Ukraine….what’s our endgame here

Are we ignoring the fact that over the past 15 years Trump is the only President which Putin didn’t invade another country ?
We are ignoring that the shadow President let Putin take the Crimea and the shadow's current puppet refused a show of force/unity to prevent the invasion. .. a joint training excercise between the US and Ukraine would hsve prevented this carnage.. but. Chamberlain II let him move in..
Maybe. I simply saw no evidence of Trump giving Putin a pass militarily during his time in office. In fact, wasn’t he the first President in some time to directly attack and kill Russian personnel? If there are examples of Trump giving Putin a pass militarily I’m open to change my mind.
That was when Mattis was Secretary of Defense & Pompeo headed the CIA. Responsible adults attempting to keep Trump pointing in the right direction. They succeeded better than the last year, year and a half of his Presidency, when he started appointing yes men, replacements for positions like this. I imagine that was at Pompeo's behest, and Trump did as he suggested. I doubt that would have happened under Gina Haspel at a later point in his presidency.
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Interesting. Ukraine needs our $$$ and help but won’t act in a manner we’ve requested. The Biden Admin on the other hand appears to care more about the Nov election than crippling Russians oil industry. I do understand the sentiment.

I saw a youtube video put out by Hindustan Times, that made a lot of sense, about Ukraine. The bias reports for the HT usually are centrist to lean right. I don't see any reason to doubt these conclusions. What they are saying is that all of the prep Russia did the winter before last obviously helped stop Ukraine from advancing in their spring/summer offensive last year. This is what caused it to essentially stall and/or move very slowly. This is not a new fact. What is a new observation though, is that this hasn't been done during that winter, or in the times following that winter, by Ukraine.

The reasons? One, the government didn't have enough equipment to do it very well, nor did they request any of that equipment from the world. And two, they were too focused on the battle front. They didn't think they would ever have to retreat like that in the future. Poor planning to say the least.

Now they are unprepared for this retreat. When the weapons arrive, whether it is too late or not, it will still be too late. Because the weapons and ammo will not allow the many small & necessary retreats caused by this delay, to contain themself. When you don't prepare and fortify the land beforehand with trenches and explosives, a small retreat becomes a bigger and bigger retreat, until you are running for your lives, or laying down arms to surrender.

They are trying to do it desperately now while they are already in small retreats. But they are having soldiers with shovels doing the work that should be being done with bulldozers. They are not digging the ditches deep enough, or fortifying them well enough. They are doing the job at an inordinately slow pace, and not doing the job properly, because they are doing it by hand and doing it too late.

All this, while the # of soldiers are dwindling to not enough for the front lines. While they are having manpower problems, they are having to further delapidate the front lines. They are having to appropriate a very limited # of men to do this work, very close to the front lines, while they are beginning small retreats. This all should have been being done during the last year to year and a half. You really can't wait till the last minute for this type of preparation. It just brings the end more quickly, and more inevitably.

Sounds as if the Marjorie Taylor Greene's & Matt Gaetz's have done their slightly obscured bidding for Putin after all. All due to poor planning on Ukraine's part. They were very ingenuitive in how they attacked, just not in their defense.
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I forgot to mention they said they got this information from Ukrainian soldiers and saw later that it was an AP story, that HT was putting out.
Time has never been on Ukraine’s side due in large part to manpower limitations. From my perspective NATO has a few options:

1). Negotiate a peace
2). Throw NATO airpower into the theater. This would stop the Russian offensive
3). Boots on the ground. Likely the only way to recapture the lost territory
4). Watch Ukraine slowly be destroyed and eventually fall.
Time has never been on Ukraine’s side due in large part to manpower limitations. From my perspective NATO has a few options:

