What the H3ll is wrong with the Minneapolis Police?

It's only because he (or rather, the people close to him) know that opening his mouth will make things worse. This has actually been the moment in his presidency where he has perhaps shown the most restraint. If he opened his mouth, you know he would say something vile and incite more riots. Trump being eerily quiet is leaving a profound leadership vacuum, but this is vastly preferable to his style of "leadership".

Biden always says weird stuff, and even though comments like the one you posted are certainly not helping, I agree he still comes out ahead. At least his stuff you can kind of laugh at because you know he just isn't thinking and won't double or triple down on a "Cops should shoot people in the legs!" twitter campaign.

They just need to script him some stuff a reasonable person would say and then rush him away to make sure he doesn't take any questions or ad-lib. Or better yet, have a joint address with our former president whose words are mostly likely to have a positive impact on the nature of the protests
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They just need to script him some stuff a reasonable person would say and then rush him away to make sure he doesn't take any questions or ad-lib. Or better yet, have a joint address with our former president whose words are mostly likely to have a positive impact on the nature of the protests
I fail to see how George W. Bush, Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton could help this situation.
Pretty well locks it up buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons

Out of 237 instances of the use of neck restraints since 2015 (chokeholds, knees to the neck etc...) the Minneapolis PD reported 44 instances of people passing out. Now, I'll argue that there could be an occasion where a chokehold might be necessary in a last resort. But this was an incident waiting to happen. And from what I've seen of some cops standing on the other sides of these protests, police bruatility like this are going to continue to happen until police departments across the country are reformed.
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I think Jimmy Carter and Queen Elizabeth must share a geriatric doctor.
Jimmy Carter's presidency was marred by a few things outside his control and the Iran hostage situation (which was largely driven by Carter's role in trying to help broker a peace deal between Israel and the PLO, among other things). Carter has been a much more effective negotiator and influence around the world AFTER leaving the White House. He's also that Christian who walks the walk...he gives his time and his money to a ton of worthwhile causes.

And you all know Trump is never going to willingly invite a black man he's not paying to stump for him into the White House. buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons

Out of 237 instances of the use of neck restraints since 2015 (chokeholds, knees to the neck etc...) the Minneapolis PD reported 44 instances of people passing out. Now, I'll argue that there could be an occasion where a chokehold might be necessary in a last resort. But this was an incident waiting to happen. And from what I've seen of some cops standing on the other sides of these protests, police bruatility like this are going to continue to happen until police departments across the country are reformed.

I'm pretty certain that kneeling on someone's neck isn't taught either though. It's probably just lazy and/or sadistic officers. I was trained in detaining people and how to handle resistance. You have to be rough with them to a point - to get them on the ground and keep them there, but kneeling on a person's neck is not something you do.
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I'm pretty certain that kneeling on someone's neck isn't taught either though. It's probably just lazy and/or sadistic officers. I was trained in detaining people and how to handle resistance. You have to be rough with them to a point - to get them on the ground and keep them there, but kneeling on a person's neck is not something you do.

Yup....most cops are very good people who do a very difficult and stressful job. Unfortunately there are a handful of assholes who are in it for the power trip. No amount of training will change that group. Best strategy is to identify and eliminate from the force imo.
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Yup....most cops are very good people who do a very difficult and stressful job. Unfortunately there are a handful of assholes who are in it for the power trip. No amount of training will change that group. Best strategy is to identify and eliminate from the force imo.
Cops are held accountable for their actions, bad guys aren't.
Cops have rules they must follow, bad guys dont.
<Eyeroll> But we all know they all don't and the ones who don't make it worse for those that do. That goes for cops, civilians, and any other civil service/military service profession. And worse yet, they have this internal gang type mentality that snitches end up in ditches. What on Earth would ever compel a good cop to turn in a bad cop knowing there was retribution coming from a loose cannon who legally can carry a weapon wherever he wants?

And you're assuming the cops follow the rules equally for all people they encounter...which they don't and it's on video for everyone to see. Again, it's unfortunate we have this number of incidents which generally makes the public feel that "cops are racist". It becomes worse when those cops are almost NEVER held fully accountable for their actions. And some union lawyer will explain it away in a court, the cops buddies will even lie in their testimony about the guy struggling and resisting and this guy is going to end up walking like the Rodney King cops did...then you want to see all hell break loose?
Yup....most cops are very good people who do a very difficult and stressful job. Unfortunately there are a handful of assholes who are in it for the power trip. No amount of training will change that group. Best strategy is to identify and eliminate from the force imo.
I think we underestimate the ratio of assholes per goodguy. I also think that their training should do better to weed out the assholes. It says something that there are so many who not only make the force, but enjoy long careers where they have many complaints against them.

