Holiday Inn Trophy Club. We play 9:30/2 on Saturday and 8am on Sunday. Our games are at Meadowmere Park in Grapevine
We’re at Moneygram.
Holiday Inn Trophy Club. We play 9:30/2 on Saturday and 8am on Sunday. Our games are at Meadowmere Park in Grapevine
This is precisely why my parents sent me to TU. That and the fact that it was the mid-80’s and my father considered Nolan Richardson the moral conscience of the State of Oklahoma.I worry about him when he gets to teachers and classes that will require him to do a little investigation to learn the material. He doesn't study and I'm not sure he really knows how to. Math is natural for him. His struggle is he dislike writing, especially when it comes to creative writing. Ask him to do an analysis on reading, he's fine. If he has to come up with a story...struggle city. Hopefully as he progresses in HS the teachers will start challenging him more.
This is precisely why my parents sent me to TU. That and the fact that it was the mid-80’s and my father considered Nolan Richardson the moral conscience of the State of Oklahoma.
I'm surprised they're even having it. So there's a TU alum living out by the airport with plenty of extra room in his house.We have futsal regionals this weekend in KC. That drive home on Sunday is going to be interesting.
I'm surprised they're even having it. So there's a TU alum living out by the airport with plenty of extra room in his house.![]()
I don't expect perfection from the officials, but I do expect effort and knowledge of the level they're calling. I handed the ref a game card that said "OPC U15 Boys" at the top. Once he saw that he should know "40 minute halves". ARs should be able to at least know they align themselves with the 2nd to last defender (last usually being the GK) OR the ball, whichever one is further towards the goal. I pointed out the left back for the OKC team was walking when he threw the ball in meaning his back foot was always off the ground during the throw...they called it twice immediately after it being pointed out but not again after that almost as if they had just given up that the kid wasn't going to do it right....sorry this isn't u8 soccer. The ref apparently told our coach that he knew the kid was offside on the leadup to the foul he awarded the PK for but that he "couldn't overrule the AR". Want to know why people get upset with officials? These are the reasons why. I'm all for kids getting ref licenses and earning money but whoever is teaching them and certifying them needs to make sure they empower them at the same time and that they're actually ready to call games at whatever level they're being assigned.We played in a tourney up in KC two weekends ago where the AR moved maybe ten yards the entire game. Never made a single call. Now he was a teenager but there was no reason for him to be there considering his effort or lack thereof. This was U12 Gold so it’s not U15 but I still expected better.
The Surf Cup in Phoenix was the best officiated event I’ve been to btw. Go figure.
I've learned to not get too crazy about the individual calls in a game. Simple throw in calls are not a big deal in the scheme of thing. I hate it when refs lose control of a game to where it devolves into a dangerous situation for the players. This game didn't get to that point but the ref not knowing how long the game was supposed to be means he shouldn't be out there.I can live with bad calls as long as they aren’t one sided. Every time we play in Dallas against the local clubs (Solar, Texans, FC Dallas, Sting) we get consistently hosed. Don’t even get upset about it anymore because you know going in what it’s going to be. Sadly, those teams have enough quality they don’t need the help.
I don't expect perfection from the officials, but I do expect effort and knowledge of the level they're calling. I handed the ref a game card that said "OPC U15 Boys" at the top. Once he saw that he should know "40 minute halves". ARs should be able to at least know they align themselves with the 2nd to last defender (last usually being the GK) OR the ball, whichever one is further towards the goal. I pointed out the left back for the OKC team was walking when he threw the ball in meaning his back foot was always off the ground during the throw...they called it twice immediately after it being pointed out but not again after that almost as if they had just given up that the kid wasn't going to do it right....sorry this isn't u8 soccer. The ref apparently told our coach that he knew the kid was offside on the leadup to the foul he awarded the PK for but that he "couldn't overrule the AR". Want to know why people get upset with officials? These are the reasons why. I'm all for kids getting ref licenses and earning money but whoever is teaching them and certifying them needs to make sure they empower them at the same time and that they're actually ready to call games at whatever level they're being assigned.
EDIT: The center ref for my son's JV game on Friday was no better. He let way too much clutching and grabbing go on and one kid ended up with a bloody nose and another kid got kicked in the calf as he was pulling away from the last defender....NO FOUL
On Tuesday, Union and Owasso hooked up for some games. Girls JV game was played with 1 ref. The boys JV game was played with a 2-man crew. The 3 that did those games then called the varsity girls and varsity boys games that night as well. Honestly, they called fine games but how can you expect these refs to call 3 games in a night? It’s too much.High school does not have a enough referees and has a weird group of officials. The pay is relatively low and many of the people that would be better ARs for USSF games that are older high school kids or in college are younger are busy and unavailable .
Often times, the games, especially JV, are too early for working people to get to so it really, really reduces the pool of officials.
Right now, a whole bunch of college officials are not doing high school games because the seasons are overlapping.
honestly, there are a ALOT of really, really, really, reallygames in high school even in 6A. When you start getting into JV and lower grades, upper level officials will just decline games because they aren't interested.
