Wolf takes on Nancy


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003

13 minute argument between Blitzer and Pelosi. Basically he says: People need to put food on the table, there is 1.8 Trillion dollars, take the money. She says "You don't know what you are talking about. They are my people."
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Saw a great comment on Facebook.

"If wasn't for their double standard, progressivies would have no standard"
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She's the mirror image of Trump. I completely agree with Wolf here. She's stupid and is only in it for her party, not the people.
Trump's in it for himself, he doesn't give a crap about the Republican party.
Ok...and? So she's slightly better b/c she likes her own powerful dems...and still not the people. Except not the views of Ro Khanna or Andrew Yang. Dismissed them like little puppies.
Ok...and? So she's slightly better b/c she likes her own powerful dems...and still not the people. Except not the views of Ro Khanna or Andrew Yang. Dismissed them like little puppies.
I wasn't commenting on whether Nancy is better or worse. By your statement, you implied(intentionally or unintentionally) that Trump cares about party. He doesn't.

But to way in on Nancy's motivations... I'm sure she has convinced herself that she cares about and stands for what the majority of the party cares about. But in this instance she has decided right or wrong, that it is for the benefit of the party/voters, to wait it out until after the election for the assistance package. She doesn't want to give an agreement to Trump/the Republicans before the election. She feels it is another chink in his armor against reelection. It's not .4 trillion that is holding her back from an agreement. (Otherwise they would have already agreed to 1.9 or 2 trillion, and both saved face.)

You can argue that both ways, and there are merits to each argument.(Immediate lesser assistance/delayed assistance with the increased possibility of Trump being out of office)
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True. The R party leadership has deserted him.
He never was a legit republican in the first place. The party only went along with him because a bloc of their voters was fooled, so the party thought they would go along for the ride. The # of things they could accomplish was too tarnished by all of the other crap in his reformation of the party.
I wasn't commenting on whether Nancy is better or worse. By your statement, you implied(intentionally or unintentionally) that Trump cares about party. He doesn't.

But to way in on Nancy's motivations... I'm sure she has convinced herself that she cares about and stands for what the majority of the party cares about. But in this instance she has decided right or wrong, that it is for the benefit of the party/voters, to wait it out until after the election for the assistance package. She doesn't want to give an agreement to Trump/the Republicans before the election. She feels it is another chink in his armor against reelection. It's not .4 billion that is holding her back from an agreement. (Otherwise they would have already agreed to 1.9 or 2 billion, and both saved face.)

You can argue that both ways, and there are merits to each argument.(Immediate lesser assistance/delayed assistance with the increased possibility of Trump being out of office)
Money down this face saving attempt, will fail because she wants it to.(48 hour gambit)
I was hoping there was video of an actual wolf eating Nancy Pelosi...
Sorry to disappoint you Noble.
Its all good. I was just hoping for a break from the usual campaign fodder. Im tired of "Orange guy bad" "Senile guy bad"... thought maybe politics had returned to its roots in the roman coliseum.
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