We need to declare war.

As far as I can remember you never expressed sympathy for him possibly having it. It's the words you used, and the words you didn't use. Forgive me if you did express sympathy and I missed it.

Regardless of his views I express sympathy for him and possibly his wife having it, because I haven't expressed that either. My best hopes are with you Aston.

Today is my first Birthday without my parents, and it hurts. So I am in a bit of a maudlin, philosophical, and nostalgic mood in the middle of our first modern plague. We all have our cross to bear.
Dude we are here for you but damn... holding a grudge against someone for calling someone else a punk? Seriously. I’m terribly sorry about what happened to your parents & can’t imagine what you’re going through but don’t conflate that with this.
I put this in a separate post, because it deserves it's own post.

I have not thanked all of you that are on the front lines, for your dedicated and selfless efforts. It is time I did so.

Thank you, to the posters and their husbands/wives, who are giving themselves to this work.
I do happen to be in a relationship with someone on the front lines of this bs & I pray everyday she goes into work. Still, the stuff you said leaves me feeling a different type of way because I would go out of my way to save anyone & everyone possible even my own worst enemies from this COVID or any other tragedy. I just don’t understand it.
Are you ****ing kidding me? Dude just wished death upon him & you’re saying that’s all right because he called dude a punk? My God (Lord please forgive me) what a bunch of ****ing pussies y’all are! Maverick took the high road there & for that I commend him!
He didn't wish death on him you POS, he wished that he caught the same thing that he may have. That is not a death sentence for someone in the prime of his life. Aston thinks he and his wife have the virus, and he expressed no sympathy, just ill feelings for his pov. I don't think either of them took the high road.
Dude we are here for you but damn... holding a grudge against someone for calling someone else a punk? Seriously. I’m terribly sorry about what happened to your parents & can’t imagine what you’re going through but don’t conflate that with this.
I'm not conflating anything with anything. God you are so dense.
I'm not conflating anything with anything. God you are so dense.
Would you wish some other health issue like, idk, say CANCER on your worst enemy? Or that their parents die early in a terrible accident?
I am in no way saying that I agree with the majority of Aston's opinion's on this, but Aston is on an island here. There is not much support for a liberal on this board. We have three liberals post on a regular basis.(Watu doesn't support a whole lot, no offense intended Watu, just not his style of posting.)

So when he is attacked from all sides, gets small sympathy for his plight,(only Lawpoke expressed strong sympathy) one poster ups the anty on the ferocity of the attacks,(not going to mention names) and eventually another poster starts calling him a punk for his views, it's obvious where this will lead. You can't back a man into a corner, and then expect him to act like a gentleman. When I read that reaction from Aston, I was not surprised, I expected it.
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I am in no way saying that I agree with the majority of Aston's opinion's on this, but Aston is on an island here. There is not much support for a liberal on this board. We have three liberals post on a regular basis.(Watu doesn't support a whole lot, no offense intended Watu, just not his style of posting.)

So when he is attacked from all sides, gets small sympathy for his plight,(only Lawpoke expressed strong sympathy) one poster ups the anty on the ferocity of the attacks,(not going to mention names) and eventually another poster starts calling him a punk for his views, it's obvious where this will lead. You can't back a man into a corner, and then expect him to act like a gentleman. When I read that reaction from Aston, I was not surprised, I expected it.
Thanks man. I know I'm not everyone's favorite on this board for a variety of reasons. But I do like talking to everyone, even if we don't agree, even if sometimes I get called irrational, etc... I don't really want harm to come to anyone. I don't particularly care if anyone likes me, but I don't like reducing the discourse to name calling.

