Why do Libs riot ?

There are scenario’s where riots like we saw yesterday might be legitimate.... the problem is that yesterday’s was far from legitimate because it was being used by a group of despotic oligarchs for their own benefit.

I don’t disagree. However those who are burning and murdering are not there for legitimate purposes. They are there to commit violence under the guise of a protestor for their own benefit
I don’t disagree. However those who are burning and murdering are not there for legitimate purposes. They are there to commit violence under the guise of a protestor for their own benefit
Hmmm I agree to a point. At some point those things happen when a group with legitimate grievances have ran out of legal options. Take the French Revolution. Legitimate grievances. Not necessarily carried out in the right way, but that doesn’t make the movement inherently bad, nor does it mean that some of the violence was unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. (I know the BLM isn’t on the same level as the French Revolution )

You say that no one has the right to burn down a store, but maybe that store’s owner has been closely tying himself and his business to a cause which you have a legitimate grievance (concerning any of your inalienable rights) with.

I’m not saying you should go out and torch everyone’s property who disagrees with you, but when all civil means of recourse have been explored and failed and you are still being fundamentally wronged on a continuing basis, there comes a point at which the social contract that would guarantee the safety of your neighbor’s property may have been severed by their own actions. That’s basically what Jefferson was arguing in the Declaration of Independence. I’m sure King George was of the mind that no man had the right to usurp his property rights in the colonies.... it’s a good thing that some others saw differently and chose to seize and hold his dominion by force.
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For the most part they are burning down businesses in their own neighborhoods who employ black individuals and are often black owned. A majority of the murdered victims during these riots are also black. They aren’t committing these crimes to get back at those who might have oppressed them. They are committing these crimes against their neighbors. They are driving businesses and jobs out of these areas. They are increasing poverty and joblessness in these areas. They are part of the problem instead of the solution. Again...quit defending murderers. It’s distasteful
For the most part they are burning down businesses in their own neighborhoods who employ black individuals and are often black owned. A majority of the murdered victims during these riots are also black. They aren’t committing these crimes to get back at those who might have oppressed them. They are committing these crimes against their neighbors. They are driving businesses and jobs out of these areas. They are increasing poverty and joblessness in these areas. They are part of the problem instead of the solution. Again...quit defending murderers. It’s distasteful
Quit equating fascistic seditionists trying to disrupt and distort democracy to people peacefully marching in the streets not looting or burning anything.’s distasteful.

Just like you I’ve always advocated that anyone who broke the law (burned a building, looted, or murdered) face appropriate charges given the nature of their crime.
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Meanwhile the “thin blue line” crew just bludgeoned a police officer to death with a fire extinguisher whilst attempting (in their own words) to overthrow the government...

Oh and by the way, two of the people who “died of medical emergencies” in the insurrection were revealed to have died of a heart attack and a stroke.

Its kind of telling that in America the revolutionaries are too out of shape to storm the bastille without keeling over.
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We have no idea if Pence was there and if he were he could have easily been removed from the area through a secure exit.
Yes we do. It has been reported that she, and many others would have broken through what barricade existed there and approached the area where congressmen and Pence were. That was why she was logically, and methodically shot in a heat of the moment decision. It worked.
Meanwhile the “thin blue line” crew just bludgeoned a police officer to death with a fire extinguisher whilst attempting (in their own words) to overthrow the government...

Oh and by the way, two of the people who “died of medical emergencies” in the insurrection were revealed to have died of a heart attack and a stroke.

Its kind of telling that in America the revolutionaries are too out of shape to storm the bastille without keeling over.

First time in the past ten years you’ve even acknowledged a police officer being killed at any of these riots we’ve seen.
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Yes we do. It has been reported that she, and many others would have broken through what barricade existed there and approached the area where congressmen and Pence were. That was why she was logically, and methodically shot in a heat of the moment decision. It worked.

I stated at the outset that I have very little sympathy for these rioters. You fail to follow the instructions of those with the guns expect bad things to occur. I do hope we’re not relying on a desk in front of a door (with a window) and a few cops with hand guns to protect Congress. I assume they have a safe room protected with numerous security personnel with auto weapons. Surely there’s a plan for Congress being attacked by a military style group with auto weapons, etc. That desk and a few hand guns aren’t going to cut it
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She was not shot by the USSS or a member of the Pence detail. Stop making things up aston. She was shot by a plainclothes member of the US Capitol Police.

Im not going to get into the avenues of Exfil in the Senate or the nature of the detail. The Vice President was never under any threat and he wasn’t in the area where the shooting took place and any time relevant to the shooting. There were, however, members of the Senate sheltering in place nearby. Some chose to stay there. Others delayed their departure until it was too late and avenues of escape were cut off. Yes, the improvised physical barriers you see were put up by the cap police.

Nobody makes it into that building if the US Capitol Police were allowed to have adequate federal law enforcement supplements on hand properly trained in riot prevention and crowd control. Nobody gets shot if the US Capitol police were properly trained and prepared. They sumilyThere has been universal apolitical condemnation across the globe of the poor police preparation in this incident.

