What the H3ll is wrong with the Minneapolis Police?

This cop crossed the line, heads need to roll.

I wonder how many other interfaces
(hundreds of thousands) between a white cop and a person of color occur in a day with a satifactory outcome, but this one becomes the poster child.
Most of the time police interactions are benign. Obviously.

But you say that like this is an isolated incident that had never happened before. This sort of thing has been happening since Rodney King(or before, but that was the original ‘caught on camera’ incident) and nothing has changed. Police kill or maim someone needlessly, and nothing much happens to prevent it from happening again. There are more needless deaths due to police force than can be counted. And they are disproportionately black, even after accounting for higher arrest rates in general amongst black people (which is a whole other can of worms that I’ll set aside for the moment).

I don’t hate cops. They have a hard job and I appreciate them and the work they do. But we can’t ignore the structural problems that obviously exist in their training programs and the work culture that keep producing these kinds of results. Ignoring it has led to riots. I’m not saying that riots are good or justified, but I’m saying you can only ignore a problem for so long without addressing it before this happens.
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It's incredibly sad how much good will has been wasted by the riots (riots that Floyd's family does not want), not to mention the additional deaths. It's pretty rare you get nearly the entire country unanimous in saying "this cop should be in jail and things need to change."

It's also been odd seeing wealthy white elites on tv justifying the torching of poor minority neighborhoods, often by white protesters. Some of these places will not recover for a long time, if ever.
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at least two people have been killed in the protest. ( no police involved)

death count;
cops 1
protesters 2
at least two people have been killed in the protest. ( no police involved)

death count;
cops 1
protesters 2

contract security officer for the Federal Protective Service: 1
protestors: 4(3 in Indiana)

My guess is there was some involvement of white supremacists with some if not all of the 4 protestors.
contract security officer for the Federal Protective Service: 1
protestors: 4(3 in Indiana)

My guess is there was some involvement of white supremacists with some if not all of the 4 protestors.

White supremacists? I realize a couple Minnesota pols threw that out there to cover their asses but the evidence for there being any meaningful presence is pretty much nill
White supremacists? I realize a couple Minnesota pols threw that out there to cover their asses but the evidence for there being any meaningful presence is pretty much nill
I just had seen an unsubstantiated report here and there about WS. Thought it would only make sense, seeing as how I would figure the black community wouldn't be taking aim at itself during the protests. Also WS are always talking about the imminent race war, and figured they wouldn't miss this chance to 'make it happen'. So maybe not?
Haven’t seen many white supremist in the video clips. Certain I didn’t see any in the clip of the Dallas man being murdered by the mob. Can we be outraged by the cop killing the handcuffed guy AND be outraged by the looting, destruction of neighborhoods, and murder by those rioting ? Sad thing is most of the destruction we’re seeing is being done in the black communities. There will always be bad cops. Firing them the first time they demonstrate bad behavior would be a good start imo. I’ve dealt with bad cops. Had guns drawn on me multiple times almost all of which were completely uncalled for. Cops get far too many chances imo.
Hadn't seen anything on the Dallas murder.

contract security officer for the Federal Protective Service: 1
protestors: 5(3 in Indiana)
Hadn't seen anything on the Dallas murder.

contract security officer for the Federal Protective Service: 1
protestors: 5(3 in Indiana)

Unfortunately it was filmed. Group of rioters. Pretty awful. Time for everyone to calm down and work on solutions. We have protestors right now in Tulsa walking around armed to the teeth. Something really bad is going to happen if this continues
Unfortunately it was filmed. Group of rioters. Pretty awful. Time for everyone to calm down and work on solutions. We have protestors right now in Tulsa walking around armed to the teeth. Something really bad is going to happen if this continues
Yeah, I just looked it up, and watched it. Absolutely awful. He should have left it to his insurance, and not been there with a weapon. Can't tell from the reports how it came to pass. Some reports say people were there protesting peacefully, and he charged them with his machete/sword. Others say there were protesters attempting to loot his store, and he was defending it. Either way he shouldn't have been there with a weapon. That's just asking for trouble with angry protestors looking for an excuse. He had justification to defend his store. But he should have realized that it would have been an explosive situation, that would end up with his and/or others injuries/deaths.
Just saw another full video, and he was trying to run away. That's the point the rioters were definitely to blame. The video I saw in the above post was just the clip where he went down and they were kicking him.
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Where is the white leadership.

