We need to declare war.


I.T.S. Hall of Famer
Apr 17, 2012
On Covid 19. In 2001, planes crashed into two buildings. All in all, the death toll on 9/11 was nearly 3,000 with 6,000 being injured. We're bound to surpass that number of deaths in a few days, with many more sick. If you want to boost the economy, put the people who can work, to work combating the outbreak. Make more ventilators, more testing kits, more inhalers, etc... nationalize (temporarily) the means of production. This might be our generation's great crusade. We need to treat it like a legitimate enemy.

We had a chance to prepare. We had a chance to stop this. We missed our chances.

Who would have ever predicted that our terrible healthcare system would put us into peril? /s

Btw, I have a pretty significant cough with what seems like lung congestion at the moment. Went to my cities' respiratory clinic and they wouldn't / couldn't give me a test due to my younger age and lack of prior medical conditions. I'm fairly sure I'm the early to middle stages of this virus myself. In the meantime my office isn't closing because my state's governor doesn't believe the outbreak is serious enough yet in our state. Meanwhile, the clinic is turning patients that probably have it, back to their homes. The numbers we're seeing in terms of how many people already have this virus are gigantically under estimated.

I feel lucky to have even gotten a prescription for an inhaler (which we're running out of already). I'm hoping I can recover prior to needing any medications refilled, because I doubt I will be able to get them later on... which makes me really worry for my wife who could show signs soon.
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Hopefully you don't have it. About 85% of people tested that had symptoms ended up testing negative so here's hoping you're not in the 15%.

Our healthcare system isn't terrible though. We have the highest ICU capacity per capita in the world (nearly three times as high as Italy and nearly 6 times as high as the UK). But there will still be shortages in major outbreak areas because this is an unusual event.
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Hopefully you don't have it. About 85% of people tested that had symptoms ended up testing negative so here's hoping you're not in the 15%.

Our healthcare system isn't terrible though. We have the highest ICU capacity per capita in the world (nearly three times as high as Italy and nearly 6 times as high as the UK). But there will still be shortages in major outbreak areas because this is an unusual event.
I'm talking about access. Our healthcare system is awful when it comes to access. It's also awful when it comes to materials. We could have been much, much, better prepared for this if we had mobilized sooner.
Hopefully you don't have it. About 85% of people tested that had symptoms ended up testing negative so here's hoping you're not in the 15%.

Our healthcare system isn't terrible though. We have the highest ICU capacity per capita in the world (nearly three times as high as Italy and nearly 6 times as high as the UK). But there will still be shortages in major outbreak areas because this is an unusual event.
How many of those tests were from China? ;-).

I disagree that our healthcare system isn't terrible. The access to healthcare is terrible. The reason the other countries don't have as many ICU beds, is largely because they don't need as many ICU beds. When you keep your population healthier over time, they tend to not have as many sudden detrimental episodes that require ICU's. Moreover, beds only help when they have the required equipment to provide care along with them. It doesn't help to have an open bed, when you're short on ventilators.
How many of those tests were from China? ;-).

I disagree that our healthcare system isn't terrible. The access to healthcare is terrible. The reason the other countries don't have as many ICU beds, is largely because they don't need as many ICU beds. When you keep your population healthier over time, they tend to not have as many sudden detrimental episodes that require ICU's. Moreover, beds only help when they have the required equipment to provide care along with them. It doesn't help to have an open bed, when you're short on ventilators.

Let's hope very few.

On the surface that's a logical assumption to make, but the US is among the lowest in the world in Occupancy % as well.
How many test kits would have been the correct number? Do they have a shelf life?
Are there other things we need test kits for?
During the 2018-19 influenza season, there were 490,000 hospitalizations due to flu and 34,000 deaths. And yet, no one was hollering about lack of hospital beds, or terrible access. So far with covid, there are 85,000 total confirmed cases, the vast majority of which do not require hospitalization. But now we are supposed to have this terrible shortage of capacity? According to my buddies I have been talking to, there are plenty of beds available. Hospitals are quite slow right now, because they are postponing so many ordinary procedures.

Now that we are testing more people, the CFR of covid is going down, almost daily. Likely to end up less than .1%. Likely will end up less than influenza.