1). Negotiate a peace
2). Throw NATO airpower into the theater. This would stop the Russian offensive
3). Boots on the ground. Likely the only way to recapture the lost territory
4). Watch Ukraine slowly be destroyed and eventually fall.
I vote for 2 or 3, but China might get involved, if we did that.
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I vote for 2 or 3, but China might get involved, if we did that.
Really not a good solution here. Things continue to worsen on the ground as a combination of manpower and arms shortages along with shoddy preparation of defensive lines are resulting in significant territory losses to Russian forces. Look at the dnipro river as a possible DMZ when and if peace talks ever take place.
Russia is a vassal state to China. They can do a lot of damage in Europe. I really wish NATO would stand up to them.
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It now looks like we will be throwing tens (maybe hundreds) of billions into Ukraine. What is the plan here? Simply out spend and out last Russia? Give Putin those eastern areas and rebuild the rest of the country? Haven’t seen any sort of strategy outlined.
Putin is bad because Russia doesn’t tolerate homosexuality & has thwarted our (not our, Toria Nuland & A. Blinkin’s - these aren’t their names btw & they aren’t clever - victory to new land, Abe linkin, come on) CIA attempts at a color revolution in Russia. These people aren’t smart.
It now looks like we will be throwing tens (maybe hundreds) of billions into Ukraine. What is the plan here? Simply out spend and out last Russia? Give Putin those eastern areas and rebuild the rest of the country? Haven’t seen any sort of strategy outlined.
Putin is bad because Russia doesn’t tolerate homosexuality & has thwarted our (not our, Toria Nuland & A. Blinkin’s - these aren’t their names btw & they aren’t clever - victory to new land, Abe linkin, come on) CIA attempts at a color revolution in Russia. These people aren’t smart.
& U r an idiot. Not that I'm clueing you in on that, I'm sure you've heard it repetitively throughout your entire life.
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& U r an idiot. Not that I'm clueing you in on that, I'm sure you've heard it repetitively throughout your entire life.
Surely you’re not disputing that Toria Nuland/ A Blinkin have attempted to start color revolution in Russia, are you? If you are, this is about to get good…
Yeah, both Blinken's and Nuland's parents were in on this long play scam from the very beginning.

Blinken's father didn't change his name, but Nuland's father did change his name. He changed it from Nudelman to Nuland. It had nothing to do with the name sounding jewish, or him wanting to give his children a name not so easily made fun of for their entire childhood. But he always and truly had this A Blinken & (Vic)Toria Nuland scam at the front of his brain when he changed his name to Nuland. He always knew that she would be a Diplomat when she grew up, and work with A Blinken. It was genius foresight for Blinken's father to name his son Antony, and pick a first or middle name that began with A!!!. Foresight that the 'color revolution/winter' is coming. How could he not know that?!? It was destiny for Russia that it would happen.

I find it amusing how you swallow the whole fish... Hook, line, and sinker included, of a conspiracy theory, so gullibly.

What's really repulsive though is the nuance that you dismiss homosexuality as intolerable, with your implied agreement with Putin.
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Yeah, both Blinken's and Nuland's parents were in on this long play scam from the very beginning.

Blinken's father didn't change his name, but Nuland's father did change his name. He changed it from Nudelman to Nuland. It had nothing to do with the name sounding jewish, or him wanting to give his children a name not so easily made fun of for their entire childhood. But he always and truly had this A Blinken & (Vic)Toria Nuland scam at the front of his brain when he changed his name to Nuland. He always knew that she would be a Diplomat when she grew up, and work with A Blinken. It was genius foresight for Blinken's father to name his son Antony, and pick a first or middle name that began with A!!!. Foresight that the 'color revolution/winter' is coming. How could he not know that?!? It was destiny for Russia that it would happen.

I find it amusing how you swallow the whole fish... Hook, line, and sinker included, of a conspiracy theory, so gullibly.

What's really repulsive though is the nuance that you dismiss homosexuality as intolerable, with your implied agreement with Putin.
If it’s not his father’s proper name, is it his?
Yeah, both Blinken's and Nuland's parents were in on this long play scam from the very beginning.

