US Debt Service Costs

There was no extra money by 2001. We were in the middle of an economic crisis due to the tech bubble bursting. Companies were failing. Tax receipts were falling. You guys are forgetting the economic dynamics which were at play come 2001 and immediately thereafter.

I’m not saying that Dubya cared a lick about the deficits. He didn’t. His sole priority was digging out of the tech bubble collapse and he care about deficit soending
THATS NOT WHAT I'M SAYING. He gave back the money that was paid on the debt by Clinton, in a Tax Refund. You know, money already paid on the debt was given back to the tax payer, after the fact, and the debt rose back up as a cause of this action. I'm not saying whether I agree with the assessment or not, I'm just relaying what he was trying to say.
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THATS NOT WHAT I'M SAYING. He gave back the money that was paid on the debt by Clinton, in a Tax Refund. You know, money already paid on the debt was given back to the tax payer, after the fact, and the debt rose back up as a cause of this action. I'm not saying whether I agree with the assessment or not, I'm just relaying what he was trying to say.
Ahhhh. Got it. I’m obviously a little dense tonight :).
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Speaking of the dot com bubble…. What effect do you think the tax act of 1997, which rolled back increases on capital gains taxes, had upon the scale of investment speculation in the tech industry which led to the bubble?

Can you say Newt Gingrich children?
Speaking of the dot com bubble…. What effect do you think the tax act of 1997, which rolled back increases on capital gains taxes, had upon the scale of investment speculation in the tech industry which led to the bubble?

Can you say Newt Gingrich children?
Tech was so hot during that time I’m not sure capital gains rates had much to do with the slew of money which went into the sector. Everybody wanted a part of the next big thing and acted accordingly.

That said, lowering capital gain rates does generally encourage investment and growth. It’s one of the few tax policies I see as potentially changing the actions of individuals in a pro growth manner.
Tech was so hot during that time I’m not sure capital gains rates had much to do with the slew of money which went into the sector. Everybody wanted a part of the next big thing and acted accordingly.

That said, lowering capital gain rates does generally encourage investment and growth. It’s one of the few tax policies I see as potentially changing the actions of individuals in a pro growth manner.
What I’m saying is that extraordinary growth would likely have been diminished if the speculative money supply had been diminished. Less ROI = Less investment.
What I’m saying is that extraordinary growth would likely have been diminished if the speculative money supply had been diminished. Less ROI = Less investment.
Certainly possible. Like I said above my only hesitation is that that tech sector was such an attractive place for investors the degree which a drop in capital gains tax rates of 5-8% contributed to the boom is hard for me to quantify. As is the fact that the time required for those investments to be held to qualify for said rates reductions increased from 12 to 18 months which could somewhat counter act the rate decrease. Remember….Greenspan called the mentality which caused the tech bubble as irrational exuberance. Lots of people with money trying to get involved in the latest hot thing without caring about valuations or even sound investment strategies. See people paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for Bored Apes :).

Do you disagree with any of this?
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Certainly possible. Like I said above my only hesitation is that that tech sector was such an attractive place for investors the degree which a drop in capital gains tax rates of 5-8% contributed to the boom is hard for me to quantify. As is the fact that the time required for those investments to be held to qualify for said rates reductions increased from 12 to 18 months which could somewhat counter act the rate decrease. Remember….Greenspan called the mentality which caused the tech bubble as irrational exuberance. Lots of people with money trying to get involved in the latest hot thing without caring about valuations or even sound investment strategies. See people paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for Bored Apes :).

