You have to love the media.


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003
CNN "How the GOP hopes to keep the email scandal alive"

Fox "State Department reopens Clinton emails probe"

ABC "FBI Director grilled about 'Dangerous precedent' in Clinton Investigation.

CBS "State Department reopens probe into Hillary Clinton emails"

NBC "GOP risks playing into Clinton's hands with Comey."

Reuters: "State Department to conduct internal probe of Clinton emails."

Three news networks thought the headline was that the State Department would continue probe, CNN thought the GOP would keep it alive although they don't control State Department, ABC's headline was balanced. NBC thought this could really hurt the GOP.

There were some questions asked today that I had wondered about.
1. Did the lawyers of Clinton have Top Secret Clearance for the material they received. Comey said he thought not. Clinton campaign said they did. Lot of papers, lot of reading. Everyone had Top Secret?
2. Is the FBI still investigating the Clinton Foundation? Comey wouldn't comment.
3. What about things Clinton told Congress, several them Comey called "not true?" Perjury? Comey said he didn't have a request from Congress. The committee chairman said "You will this afternoon."

I guess CNN thinks that is keeping the scandal alive. These seem like valid questions and the probe by the State Department is out of the hands of Republicans. I guess NBC is trying to protect the GOP from playing into Clinton's hands; that is kind of them.

As Yogi Berra said "It ain't over till it's over."
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CNN has become the most left wing network out there. Odd to see.
Jake Tapper is great and Anderson Cooper is usually good other than some of the dumb things he said related to Orlando. Those are the only two I really watch though. Probably similar to Chris Wallace and Sheppard Smith(maybe Megan Kelly) being two of the only ones worth watching on Fox.
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I think the fallout from this could really escalate. This is the FBI's way of saying she is guilty, but that it should be done through a Congressional hearing or in a different court.

I have noticed that a lot of old line and other Republicans have kept somewhat quiet concerning Hillary. The last time the Republicans went after a Clinton (Bill), Newt and 3 others all lost their jobs as their sexual indiscretions were all revealed. Makes me think they have a few skeletons they don't want out of the closet.

Right now I think it is all mainly for show...beat your chest, call names,, everyone uses this as a push for raising campaign funds, everybody gets re-elected, and nobody goes to jail. Thus for the DC crowd it is "BUSINESS AS USUAL" and what we have here is called "PROFESSIONAL COURTESY"! Once again the American people stay divided and the American political machine wins.

I do believe if this happens it will be a sad day for the American people!

But then again I don't claim to be a political guru!!! Just an old retired elementary Science teacher...
Another reason they are keeping quiet might be that they don't want a default elected Trump. Trump being elected might be just as scary as the personal skeletons in the closet.
Bill and Hillary are involved in a college funding scandal bigger than dt's, but all we see on tv is Dt's.
Another reason they are keeping quiet might be that they don't want a default elected Trump. Trump being elected might be just as scary as the personal skeletons in the closet.

A better outcome might have been for Hillary to be charged and forced out of the race either "resigning" or dumped by the convention. Then the Democrats could have a candidate without all the baggage.

Actually this was worst case for them. Comey pretty much admitted she was guilty but didn't charge her on the intent thing. Now the State Department resumes it's investigation. Comey answered "No" several times to whether her answers to statements under oath were true and there will be a perjury investigation. And this time the perjury wasn't "just about sex.'

Now, even in this worst case, Hillary is going to beat Trump and be a president with little or no honeymoon with Congress. Joe Biden isn't perfect but he would be much more appealing to many people than Hillary or Trump.
if this had all happened much quicker while Hillary was Secretary of State, and the Department of State probes were continued back then instead of now, Hillary probably would have had to resign her position. She would probably not have even run for the Presidency. Love the waiting game that has put us in this situation.
Bho and the media dwell on the sensational events and blame others for the result.

Why no news conferences or on the ground reports about all the black on black gun violence in Chicago and other big cities.
The reason it continues is to justify the 'crooked Hillary" meme which seems to work just fine. Why stop?

Maybe the medial shares blame, but it's basically the Republicans who use it as a surrogate for supporting Trump. Colin used private servers, but we have yet to see a cry for an investigation there. Petraeus is a false equivalency as he purposefully gave out classified info to someone he knew should NOT have it for his own goals. Last time I saw him he was working for KKR and teaching at Princeton.

Meanwhile Trump receives almost no scrutiny and what little there is either makes him a mystery or or someone common sense would tell you to stay away from.
Internet connectivity has changed a lot in the past 20 years. Hackers are better and security is a bigger issue. But if it is suspected that colon Powell did something wrong, then he should be investigated.

I bet none of the people called to testify have to take the 5th.
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The reason it continues is to justify the 'crooked Hillary" meme which seems to work just fine. Why stop?

Maybe the medial shares blame, but it's basically the Republicans who use it as a surrogate for supporting Trump.

Meanwhile Trump receives almost no scrutiny and what little there is either makes him a mystery or or someone common sense would tell you to stay away from.

The liberals continue to contradict themselves. When it comes to Comey's recommendation not to prosecute, they say he is a capable and honorable man, which I believe he is. But the ignore the fact that he also says the Hillary was extremely careless and should have known [and is required to know] better than to do things she did. He also says that she told Congress under oath things that were not true. So when is Comey right? The press keeps up with this not because they are a tool of the Republicans but because, once again we are given a story that doesn't make sense.

We are expected to pick which candidate to be president, because she is the lesser Devil than he is. I agree, anyone with common sense would stay away from Trump, but I also extend that conclusion to Hillary. We hear comments about money poisoning our elective system. But there is also a tinge of pride from the left that Hillary's treasure chest is 50 times larger than Trumps. I don't care which candidate...that I cannot bring myself to vote for...has better success raising money poisoning our system.

Most people tend to ignore the faults of their side and talk up the faults of the other side. This time both candidates are fatally flawed.

btw: The press doesn't have to highlight Trumps faults because he is quite good at doing that himself. A pox on both houses.
A current article on yahoo news headline: "ABC explains most recent clinton emails".

Why is ABC explaining anything. As a new organization, they should just report.