Why do Libs riot ?

Lol. I see some one woke up on the stars and stripes side of the bed today. 'Murica. F Yeah!

I don't want to reform it just because of this election. There's a lot of improvements I think that could be made, but won't under the current set of rules for the amendment process, and making an amendment to change the amendment process seems pretty outlandish doesn't it?

The founding fathers wouldn't have even called it the greatest next to the bible. I'm sure on their lists some of the following might have superseded it in importance:

The Magna Carta
The Declaration of Independence
Code of Hammurabi
The Rights of Man
The Cyrus Cylinder
Summa Theologica
Heck, even the famous greek stories have outlasted the Bible (New Testament) by about 1000 years.
I believe a few unimportant people would disagree with you on this point.(superceding) If he were still alive, I am sure the first person on that unnotable list would be with Thomas Aquinas, and continue with a majority of the founding fathers. A good number of those documents were inspired by the Bible, and probably wouldn't exist without it. Why do you separate the old and new testament? Were you able to intuit Noble's reference list to not include both? I will grant you that Thomas Payne might not be on that list.
I believe a few unimportant people would disagree with you on this point.(superceding) If he were still alive, I am sure the first person on that unnotable list would be with Thomas Aquinas, and continue with a majority of the founding fathers. A good number of those documents were inspired by the Bible, and probably wouldn't exist without it. Why do you separate the old and new testament? Were you able to intuit Noble's reference list to not include both? I will grant you that Thomas Payne might not be on that list.

All of those listed weren't meant to be of better quality or more noteable than the bible, though I do think the famous greek stories rival its importance as does the quaran to great number of people in the world. Especially things like The Histories of Herodotus that have really formed western society's belief in defending democracy.

Most of the things on the list were influences for the the founding fathers when creating the constitution, or have lasted so much longer than any other texts we have that I'd argue that it makes them "greater" than the constitution.
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All of those listed weren't meant to be of better quality or more noteable than the bible, though I do think the famous greek stories rival its importance as does the quaran to great number of people in the world. Especially things like The Histories of Herodotus that have really formed western society's belief in defending democracy.

Most of the things on the list were influences for the the founding fathers when creating the constitution, or have lasted so much longer than any other texts we have that I'd argue that it makes them "greater" than the constitution.
My apologies, I read it quickly the other day, and carelessly didn't read it a second time today.

On the point you were making, that I can understand. I would say there are a number of documents on that list that are equal to, or possibly exceed the Constitution's importance.

In practical terms though, it holds up very well with the writings on that list. The words might not be as great, but the rules it set up have withstood the trials it has been faced with as well or better than a number of those documents.
Dude's book sales are probably booming now and I bet he's been doing the rounds on TV. They sure did a great job making sure his views didn't get a platform

Assuming he can find someone willing to publish it
Assuming he can find someone willing to publish it

Lol well the revelation that he once defended sex with 13 year olds definitely changes things. But he'll repent and tell his sob story of abuse and get an even bigger book deal for that somewhere
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Can't believe he said he was not an advocate of pedophelia after those words came to light. He and Trump have similar dalliances with the truth. They cheat on it by glossing over it after the fact.
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Why does the left riot?

Because they believe everyone agrees with them
And if you don't, YOU are evil and wrong.
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The term "conservative" in itself explains why conservatives don't riot. They don't want to upset the status quo for change. Riots are just a form of certain groups showing their displeasure with conservatism and maintaining a status quo.
The term "conservative" in itself explains why conservatives don't riot. They don't want to upset the status quo for change. Riots are just a form of certain groups showing their displeasure with conservatism and maintaining a status quo.

Hmmm...there was nothing status quo or conservative about most of the policies over the last 8 years. I would argue that conservatives voiced their displeasure at the ballot box both on the local and federal level (look at the gains made at both levels since 2008). One might argue the ballot box is a far more effective method of showing ones displeasure than destroying property and injuring others.
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Hmmm...there was nothing status quo or conservative about most of the policies over the last 8 years. I would argue that conservatives voiced their displeasure at the ballot box both on the local and federal level (look at the gains made at both levels since 2008). One might argue the ballot box is a far more effective method of showing ones displeasure than destroying property and injuring others.
How much did conservatives really "change" though? More tax cuts? Taking the healthcare system back to the way it was in 2008? Those are kind of hard things to riot for.

Rioting was never about that type of thing. It's about social injustices and inequalities.
I thought rioting was about affluent white kids getting their feelings hurt
How much did conservatives really "change" though? More tax cuts? Taking the healthcare system back to the way it was in 2008? Those are kind of hard things to riot for.

Rioting was never about that type of thing. It's about social injustices and inequalities.

No.. riots are about small minded selfish people that don't grasp that there is a system in place.. and instead want to impose their will and enact change through fear, murder and destruction.
How much did conservatives really "change" though? More tax cuts? Taking the healthcare system back to the way it was in 2008? Those are kind of hard things to riot for.

Rioting was rarely about that type of thing. It's about social injustices and inequalities.

There's been a history of "rioting" in this country in response to things like slavery / racism, poverty, and the draft. And typically its done out of frustration when methods such as voting haven't led to any significant change in policy.
How much did conservatives really "change" though? More tax cuts? Taking the healthcare system back to the way it was in 2008? Those are kind of hard things to riot for.

Rioting was never about that type of thing. It's about social injustices and inequalities.

