of opportunities.
We had a decent amount of movement in the 2011 age group. Looks like my daughter will be staying on Red with Amanda Carreno, but we have 2 moving to Gold and 2 or 3 to Black. We still havent received an invite to the team, but were told we are on it.

You are right about the tryouts not being tryouts. They were mostly predetermined even though we were assured they would be a true true tryout. 2 of the 3 girls I know from the 2011 Black team that were moved down are staying, the third is up in the air.

The "tryouts" hurt us this weekend. We had the final weekend of our league in Dallas and 2 girls didnt go because they werent happy with how things turned out (although one was offered a spot on Gold, then decided they wanted to play for Black and the club allowed it). We had no subs on Saturday and one on Sunday. The won 3 and tied the last game with a goal in the last minute. The worst we can do is tie for first with the team we tied with yesterday. If we had our regular team I think we would have won it.
This is a worry. My son is going to workout with the 2 clubs I mentioned above and I'm pretty sure he'll get an invite to the teams. I know the Sheffield team is already asking about his availability to play for them in State Cup and at the Southlakes tournament at the end of the month. My son is of course unsure as he really likes the team he is on and his teammates, and he's not a big fan of change. While he is disappointed with the process and he questions why he even needs to show up the promise of what next season looks like keeps him engaged and I start to wonder if arranging these workouts with other clubs is for him or me. There is something to be said for kids getting selected to be on a team vs relegated as a leftover. I did hear yesterday that at least 2 players who were offered for the ECNL-RL team in our age group are going to opt to play with the FCL/FDL group instead because they like the coaches better and the group of players they will be playing with.

We'll see what happens. We've told my son the decision is his and I will be sure to let the coaches of the other teams know that as well (although the lower fees at the other clubs is an enticement :)
Youth soccer is nothing but loosely organized fraud
I'd say it's a money grab but I don't think the club owners are making a ton of money. The coaches make a decent amount for coaching but they've done away with the per player allocation of funds so coaches aren't keeping kids who should not be on a competitive squad. And I will say that TSC seems to provide a ton of different resources for the players that you might not get at other clubs. But the political nature of how kids are evaluated (or not evaluated) and then allocated to teams is where there are issues.

My son worked out for the top '06 Sheffield team earlier this week. The coach offered him a spot and told my son (and me) that he was a needed missing piece that could make this team one of the best in the state in the age group. That might be a stretch, but it will be a very good team. But just to demo the difference between clubs, if my son moved, it would cost us about $1500 for the entire season including uniforms and all their tournaments (or $1000, minimum, less than staying at TSC). Coach has called/texted us every day as well and is even bringing in the Union HS coach (my son's HS coach) to do some specialized training with his group. He knows it is my son's decision in the end. And he knows my son has another tryout/workout with the top group at Blitz on Monday. We'll see how things work out. I know the coach at Blitz and he knows my son but my son is only interested in moving to a top team and I wouldn't put it past Blitz to bring my son in to get a player in and then say it's going to be a 2nd team assignment and that group is not going to be any better than either of the other opportunities.

I think next year we forgo tryouts and just tell whatever coach that we're in for next year.
I can't speak for Oklahoma, but in Florida, youth soccer clubs pay their organizers frequently over $100K per year with subordinate coaches making more than school teachers coaching high school teams. Its absurd. You start talking to these people about their qualifications and record actually running a business, running a sports program, playing or coaching the game, or their track record of placing players in scholarships, and there's just no value added.
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I can't speak for Oklahoma, but in Florida, youth soccer clubs pay their organizers frequently over $100K per year with subordinate coaches making more than school teachers coaching high school teams. Its absurd. You start talking to these people about their qualifications and record actually running a business, running a sports program, playing or coaching the game, or their track record of placing players in scholarships, and there's just no value added.
I'm sure. I know a few of the coaches at TSC only do soccer for a living. They coach 3-4 teams plus work in an admin role for the club and apparently that's enough for them to make a living. TSC used to pay about $45/player per month to the coach so if they had 16 players on a team that's $720 and if they coach 3 teams that's $2100/mo plus they have no expenses on trips...teams pay for travel, hotel, and a nice per diem. Heck, they get $75 if the team has to travel to OKC for a league game to cover gas and tolls. My understanding is TSC now pays each coach for the team but I don't know what that amount is. I am sure some of the upper level admins make a decent living doing their jobs for the clubs but I don't think the owner of the club is making a ton of $ from it.
I don’t of coaches at TSC, Blitz of WSA getting rich from coaching at those clubs. Most have other income sources to help pay the bills. No clue what the execs or owners make but I don’t believe their ROI is very good.

