Prolonged pain? He had major surgery 12 days ago. Of course he’s in some pain. He was told he would be in pain. He received literature telling him he would be in pain. Anyone would expect to be in some pain following major surgery. Btw….dude felt well enough to drive a car to Tulsa for two straight days not to mention buying a gun.That is also a distinct possibility; though disregarding the shooter's motivation (not justifying it, but acknowledging that it existed) might make you overlook a serious issue.
Also, I don't think the fact that a person who was in significant enough pain to go through back surgery and wanted pain meds, is a reason to fault them for being upset at their prolonged pain. I wouldn't think that any junky off the street is scrounging up enough money and has the medical necessity for a Doctor to engage in a back surgery. There seems to be more to this than simply some guy looking for drugs. And that doesn't mean that the doctor did something wrong by today's standards, but maybe how we treat these patients (even the ones looking for drugs) needs to be looked at.
I don’t fault him from being upset. I fault him for murdering four innocent people twelve days after surgery
We’ve already taken a long look at how we prescribe opioids and have changed the standard of care related to the same. A change which is expected to save thousands of lives of year and prevent millions of addicted Americans.
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