TU - Navy game thread

You young folks can beat up on me your want, but I have been to most TU games since 1962! I graduated in 1976 with a degree in Applied Mathematics & Engineering. I will always ❤️ TU and hate it it when TU loses a game in any sport! The football and basketball sports as they now stand are not competitive in the AAC! Look at attendance, it’s embarrassing and will not support a D1 program over the long term. 😢
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Wow. They finally called an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty on Navy. Long overdue. They are the dirtiest team in the conference.
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What can I say
been a fan since 1980, graduated 1983..
have cheered many years
fly a TU flag, wear all the TU gear
my friends are tired of hearing about TU
now I’m tired
unless administration makes some changes I’m done
What can I say
been a fan since 1980, graduated 1983..
have cheered many years
fly a TU flag, wear all the TU gear
my friends are tired of hearing about TU
now I’m tired
unless administration makes some changes I’m done
Don’t be surprised if Monty gets an extension if he goes 5 and 7 because they think 1.7 mill a year is cheap
I'm really not sure why i care about this team. Loyalty I guess. Dreaming of Paul Smith and David Johnson days I guess. My dad went to Alabama, Auburn and Okie State for his 3 degrees...but I still cheer for Tulsa. Not sure why since clearly the administration doesn't cheer for Tulsa.
What can I say
been a fan since 1980, graduated 1983..
have cheered many years
fly a TU flag, wear all the TU gear
my friends are tired of hearing about TU
now I’m tired
unless administration makes some changes I’m done
1983 for me as well. At least the first time. Of course basketball was the big thing in those years but football was good.

I'm at a place now where I have nothing new to say at all. Just apathy and low expectations, that's all that's left.
I'm really not sure why i care about this team. Loyalty I guess. Dreaming of Paul Smith and David Johnson days I guess. My dad went to Alabama, Auburn and Okie State for his 3 degrees...but I still cheer for Tulsa. Not sure why since clearly the administration doesn't cheer for Tulsa.
Remember, there's a new sheriff in town. Is it the same as the old sheriff? I honestly don't know, but we'll know soon. I'm holding out hope that we'll see a difference.
I’ve rooted for TU since the early 70s. I have no plans to quit rooting for them now.
Do I want a new head coach…YES!! (ASAP)
Do I plan on giving up if things don’t go my Will I ever hope they drop football… NEVER!!
Something needs to change T. We are in a really bad spot.
Amen to that, brother. And it's not just athletics, the university as a whole seems to have fallen into the hands of dingbats, lunatics and fools. I'm hoping that the utter disaster of TU Plan woke up who ever is really running the show that competence actually matters. We'll see soon.
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I would like to think that with 2 weeks to prepare for Navy we could have created some things that Navy had never seen before. This play book is the same old stuff and everyone knows exactly how to defend it. Sad
This is embarrassing for Drew... We've got a Hall of Famer on the sidelines watching this $h!t show... Pathetic... Brin is NOT the guy he pretended to be against Tulane.
Yeah, you fos. Fortress of stool/Full of stool, either one works.
Brin at huge disadvantage:
Same plays being called over and over
Defenses know exactly what we are doing
Receivers not getting open
Receivers repeatedly dropping balls
I only have 2 thoughts from last night:

