Why do Libs riot ?

People are born into poverty. It's not something that is easily escaped. You grow up in an area where there is little hope and fewer role models. People become dependent upon federal assistance and repeat the cycle.
Why? How?

For over 50 years. The government has thrown billions of dollars to end poverty

Maybe we need a new approach.
I can agree with the first two statements. I don't think being dependent is the thing that makes most people repeat the cycle. It's the lack of true opportunities to advance oneself.

I'll partially agree with both of you and add that kids learn the habits of their parents. Poor kids learn a lot of unsuccessful habits from their unsuccessful parents, while rich kids are taught habits that lead to success. Good parents(who stay together) is the biggest privilege there is. Being raised in a two parent home is the greatest predictor of success in the US. Then add in the fact that even when poor kids are successful and graduate college they tend to choose lower paying jobs anyway
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The republican party is the party of conservative tradition.
The democratic party is the party of progressive change

Dems - just add another and soak the rich
I believe the word you were looking for is 'milk' the rich.

Soaking the rich would be what Trump wants to do for himself and other richies.(in tax breaks)

You can't even figure out that a word you used means the opposite of what you intended.
I can agree with the first two statements. I don't think being dependent is the thing that makes most people repeat the cycle. It's the lack of true opportunities to advance oneself.

Dependcy leads to contentment imo. There are opportunities out there. Lots of programs for the poor and minorities to get into college or work programs. Part of the problem is the lack of role models. Many poor people don't know anyone who went to college and became successful. They know lots of people who have been on welfare. Education and cultural changes are needed. We provide opportunities. We need to get them to utiltize them. I'm not sure how to do that.
Thought this was interesting...from the most recent violence at Berkeley. Can't really blame kids for this one.

Surely you're joking with this analogy? You have to go back almost a year to a group of ranchers protesting grazing rights? That is the only example I could find in the last few years of what might be considered a conservative group.

Found a new example. I assume you’re working on a “Why do Pubs Riot” thread that will be posted shortly?
Found a new example. I assume you’re working on a “Why do Pubs Riot” thread that will be posted shortly?
Saw a group of idiots occupy the capital building. Going to need a few more instances of burning, looting, etc...before I label this as a trend. That said, those people should be jailed. No room in our society for that kind of behavior. I’m an equal opportunity denouncer unlike most on this board. Bad behavior is bad behavior regardless of the perpetrators. You won’t hear me trying to defend what we saw today with the ridiculous (95% of the demonstrators were peaceful) nonsense. It was disgraceful.
Saw a group of idiots occupy the capital building. Going to need a few more instances of burning, looting, etc...before I label this as a trend. That said, those people should be jailed. No room in our society for that kind of behavior. I’m an equal opportunity denouncer unlike most on this board. Bad behavior is bad behavior regardless of the perpetrators. You won’t hear me trying to defend what we saw today with the ridiculous (95% of the demonstrators were peaceful) nonsense. It was disgraceful.
These are the same people that the libs were being criticized for clashing with and that you insinuated Antifa was to blame for starting violence with.
These are the same people that the libs were being criticized for clashing with and that you insinuated Antifa was to blame for starting violence with.

Libs were criticized for looting, burning down neighborhoods and killing people. Anyone who conducts violence should be jailed. Which is exactly what I just stated. I don’t care which side they’re on nor will I attempt to justify the actions of the masses there by saying most were peaceful.
Libs were criticized for looting, burning down neighborhoods and killing people. Anyone who conducts violence should be jailed. Which is exactly what I just stated. I don’t care which side they’re on nor will I attempt to justify the actions of the masses there by saying most were peaceful.
Most were peaceful! Most today were “peaceful” but they were peaceful whilst subverting democracy which is the actual crime here. It has little to do with whether you bashed in windows or not. It has everything to do with if you assaulted our constitution.

You can be “non-violent” whilst selling national secrets to another country... that doesn’t mean that your crime isn’t significantly more serious than someone who loots a local business.

Jeapordizing the civil or physical well being of 80 million + people is inherently worse than jeapordizing the civil or physical well being of 1 person or 10 people or 1,000 people.

Doing so under false pretenses vs actually having consistent observable grievances aggregates the offense as well.
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Last I checked the cold blooded murder of someone is the most serious crime committed in any of these protests. Let’s not forget those lost souls. Democracy wasn’t subverted today. National secrets weren’t stolen. Biden will soon be President of the US. Nothing today changed a damn thing. Now those murdered people and their families lives were changed forever.

I have condemned the actions of today and stated the people should be jailed. I’m against any further protests. You won’t hear any 95% justification from me despite the fact no one was seriously injured aside from the lady killed by the police
I don’t care which side they’re on nor will I attempt to justify the actions of the masses there by saying most were peaceful.