There are 41 confirmed cases in Tulsa county, with a population of 646,000. I don't know where you live, so I just use what I know as an example. You have a cough and congestion. And yet, you think you deserve a test. Why? And how would that change things if you had the test? What would you do differently?
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And your sad sad video doesn't impress me. I know you want to blame her predicament on Trump. Governor Cuomo refused to purchase more emergency ventilators in 2015 due to funding concerns. Cuomo was presented the need for more than the 1,750 the state had, he declined.

AG Barr threatened to go after entities who were hoarding N-95 masks. Lo and behold, the SEIU miraculously found 39 million masks in storage. Let that sink in.

Basically, a covid patient on a vent= death. So far, there are studies that up to 79 different drugs are showing good potential to eradicate covid. Are you hearing that anywhere? Maybe that ER doc should have been doing some research.
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First...prayers sent to Aston. Get well buddy.

Now....our health system isn't terrible. Health systems in places like Canada, UK, etc...all have similar problems with accessibility. Can we do better....absolutely. However, looking at other systems in the West (Italy, Spain, UK, Germany, etc..) I expect our handling of this crisis to be at or near the top.

Can we stop the "we had our chance to stop this" nonsense. Show me a populous country with international travel, similar culture, which stopped this virus. I suppose an blanket travel ban from outside our borders might have had a chance. However, no one was willing to implement such a restriction nor did anyone else in the world. Currently, we aren't willing to do on a local and state level what it would take to stop thing thing (ala China). Measures such as sealing off NYC. Locking building identified as hot spots. Removing the infected by force from their homes to some unknown location to protect other members of the household. We have taken steps never seen in this country to limit the spread of the virus. I believe we will see changes in our health care system going forward due to this crisis such as requiring hospitals carry more vents, masks, etc...

The final tally which we will judge our handling of this crisis is of course deaths. People seem to have conveniently forgotten the 80k people died in the US of the common flu two years ago. Any number close to that for this pandemic would be a huge win for this country. Fingers crossed. Let's keep things in perspective.
During the 2018-19 influenza season, there were 490,000 hospitalizations due to flu and 34,000 deaths. And yet, no one was hollering about lack of hospital beds, or terrible access. So far with covid, there are 85,000 total confirmed cases, the vast majority of which do not require hospitalization. But now we are supposed to have this terrible shortage of capacity? According to my buddies I have been talking to, there are plenty of beds available. Hospitals are quite slow right now, because they are postponing so many ordinary procedures.

Now that we are testing more people, the CFR of covid is going down, almost daily. Likely to end up less than .1%. Likely will end up less than influenza.

There are 41 confirmed cases in Tulsa county, with a population of 646,000. I don't know where you live, so I just use what I know as an example. You have a cough and congestion. And yet, you think you deserve a test. Why? And how would that change things if you had the test? What would you do differently?
Theoretically, if I was able to get a test, we would know if people at my office whom I had interactions with (handing papers and such) should be tested as well, and if my office should be closed to try and stop the spread, or if there are just a few people that I might have transmitted it to and they should stay home while everyone else continues to work.

More importantly, the #'s on infections we're seeing are huge underestimates as people like me, who didn't show significant symptoms for a while were spreading the virus around and weren't able to be tested. The reason this is important is the incubation period for this disease is much longer than that of the Flu. The flu is more detectable earlier, and it's more evident. If you know you have the flu, and you're able to stay home while you're sick then you're less likely to spread the virus. With this one, you have no idea. You could be at work for 2 weeks giving it to everyone in the office prior to you even finding out you're sick.

Furthermore, a moderate flu doesn't typically require specialized / limited equipment like ventilators to treat.

By the way, I never meant to imply that I deserve a test MORE than other people, but to help limit the spread, it would be optimal if I were able to be tested, and people I've had contact with were able to be tested. Much like HIV. Testing is very important to stop the spread. (Evidence SK) My wife just started aggressive coughing last night by the way...
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First...prayers sent to Aston. Get well buddy.

Now....our health system isn't terrible. Health systems in places like Canada, UK, etc...all have similar problems with accessibility. Can we do better....absolutely. However, looking at other systems in the West (Italy, Spain, UK, Germany, etc..) I expect our handling of this crisis to be at or near the top.