I apologize for being spiteful... but being called a punk when your concerned for the physical and financial existence of yourself and your family is a bit enraging.
I think it's worth mentioning (in relation to the effects of the outbreak on access), my mom who is 70+ and has had breast cancer, a mastectomy, etc... and has been for a month or two suffering pains near her shoulder / armpit had her appointment with a physician canceled due to the virus. She's worried about possibility of it being related to the cancer, but she's not able to see anyone.
I think it's worth mentioning (in relation to the effects of the outbreak on access), my mom who is 70+ and has had breast cancer, a mastectomy, etc... and has been for a month or two suffering pains near her shoulder / armpit had her appointment with a physician canceled due to the virus. She's worried about possibility of it being related to the cancer, but she's not able to see anyone.

My dad who is 79 is in a similar situation. Had prostate cancer. His PSA number is now over 4. Needs an MRI (or whatever they do) and has been advised against going in at this time.
I think it's worth mentioning (in relation to the effects of the outbreak on access), my mom who is 70+ and has had breast cancer, a mastectomy, etc... and has been for a month or two suffering pains near her shoulder / armpit had her appointment with a physician canceled due to the virus. She's worried about possibility of it being related to the cancer, but she's not able to see anyone.

Really sorry to hear that man. Just from my own mother's health issues I know that appointments like that are often scheduled weeks/months ahead of time and it's extremely frustrating when the doctors themselves cancel. I've only gone off on her internist once, but every time that kind of thing happens I just want to scream at them "Don't you understand that people can't afford for you to cancel on them?" Every day matters and it's easy to see why you would be on edge.
My dad who is 79 is in a similar situation. Had prostate cancer. His PSA number is now over 4. Needs an MRI (or whatever they do) and has been advised against going in at this time.
I hope we get this thing under control for him to be able to go get help.
Same with you buddy. Assume you're feeling better?
I am feeling a bit better. The inhaler I got (which are starting to be in short supply) helped a lot. My wife; however, is still in pretty rough shape. My problem is that I never got a fever (that I could tell) nor was I tested, so I have no idea if I had the virus or something completely different. I'm certainly hoping that it WAS the virus and not something else, because I'm not sure my lungs could take much more of a hit in such a short period of time.
Maybe some good news New case numbers in Oklahoma as well as hospitalizations appear to have leveled out over the past 3 to 4 days. Probably need to see a few more days data before announcing a trend but thus far it looks are it we may have leveled the curve.
Maybe some good news New case numbers in Oklahoma as well as hospitalizations appear to have leveled out over the past 3 to 4 days. Probably need to see a few more days data before announcing a trend but thus far it looks are it we may have leveled the curve.
I would still be weary of that # of confirmed cases due to the limited testing throughout the country. But that it a good sign.
I would still be weary of that # of confirmed cases due to the limited testing throughout the country. But that it a good sign.

Agree....but the number of hospitalizations is absolutely a reliable number which should have a direct correlation to the number of new cases.
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That would be great but I kind of wonder if that's just spotty/slow weekend reporting
Just for reference 52 new cases on Sunday and 13 new hospitalizations for a total of 153. Let's see what tomorrow holds.
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I had to quarantine myself along with many others so I understand some of what you are feeling. This sucks and I do hope you recover fully as the majority of people who tested positive have. There have been many times throughout history where millions have died due to disease. We are fortunate to live in a time where we have the advanced medicine available in the United States.

Best of luck to you
Not a good Monday in Oklahoma on the Rona front. 84 news cases confirmed and 24 additional hospitalized. Hoping we had a bump due to the weekend.

New York is an absolute mess btw.
Not a good Monday in Oklahoma on the Rona front. 84 news cases confirmed and 24 additional hospitalized. Hoping we had a bump due to the weekend.

New York is an absolute mess btw.
I think it's funny that Cuomo is getting as much credit as he is. The NYC mayor was calling for shelter-in-place for several days before the governor finally acquiesced.

The places that we're seeing have the most success are the ones that take the most decisive action.
New York is responsible for almost half the Corona deaths in the country. Cuomo does give a good press conference though.
I am in no way saying that I agree with the majority of Aston's opinion's on this, but Aston is on an island here. There is not much support for a liberal on this board. We have three liberals post on a regular basis.(Watu doesn't support a whole lot, no offense intended Watu, just not his style of posting.)