Do you disagree with any of this?
Jamie Dimon and Ray Dalio are beginning to be heard, and are getting more airplay on the US debt.
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As is the fact that the time required for those investments to be held to qualify for said rates reductions increased from 12 to 18 months which could somewhat counter act the rate decrease. Remember….Greenspan called the mentality which caused the tech bubble as irrational exuberance
This happened again in the 2018-2022 range with software as a service (SaaS) companies. Their valuations were so far off based on an assumption that the growth of these companies would continue. Covid exacerbated it. I felt it first hand, both in getting a pay out through VC acquisition and then being laid off within a year because they realized how upside down they were and suddenly interest rates weren't basically 0.
2 year treasuries are currently yielding almost 5%. Refinancing $9.3T in debt at 5% when we’ve been paying less than 2% is obviously problematic. I know I’ve been focusing on deficits and spending but maybe getting interest rates down should receive as much if not more attention. The Fed and Admin have been fighting each other for over a year on the interest rate front. Probably time for the Admin to get on the same page as the Fed. Clock is ticking

Kasich warned everyone who would listen about this. By that I mean just about nobody.

We need someone to go on television and explain money costs money and we now pay more on our credit card bill each month than the military. With no payment on the principal and no end in sight.

And it could take a century to retire. We were still paying off bonds from the Spanish-American War up until about 5 years ago.
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Kasich warned everyone who would listen about this. By that I mean just about nobody.

We need someone to go on television and explain money costs money and we now pay more on our credit card bill each month than the military. With no payment on the principal and no end in sight.

And it could take a century to retire. We were still paying off bonds from the Spanish-American War up until about 5 years ago.

Yes, he made too many good points to be the nominee. Lol.
Someone care to argue that this shouldn’t be the single most important issue of the 2024 election ?

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Because neither candidate will actually tackle it and they don’t want to make promises they can’t keep or announce policies that would hurt their candidacy.
Oh I understand why they don’t address it. My point is that the public and press should force them to do the same.
Oh I understand why they don’t address it. My point is that the public and press should force them to do the same.
My problem is that I wouldn’t trust anything either of them said on the issue…. Even if they said sensible things.
My problem is that I wouldn’t trust anything either of them said on the issue…. Even if they said sensible things.
Hell…at this point I would be happy with either side saying they’ve seen the numbers and understand this isn’t sustainable and plan do address the issue. One of the problems with our political system is issues which need to be fixed but the fix will likely cost votes never gets fixed until we hit a crisis situation. The problem here is once we hit that crisis point there’s going to be a lot of pain on Main Street before this ship gets righted.
Well at least liberal mainstream media is making note of it.

First step in resolving a problem is admitting you have the problem.

PS this is BS they are taking every bit of color out of the posts. None in links, none in tagging someone, none in new posts. I guess they want a black and white world? I'm surprised our ids aren't in black & white. I'm protesting in purple. What little color was there, was there for a reason. LSU Sucks!!! @Chris Harmon Anytime you bold something for emphasis they may think it is a link now.
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Debt service cost now well over $1T per year. Still crickets from DC

Is this news?

Interest rates were near zero. Now they’re not. Of course interest payments have risen dramatically.

New question…. How much of the national debt should business be responsible for since so much of our societal wealth is wrapped up in billionaire’s shares of stock?
Is this news?

Interest rates were near zero. Now they’re not. Of course interest payments have risen dramatically.

New question…. How much of the national debt should business be responsible for since so much of our societal wealth is wrapped up in billionaire’s shares of stock?
It better be news as the trend is not sustainable and will lead to either draconian cuts in spending on defense/social services or crippling devaluation of the dollar. The statement from the CBO that we will need a 8%-9% cut in spending across the board just to stabilize our budget is sobering. That percentage obviously increases as debt service increases.

Not sure I have an answer to your billionaire question. Are you suggesting the government step in and seize trillions of dollars of private property of its citizens. Happens in third world countries under communism or dictatorships. Don’t believe that type of federal action would ever be allowed in the U.S. However, once we hit the point where we don’t have the money to provide essential services to our citizens I suppose you never know.
It better be news as the trend is not sustainable and will lead to either draconian cuts in spending on defense/social services or crippling devaluation of the dollar. The statement from the CBO that we will need a 8%-9% cut in spending across the board just to stabilize our budget is sobering. That percentage obviously increases as debt service increases.