On Tuesday, Union and Owasso hooked up for some games. Girls JV game was played with 1 ref. The boys JV game was played with a 2-man crew. The 3 that did those games then called the varsity girls and varsity boys games that night as well. Honestly, they called fine games but how can you expect these refs to call 3 games in a night? It’s too much.
We played in the Next Gen cup as well in the 2010 Silver division (we are a 2011 team) and came in second. Lost in PK's to TSC 10 Black. Black tied it up with a few minutes left on a BS call from what I am told. We will play them in league play this year and look forward to hopefully better officiating.
Speaking of changes in coaches. I’ve heard a rumor that the WSA academy program is basically dying as they were sure they would be approved as an ECNL club on the girls side this upcoming year. That did not happen and now a lot of the coaches who left TSC last year are quitting and girls are leaving. I spoke to a dad about that this weekend. His son plays on my son’s team and his daughter was an 05 or 04. And recently Soccer Weekly just named TSC a top 100 club nationally for both boys and girls (and the highest rated club in Oklahoma).TSC teams are suppose to get new coaches every two years or so. I know the club has been lax on the rule of late. Joao coaches my kid in futsal. He’s a lot of fun.
I don’t know what you mean by the last part but my understanding is ECNL will only do one club within a given distance and that vote for the 2021/2022 season has already occurred. My take on WSA is they lack the appropriate facilities and they certainly can’t claim being a top 100 club. As long as TSC maintains that distinction they will have an advantage over the other 918 clubs. I’ve also heard that TSC is looking to buy a facility. Most likely is Titan South and then lights would be added, all soccer fields, nets blocking the creek to the west, and then improved drainage, irrigation, and....REGULATION SIZED GOALS.Those coaches were foolish if they believed WSA would get an ecnl bid imo. WSA simply lacks the quality. Ecnl did offer WSA an ecrl bid on the condition they would drop out of GA. WSA saw the writing on the wall with GA and accepted.
Still some dominoes yet to fall regarding clubs and platforms.
No. My understanding is they will still maintain OPC teams if they have enough teams to support it in an age group. If each age group has ECNL, ECRL, and NPL when they reach that age, they will be in those groups. My understanding has been if the OPC clubs have more than 1 team in an age group, then 1 has to play NPL.Have you heard any rumblings about TSC and the OPC?
Wow, Union had a bad day of soccer against Jenks last night. JV Girls, JV boys (3-1), Varsity Girls (2-1), and Varsity boys (2-2, Jenks wins in PK shootout that went 13 rounds). I didn't see the JV girls game. JV boys, Union started really slow and gave up 2 in the 1st 15 minutes, 1st one was an OG off a deflection by a defender. 2nd goal, the Union D just broke down and a kid beat the keeper 1 v 1. My son got the 2nd half of the game. Union came out strong and pulled a goal back to 2-1. Jenks scored about 5 minutes later on a rocket from 25 yards. My son did play pretty well after that and made 3-4 nice saves. The JV team was playing without 4 field players who normally start as they were being held back for the varsity game (backups).
The varsity boys game was crazy. Lots of quality. Union struck first just before half. Jenks found an equalizer with about 15 minutes left and then a 2nd with about 5 minutes left. Union tied the game with about 2 minutes left off a corner that the keeper actually pushed into his own goal. And for some reason in Oklahoma, they feel the need to settle the game in PKs immediately. 13 rounds. Both keepers made some nice saves. With Union shooting 2nd, they had 3 chances to end the shootout on top. 2 saves, 1 post, and one crossbar that if it's 1 inch lower is in the back of the net. Union had a FR on the field as part of its 10 shooters. He took the final one that the Jenks keeper saved and ended the game. My son said the Union coach just said it was a hard fought game and in most of the world in regular league play, it would go down as a draw. Since it's a non-district game, it doesn't hurt them. My son also said that this Union team is one of the youngest varsity sides in the state. There's not an upperclassmen playing in the back and there are only 3-4 seniors.
Odd thing...prior to the shootout, right after the tying goal, Jenks made a sub and replaced their goalkeeper. The starter is a 6'5" giant, who in my modestly trained eye, has terrible feet. They replaced him with a kid who looked about 6'1" and presumably to be between the pipes for the shootout. The replacement was very good in the shootout. Strong push, good hands.
I haven’t. Haven’t seen the # of accepted teams, etc. I think they raised the entrance fees which obviously will discourage some teams from coming and they raised the price of pre-paid parking from $5-$10 which is all profit since the passes are paid for by sponsors and they aren’t charge parking fees by the facilities. It’s a gouge. And if the referees are as bad as I’ve seen at recent tournaments, or they do t have full ref crews for games, they will take another hit. Schedule should be out by Friday this week is my understanding.Have you heard anything about the Tulsa Showcase in two weeks? Getting a little nervous about turnout.