So when he is attacked from all sides, gets small sympathy for his plight,(only Lawpoke expressed strong sympathy) one poster ups the anty on the ferocity of the attacks,(not going to mention names) and eventually another poster starts calling him a punk for his views, it's obvious where this will lead. You can't back a man into a corner, and then expect him to act like a gentleman. When I read that reaction from Aston, I was not surprised, I expected it.
Have you considered that maybe the support liberals (thought they) had in 2016 has been fading on the daily? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Say stupid sh*t in public, get publicly embarrassed, shamed & ridiculed.
There's not a lot anyone can do about NYC being the most densely populated place in the US by far though.

Read between the lines. What was the last thing that the Naval Captain of the USNS Comfort said in the press conference upon arrival? “We will never give up this ship.” Why would he say that? Why are they treating regular patients that are only confirmed to not have the Chinese Virus??

New York State clearly showed their hand in that they wanted “control” of the ship - it’s not going to happen.

I have a friend who lives 30km outside of Wuhan. Even he doesn’t know anyone diagnosed (much less hospitalized) with this virus. Once again, read between the lines. Something is happening. This is nothing more than another failed coup.
I think it's funny that Cuomo is getting as much credit as he is. The NYC mayor was calling for shelter-in-place for several days before the governor finally acquiesced.

The places that we're seeing have the most success are the ones that take the most decisive action.
This is fake news.

On March 3, 2020 de Blasio was telling everyone to go about everything as usual & to not be scared etc etc. Here, I’ll provide proof:
Also, we are going to war with China. There is no way that after this settles the Chinese Communist Party or the Xi regime remain in power. There’s also no way Biden beats Trump, there’s no Cuomo coming to save the democrats in November (Cuomo couldn’t beat Trump either, but he’s the new “Bloomberg candidate.”). We’ll see what happens but it’s shocking that anyone would tout de Blasio’s response as if it’s been somehow better than Cuomo. Also, Cuomo doesn’t want to run because the oppo-research would expose tf out of him for being dirty & backed by the mob & pedophiles.
I think it's funny that Cuomo is getting as much credit as he is. The NYC mayor was calling for shelter-in-place for several days before the governor finally acquiesced.

The places that we're seeing have the most success are the ones that take the most decisive action.
Are you aware how much more success the USA is having than the other western countries? Italy is over 140 cases per 100,000, Spain at 139.5 cases per 100,000 where would you imagine the USA is? We’re all the way down at ~33 per 100,000... I’d say (largely due to relatively early travel bans & the shutdown of “non-essential” businesses which somehow includes restaurants & bars but not liquor stores & in some cases gun stores) we are doing even better far better than all other western countries.

You had Nancy Pelosi on February 28th marching through Chinatown in San Francisco begging people to “come join us,” only to reverse course & blame the President for all deaths. Everything the Left does is defining hypocrisy on the daily. So go ahead, vote for these people who are currently upset that the President (whom they’ve always called a fascist) isn’t taking more authoritarian measures. See how it works out for you & your loved ones. Actually, doesn’t matter how you vote because due to demographics alone Trump will be the last conservative President (& he’s not even that conservative).
Another intelligent response from... someone who lacks intelligence. What a surprise.
I'm smart, but I lack intelligence. I guess that means I don't get a membership to the intelligentsia of the communist state of America, damn.
back. Im glad you are still alive and posting aston. I got worked up, obviously, over youre always bashing of americas health system. I completely disagree with you on just about everything, but glad you're better.

My wife nor i have ever been sick despite caring for covid positive patients without n95 masks (only during intubation/extubation). Sorry to disappoint you. In fact, a gentleman i helped in the er and she cared for over the past 3 weeks in the icu was extubated yesterday and left the hospital alive and fairly well. Glad that guy survived.

Lots of threads since I took a break. Fun reading through them.