I saw an interesting quote the other day.... No one ever wrote a song called "F the Firefighters". It's the guys that lust for authority that are the most dangerous.
(Purportedly) Innocent bystander in Louisville shot by the National Guard. I'm sure Mr. McConnell will be apologizing for this very soon /s.

Innocent bystander in Louisville shot by the National Guard. I'm sure Mr. McConnell will be apologizing for this very soon /s.

And this is what happens when POTUS encourages this. Back in the 90s he said the Chinese government showed great strength in killing the protesters in Tianneman Sq. In his quote yesterday, he told the governors they needed to show more strength and toughness. That they were not strong enough.

And here's another thing. You have him and GOP strategists calling all these protesters ANTIFA. There's ZERO proof that any of this is related to that. However, there have been several incidents caught on video that some of the "protesters" involved in inciting the violence are actually MAGAts. One of the first pictures that came out about a person of interest in MPLS with regards to the violence on the 1st night was a former MN State Trooper who was a known white supremacist. We know it's not above the Koch Brothers to pay groups of small dicks to show up on the door steps of state houses armed to the hilt to protest shelter in place orders.

And most of the looters are opportunists. They're not protesters. They don't care one way or the other...they just know the cops are tied up and aren't going to respond to a smashed window at a jewelry store.
And here's another thing. You have him and GOP strategists calling all these protesters ANTIFA. There's ZERO proof that any of this is related to that. However, there have been several incidents caught on video that some of the "protesters" involved in inciting the violence are actually MAGAts. One of the first pictures that came out about a person of interest in MPLS with regards to the violence on the 1st night was a former MN State Trooper who was a known white supremacist. We know it's not above the Koch Brothers to pay groups of small dicks to show up on the door steps of state houses armed to the hilt to protest shelter in place orders.

And most of the looters are opportunists. They're not protesters. They don't care one way or the other...they just know the cops are tied up and aren't going to respond to a smashed window at a jewelry store.

There is video after video showing pasty antifa (and black bloc anarchist) freaks destroying crap and being told by black protesters to cut it out. Riots attract all kinds of bad people, but this is the same kind of crap we see from antifa and anarchists time after time and the level of coordination that's been seen again points to them.

I also don't really see how people on the left can square "these riots are understandable and at times a legitimate form of protest" with "these riots are being done by white supremacists."
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(Purportedly) Innocent bystander in Louisville shot by the National Guard. I'm sure Mr. McConnell will be apologizing for this very soon /s.

I'll let this play out before I accuse anyone of shooting any bystander. Pretty standard for the national guard to be called in during riots. Not sure what McConnell is apologizing for here. 7 people were shot on Thursday in Louisville during the protest/riots. The NG absolutely needed to be called in to prevent those types of numbers to continue.
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I'll let this play out before I accuse anyone of shooting any bystander. Pretty standard for the national guard to be called in during riots. Not sure what McConnell is apologizing for here. 7 people were shot on Thursday along in Louisville during the protest/riots. The NG absolutely needed to be called in to prevent those types of numbers to continue.
From all that's being reported, the guy wasn't agro towards the police. He would feed them for free at his barbecue stand. Seems like they probably shot the wrong person (if they should have shot someone at all)
From all that's being reported, the guy wasn't agro towards the police. He would feed them for free at his barbecue stand. Seems like they probably shot the wrong person (if they should have shot someone at all)

I think we both agree there should be consequences for the guy who shot him if the report by the family is accurate. However, based on the events there on Thursday, I have a hard time faulting the decision to call in the guard.
I think we both agree there should be consequences for the guy who shot him if the report by the family is accurate. However, based on the events there on Thursday, I have a hard time faulting the decision to call in the guard.
I wasn't faulting the calling of the guard... maybe just their failure to protect the innocent and to punish the unjust. That's on the state / feds.
Jimmy Carter's presidency was marred by a few things outside his control and the Iran hostage situation (which was largely driven by Carter's role in trying to help broker a peace deal between Israel and the PLO, among other things). Carter has been a much more effective negotiator and influence around the world AFTER leaving the White House. He's also that Christian who walks the walk...he gives his time and his money to a ton of worthwhile causes.

And you all know Trump is never going to willingly invite a black man he's not paying to stump for him into the White House.
That’s a pretty good fairy tale. Iran is a religious oligarchy. The USA covertly paid the religious leadership vast sums not to over throw the Shah. They were incredibly greedy and lazy. Eventually the Shah became so marginalized with the people, and so much destabilizing money was pumped in from Russia who was eager for a winter ocean port only possible through regime change, that the mulahs had to move on the Shah to avoid religious and secular extremists. It didn’t work. But they still wanted their covert checks from the USA. Carter refused to pay. The religious extremists with the backing of the religious hierarchy overthrew the Shah. And they took the hostages to try to force the resumption of payments and the unfreezing of bank accounts of key religious leaders who had previous payoffs in US banks. They dressed it up as religious extremism, but it was simply a state actor kidnapping scheme. Reagan promised to resume the payments in exchange for certain actions and inactions in the region, as well as the shipment of arms to the contras. That’s why they were realized as Reagan took office and it led to what we now call the Iran/Contra affair because people in Congress loyal to Jimmy Carter refused to accept how the Middle East works.