Not sure I have an answer to your billionaire question. Are you suggesting the government step in and seize trillions of dollars of private property of its citizens. Happens in third world countries under communism or dictatorships. Don’t believe that type of federal action would ever be allowed in the U.S. However, once we hit the point where we don’t have the money to provide essential services to our citizens I suppose you never know.
What I’m saying is that the burden of the national debt can not be placed solely on individual income tax payers.
It better be news as the trend is not sustainable and will lead to either draconian cuts in spending on defense/social services or crippling devaluation of the dollar. The statement from the CBO that we will need a 8%-9% cut in spending across the board just to stabilize our budget is sobering. That percentage obviously increases as debt service increases.

Not sure I have an answer to your billionaire question. Are you suggesting the government step in and seize trillions of dollars of private property of its citizens. Happens in third world countries under communism or dictatorships. Don’t believe that type of federal action would ever be allowed in the U.S. However, once we hit the point where we don’t have the money to provide essential services to our citizens I suppose you never know.
I guess we could start with confiscating the wealth of the political class...
What I’m saying is that the burden of the national debt can not be placed solely on individual income tax payers.
Not sure why you believe the burden is placed solely on individual taxpayers. Corporations pay tax as well. Individual taxpayers also pay tax on the corporate earnings. Are you suggesting the government seize corporate assets? We could raise corporate rates by ten percent and the added revenue wouldn’t dent our current annual deficits. It would also decrease the tax revenue individuals pay on corporate profits. Granted not by as much as the increase in revenue generated.

Basically….what is your mechanism for placing the burden of debt our politicians have racked up to these godless corporations ?
instead of raising taxes to increase revenues; cut spending
Both need to be done to cut the deficit enough without drastically cutting spending, & vice versa. Smaller tax increase that affects the wealthy at least as much as the poor, and smaller cut in spending.
Both need to be done to cut the deficit enough without drastically cutting spending, & vice versa. Smaller tax increase that affects the wealthy at least as much as the poor, and smaller cut in spending.
I’m afraid spending will never be cut unless it’s required by law and there’s a required percentage. No one gets elected by reducing the free stuff people get. Will have to be mandatory.

Agree with raising taxes but like you said to make any significant difference spending will have to be reduced as well.
I’m afraid spending will never be cut unless it’s required by law and there’s a required percentage. No one gets elected by reducing the free stuff people get. Will have to be mandatory.

Agree with raising taxes but like you said to make any significant difference spending will have to be reduced as well.
It will have to be a constitutional amendment with specific unalterable parameters for congress to follow:
1. Balanced budget in 10 yrs.. no tolerance...
2. Spending cannot exceed x% of GDP..
3. National Sales tax of 2% earmarked specifically for debt reduction... once debt is cleared the sales tax will replace a % of the income tax as a permanent reduction..
What I’m saying is that the burden of the national debt can not be placed solely on individual income tax payers.

Since Trump is committed to reducing both corporate and personal income taxes (for the top 1%) and now owns the Republican party, interest rates and national debt could be the least of our problems. It is amazing that given our national debt and the concentration of wealth in a handful of people, that reducing the country's revenue is the panacea. Offsetting income tax reductions with higher tariffs is just an additional tax on the poorest. Republican Trickle Down is really Trickle On.

Another approach would be to tax those who got the benefit of the $2T loan from China that funded Trump's tax cut.
Since Trump is committed to reducing both corporate and personal income taxes (for the top 1%) and now owns the Republican party, interest rates and national debt could be the least of our problems. It is amazing that given our national debt and the concentration of wealth in a handful of people, that reducing the country's revenue is the panacea. Offsetting income tax reductions with higher tariffs is just an additional tax on the poorest. Republican Trickle Down is really Trickle On.