Can we stop the "we had our chance to stop this" nonsense. Show me a populous country with international travel, similar culture, which stopped this virus. I suppose an blanket travel ban from outside our borders might have had a chance. However, no one was willing to implement such a restriction nor did anyone else in the world. Currently, we aren't willing to do on a local and state level what it would take to stop thing thing (ala China). Measures such as sealing off NYC. Locking building identified as hot spots. Removing the infected by force from their homes to some unknown location to protect other members of the household. We have taken steps never seen in this country to limit the spread of the virus. I believe we will see changes in our health care system going forward due to this crisis such as requiring hospitals carry more vents, masks, etc...

The final tally which we will judge our handling of this crisis is of course deaths. People seem to have conveniently forgotten the 80k people died in the US of the common flu two years ago. Any number close to that for this pandemic would be a huge win for this country. Fingers crossed. Let's keep things in perspective.
I think we might have fewer deaths because we have more economic power to produce life saving materials. I also think that we had a couple months to really prepare for the spread of this and we did nothing. Instead we were being fed the same, "don't panic, let's keep this in perspective" lines that some people continue to put out there. I blame guys like Cuomo that were saying they wouldn't put into place a state wide lockdown (even when NYC's mayor was advocating one), and then the virus blows up in his state.

I blame people in my state for keeping non-essential employees at work. We could have been ramping up production of ventilators, masks, etc... in January. Instead one party decided to downplay it until March. There's a reason why places like SK and Japan are doing better than we are in terms of limiting the spread.

If we had spent more $$$ on tests, we might have saved $$$ on the length of time we're having to see the economy shut down.
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"We had a bad testing system. We had a bad stockpile system..."

My response... "Sir, it's your responsibility to ensure that we don't have bad testing systems and bad stockpile systems. As Harry Truman said 80 years ago, 'The buck stops on the president's desk.' If we had a bad system.... it was your responsibility to fix it. You even said in your campaign, 'Only I can fix it'. Well sir, you didn't fix it."

Evidently, the buck no longer stops in the oval office. Now it gets passed to everyone else.
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I don’t disagree with the “buck stops here” line. I do know if our scientist at the CDC tell me we have 500k test ready to go I would have believed them as well. As would everyone on this board. Guess we could have fired Fauci and his immediate underlings. Assume optics and the fact we need him prevented such actions.

The measuring bar for our response will be Europe. Remains to be seen how we fair. As I’ve said many times, anything under 100k in deaths will be a significant victory. Remember, the top model predicted 2.2M deaths in the US alone.
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I don’t disagree with the “buck stops here” line. I do know if our scientist at the CDC tell me we have 500k test ready to go I would have believed them as well. As would everyone on this board. Guess we could have fired Fauci and his immediate underlings. Assume optics and the fact we need him prevented such actions.
Keep passing that buck. You know what an appropriate response would be from a guy like Eisenhower?

"Mistakes were made, and ultimately, it was my job to insure the preparedness of our country. I take responsibility for that failing, and I assure you that my office will do everything in its power to make a correction and to keep people from perishing from this disease. The people should be able to expect more from their president and their officials."

Compare it to a CEO of a company who's handed a report with bad data from a mid level engineer / accountant. Who's responsibility is it ultimately that the company makes the right decision based on the data? That's what the CEO gets paid the big $$$ for.
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Basically, I don't appreciate the fact that there was a failure in the system, but I REALLY don't appreciate that no one in power is taking responsibility. It's like they're kids that screwed up and broke a vase and they're blaming it on the cat.
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I'm talking about access. Our healthcare system is awful when it comes to access. It's also awful when it comes to materials. We could have been much, much, better prepared for this if we had mobilized sooner.
Literally dumb. Do not talk about things you know absolutely nothing about. Access? Really? Any human being, with or without a pulse or breath can be brought into ANY emergency room and get INSTANT CRITICAL care. My wife will start the IV and give pressors, others will start compressions or intubate and others will start a central line, within MINUTES. GTHO with your no access drivel. Our ER had 6 patients today. We have 1 check point into the hospital where people are screened. NO visitors are allowed. That means if you get sick and go to the ER, NO ONE is allowed in with you to prevent that spread (EVEN IF YOU HAVE OTHER ISSUES HAVING NOTHING TO DO WITH RESPIRATORY DISTRESS).

We are still doing some surgeries that are deemed urgent/necessary. I had a patient TODAY with breast cancer, getting a double mastectomy (removing both of her breasts) with reconstruction. This is about a 6 hour case. This poor woman was not allowed to have her husband with her before, during, or after her procedure due to the excessive (and i would argue, unnecessary) precautions due to COVID. I disagree with this as I would want to be with my wife if she was having a massive surgery. But here we are, doing everything, literally, to stop COVID. We are separating families to prevent the spread of this virus.