Except that was never the thesis of this post. You said “Do they not understand that this type of behavior is one of the reasons why the lost the Midwest? One of the reasons why they have the least amount of power today than at anytime over the last 50 years?”

So it was never about condemning bad actors. It was about how those actions reflected poorly on one side. Now that it’s the other side, you’re suddenly using terms like it’s just “a group of idiots”.
Except that was never the thesis of this post. You said “Do they not understand that this type of behavior is one of the reasons why the lost the Midwest? One of the reasons why they have the least amount of power today than at anytime over the last 50 years?”

So it was never about condemning bad actors. It was about how those actions reflected poorly on one side. Now that it’s the other side, you’re suddenly using terms like it’s just “a group of idiots”.
You don’t think the actions today reflected poorly on the hardcore Trump supporters and will cost the Pubs votes in the near term? I certainly do. I see little difference in the two as far as a poor reflection on a group and harmful politically. We agree? I tend to be fairly pragmatic with my views
We agree? I tend to be fairly pragmatic with my views

There are republicans on this board who I think are pragmatic. You’re very good at using clever rhetorical techniques to make your partisan views sound pragmatic.
There are republicans on this board who I think are pragmatic. You’re very good at using clever rhetorical techniques to make your partisan views sound pragmatic.

Not sure how stating that today’s events had the same negative effects on how the public views most Pubs and will hurt them in the polls like the riots did the Dems during the Obama years is partisan but ok. Isn’t saying something is the same the polar opposite of partisanship ? ...and you’re giving me far too much credit for being clever :). I’m a simple Sapulpa boy.
Last I checked the cold blooded murder of someone is the most serious crime committed in any of these protests. Let’s not forget those lost souls. Democracy wasn’t subverted today. National secrets weren’t stolen. Biden will soon be President of the US. Nothing today changed a damn thing. Now those murdered people and their families lives were changed forever.

I have condemned the actions of today and stated the people should be jailed. I’m against any further protests. You won’t hear any 95% justification from me despite the fact no one was seriously injured aside from the lady killed by the police
Just to be clear, we don't know if that lady that was killed was a staffer or a rioter. And we also don't know if she was shot by police or by protestors.

There are some stories leaking on twitter and such about her, but I would consider those very unreliable. We'll know more soon, after they notify next of kin.
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There are republicans on this board who I think are pragmatic. You’re very good at using clever rhetorical techniques to make your partisan views sound pragmatic.
Well, he is an attorney... :)

Seriously though, I like lawpoke even if I disagree with him sometimes. He can be a bit partisan, but he's also respectful and reasoned.
There are republicans on this board who I think are pragmatic. You’re very good at using unclever rhetorical techniques to make your partisan views sound pragmatic.
Not sure how stating that today’s events had the same negative effects on how the public views most Pubs and will hurt them in the polls like the riots did the Dems during the Obama years is partisan but ok. Isn’t saying something is the same the polar opposite of partisanship ? ...and you’re giving me far too much credit for being clever :). I’m a simple Sapulpa boy.
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Ok, thanks. I hadn't heard that was confirmed yet. Obviously.

Never like to see someone lose their life. However, when you do dumb things with dumb people there are sometimes unexpected consequences. Especially when there are people with guns around.
Lankford, Loeffler, Cruz, and Josh Hawley should be charged with inciting a riot. Their rhetoric over the last week has been inflammatory. They’re all back tracking now. (Not Hawley but he’s an illegitimate Senator from Missouri considering he doesn’t actually maintain a residence in Missouri). Additionally, Hawley and Lankford and the others should be sued by the family of the dead rioter for wrongful death.
Last I checked the cold blooded murder of someone is the most serious crime committed in any of these protests. Let’s not forget those lost souls. Democracy wasn’t subverted today. National secrets weren’t stolen. Biden will soon be President of the US. Nothing today changed a damn thing. Now those murdered people and their families lives were changed forever.

I have condemned the actions of today and stated the people should be jailed. I’m against any further protests. You won’t hear any 95% justification from me despite the fact no one was seriously injured aside from the lady killed by the police
You are blind. If you continue to turn a blind eye to these things and point your finger at the other side while ignoring your own you’re just encouraging democrats to do similar if not worse things. Next time we have a Bush Gore level outcome we are saying it’s completely ok for an armed mob to come camp out and subvert the electorate. Where does it end? Where do you draw the line at how willing you are to let democracy wither on the vine?

Also, no... murder is not the most heinous crime when it comes to protesters being killed. Orchestrating a system that protects and enables murderers and puts them above the law is far more heinous.
You are blind. If you continue to turn a blind eye to these things and point your finger at the other side while ignoring your own you’re just encouraging democrats to do similar if not worse things. Next time we have a Bush Gore level outcome we are saying it’s completely ok for an armed mob to come camp out and subvert the electorate. Where does it end? Where do you draw the line at how willing you are to let democracy either on the vine?