You act as if there is one group/man/woman who could stop this.
They can't seem to get their facts straight in the media. I've now seen three fairly recent reports that say there is one, two, and three dead in Indiana.
They can't seem to get their facts straight in the media. I've now seen three fairly recent reports that say there is one, two, and three dead in Indiana.
They killed a cop randomly in a drive by in Oakland.
They killed a cop randomly in a drive by in Oakland.
Yeah, he was a Contract Federal Protective Services Security Officer. I don't consider that a cop. A cop to me is an Oakland police officer or a California highway patrolman. But in all reality, the people who shot him just saw a vehicle with law enforcement in writing on the side of the car. So it's potato, potatoe on their intentions.

That was not what I was talking about though. I was talking about the (3,2,1), protesters killed in Indiana? Protestors dead stands at 3, 4, or 5 + The Protective Services Officer. Nothing out there right now gives an absolute accurate account because of the difficulty with the Indiana count.
Unfortunately it was filmed. Group of rioters. Pretty awful. Time for everyone to calm down and work on solutions. We have protestors right now in Tulsa walking around armed to the teeth. Something really bad is going to happen if this continues
The guys wasn’t murdered and he was chasing people around with a freaking sword.
Not to get off topic here with people choosing their sides... but can we all acknowledge that the country can’t afford many more of these police brutality incidence if these cities can regain order?

It’s getting really bad out there on all sides. Rioters, looters, racists with weapons, cops overreacting to protesters and reporters... this is what civil wars look like in the beginning.

I give credit to the cops and protesters who are proceeding in a civil fashion and protecting each other and businesses while still trying to insure justice for every citizen.

I think we also need to re-examine our previous opinions on non-violent forms of protest like Kaepernick undertook. I would consider it far superior to this outcome which was practically insured when he was ostracized and mistreated by his employers and the right wing.

I’d also like to note that non of the anti-quarantine protesters were maimed by rubber police bullets when they stormed the state capitol in violation of the law and in violation of public safety.
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We’re at a tipping point imo. One or two incidents away from a major upswing in violence. A buddy of mine was attacked by a mob last night walking back to his car in Dallas. Broken facial bones, ribs, etc...he was lucky. Dallas in on the edge tonight as are a number of cities. Citizens are arming themselves (in Texas they were of course already armed). I’m not a religious person but I did say a prayer for our country tonight. The violence must end and soon. Time for calm and solutions before we reach a point where we are talking about the violence and murders and not the act which sparked this uproar.
We’re at a tipping point imo. One or two incidents away from a major upswing in violence. A buddy of mine was attacked by a mob last night walking back to his car in Dallas. Broken facial bones, ribs, etc...he was lucky. Dallas in on the edge tonight as are a number of cities. Citizens are arming themselves (in Texas they were of course already armed). I’m not a religious person but I did say a prayer for our country tonight. The violence must end and soon. Time for calm and solutions before we reach a point where we are talking about the violence and murders and not the act which sparked this uproar.
My advice? Admonish the violent. Listen to the peacemakers. Insure criminals (Black, white, brown, or blue) are safely and fairly shown justice in proportion to their offenses.
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My advice? Admonish the violent. Listen to the peacemakers. Insure criminals (Black, white, brown, or blue) are safely and fairly shown justice in proportion to their offenses.

Agree. The problem is the longer the protests and accompanying violence continues the greater the likelihood of something really bad occurring on a mass scale. Suppose the bright (or dark) side is people don’t seem to be concerned about covid19 at the moment
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We have protestors right now in Tulsa walking around armed to the teeth. Something really bad is going to happen if this continues
On Brookside? Looked like a bunch of white people interspersed with a few blacks. At it's peak, it reached 200 people? Fake riot, for the fake news, with the fake police throwing pepper spray and tear gas to hold the line at 41st and Peoria.(and allow pramedics to attend to someone's health.) Come on. Nothing really happened, and everybody wanted to pretend like it did. I understand the police's move to hold it at 41st though. If it gets to 51st/61st then we're talking about the black populace of the neighborhood going up, and it maybe turns into a real(but still minor) riot.
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On Brookside? Looked like a bunch of white people interspersed with a few blacks. At it's peak, it reached 200 people? Fake riot, for the fake news, with the fake police throwing pepper spray and tear gas to hold the line at 41st and Peoria.(and allow pramedics to attend to someones health.) Come on. Nothing really happened, and everybody wanted to pretend like it did. I understand the police's move to hold it at 41st though. If it gets to 51st/61st then we're talking about the black populace of the neighborhood going up, and it maybe turns into a real(but still minor) riot.

Idk a bunch of the rioters have been fat white antifa LARPers.
Idk a bunch of the rioters have been fat white antifa LARPers.
I just saw a video of what happened at 244. with the truck and trailer running through the crowd earlier today. That was a real protest, with a decent amount of fairly mixed races.(at least a couple of thousand) What I saw late on Brookside was not a real protest, very sparsely populated.
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Probably shouldn’t be on the highway though. People get scared being surrounded by a crowd and you’re liable to get run over
I don't think that guy was terribly scared, driving what looked like a one ton dually, and putting a gun on the dashboard right before he threatened protesters. But I guess he could've been covering up his fear.