The Iran situation was the most glaring example of a leader from a powerful nation projecting his own inner weakness onto the national stage. His response to people freezing to death from high heating oil prices was to go on TV from his mansion and tell people with cold kids to put on a sweater. He stripped the military of its training and inter-service coordination budget and pretended to blame the Delta Force crash in Iran on a sand storm. I could go on and on.
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Police Pepper Sprayed a 70 Year Old US Congresswoman along with a city council member..... I'm sure she was really threatening them. /s

The police reaction to this in many cities has been atrocious. Luckily, in some cities (like Tulsa) the police response has been much more communal and supportive of the protester's messages.
I've seen so many videos of officers just going around and indiscriminately shooting projectiles at or pepper spraying non-violent attendees and media members so often it's appalling.
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What I keep thinking when I see what's been happening in the past 4 years....

This. Is. The. Darkest. Timeline.
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Without context what am I supposed to think about that?
The guy hadn’t done anything. The crowd hadn’t done anything. They were’t belligerent. They were kneeling. Still the cops grabbed the guy and drug him off. It’s practically Hong Kong.
I have zero idea what was going on in that video. Where were they? Why were their that many cops there? They led the kid away but why? Both sides seemed quite calm. Would like more info.

Compared to a lot of the violence we’ve seen on the streets that was quite benign.
I have zero idea what was going on in that video. Where were they? Why were their that many cops there? They led the kid away but why? Both sides seemed quite calm. Would like more info.

Compared to a lot of the violence we’ve seen on the streets that was quite benign.
No one in the crowd knew why he was taken either. That’s the point. People are speculating that the PD’s are trying to sequester the voices that are leading the crowds (probably to maintain order, but it’s unconstitutional if he’s constitutionally exercising his rights)
No one in the crowd knew why he was taken either. That’s the point. People are speculating that the PD’s are trying to sequester the voices that are leading the crowds (probably to maintain order, but it’s unconstitutional if he’s constitutionally exercising his rights)

I understand but where were they? Why was their such a large police presence? Hell...what city are they in?
Without context what am I supposed to think about that?
I'll give you what context I know. The rioting and violence had calmed down when the man spoke, and the protesters were simply kneeling, standing, as the man spoke. That much you saw. And it was an hour+ before curfew. What was not given in context, was that the police were trying to break up a hotspot of the riot which had been in that same place before it calmed down. So they said that they needed to move out of the area, or be arrested. The fact that they arrested the man speaking when tensions calmed down, was why the protestors were upset. They felt it was inhibiting freedom of speech, when that man had not even been involved in the violence. In fact he was one of the protestors that had earlier in the day, volunteered to clean up some of the damage done by looters. He was going around and helping put up playwood on the buildings that had been broken into.
Charleston, SC in a public square.(Marion Square)

Thanks. Police presence was apparently there due to the previous nights violence.

1). Don’t think he should have been arrested until curfew was broken
2). Should have been wearing a mask and social distancing :).
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The guy hadn’t done anything. The crowd hadn’t done anything. They were’t belligerent. They were kneeling. Still the cops grabbed the guy and drug him off. It’s practically Hong Kong.

Ok maybe but the video doesn’t tell me anything. Did they grab him for something he did earlier? Did they just pull him over to talk to him? Do we even know if he was arrested?
There’s been a protest organized in my city. I support the overall message that police brutality needs to end and the perpetrators need to be punished and that it is an issue specifically evident in communities of color.

However; I’m honestly weary to go to one of these protests in support due to A) the chances of something bad happening with some wacko-ultra right wingers that my state is filled with or B) the chances that my fellow protestors don’t see the same non-violent path towards a solution that I see.

I suppose I may have to choose to skip it and support the underlying cause with my votes in November instead. I’m honestly disheartened though. I feel that this is important and I feel like a coward. I have a friend And fraternity brother who is a TU alum as his wife. They’re both white and they both attended a non-violent action in KC recently, I was never so proud of this guy as I was when I saw that. He was always quiet when it came to politics in a fraternity that was dominated by the voices of several blustery conservatives... but he’s finally found a voice and he displayed courage. More than I can say for myself.
Until the protestors stop the violence I wouldn’t risk going to a protest. Now 30 years ago I would probably have been there. The protest tonight at Woodland Hills has apparently broken down into store windows being smashed and fights in the crowd. Many of the car dealerships in that area have moved every car from their lots. Weird seeing the empty lots.

Some dude just drove a car through a group of cops in Buffalo. Looked bad for a couple of them. Hopefully this stops soon.