1. If you’re going to throw it to your own son with the game on the line, he damn sure better catch it.

2. To the fan who came down to the front row during the last time out to yell “Run it up the middle”, nice job. They all heard you.
I would like to think that with 2 weeks to prepare for Navy we could have created some things that Navy had never seen before. This play book is the same old stuff and everyone knows exactly how to defend it. Sad
Tonight the offensive line got manhandled by a bunch of undersized navy midshipmen who play dirty and hard as hell.
When the line decides to not show up it’s
I would like to think that with 2 weeks to prepare for Navy we could have created some things that Navy had never seen before. This play book is the same old stuff and everyone knows exactly how to defend it. Sad
Navy definitely proved that you don’t need to be the biggest player to whip someone’s rear end in a football game.
Tulsa’s offensive line played like a collective bunch of cowards and without Watson’s 78 yard run that group of
”POODLE BOYS” created ZERO holes for the running backs. Watson actually made a great spin move on a defender
to get past the LOS . The Poodle Boys should wear pink helmets the rest of the season because they don’t
deserve a man’s helmet.
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You young folks can beat up on me your want, but I have been to most TU games since 1962! I graduated in 1976 with a degree in Applied Mathematics & Engineering. I will always ❤️ TU and hate it it when TU loses a game in any sport! The football and basketball sports as they now stand are not competitive in the AAC! Look at attendance, it’s embarrassing and will not support a D1 program over the long term. 😢
So if your kid is underperforming, you send him off on the short bus instead of finding them a better teacher? Tulsa doesn't need to drop out of D1 sports, that's absurd... You do that and all you'll have are your precious memories of Tulsa football when JFK's brains were being splattered all over downtown Dallas... The obvious remediation is to find coaches and an administration that do not accept or subsidize chronic losing. This is not a tall ask, as every organization I've worked for in my professional tenure gets rid of those that don't earn their paycheck within a dedicated probationary period. It's called accountability.
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Tonight the offensive line got manhandled by a bunch of undersized navy midshipmen who play dirty and hard as hell.
When the line decides to not show up it’s

Navy definitely proved that you don’t need to be the biggest player to whip someone’s rear end in a football game.
Tulsa’s offensive line played like a collective bunch of cowards and without Watson’s 78 yard run that group of
”POODLE BOYS” created ZERO holes for the running backs. Watson actually made a great spin move on a defender
to get past the LOS . The Poodle Boys should wear pink helmets the rest of the season because they don’t
deserve a man’s helmet.
I'm pissed too. Tulsa has 2 weeks off to prepare and they don't do anything different than they have all season: run it up the middle 95% of the time. I'm not sure how an O-Line can be successful when the other team knows exactly what's coming; at the very least, it makes it much harder to succeed at that position, but I'm not making excuses for them. The receivers were the biggest letdown of last night. Johnson missing a sure TD catch thrown right to his chest in the end-zone which he ends up juggling and casually jogs off the field as it's intercepted by a Navy player... Or Monty's kid having a ball thrown to him in open space for the first down, hitting him in the hands with nobody close to touching him and he somehow can't catch it... If I were a coach (good thing I"m not) I'd bench guys for missing simple passes and ask secondary players: "Who can make a play for me? Who can catch a ball tonight?"
Y’all need to get smooth off of cannon. He is not the reason we lost that game. Some of you just want to complain just to hear yourself complain. He went to high point that ball. It wasn’t like it was put in his chest. Brin made the choice to throw it to him.

the defense was doing their job the first half. I don’t know what happened to them in the second half. You want to start blaming players then you need to put it squarely on Brin and Crawford. Then put it on the rest of the receivers.

Brin made horrible decisions last night and did us zero favors. Crawford should have caught that touchdown instead of bobbling it and allowing Navy to get a touchback. Receivers were bobbling the ball all night long. The OLine is a separate issue.

long story short, leave that guy alone. Does Monty need to go, yes. But not a single one of you that are talking crap know what Monty said to the offense and what his instructions were to brin.

you want to complain then do it about something legitimate to make it sound like you actually watched the game.
Y’all need to get smooth off of cannon. He is not the reason we lost that game. Some of you just want to complain just to hear yourself complain. He went to high point that ball. It wasn’t like it was put in his chest. Brin made the choice to throw it to him.

the defense was doing their job the first half. I don’t know what happened to them in the second half. You want to start blaming players then you need to put it squarely on Brin and Crawford. Then put it on the rest of the receivers.