Saying I condemn what we saw today and stating those people should be in jail is encouraging Democrats to do something similar in the future? Trying to justify today by saying 95% of the people there were peaceful would be encouragement. There is a difference. A very significant one.
Saying I condemn what we saw today and stating those people should be in jail is encouraging Democrats to do something similar in the future? Trying to justify today by saying 95% of the people there were peaceful would be encouragement. There is a difference. A very significant one.
Not acknowledging the significance and the severity of what they were attempting to do and the normalization of these seditionists’ adherence to a master and his media outlets who continue to perpetuate outright, boldfaced, lies is encouraging these types of things in the future.

They don’t just deserve to be in jail for breaking into the capital as if they were doing it on any other Monday and they were protesting a tax reform or something... they deserve to be in jail for a very long time because they tried to overthrow the most fundamental function of any Democracy. The leaders who instigated the action deserve prison time as well. That includes Trump, his kids, and a couple of US Senators / Congressmen.... as well as possibly some media figures like Tucker Carlson. These people promoted this action and in doing so they acted against our constitution.

Lets also not ignore thatmany of these people breaking into the capitol brandished slogans and symbols of vanquished enemies of our Republic. (Nazi shirts, Rebel flags etc...) We should not have to continue to fight these outdated ideals until our nation either gives in to them or becomes irreparably divided because of them.
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We disagree as to the severity of the threat. There was zero chance these people were going to subvert democracy. There was zero chance of them “taking over the government” as some have argued. There was no threat to any of the things you’re arguing from the people in the capital today. Your smart enough to know this. Let’s stop with the hyperbole.

Now if you want to argue that politicians can subvert democracy. Argue our military leaders can subvert democracy. Argue our media combined with a political party can subvert democracy then I’m all ears. A hundred people storming the main hall of the capital....not a chance. A point that was proven today. The outcome supports my argument.
We disagree as to the severity of the threat. There was zero chance these people were going to subvert democracy. There was zero chance of them “taking over the government” as some have argued. There was no threat to any of the things you’re arguing from the people in the capital today. Your smart enough to know this. Let’s stop with the hyperbole.

Now if you want to argue that politicians can subvert democracy. Argue our military leaders can subvert democracy. Argue our media combined with a political party can subvert democracy then I’m all ears. A hundred people storming the main hall of the capital....not a chance. A point that was proven today. The outcome supports my argument.
The outcome was chance and nothing more. There were pipe bombs found around DC in various areas (outside DNC and RNC headquarters, etc...) what if one of them had left one in the capitol and it got missed by security. They could have killed multiple officials on live broadcast.

We got lucky with the outcome today. BTW there were far more than a hundred people there.

These people didn’t need to take over the government. They just needed to cripple it enough for Trump to be presented an opportunity. Weimar Germany saw these types of events multiple times before Hitler was finally able to seize the opportunity and consolidate power. This might be our version of the Beer Hall Putsch. We better be careful not to let these tensions keep escalating to where they become more than that.
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We disagree as to the severity of the threat. There was zero chance these people were going to subvert democracy.
I don't even think mini-Trump Markwayne Mullin would agree with you to the severity of the threat as he was cowering behind a row of seats in the House chamber because the insurrectionists trying to break into the chamber had guns drawn. The officers in charge of protecting the chamber shot and killed one woman as part of the group. She was an Air Force veteran.

The ironic thing is the number of Gadsen flags in the MAGAt crowd with the phrase "Don't Tread on Me" but they're perfectly fine with trampling the rights of others. You know these individuals are nothing more than deplorable individuals with poor education who have yet to figure out that 81 million > 74 million and who clearly believe black people and other POC should not have the right to a vote and those votes should not carry equal weight. Those of you who think this is no big deal are just as guilty through your silence
Not a Mullin fan but he chose to stay in the Chamber after every other of his colleagues had left for the safety of the basement and was telling those at the door to leave or they were in danger of being shot. Hard to fault him for staying imo. The lady wasn’t shot entering the chamber she was shot through a door to a hallway. Odd deal as there were at least 5 police officers with automatic weapons standing behind her when she was shot.

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Not a Mullin fan but he chose to stay in the Chamber after every other of his colleagues had left for the safety of the basement and was telling those at the door to leave or they were in danger of being shot. Hard to fault him for staying imo.
Yeah, trying to talk down the very insurrectionists he was partly responsible for inciting. Again, words mean things. Too many throw around rhetoric because it sounds nice, but as we saw yesterday there are millions of people in this country that take every last word as gospel truth and will act on it. All of the congressmen and women who perpetrate this should be charged with inciting a riot/insurrection.
Not a Mullin fan but he chose to stay in the Chamber after every other of his colleagues had left for the safety of the basement and was telling those at the door to leave or they were in danger of being shot. Hard to fault him for staying imo. The lady wasn’t shot entering the chamber she was shot through a door to a hallway. Odd deal as there were at least 5 police officers with automatic weapons standing behind her when she was shot.