Unfortunately, there are no other viable alternatives to the clubs (at least on the girls side). If you’re daughter wants to play top level soccer she plays at one of 4 or 5 clubs in the state. Some might argue 2 clubs in the state past U12.
I don’t of coaches at TSC, Blitz of WSA getting rich from coaching at those clubs. Most have other income sources to help pay the bills. No clue what the execs or owners make but I don’t believe their ROI is very good.

Unfortunately, there are no other viable alternatives to the clubs (at least on the girls side). If you’re daughter wants to play top level soccer she plays at one of 4 or 5 clubs in the state. Some might argue 2 clubs in the state past U12.
I believe only 1 club in the state is top 100 nationally on the girls side and that's TSC. There are 2 on the boys side, TSC and Energy.
State Cup is this weekend. My son's team starts off bright and early against WSA 06B Red (old Tornadoes team)> Since WSA's NPL side is also playing the Red team won't have the benefit of loading their roster up with the NPL players for this one. My son's team has almost a full complement of players (missing 1 due to who knows what, and we've got 1 player out with a concussion). Our dual rostered players are playing with us this weekend because the NPL side gets to bypass State Cup and go straight to regionals. We played this same team on Mother's Day and came away with a 1-1 draw but the game was lopsided. TSC team enjoyed 70+% of the possession and had probably 15 good chances to score plus some other opportunities and as has been the case all season, finishing plays off is a problem. And we played that game shorthanded. If they advance they will play the South Lakes SC Premier team. This would be the 3rd consecutive State Cup my son will have played against that team/coach. I'm waiting for epic coach meltdown part III.

My son decided to stay at TSC next year despite the full court press put on by Sheffield and Blitz to get him to move. He likes his teammates and apparently the coach is the most popular boys coach at TSC. Players don't want to leave him even if they are given the opportunity of moving up to the RL or ECNL platforms. He will be coaching the group this weekend. It's going to be a stout team. They scrimmaged his NPL side last night and throttled them pretty good. They're adding 3-4 players, 1 of which is a HS teammate of my son. Scoring should be easier next season.
Good luck. We just got back from a tourney in Denver and are skipping the state cup to prepare for SuperCopa 🤷‍♂️. Would have liked to play.
Good luck. We just got back from a tourney in Denver and are skipping the state cup to prepare for SuperCopa 🤷‍♂️. Would have liked to play.
My sons team got bit by the early morning affliction that always seems to bite them. Lost 2-0. Both goals resulted from lazy defending and MFs not tracking back to help. The regular 6 is the one injured and not playing and trying to play someone who is normally an 8 or 10 in that spot and is not in a defense first mindset leaves large gaping holes. Our left back was having to cover the middle because the person in the 6 didn't track back. This left kids wide open on the back post. This WSA team had 2-3 really good forwards but not much else and really didn't play much of a build up game. Over the top every time. Play again in the consolation bracket today at 4 provided the weather holds out.

don't regret missing this "tournament". Poorly organized and the Titan fields are atrocious. Add to the fact that the Titan field staff decided to not set the fields and remove excess goals (they were left between the fields), no benches, no canopies, etc. and it looks like a 2nd rate tournament. I guess I know why TSC is telling OPC to go f*ck themselves next year.
Son's team won their game 2-1, 2 OT. Goal came with less than 10 seconds left according to Team Snap tracker. Just prior my son faced a PK that could have ended things but the shooter missed wide (my son said he went the right way and had it covered if it was on frame). I missed the 2nd half and OT to go to my daughter's dance recital. Sounds like it was pretty exciting.
Titan fields are awful. Can’t imagine TSC and WSA are happy with the practice and playing conditions. No overseeding during the winter. No fertilization from what I’ve seen. Basically no care whatsoever outside an occasional mowing.

Excited for SuperCopa next week. Fun to see the best teams from across the country. Hopefully we can be competitive.

We start with our new roster and coach in two weeks. A different set of eyes is always interesting.
Some SuperCopa day 1 scores of the local teams for those who are interested:

TSC 2011G 10-1
TSC 2010G 2-0
TSC 2010B 1-4
2010G Blitz 4-1

Pretty good showing on the first day for the Tulsa area teams
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Pool play complete down here. Top 8 teams advance to Gold. Bracket. Next 8 in silver and last 8 in Bronze.