Brin made horrible decisions last night and did us zero favors. Crawford should have caught that touchdown instead of bobbling it and allowing Navy to get a touchback. Receivers were bobbling the ball all night long. The OLine is a separate issue.

long story short, leave that guy alone. Does Monty need to go, yes. But not a single one of you that are talking crap know what Monty said to the offense and what his instructions were to brin.

you want to complain then do it about something legitimate to make it sound like you actually watched the game.

I disagree. If Monty wants to use Cannon as a holder for field goals and extra points that seems ok as he’s gotten better at that. He’s no receiver. We have better receivers that don’t see the field because of Monty’s nepotism.
I disagree. If Monty wants to use Cannon as a holder for field goals and extra points that seems ok as he’s gotten better at that. He’s no receiver. We have better receivers that don’t see the field because of Monty’s nepotism.

This is the correct answer. It's not about Cannon and how hard he tried. It's about the fact that we have three better recievers who should have been on the field in that critical situation, but Monty had his boy in.

The situation with his son reflects the issues with him as a coach. Poor decision making, ego over efficiency, along with terrible in game situational awareness and execution.

It's not just Cannon either. Name the QBs all the way back to Evan. Everyone of them came out, played well, showed promise. Everyone began to hold the ball too long, everyone hesitated, performances drastically dropped and never recovered. Offensive lineman. How many good recievers do we under use? How many running backs to we wear out and run through?

But hey remember we had a top 25 caliber team, blah blah blah.

I can think of a dozen times he should have been fired in the last five seasons. Killed the program at the worse time and we had and still have an administration that is letting him do it. Could of canned him after an FCS loss, after the ass whupping by Houston, after this nonsense, but we don't. Even though it cost us nothing and might actually bring some people back instead of trying to do it all with a new guy next season.

It would be nice if the school would step up and show they care, so some fans and alums could step up and show they do, even if we don't know who the new coach will be. Might even make the position more desirable if you did that.

Instead ol' Rick will sit on his hands and Mr Carson is too busy trying to clean up the mess in other areas to get over here.

By the way Rice just announced a 100m dollar fundraising effort for athletics so we can look forward to watching them pass us by.
This is the correct answer. It's not about Cannon and how hard he tried. It's about the fact that we have three better recievers who should have been on the field in that critical situation, but Monty had his boy in.

The situation with his son reflects the issues with him as a coach. Poor decision making, ego over efficiency, along with terrible in game situational awareness and execution.

It's not just Cannon either. Name the QBs all the way back to Evan. Everyone of them came out, played well, showed promise. Everyone began to hold the ball too long, everyone hesitated, performances drastically dropped and never recovered. Offensive lineman. How many good recievers do we under use? How many running backs to we wear out and run through?

But hey remember we had a top 25 caliber team, blah blah blah.

I can think of a dozen times he should have been fired in the last five seasons. Killed the program at the worse time and we had and still have an administration that is letting him do it. Could of canned him after an FCS loss, after the ass whupping by Houston, after this nonsense, but we don't. Even though it cost us nothing and might actually bring some people back instead of trying to do it all with a new guy next season.

It would be nice if the school would step up and show they care, so some fans and alums could step up and show they do, even if we don't know who the new coach will be. Might even make the position more desirable if you did that.

Instead ol' Rick will sit on his hands and Mr Carson is too busy trying to clean up the mess in other areas to get over here.

By the way Rice just announced a 100m dollar fundraising effort for athletics so we can look forward to watching them pass us by.
Then you bash the coach but you leave the kid alone. My point is he did not cost us the game but people on here bashing that kid. Do we have better receivers on the bench that are t swing the field? Maybe. They aren’t on the field to find out. Again some of you just complain about the wrong things.
Then you bash the coach but you leave the kid alone. My point is he did not cost us the game but people on here bashing that kid. Do we have better receivers on the bench that are t swing the field? Maybe. They aren’t on the field to find out. Again some of you just complain about the wrong things.
So you don't think a D1 WR should be able to catch a ball that hits him perfectly in BOTH hands?
Both hands, no defender within 5 yards.

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