All around Dallas, most ERs are running as normal (as I have many friends at various hospitals in the area) with regular visits and a few COVIDs here and there across the metroplex. We are cross-training dozens of nurses and techs to respond to the "surge" that is expected sometime next weekend/week. I doubt the surge takes place and I hope I'm right. If i'm wrong, and we get a massive influx of COVID patients, we are as prepared as we can be. If we get 100 people in our ER that need vents, guess what, we don't have that many. NO ONE does, unless it's a massive Level 1 multi-hundred bed hospital.

Yes, what's happening in New York sucks. Yes they probably are overrun and don't have enough vents. What the hell do you think will happen when you have millions of people living on top of each other using the same staircases and elevators all day. Even if they did, they wouldn't have the space to deal with that many people. You do realize vents cost money correct aston? Probably at least 10k a piece. You realize hospitals need to make money to pay for nurses and staff and equipment right? You realize that they buy enough vents to take care of the patients that are in the community and ICU beds they have...right? We are prepared to use our 10 or so anesthesia machines to hook up 2 patients each to them in the operating rooms in case a surge comes. We are doing everything we can do prepare to help sick people.

I know you think that every supply, machine, building that is healthcare related should be run by the government. Then I implore you to visit the VA, and see the type of care you get there. Go ahead. Also, increase the amount of government employees needed by many millions and increase your taxes and remove some of your freedom in order to nationalize the entire supply and staffing of healthcare. And remember, government employees are guaranteed to get their lunch breaks and leave on time every time.

So when you go into respiratory arrest at shift change, and your new nurse needs help, sorry...government time is up, have to go. Meanwhile, in our CURRENT system of healthcare, those of us nurses and Respiratory techs, that make anywhere from $18-$40/hour, will come to care for you, get in all your business, grab your penis and put in a catheter, not care if you pee, poop, cough, throwup in our faces, will do everything in our power, blood, sweat, and tears to make sure EVERYTHING is done to save your life. And yes, that will cost you some decent money in the tens of thousands of dollars range. I'm sorry, I'd like to at least be paid to put MY LIFE, and my WIFE'S LIFE, and therefore my CHILDREN'S life on the line, to save yours.
Basically, I don't appreciate the fact that there was a failure in the system, but I REALLY don't appreciate that no one in power is taking responsibility. It's like they're kids that screwed up and broke a vase and they're blaming it on the cat.
The CDC failed and has failed for a long time. Their recommendations are why the Nurse at THR Dallas contracted Ebola. They were wrong, and the hospital had to up their protective measures themselves in spite of the CDC. I guess, according to your logic, that was completely Obamas fault then, correct?
And aston, one last thing...In 2018, there were 3642 deaths via car accidents in Texas.

So far in Texas, in lets say 3 months, 1731 cases of COVID have been reported(probably 10k or more actual people with the virus)...with TWENTY-THREE (23) deaths. This will go up, I'm sure it will. I highly doubt we will reach 3600 deaths in the coming months. And even if we do, 3600 people lost their lives driving on roads without affecting other peoples right to have a job and work for a living. Meanwhile, 3.5 million people (so far) have lost their jobs while 1704 (so far) people have died NATIONALLY. That's a rate of 5 deaths per 1 MILLION people in this country.

So don't give me this sad story that poor grandmas and grandpas are dying and a few 20 and 30 year olds are dying. Grandparents die every damn day from a bazillion other things on this planet along with kids and everyone else from every age. They even die from the flu, even after having a vaccine! Death happens in life. We can do what we can to prevent it, but it's still going to happen.
Literally dumb. Do not talk about things you know absolutely nothing about. Access? Really? Any human being, with or without a pulse or breath can be brought into ANY emergency room and get INSTANT CRITICAL care. My wife will start the IV and give pressors, others will start compressions or intubate and others will start a central line, within MINUTES. GTHO with your no access drivel. Our ER had 6 patients today. We have 1 check point into the hospital where people are screened. NO visitors are allowed. That means if you get sick and go to the ER, NO ONE is allowed in with you to prevent that spread (EVEN IF YOU HAVE OTHER ISSUES HAVING NOTHING TO DO WITH RESPIRATORY DISTRESS).