TSC 2011G Gold
TSC 2010G Gold
TSC 2010B Bronze
Blitz 2010G. Silver
Energy 2010G Silver

I believe that’s all the Oklahoma teams.
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Son's team won their game 2-1, 2 OT. Goal came with less than 10 seconds left according to Team Snap tracker. Just prior my son faced a PK that could have ended things but the shooter missed wide (my son said he went the right way and had it covered if it was on frame). I missed the 2nd half and OT to go to my daughter's dance recital. Sounds like it was pretty exciting.
Which TSC team is your son playing for this fall?
Which TSC team is your son playing for this fall?
06B FCL with Anthony Smith. He's probably going to get some time with Smith's 05 group as well as their GK is injured currently. He's not played much soccer this summer but has been training almost daily. I also think he grew another inch in the last month or so to about 5'11". He did go to TU's ID Camp at the end of July. He showed pretty well amongst his peer GKs. There was a lot of talent at that camp.
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My son's team scrimmaged the Sheffield team that was trying to recruit him, yesterday. They lost 3-1 but had taken a 1-0 and carried a good deal of the play when the starting 11 was in. There was a drop off defensively when the 6 subs came on. But the backups were responsible for the goal scored. There is a noticeable need for game conditioning as the defense was gassed towards the end of each period (apparently 3 20 min periods is a thing for scrimmages around here). My son played well actually and it was noticeable why the Sheffield team called him every day for 3 weeks...their GK situation will cost them games this year despite the defense being pretty good. The goals were all legit goals against.

play this weekend in the NEOFC kickoff tournament, travel to Dallas (Moneygram) Aug. 28-29 to begin FCL play, get a weekend off for Labor Day and probably not another weekend off until Thanksgiving.
I heard this weekend that the NEOFC tourney was having issues making due to lack of teams. Not sure what age groups are having issues.

We played our first 11v11 tourney this weekend at Beat the Heat. U13 Gold was pretty stacked with Energy’s top 2010 squad, Celtic 2009 top team and DKSC 2009 ECRL among others. We played well and lost 1-0 in the finals to DKSC. In the end playing up a year against a Dallas ecrl team was just a little more than we could handle due to the size and maturity difference.

My daughter was called up last weekend to play for the TSC 2009 ecrl squad. Cool experience for her.
I heard this weekend that the NEOFC tourney was having issues making due to lack of teams. Not sure what age groups are having issues.

We played our first 11v11 tourney this weekend at Beat the Heat. U13 Gold was pretty stacked with Energy’s top 2010 squad, Celtic 2009 top team and DKSC 2009 ECRL among others. We played well and lost 1-0 in the finals to DKSC. In the end playing up a year against a Dallas ecrl team was just a little more than we could handle due to the size and maturity difference.

My daughter was called up last weekend to play for the TSC 2009 ecrl squad. Cool experience for her.
I know some girls on that team ('09 ECRL) who played with a good friend's daughter last year. That age group on the girls side is messed up..and I thought the 06 boys were a political nightmare (still is at GK)...the 2009 girls are 10x worse
I know some girls on that team ('09 ECRL) who played with a good friend's daughter last year. That age group on the girls side is messed up..and I thought the 06 boys were a political nightmare (still is at GK)...the 2009 girls are 10x worse
2009 is indeed a mess. The 2009 ecrl team is going to struggle this year from what I saw. It’s never easy when you bring an entire team over from another club and then have to mix them a year later. I’m sure a few of those girls who left for WSA to be coached by Jo are now having regrets. Hope they come back next year. That group needs the numbers.

My kid was the center back who guested with them if you talk to any of those parents.
2009 is indeed a mess. The 2009 ecrl team is going to struggle this year from what I saw. It’s never easy when you bring an entire team over from another club and then have to mix them a year later. I’m sure a few of those girls who left for WSA to be coached by Jo are now having regrets. Hope they come back next year. That group needs the numbers.

My kid was the center back who guested with them if you talk to any of those parents.
I think the girl who was going to be the CB on that team left for Blitz...but don't quote me on that. Big tall rangy girl who needs to get mean about strikers coming into her zone.

I think the promises WSA made to all of those coaches and girls about taking the ECNL designation from TSC are now starting to be understood as empty. My understanding is they will never get ECNL designation as long as TSC continues to meet the ECNL requirements. I'm not 100% on this but one of my son's old coaches whose daughter plays ECNL said that clubs with an ECNL designation hold a veto power in their district/area over other clubs getting an ECNL designation meaning WSA is screwed in that regards. And I think WSA is going to see some unhappy satellite groups soon, especially the ones in the western part of the state. They don't really get a ton of support from WSA admin...