Another approach would be to tax those who got the benefit of the $2T loan from China that funded Trump's tax cut.
These partisan nonsense posts on the deficit / debt drive me nuts. Our deficit this year will be $2T. An amount unheard of in non-emergency times. Debt service is now over a $1T a year. Neither party has any high ground here. Both are to blame for our fiscal disaster and neither currently care. That is the sad truth of America politics in 2024.

You can’t fix a $2T yearly deficit by solely raising taxes or solely cutting expenses. It will take a combined effort. People will have to pay more in taxes and get less in government services. No one will be happy. Which is why fixing the problem is such a hard sell for politicians. Everyone in DC operates on 2 or 4 year time frames. Probably the biggest weakness of our political structure. No one makes policy decisions for the long term as there’s no immediate political benefit.
It will have to be a constitutional amendment with specific unalterable parameters for congress to follow:
1. Balanced budget in 10 yrs.. no tolerance...
2. Spending cannot exceed x% of GDP..
3. National Sales tax of 2% earmarked specifically for debt reduction... once debt is cleared the sales tax will replace a % of the income tax as a permanent reduction..
quit allocating money for things the government has not business backing.
It will have to be a constitutional amendment with specific unalterable parameters for congress to follow:
1. Balanced budget in 10 yrs.. no tolerance...
2. Spending cannot exceed x% of GDP..
3. National Sales tax of 2% earmarked specifically for debt reduction... once debt is cleared the sales tax will replace a % of the income tax as a permanent reduction..
1 sounds good…. Very impractical

2. Sounds good right until a war comes or an economic crisis happens. Sometimes investments need to be made in order for increased revenue in the future.

3. I will give you a national sales tax on debt reduction when you give me a national wealth tax targeted at outstanding personally owned share portfolios over 5 million dollars.
1 sounds good…. Very impractical

2. Sounds good right until a war comes or an economic crisis happens. Sometimes investments need to be made in order for increased revenue in the future.

3. I will give you a national sales tax on debt reduction when you give me a national wealth tax targeted at outstanding personally owned share portfolios over 5 million dollars.
Curious as to #3. How would that work specifically ?
generate more revenue without more taxes: eliminate bogus business expenses:
Generating increased receipts without making investments for the public good is a pretty efficient way to fall behind in a global economy.
Curious as to #3. How would that work specifically ?
I just threw the idea together quickly. Essentially the thought was to try and recover some portion of the benefits that high level executives (CEO’s) / speculators have received (or that the companies they invest in have received) from operating in the US.

It was also meant to be above the investment thresholds of most people’s 401K’s upon retirements.

Really what I was trying to say is that the general population should benefit by some level of wealth redistribution so assets don’t become frozen in investment accounts for decades upon decades. I also think that sales taxes are regressive and disproportionately detriment the poor.(the people who have received the smallest individual benefit from society)
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I just threw the idea together quickly. Essentially the thought was to try and recover some portion of the benefits that high level executives (CEO’s) / speculators have received (or that the companies they invest in have received) from operating in the US.

It was also meant to be above the investment thresholds of most people’s 401K’s upon retirements.

Really what I was trying to say is that the general population should benefit by some level of wealth redistribution so assets don’t become frozen in investment accounts for decades upon decades. I also think that sales taxes are regressive and disproportionately detriment the poor.(the people who have received the smallest individual benefit from society)

what you propose is Communism.
Redistribution of wealth should be through charities, not the government.
what you propose is Communism.
Redistribution of wealth should be through charities, not the government.
No, communism would be me advocating for the government taking over control of the means of production. I don’t want the government telling Apple how many iPhones to make or Walmart how many loaves of bread to stock.
No, communism would be me advocating for the government taking over control of the means of production. I don’t want the government telling Apple how many iPhones to make or Walmart how many loaves of bread to stock.
they will. when I was in the 8th grade we studied government styles. The communists braged that the could defeat us without firing a shot. I see it comming
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