In any case the police should be removing people from highways swiftly. I realize they’re in a tough spot right now but people have been shutting down highways every day. It’s their job to make sure unsafe situations like that are handled
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Probably shouldn’t be on the highway though. People get scared being surrounded by a crowd and you’re liable to get run over
Sounded like it was a bit of not knowing what was going on, that led to fear. A black lady in front of the truck had some sort of emergency going on and the crowd let her pass. The truck probably didn't know she had an emergency, tried to follow her through, then got blocked. He probably thought it was because she was black that she was let through, and the reason that he was being blocked was because he wasn't black. He took it up a notch when he put his gun on the dash, and then said let me through.

It's easy to see how he might have been scared at that point, having his truck being hit by fists and water bottles. It is a logical thing to understand that he thought he needed to get out of there, to avoid getting pulled out of the vehicle. It's a catch 22 type of situation about your fears of what could happen, and what would happen if you pull through the crowd inflicting damage on the protestors.
As we finish 3 month of hibernation due to covid19, we are now in lockown due to people having a tantrum like a 3 year old.
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Sounded like it was a bit of not knowing what was going on, that led to fear. A black lady in front of the truck had some sort of emergency going on and the crowd let her pass. The truck probably didn't know she had an emergency, tried to follow her through, then got blocked. He probably thought it was because she was black that she was let through, and the reason that he was being blocked was because he wasn't black. He took it up a notch when he put his gun on the dash, and then said let me through.

It's easy to see how he might have been scared at that point, having his truck being hit by fists and water bottles. It is a logical thing to understand that he thought he needed to get out of there, to avoid getting pulled out of the vehicle. It's a catch 22 type of situation about your fears of what could happen, and what would happen if you pull through the crowd inflicting damage on the protestors.

I believe this situation was a bit more complicated due to the horses. If you watch the video the protesters had pulled down the back gate of the trailer (something which takes a bit of work). In addition those trailers aren't meant to house horses in the sun for any extended period of time and not be moving due to the heat buildup. It would have been a very dangerous scene if those people had taken the next step and actually had opened those doors and let a bunch of very frightened 1200 lb animals out in the middle of that mass of people. I do believe the driver had every reason to believe they were intending to let those animals out after they unlatched the back gate. Like I said...just a bad situation.
On second thought, letting everyone out of jail due to CoVid might not have been a good idea ...
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Oh Joe lol. This kind of ignorance of how shooting a handgun works will never not amuse me

edit: the cbs news anchor has already deleted it
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And before anyone asks, Donald Trump's response to this has been embarrassingly bad. Somehow he's managed to be both unhinged and too passive all at once. People seem to think this helps him get re-elected, but I don't know how you run on "law and order" when you haven't said or done anything to stop 4 days of cities being torched
I have been pleasantly surprised by the peaceful nature of protests in New Mexico.

Here in Los Alamos, a relatively wealthy and isolated small town of ~10,000 people with little to no friction with the police, we had a protest yesterday evening with about 200 people showing up. The police chief showed up for the event and thanked the organizers for expressing their opinion in a peaceful way.

Protests also occurred in Santa Fe and Albuquerque (and I am sure other places), but there are no reports of any violence by either the police or the protestors. That was particularly surprising for Albuquerque, where the police force has historically been one of the more trigger happy forces in the country, and where protestors are also known to be less restrained.

Just a bit of good news. I know the country seems to be coming apart at the seams, but it gives me hope that things can change. When a quiet bedroom community like Los Alamos is protesting police brutality, you can be pretty sure that the general population has had enough and wants things to change. And when Albuquerque is protesting peacefully, you can also be pretty sure that something different is happening.
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And before anyone asks, Donald Trump's response to this has been embarrassingly bad. Somehow he's managed to be both unhinged and too passive all at once. People seem to think this helps him get re-elected, but I don't know how you run on "law and order" when you haven't said or done anything to stop 4 days of cities being torched
It's only because he (or rather, the people close to him) know that opening his mouth will make things worse. This has actually been the moment in his presidency where he has perhaps shown the most restraint. If he opened his mouth, you know he would say something vile and incite more riots. Trump being eerily quiet is leaving a profound leadership vacuum, but this is vastly preferable to his style of "leadership".

Biden always says weird stuff, and even though comments like the one you posted are certainly not helping, I agree he still comes out ahead. At least his stuff you can kind of laugh at because you know he just isn't thinking and won't double or triple down on a "Cops should shoot unarmed people in the legs!" twitter campaign.