BTW, rumor is Titan was bought by an east coast company specializing in athletic facilities and fields and that changes/improvements to the actual fields should be coming soon.
I heard Titan was up for sale a few weeks ago. Glad it’s been bought. The fields are awful. Still hoping to eventually get an all turf complex in the Tulsa metro area. QTrip…you’re on the clock :)
I heard Titan was up for sale a few weeks ago. Glad it’s been bought. The fields are awful. Still hoping to eventually get an all turf complex in the Tulsa metro area. QTrip…you’re on the clock :)
My son took a chunk of his elbow out diving for a shot last week. Said he hit a rock when he landed. The boxes are just gravel, not even dirt. It's awful. He's already told his coach he won't be diving for shots in practice until they're on a field where the box has more grass than gravel.
Son's team is playing in the NEOFC Kickoff Tournament this weekend out at Mohawk. It's brutally hot out there. They played on Friday evening at 6 against the top Blitz Academy FC team. The team played them fairly even for about the first 2/3 of the game. My son didn't play due to an injured wrist so the team played with a backup keeper. He played fine. Team was also playing short 3 other players as 1 quit the day before the tournament and we've got 2 kids who play HS football and were at the 0 week scrimmages. One is probably the most important player on the team as he has been the only one to play the 6 for the last 2 years. Slotting someone else into that spot has been problematic and creates huge holes in the defensive alignment and shape. They also played without a backup forward. The backup GK is also a starting forward so that essentially put the team down 3 field players. It was a rough go. Lost 4-0 but it the boys hung tough for the 1st 50 minutes and then the ref called a bogus foul in the box. The boys sort of lost their drive after that point.

Today they played the Sheffield team we've played 15 times the last two seasons. My son did play this one. This game was frustrating because my son's team dominated possession, dominated control, looked good in working the ball up the field and they struggled to find shots and to finish. The Sheffield team scored off a free kick set piece, a PK (really questionable...) and then right at the end as my son's team pushed forward to find an equalizer. Final was 3-1. Son's team probably had 75% of the possession and had the Sheffield team really on their heels most of the game. Halfway through the 2nd half, the Sheffield kids were hunched over, hands on hips, gasping for air. Anyone watching the game would easily have thought my son's team was winning that's how lopsided it appeared. And they were playing good quality soccer. I know the boys have to be frustrated not being able to find goals. Need to remind them to be like a goldfish!
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We played U13 in Beat the Heat last weekend. Probably the best tourney in Oklahoma imo. Lost 1-0 in the finals to the 2009 DKSC ecrl squad. Pretty good showing for a 2010 squad in a stacked gold bracket. Playing 3 friendlies next weekend down in Dallas with FC Dallas and Solar. 11v11 seems to fit our girls as we can use our speed and athleticism in the extra space. Still need an elite scorer. Hopefully one will develop.
We played U13 in Beat the Heat last weekend. Probably the best tourney in Oklahoma imo. Lost 1-0 in the finals to the 2009 DKSC ecrl squad. Pretty good showing for a 2010 squad in a stacked gold bracket. Playing 3 friendlies next weekend down in Dallas with FC Dallas and Solar. 11v11 seems to fit our girls as we can use our speed and athleticism in the extra space. Still need an elite scorer. Hopefully one will develop.
Son's team won their final game this AM against the WSA East Red team (formerly Tornadoes black). 2-1. I wasn't at the game as I found out I tested positive for COVID (kid's and wife are negative and we all believe the exposure was last weekend...found out Friday the person we were around tested positive). I am mostly asympomatic...have a stuff nose and cough...which I thought to be associated with the ragweed and other OK allergies I suffer fever, no breathing issues, etc.). Anyway, following the Team Snap narrative and my wife's texts, my son's team jumped out quickly going up 2-0 in the first 12 minutes. Then the WSA team started their standard cheap play (this team is dirty and has been for several years dating back to when they were the Tornadoes.) One of the reserves went down with a knee injury (he heard a pop). My son got yanked for poor, unfocused play (as far as what he has told me....he got back in the 2nd half). My wife said by the end of the game there were 4-5 of our kids who went down injured during the course of the game from hard challenges. WSA scored late in the first half to make it 2-1. According to my wife neither team did much in the 2nd half. 3rd game in 2 days for most of them, nothing to really play for other than pride.