The people who shot her were apparently part of Pence’s security detail.., he was probably still in the building and she was getting to where he was.....

The woman was crazy based on her social media history. The fact that she was a veteran does not excuse her behavior and her actions literally betray the oath to the constitution that she swore to protect.

To steal a phrase from the blue lives matter folks... if you don’t want to be shot, don’t break the law.
The people who shot her were apparently part of Pence’s security detail.., he was probably still in the building and she was getting to where he was.....

The woman was crazy based on her social media history. The fact that she was a veteran does not excuse her behavior and her actions literally betray the oath to the constitution that she swore to protect.

To steal a phrase from the blue lives matter folks... if you don’t want to be shot, don’t break the law.
Surprised you’re ok with an unarmed person being shot and killed through a barricaded door while surrounded by cops with automatic weapons on her side of said door.
Surprised you’re ok with an unarmed person being shot and killed through a barricaded door while surrounded by cops with automatic weapons on her side of said door.
No I’m disappointed in the capitol police and the fact that the national guard wasn’t already dispersed around the capitol before this occurreed. The cops behind her shouldn’t have let her anywhere near there. They weren’t doing anything.

I’m not in favor of anyone being shot. But I also realize the realities of trying to break through a barricade (potentially) towards the Vice President of the United States during a siege of the US capitol.
No I’m disappointed in the capitol police and the fact that the national guard wasn’t already dispersed around the capitol before this occurreed. The cops behind her shouldn’t have let her anywhere near there. They weren’t doing anything.

I’m not in favor of anyone being shot. But I also realize the realities of trying to break through a barricade (potentially) towards the Vice President of the United States during a siege of the US capitol.

We have no idea if Pence was there and if he were he could have easily been removed from the area through a secure exit. I don’t blame the shooter btw. His job is to protect Pence. The blame falls on the victim and the police who let them access that door.

This is the first time I can recall where you defend a cop shooting an unarmed person. A person through a barricaded door surrounded by other policemen. The only thing different with this situation from the others is politics imo.
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We have no idea if Pence was there and if he were he could have easily been removed from the area through a secure exit. I don’t blame the shooter btw. His job is to protect Pence. The blame falls on the victim and the police who let them access that door.

This is the first time I can recall where you defend a cop shooting an unarmed person. A person through a barricaded door surrounded by other policemen. The only thing different with this situation from the others is politics imo.
No the thing that’s different with this situation is that the insurrectionist had no morally justifiable (or even defensable) reason to be part of the siege in the first place. Add to that the fact that they were breaking the law and potentially helping endanger the lives of innocent staffers etc.... and endangering our democracy with their interruption of our most important election process... I’m ok with it. It’s an extremely high bar to clear for me to be okay with a killing, but that traitor cleared the bar.

Im more concerned when a looter or a BLM protester is accosted or killed because they actually have a semi-legitimate reason to be there (depending on which police killing they’re protesting) I don’t encourage them to break the law, but if they do, it’s typically been in a manner that doesn’t endanger innocent lives, or causes damage to property that can be replaced. They aren’t damaging the one thing that allows Americans the ability to right wrongs (potentially life endangering wrongs for millions of people) in a civil manner (voting).

I would still rather she had not been shot, but some of the cops were far too lenient with the people that were in that building comparable to how they normally are. We’ve seen people carried out in handcuffs, for interfering in a simple hearing, like they were rag dolls... that’s not what happened yesterday.

I’ll also add that the fact that she broke her oath to uphold the constitution because of her sheepish, blind, stupidity in following someone who clearly wasn’t acting in the country’s best interest makes me lose most of my sympathy for her.
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No one has any reason to loot or burn down a store. No one has any reason to murder another human being. The people committing this type of violence are not there protesting anything nor do have any legitimate reason to be where they are killing and robbing people. They are criminals who are taking advantage of a situation. Your continued defense of murderers and looters is troubling. The justification that they have a legitimate reason to be there is ridiculous. However, it is what it is.
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If you’re going to try and start a revolution you better make damn sure that the facts you’re basing your revolution on are objectively and observably true and that the people who are leading your revolution aren’t just using you for their own gain.
No one has any reason to loot or burn down a store. No one has any reason to murder another human being. The people committing this type of violence are not there protesting anything nor do have any legitimate reason to be where they are killing and robbing people. They are criminals who are taking advantage of a situation. Your continued defense of murderers and looters is troubling. The justification that they have a legitimate reason to be there is ridiculous. However, it is what it is.
There are scenario’s where riots like we saw yesterday might be legitimate.... the problem is that yesterday’s was far from legitimate because it was being used by a group of despotic oligarchs for their own benefit.
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