The DC mayor, a black woman, who is ultimately responsible for supplementing the police presence at the Capitol through long standing cooperative agreements between executive and legislative branch law enforcement agencies, wrote to those agencies on Tuesday, with full knowledge of the nature of the intelligence reports regarding the potential for violence, and vehemently objected to the presence of increased federal law enforcement on scene due to the political optics of their presence on the mall this summer. She also initially objected o the use of supplemental leo and national guard troops until after they had gained entry.

The story may never be told. But the people that know law enforcement crowd control know this incident was entirely preventable.

It was not prevented because of politics.

Whether that was motivated by ego and the Mayor’s desire to appear in control, the Mayor’s good faith belief that it would hurt America to have hundreds of police and military milling around the Capitol, the Mayor’s naive belief that Americans across the political spectrum would never do such a thing, or some other personal motivation based on rivalry or bureaucratic tension, we may never know. It certainly wasn’t some type of racism double standard — though it appears that way and it’s good overall we have focus again on that problem.

We do know that the Democratic leadership is blaming Trump publicly and summarily firing career apolitical public servants in charge of the US Capitol police. You don’t just do that unless you have a firmly held moral conviction and good evidence that those people might not be responsible but they had the last best chance to prevent this and they didn’t.
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It’s not the mayor’s fault. Just stop, Huffy. This is plainly on Trump. You’re better than this.
It’s not the mayor’s fault. Just stop, Huffy. This is plainly on Trump. You’re better than this.
Read more closely. I don’t say it’s her fault. We know where the buck stops. Who know who should have been the adult before this even started. Just the idea of it was sedition. There should be a public hearing or trial on that.

Indeed I explicitly state she wasn’t responsible for the conduct. But she was and is ultimately responsible for the policing and prevention measures that could have stopped this. Police leadership across the globe have condemned her decisions.
Yeah, no. This is the Federalist/ Fox News Talking point today. It’s a damn distraction. When we have the commission on what went wrong, they will look at it and my belief is it has about as much merit as the claim that this was really Antifa.
It’s possible to make catastrophic public protection mistakes without assuming liability or responsibility for the genesis of the violence.

Here, it’s in writing and in advance. And the despicable people that so obviously planned this well financed and coordinated attack could read in the paper the day before that security would be light.
Yeah, no. This is the Federalist/ Fox News Talking point today. It’s a damn distraction. When we have the commission on what went wrong, they will look at it and my belief is it has about as much merit as the claim that this was really Antifa.
It’s on Fox News because the country is demanding answers on how this happened and how it could have been prevented. She plays a very large role. To be clear, there’s no question she was aware of the potential for violence. She still said no cops on the Hill.
It’s on Fox News because their viewers are predominantly stupid, racist, and crappy. It’s a damn distraction. The jewel of the Murdoch empire told Trump to resign. But they still have to keep the My Pillow Guy paying off the sex harassment cases.
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I’m sure by the time your Commission meets the partisan lines will be drawn. And facts won’t be relevant. But in the rush to scoop, we do see glimmers of facts. Like Pelosi summarily sacking those in charge. If she thought there wasn’t a public protection breakdown, and the President bears sole responsibility as you are attempting to suggest, then why are these guys out of a job?

Youre a better lawyer than this. Be objective. Review what you know dispassionately. Or admit maybe others have additional facts or a justifiable point of view from a different perspective.

Well, here’s CNN’s coverage. It’s not a Fox News Cover Up. Pretty clearly states that Justice, the lead agency for the security on the Mall, but not the Capitol, claims they had adequate resources nearby to prevent the breach, but they were told in advance that their help wasn’t needed and by the time it was asked for it was too late.

The answer to the question who was responsible for asking for their help in advance is the Mayor in consultation with the Cap Police, since all the agencies due to prior practice and agreement know the Cap Police must rely on the city for large events and specialized services.

The Mayor told us in writing she wasn’t going to do that and demanded to know in writing if anyone planned to go behind her back.
First time in the past ten years you’ve even acknowledged a police officer being killed at any of these riots we’ve seen.
It’s a bit different to acknowledge police deaths when they defend their coworkers tooth and nail when their coworkers repeatedly kill people of your race unjustifiably and don’t receive any repercussions. The Trump seditionists have no historical qualms with the police. In fact I’ve heard the guy that was killed was a trumper himself.

In any case, I’ve always been of the opinion that neither party, officer or assailant be permanently harmedexcept in extraordinarily defensible cases.
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I’m sure by the time your Commission meets the partisan lines will be drawn. And facts won’t be relevant. But in the rush to scoop, we do see glimmers of facts. Like Pelosi summarily sacking those in charge. If she thought there wasn’t a public protection breakdown, and the President bears sole responsibility as you are attempting to suggest, then why are these guys out of a job?

Youre a better lawyer than this. Be objective. Review what you know dispassionately. Or admit maybe others have additional facts or a justifiable point of view from a different perspective.