Blinken's father didn't change his name, but Nuland's father did change his name. He changed it from Nudelman to Nuland. It had nothing to do with the name sounding jewish, or him wanting to give his children a name not so easily made fun of for their entire childhood. But he always and truly had this A Blinken & (Vic)Toria Nuland scam at the front of his brain when he changed his name to Nuland. He always knew that she would be a Diplomat when she grew up, and work with A Blinken. It was genius foresight for Blinken's father to name his son Antony, and pick a first or middle name that began with A!!!. Foresight that the 'color revolution/winter' is coming. How could he not know that?!? It was destiny for Russia that it would happen.

I find it amusing how you swallow the whole fish... Hook, line, and sinker included, of a conspiracy theory, so gullibly.

What's really repulsive though is the nuance that you dismiss homosexuality as intolerable, with your implied agreement with Putin.
I would be agreeing with Time magazine actually that the far right breeding grounds in Ukraine Azov Battallion do not align with Western values. Then again, that was before these traitors went into Russia & committed Acts of Terrror in my name.

It’s fitting they’re now talking about actually sentencing Trump to Rikers next month for his noncrime (it is a noncrime as none of the democrats the very least of whom is not Bragg nor Colangelo NOR THE JURY ahem henchmen can even name the underlying crime they claim Trump is guilty of attempting to cover up by paying the invoice to his attorney, an invoice that attorney is a convicted felon for submitting to Trump as a means to defraud him.)

FWIW, Elon Musk has gone from big tech darling of Obama & Big Mike to now being a professed Believer. We know Trump survived by what can only be described as La Mano de Dios. We know before he walked out onto the stage in Butler, PA, the massive flag tethered between 2 cranes needed to be adjusted for “wind.” Before crew lowered it to adjust it, it hang in the shape of an Angel.
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If it’s not his father’s proper name, is it his?
One last tidbit of what is not hard to research. What an utter loon you are.

Maurice Blinken, grandfather
Donald Blinken, father
Antony Blinken, Son

Sherwin Nudelman Nuland, Father
Victoria Nuland, Daughter
One last tidbit of what is not hard to research. What an utter loon you are.

Maurice Blinken, grandfather
Donald Blinken, father
Antony Blinken, Son

Sherwin Nudelman Nuland, Father
Victoria Nuland, Daughter
They’re all fake. All of them. Just like your candidate. I’m thinking of a video that found its way to the internet recently showing Blinkin in some dive bar abroad in Europe (Poland or Kiev maybe) singing a song lol he may have had a guitar or someone else did… you should go find it

it’s an accurate representation for why he is such a bitchmade cucc I bet he’s s’d D n everything

These people are not confident, they’re not smart. I was thinking of Nuland & the purported UKR whistleblower Eric Ciaramella from Trump impeachment 1 lol I said same thing about him… it doesn’t matter what his name tho ironically there was some (very little) evidence that his name was Ciaramella, that’s not his name to me. To me he & Blinkin have the same name. Speaking of that impeachment the gay military dude too Alex something boy did he get his reward got to be on Curb your with the guy who created Jeinfeld what’s his name Larry.
Vindictive Vindman looking vintage & vindicated pronounced in Nazi it’s windman which is what his evil ass is nothing but hot air stands for nothing falls for everything yeah that’s not his name either oh & his brother is a traitor too
Putin is bad because Russia doesn’t tolerate homosexuality & has thwarted our (not our, Toria Nuland & A. Blinkin’s - these aren’t their names btw & they aren’t clever - victory to new land, Abe linkin, come on) CIA attempts at a color revolution in Russia. These people aren’t smart.
Putin is bad for a lot of reasons. In the grand scheme of things, Putin's intolerance of the LGBT community is not even close to the top of the list of reasons he "is bad". But sure, add it to the pile.

It's like being an apologist for a serial killer by saying something like "Oh yeah, Jeffrey Dahmer is sooo bad because he had a few speeding tickets and we can't have that". It's a lie of deliberate omission, and that is still a lie.