I do it because I hate not being in the know. I was the manager for my son's 1st 2 years at TSC, and then wasn't. Year 4 was awful...the communication was terrible and I decided to do it again. I will communicate the ears off of people...they can never say they didn't know this or that. The $ part is easier now. Parents pay their club dues directly to the club this year...makes it a little easier. I still collect team fees for tournaments and ref fees, etc. (NPL AND ECNL are not all inclusive...they pay the club and the club pays out for those things, hoping they go that way for OPC next season). Since almost everyone pays via CashApp, I have a nifty little record of who paid what when. This year TSC is paying for all the teams to have a TeamSnap account too...one less expense. Of course they see everything you post about...but they can also send out updates via email or alert too.
I'm also getting pissed because I'm too much in the know. I know the politics behind the scenes, I know the games coaches are playing with kids and their parents and at times I feel like I am caught in the middle. Parents come to me to complain about playing time or coaching style or (seriously) "why isn't he yelling at the boys more to do what he wants them to?"
My kid is also caught in the middle of some of the stupid politics and I'm just about done with it. He's good. He's gotten a ton better in the 4 years since TSC did a formal tryout in his age group for GKs. He's actually better than one of the ECNL GKs in his age group as well as one of the 05 ECNL GKs. He trains side by side with many of them so there's an easy comparison. He was the only GK at the last 7 training sessions for the NPL team as the kid on the NPL team hasn't bothered to show up for 3 weeks. This includes a weekly 3 mile training run. Yet, like most clubs they won't dare tell a kid he has to move down because the kid will quit or leave the club and that's lost revenue. That's the whole problem with pay to play where it becomes more about the revenue and the business over developing kids and playing them against competition they should be playing. I actually asked a manager from another club if they would entertain the idea of trading GKs, my son for their current GK (my son was actually offered the spot through their tryout process after the GK coach at the club did an evaluation of the 3 vying for the spot). My son has felt loyalty to TSC despite TSC never really reciprocating.