Thanks for correcting what I heard. The reports I heard were late that evening, like between 8p-12a, and I can see how in the rush for the scoop, they got that wrong about Pence being there.
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She was not shot by the USSS or a member of the Pence detail. Stop making things up aston. She was shot by a plainclothes member of the US Capitol Police.

Im not going to get into the avenues of Exfil in the Senate or the nature of the detail. The Vice President was never under any threat and he wasn’t in the area where the shooting took place and any time relevant to the shooting. There were, however, members of the Senate sheltering in place nearby. Some chose to stay there. Others delayed their departure until it was too late and avenues of escape were cut off. Yes, the improvised physical barriers you see were put up by the cap police.

Nobody makes it into that building if the US Capitol Police were allowed to have adequate federal law enforcement supplements on hand properly trained in riot prevention and crowd control. Nobody gets shot if the US Capitol police were properly trained and prepared. They sumilyThere has been universal apolitical condemnation across the globe of the poor police preparation in this incident.

The DC mayor, a black woman, who is ultimately responsible for supplementing the police presence at the Capitol through long standing cooperative agreements between executive and legislative branch law enforcement agencies, wrote to those agencies on Tuesday, with full knowledge of the nature of the intelligence reports regarding the potential for violence, and vehemently objected to the presence of increased federal law enforcement on scene due to the political optics of their presence on the mall this summer. She also initially objected o the use of supplemental leo and national guard troops until after they had gained entry.

The story may never be told. But the people that know law enforcement crowd control know this incident was entirely preventable.

It was not prevented because of politics.

Whether that was motivated by ego and the Mayor’s desire to appear in control, the Mayor’s good faith belief that it would hurt America to have hundreds of police and military milling around the Capitol, the Mayor’s naive belief that Americans across the political spectrum would never do such a thing, or some other personal motivation based on rivalry or bureaucratic tension, we may never know. It certainly wasn’t some type of racism double standard — though it appears that way and it’s good overall we have focus again on that problem.

We do know that the Democratic leadership is blaming Trump publicly and summarily firing career apolitical public servants in charge of the US Capitol police. You don’t just do that unless you have a firmly held moral conviction and good evidence that those people might not be responsible but they had the last best chance to prevent this and they didn’t.
I said it was rumored. If it is false, I, unlike a Trump seditionist, will happily withdraw my comment if it is a proven falsehood, regarding it being a secret service member.
I said it was rumored. If it is false, I, unlike a Trump seditionist, will happily withdraw my comment if it is a proven falsehood, regarding it being a secret service member.
Hahaha. OK. Fair. The Cap Police issued a press release confirming it was one of their and the typical admin suspension etc.
due to his actions or in-actions Trump is responsible and should be held accountable.

we recently saw riots and seisures in several cities where the public officials failed to react or just allowed them to continue. Why arent they being held accountable?
She was not shot by the USSS or a member of the Pence detail. Stop making things up aston. She was shot by a plainclothes member of the US Capitol Police.

Im not going to get into the avenues of Exfil in the Senate or the nature of the detail. The Vice President was never under any threat and he wasn’t in the area where the shooting took place and any time relevant to the shooting. There were, however, members of the Senate sheltering in place nearby. Some chose to stay there. Others delayed their departure until it was too late and avenues of escape were cut off. Yes, the improvised physical barriers you see were put up by the cap police.

Nobody makes it into that building if the US Capitol Police were allowed to have adequate federal law enforcement supplements on hand properly trained in riot prevention and crowd control. Nobody gets shot if the US Capitol police were properly trained and prepared. They sumilyThere has been universal apolitical condemnation across the globe of the poor police preparation in this incident.

The DC mayor, a black woman, who is ultimately responsible for supplementing the police presence at the Capitol through long standing cooperative agreements between executive and legislative branch law enforcement agencies, wrote to those agencies on Tuesday, with full knowledge of the nature of the intelligence reports regarding the potential for violence, and vehemently objected to the presence of increased federal law enforcement on scene due to the political optics of their presence on the mall this summer. She also initially objected o the use of supplemental leo and national guard troops until after they had gained entry.

The story may never be told. But the people that know law enforcement crowd control know this incident was entirely preventable.

It was not prevented because of politics.

Whether that was motivated by ego and the Mayor’s desire to appear in control, the Mayor’s good faith belief that it would hurt America to have hundreds of police and military milling around the Capitol, the Mayor’s naive belief that Americans across the political spectrum would never do such a thing, or some other personal motivation based on rivalry or bureaucratic tension, we may never know. It certainly wasn’t some type of racism double standard — though it appears that way and it’s good overall we have focus again on that problem.

We do know that the Democratic leadership is blaming Trump publicly and summarily firing career apolitical public servants in charge of the US Capitol police. You don’t just do that unless you have a firmly held moral conviction and good evidence that those people might not be responsible but they had the last best chance to prevent this and they didn’t.

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