We are still doing some surgeries that are deemed urgent/necessary. I had a patient TODAY with breast cancer, getting a double mastectomy (removing both of her breasts) with reconstruction. This is about a 6 hour case. This poor woman was not allowed to have her husband with her before, during, or after her procedure due to the excessive (and i would argue, unnecessary) precautions due to COVID. I disagree with this as I would want to be with my wife if she was having a massive surgery. But here we are, doing everything, literally, to stop COVID. We are separating families to prevent the spread of this virus.

All around Dallas, most ERs are running as normal (as I have many friends at various hospitals in the area) with regular visits and a few COVIDs here and there across the metroplex. We are cross-training dozens of nurses and techs to respond to the "surge" that is expected sometime next weekend/week. I doubt the surge takes place and I hope I'm right. If i'm wrong, and we get a massive influx of COVID patients, we are as prepared as we can be. If we get 100 people in our ER that need vents, guess what, we don't have that many. NO ONE does, unless it's a massive Level 1 multi-hundred bed hospital.

Yes, what's happening in New York sucks. Yes they probably are overrun and don't have enough vents. What the hell do you think will happen when you have millions of people living on top of each other using the same staircases and elevators all day. Even if they did, they wouldn't have the space to deal with that many people. You do realize vents cost money correct aston? Probably at least 10k a piece. You realize hospitals need to make money to pay for nurses and staff and equipment right? You realize that they buy enough vents to take care of the patients that are in the community and ICU beds they have...right? We are prepared to use our 10 or so anesthesia machines to hook up 2 patients each to them in the operating rooms in case a surge comes. We are doing everything we can do prepare to help sick people.

I know you think that every supply, machine, building that is healthcare related should be run by the government. Then I implore you to visit the VA, and see the type of care you get there. Go ahead. Also, increase the amount of government employees needed by many millions and increase your taxes and remove some of your freedom in order to nationalize the entire supply and staffing of healthcare. And remember, government employees are guaranteed to get their lunch breaks and leave on time every time.

So when you go into respiratory arrest at shift change, and your new nurse needs help, sorry...government time is up, have to go. Meanwhile, in our CURRENT system of healthcare, those of us nurses and Respiratory techs, that make anywhere from $18-$40/hour, will come to care for you, get in all your business, grab your penis and put in a catheter, not care if you pee, poop, cough, throwup in our faces, will do everything in our power, blood, sweat, and tears to make sure EVERYTHING is done to save your life. And yes, that will cost you some decent money in the tens of thousands of dollars range. I'm sorry, I'd like to at least be paid to put MY LIFE, and my WIFE'S LIFE, and therefore my CHILDREN'S life on the line, to save yours.
And you will charge me into bankruptcy to do so. Congratulations.
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Basically, I don't appreciate the fact that there was a failure in the system, but I REALLY don't appreciate that no one in power is taking responsibility. It's like they're kids that screwed up and broke a vase and they're blaming it on the cat.

Sounds like every country in the West at this point. We can start with the WHO and their allegiance with the Chinese. We can then move on to our failed government health system (ala the CDC) and their test debacle. Even with the disaster at the CDC it appears we are at least equal if not in. Ether shape than most of Western Europe. Abbott is brining 50k fifteen minute tests a day to the country starting next week. Still waiting to see the CDC come up with anything innovative. China is selling faulty tests across the world. After this is over, we should demand major changes to the WHO or cut off funding. Probably should look at the CDC as well.
And you will charge me into bankruptcy to do so. Congratulations.

Those of us who have had hospital stays while poor know that that’s not how it works.

There will always be anecdotal horror stories and bad hospital admins, but most really do try to help you financially and make sure you get what you need.
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We obviously criticize our government’s response to this crisis but how about Spain. Over a month into the crisis they are still desperately short on tests and haven’t been able to ramp up production like we’ve seen here in the US. So they announce the purchase and receipt of 640k test kits from China as the solution to their shortage. They discovered yesterday those kits are faulty :(.
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Those of us who have had hospital stays while poor know that that’s not how it works.

There will always be anecdotal horror stories and bad hospital admins, but most really do try to help you financially and make sure you get what you need.
I'm extremely aware of how much of a burden even a week in the hospital can be financially. That's why I'm not scared of dying. I'm scared of being sick enough to need extensive hospital care and living through it. I would rather they just pull the plug.
On Covid 19. In 2001, planes crashed into two buildings. All in all, the death toll on 9/11 was nearly 3,000 with 6,000 being injured. We're bound to surpass that number of deaths in a few days, with many more sick. If you want to boost the economy, put the people who can work, to work combating the outbreak. Make more ventilators, more testing kits, more inhalers, etc... nationalize (temporarily) the means of production. This might be our generation's great crusade. We need to treat it like a legitimate enemy.