Next weekend; Dallas (Moneygram) for FCL games vs Solar and FC Dallas Youth.
So this FCL league is way better than the NPL league in this area. Seems we are getting each club's #1 or #2 team (depending on if they have ECNL or not). My son's team is getting hammered in this FCL league and the boys are starting to lose their joy of playing the game. Just outmatched. And we're shorthanded. One kid quit a week before the season started, another is hit or miss as to whether or not he's going to show up, and a 3rd tore his meniscus in the Fall NEOFC tournament and is out for the entire Fall.
So this FCL league is way better than the NPL league in this area. Seems we are getting each club's #1 or #2 team (depending on if they have ECNL or not). My son's team is getting hammered in this FCL league and the boys are starting to lose their joy of playing the game. Just outmatched. And we're shorthanded. One kid quit a week before the season started, another is hit or miss as to whether or not he's going to show up, and a 3rd tore his meniscus in the Fall NEOFC tournament and is out for the entire Fall.
I was worried about the FCL for that very reason. I’ve seen some of the scores from the past few weeks and TSC along with the other Oklahoma clubs simply aren’t competitive in a lot of these games. Hope our kids hang in there. I know OPC has basically become the WSA league so I understand the move. However, it’s still tough for a small club like TSC to compete with the depth of the likes of Solar or play the top teams of the non-ECNL clubs with our 3rd and 4th teams.
I was worried about the FCL for that very reason. I’ve seen some of the scores from the past few weeks and TSC along with the other Oklahoma clubs simply aren’t competitive in a lot of these games. Hope our kids hang in there. I know OPC has basically become the WSA league so I understand the move. However, it’s still tough for a small club like TSC to compete with the depth of the likes of Solar or play the top teams of the non-ECNL clubs with our 3rd and 4th teams.
Coach Smith was blunt with the parents about how this would probably be ugly but his goal is to have his teams peaking next May headed into State Cup. Right now there is a delicate balance...because these kids are not feeling it right now and you can see they're not having a ton of fun so even having a team by the time we hit the Spring might be an issue.

My son's team has lost games 6-0, 6-0, 7-0, and 4-0. And I can assure you these have not been GK issues. Actually, in the 2nd and 4th games, my son has stood on his head. Only the 7-0 game was bad at half...the other 3 were all 1-0. The boys play hard and because of the lack of depth and the substitution rules in this league (players subbed off cannot reenter in that half), the fatigue is real. The defense is constantly under pressure. And it's one thing to struggle like this but when you're team is not coming close to sniffing the's tough. The 4-0 game, my son's team didn't even have a shot towards goal, part of that is the mentality of the kids thinking they need to be inside the box to shoot.

OPL games this weekend...hoping the boys can find some success and some confidence
Boys finally got to compete against normal teams this weekend. Won 2-1 on Saturday vs Sporting OK and lost 2-1 on Sunday vs NWA Manchester. GA on Saturday was a legit nice play. Played with 1 sub. My son had a nice game with some key saves and his punting/goal kicks were especially good. (Distributing and playing out of the back is not really a possibility with this team right now).
Sundays game was different. Other team was the visiting team and they decided to change out of their black jerseys and forced our boys to change despite league rules saying visitors wear dark jerseys. They dove and flopped and rolled around the ground for effect a number of times...clearly Chicharito was their hero. They were better technically but my son's team actually looked like they knew how to attack them, it was just a matter of whether or not they could control the first touch. Both GA in this game were 1v1s and my son described the 1st one as a fluke because the shooter actual scuffed his foot in a pile of same and shanked the shot off his toe as he closed his hips and my son dove to his right as he should have. There was a huge cloud of dust that went up as well. 2nd one, the D parted like the Red Sea and as my son came out to challenge and cover low, the kid chipped it over the top. There is only so much a GK can do in those situations.

The boys played on Titan South field 1, which they call the sand box. It was dusty and no grass and lots of gravel. I'm shocked the other team didn't just walk away. The field is beyond unsafe.
I’m not sure fields 2-4 are that much better. The good news at south is they are slowly getting lights on more fields. We play the 2009 FCL Girls tonight at 6 on Titan South Field 6. If you’re out there come by and say hi. I will be wearing a white ball cap.

We made the switch to a 3-5-2 about a month ago. Has worked really well for us thus far. Our three backs can flat out fly.