When you're seeing or believe you're seeing your job shipped out of the country you have both inequality and fear. Not being able to support your family because your job is now in Mexico is as valid of a reason to riot than any I've seen.
No.. riots are about small minded selfish people that don't grasp that there is a system in place.. and instead want to impose their will and enact change through fear, murder and destruction.
I don't believe this. Sometimes the riots are to bring attention to an issue. Some riots have helped lead to change, or at least social sympathy. The Irish in NYC during the Civil War or the Race Riots / Draft Riots of the 60's are examples.
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When you're seeing or believe you're seeing your job shipped out of the country you have both inequality and fear. Not being able to support your family because your job is now in Mexico is as valid of a reason to riot than any I've seen.
Unemployment just hasn't seemed to cause riots over the course of our Nation. Look at the country during the Great Depression, or the Great Recession. I can't point to the exact reason why, but it just hasn't seemed to have been a proper motive for riots by any group of Americans. Maybe they're all more inclined to try and find a new source of income.
When was the last time conservatives rioted?

I don't make it a hobby to keep track of all riots, but as I pointed out earlier in this thread, I'm painfully aware of the conservative riot that my tax dollars continue to help pay to help clean up after.
I don't make it a hobby to keep track of all riots, but as I pointed out earlier in this thread, I'm painfully aware of the conservative riot that my tax dollars continue to help pay to help clean up after.

Seems like a bit of a stretch to call that a riot, but point taken
I don't make it a hobby to keep track of all riots, but as I pointed out earlier in this thread, I'm painfully aware of the conservative riot that my tax dollars continue to help pay to help clean up after.

I did a quick google search and that was the only "riot" which I would consider attributed to conservatives in the last decade. The ratio appears to be at least 10 to 1.
There's been a history of "rioting" in this country in response to things like slavery / racism, poverty, and the draft. And typically its done out of frustration when methods such as voting haven't led to any significant change in policy.
Police doing their job, conservative speaker on campus, wanting to enforce existing laws,
Libs want a president

A rock star,
A drinking buddy,
According to the press, is a nice guy,
Will interpret the law to his liking
You bad if you want to grab female body parts

Skip the constitution to enact new laws
Pissing off our closest Jewish ally
Allow everyone to enter unvetted
Investigate only conservative charities
Allow marines to die due to state department incompetence
Get a blow job on the oval office
Libs want a president

A rock star,
A drinking buddy,
According to the press, is a nice guy,
Will interpret the law to his liking
You bad if you want to grab female body parts

Skip the constitution to enact new laws
Pissing off our closest Jewish ally
Allow everyone to enter unvetted
Investigate only conservative charities
Allow marines to die due to state department incompetence
Get a blow job on the oval office

A drinking buddy? Bush was famous for being a guy "you could grab a beer with"

Interpret the law to his liking? Every president has done this to some degree or another.

Our closest Jewish ally? More like the worlds only Jewish country.

Allowing marines to die? How about the presidents that have sent troops to die for ludicrous reasons? Or on raids that were inadvisable?

BJ in the O.O.? Who the hell cares? If some girl wants to help Trump cheat on Melania with Trump, so be it. His philandering is hardly the worst thing about his character.
The republican party is the party of conservative tradition.
The democratic party is the party of progressive change

Progressives are going crazy because DT has proposed to eliminate lots of government programs. There are too many government programs.
many conflict, others are duplicate.

repubs - who pays for it?
Dems - just add another and soak the rich
The republican party is the party of conservative tradition.
The democratic party is the party of progressive change

Progressives are going crazy because DT has proposed to eliminate lots of government programs. There are too many government programs.
many conflict, others are duplicate.

repubs - who pays for it?
Dems - just add another and soak the rich

We all pay for it. Trump's increase in the military budget just cost us a ton of social programs. We're going to build destroyers while we let a ton of people fall into poverty / not be able to eat / have a worse education / irreparably screw up the environment.
I'm not sure the Dems have much room to talk about spending and people falling into poverty after what we've seen the last 8 years. We added over $9T to the deficit AND had a record number of people fall below the poverty line. We're approaching $20T in debt...maybe it's time we start acting like it and being frugal about our expenditures.
If 'soaking the wealthy" is bad, then the US has a spotless reputation for not doing so.

All the whining about the rich is a campaign funded by the wealthy and foisted on the gullible and angry so they won't see how the system is rigged. The poor and out of work elected DT because things were so bad, and DT seems determined to make them worse while feeding them BS on Twitter about the great job he is doing.
If 'soaking the wealthy" is bad, then the US has a spotless reputation for not doing so.

All the whining about the rich is a campaign funded by the wealthy and foisted on the gullible and angry so they won't see how the system is rigged. The poor and out of work elected DT because things were so bad, and DT seems determined to make them worse while feeding them BS on Twitter about the great job he is doing.

Why do you keep repeating that the poor elected DT? The poor voted overwhelmingly for Hillary. Setting the line at $50k, Clinton carried those under $50k (the poor) while Trump carried those over that line (the non-poor).
People don't "fall" into poverty.

Poverty is a product of poor decisions over a number of years.

People are born into poverty. It's not something that is easily escaped. You grow up in an area where there is little hope and fewer role models. People become dependent upon federal assistance and repeat the cycle.
I'm not sure the Dems have much room to talk about spending and people falling into poverty after what we've seen the last 8 years. We added over $9T to the deficit AND had a record number of people fall below the poverty line. We're approaching $20T in debt...maybe it's time we start acting like it and being frugal about our expenditures.
I agree. Work towards making an international situation where massive military spending isn't necessary. Good plan.
People are born into poverty. It's not something that is easily escaped. You grow up in an area where there is little hope and fewer role models. People become dependent upon federal assistance and repeat the cycle.
I can agree with the first two statements. I don't think being dependent is the thing that makes most people repeat the cycle. It's the lack of true opportunities to advance oneself.

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