We had a chance to prepare. We had a chance to stop this. We missed our chances.

Who would have ever predicted that our terrible healthcare system would put us into peril? /s

Btw, I have a pretty significant cough with what seems like lung congestion at the moment. Went to my cities' respiratory clinic and they wouldn't / couldn't give me a test due to my younger age and lack of prior medical conditions. I'm fairly sure I'm the early to middle stages of this virus myself. In the meantime my office isn't closing because my state's governor doesn't believe the outbreak is serious enough yet in our state. Meanwhile, the clinic is turning patients that probably have it, back to their homes. The numbers we're seeing in terms of how many people already have this virus are gigantically under estimated.

I feel lucky to have even gotten a prescription for an inhaler (which we're running out of already). I'm hoping I can recover prior to needing any medications refilled, because I doubt I will be able to get them later on... which makes me really worry for my wife who could show signs soon.
Lol I was thinking this would be “declare war on Ch1na” & I was so excited to click on this & reply how quick one realizes the truth when it starts to affect them... dammit. You nearly helped me!
Basically, I don't appreciate the fact that there was a failure in the system, but I REALLY don't appreciate that no one in power is taking responsibility. It's like they're kids that screwed up and broke a vase and they're blaming it on the cat.
Really makes one want to give more power to the government especially over things like healthcare, am I right?
I'm talking about access. Our healthcare system is awful when it comes to access. It's also awful when it comes to materials. We could have been much, much, better prepared for this if we had mobilized sooner.
Could’ve would e should’ve what’s your point? The same government that didn’t act soon enough & didn’t close our borders IMMEDIATELY should be in charge of THE ENTIRE healthcare system? The some government that just failed us?! I can’t wait to see it happen because I know it will but I can hear all the purple haired liberals now crying about how we need open borders more than ever because that’ll somehow save us from COVID19! I’m serious they will find a way to say that crazy bologna.
I hope you and your family catch this you ass.
Hostility, nice. Feeling the liberal acceptance. And even with that attitude. I will care for you and do everything to save your life if you need it.

If you do get Covid as you think you might have now. Don't go to the hospital so you don't get a bill. I expect you to stay home, even if you can't breath. Apparently your money and risk of bankruptcy is more important to you than your life.

And i have already forgiven you for this disgusting statemant. I hope you stay safe. Are threats of illness/death accepted on this board?
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Hostility, nice. Feeling the liberal acceptance. And even with that attitude. I will care for you and do everything to save your life if you need it.
You just called him a punk, how'd you expect him to act? All cheerio and all?
This begat that, begat that. All's fair in love and hostility.
Haha. INteresting. Ah well. Gonna hang with the fam before the wife goes back to the ICU to work tomorrow where aston hopes she gets Covid. Because what would be better than an ICU nurse getting Covid? Aston not having to pay a medical bill.
Haha. INteresting. Ah well. Gonna hang with the fam before the wife goes back to the ICU to work tomorrow where aston hopes she gets Covid. Because what would be better than an ICU nurse getting Covid? Aston not having to pay a medical bill.
As far as I can remember you never expressed sympathy for him possibly having it. It's the words you used, and the words you didn't use. Forgive me if you did express sympathy and I missed it.

Regardless of his views I express sympathy for him and possibly his wife having it, because I haven't expressed that either. My best hopes are with you Aston.

Today is my first Birthday without my parents, and it hurts. So I am in a bit of a maudlin, philosophical, and nostalgic mood in the middle of our first modern plague. We all have our cross to bear.
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I put this in a separate post, because it deserves it's own post.

I have not thanked all of you that are on the front lines, for your dedicated and selfless efforts. It is time I did so.

Thank you, to the posters and their husbands/wives, who are giving themselves to this work.
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You just called him a punk, how'd you expect him to act? All cheerio and all?
Are you ****ing kidding me? Dude just wished death upon him & you’re saying that’s all right because he called dude a punk? My God (Lord please forgive me) what a bunch of ****ing pussies y’all are! Maverick took the high road there & for that I commend him!