This is the Democratic Party.

Correct. One of my biggest issues with the Republican Party is on abortion.
That was one of the most tragic parts of this political cycle and the last debates in particular.... Trump openly espousing a governmental policy of states rights which was one of the primary factors in most deadly civil conflicts in this nation's history.
over 75% favor some level of abortion.
Baloney, 6 week limitations eliminates most women realizing they are even pregnant. 14 ban abortions altogether with some exceptions for rape and incest. 4 ban it after 6 weeks. That's 20 states that ban it before the woman even realizes they are pregnant. Most women realize it somewhere between 6 and 12 weeks. So don't throw out this bs faux fact that 75% approve some level of abortions. By choice you have to be in the other 30 states to get an abortion when most women realize they are pregnant.
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Baloney, 6 week limitations eliminates most women realizing they are even pregnant. 14 ban abortions altogether with some exceptions for rape and incest. 4 ban it after 6 weeks. That's 20 states that ban it before the woman even realizes they are pregnant. Most women realize it somewhere between 6 and 12 weeks. So don't throw out this bs faux fact that 75% approve some level of abortions. By choice you have to be in the other 30 states to get an abortion when most women realize they are pregnant.
And that's all before the fact that there are a few Republican states which are still going through prolonged lawsuits which are the only things preventing crappy laws from going through.
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The extremes of both parties are wrong on this issue imo. Sadly the chances of a federal law containing access to abortions during a reasonale period frame is slim to none.

Aston is correct in that this shouldn’t be a state by state decision. Pass federal legislation. Until such time it is what it is.
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And that's all before the fact that there are a few Republican states which are still going through prolonged lawsuits which are the only things preventing crappy laws from going through.
Yeah it will be almost 50/50 then. Probably 45 states give or take a couple will not allow it at all and/or after 6 weeks, if the legislation makes it past the courts. That'a a whole lot different than the 75% of states allow abortion deceptive statement.
I'm getting tired of hearing about this jumbo, gigantic, huge, monumental interest rate cut.

It's either a normal cut of 1/4 or a large cut of 1/2. Period. Tired of all this hyperbole. A huge rate cut is 1% or 1.5%(which was actually done in the covid period) The 1.5% was massive, and only done in emergency, but 3/4 is a big cut, and 1% is a jumbo cut, not 1/2.
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The extremes of both parties are wrong on this issue imo. Sadly the chances of a federal law containing access to abortions during a reasonale period frame is slim to none.

Aston is correct in that this shouldn’t be a state by state decision. Pass federal legislation. Until such time it is what it is.
the Supreme Court did not rule on abortion; pro or con. They ruled that it was a States Rights issue, not Federal.
I'm getting tired of hearing about this jumbo, gigantic, huge, monumental interest rate cut.

It's either a normal cut of 1/4 or a large cut of 1/2. Period. Tired of all this hyperbole. A huge rate cut is 1% or 1.5%(which was actually done in the covid period) The 1.5% was massive, and only done in emergency, but 3/4 is a big cut, and 1% is a jumbo cut, not 1/2.
Most people don’t understand what a rate cut means. They correlate Fed funds rate cut with lower mortgage rates. Home loan rates are higher this am than they were prior to the announced rate cut yesterday. The ten year bond yield is also higher this am.
the Supreme Court did not rule on abortion; pro or con. They ruled that it was a States Rights issue, not Federal.
Which is a bad decision, and no matter how much Trump lies to you and says that’s what everyone wanted, it wasn’t.

Maybe the Civil War should have acted as a clue that passing certain issues back to the states who are in heavy disagreement doesn’t actually solve issues.
Ironic that history only matters to some when it supports their current political position :)

As far as Rowe v Wade the court made the correct “legal” decision imo in finding there is no constitutional protected right to a medical procedure. Even though I am pro choice I recognize the Rowe decision was problematic from a legal standpoint. Which is why I’ve been arguing for years the need for federal law which protects reasonable abortion access. Thus far….crickets
As far as the Fed, I would have rather seen a .25 basis point move. Inflation is still our #1 enemy especially considering out huge debt service load. Adding liquidity to the money supply as well as continued debt based spending increases inflationary pressures. We’ve already seen the concern over the .50 point move in the bond markets.
Which is a bad decision, and no matter how much Trump lies to you and says that’s what everyone wanted, it wasn’t.

Maybe the Civil War should have acted as a clue that passing certain issues back to the states who are in heavy disagreement doesn’t actually solve issues.
RBG said Roe v wade was wrong
Ironic that history only matters to some when it supports their current political position :)

As far as Rowe v Wade the court made the correct “legal” decision imo in finding there is no constitutional protected right to a medical procedure. Even though I am pro choice I recognize the Rowe decision was problematic from a legal standpoint. Which is why I’ve been arguing for years the need for federal law which protects reasonable abortion access. Thus far….crickets
Federal Law is probably not strong enough. It's too easy to repeal a federal law, or dismember it gradually.
As far as the Fed, I would have rather seen a .25 basis point move. Inflation is still our #1 enemy especially considering out huge debt service load. Adding liquidity to the money supply as well as continued debt based spending increases inflationary pressures. We’ve already seen the concern over the .50 point move in the bond markets.
I think the Fed is scared about the economy whipsawing on them and being to slow to adapt. Yes, liquidity could drive up inflation again, but it will also mean that the debt's astronomical growth rate is slightly less bad, and rates are still high vs. what they have been historically for the past 10+ years.
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Federal Law is probably not strong enough. It's too easy to repeal a federal law, or dismember it gradually.
You will never get language (time limit) both the liberal and right of center states can agree upon so a constitutional amendment isn’t happening. Federal law is your best bet.
She said that it was made upon what she believed to be a vulnerable argument, not that the ideals that Roe sought to protect were wrong.
You are calling for a nuanced reading and understanding of what RBG. Nuance and a comprehensive understanding of her words is beyond aTUfan's abilities.
You will never get language (time limit) both the liberal and right of center states can agree upon so a constitutional amendment isn’t happening. Federal law is your best bet.
If your best bet on such a contentious topic is an inherently precarious social norm made from tenuous compromises then there will always be a lack of surety equivalent to only having a personal freedom being protected ~50% of the time or in some subsection of the country, depending on which party is in power. I don't think you can settle for that in the case such monumental personal freedoms.

I agree that strategically an amendment is unlikely, but a federal law, while better than nothing is still insufficient.

I do want to be able to reach a certain consensus rather than a compromise. It seems like there is a general consensus about abortions in cases of rape, incest, or for the imminent safety of the host. I also believe there is relative agreement about terminations earlier in the pregnancies rather than later, though I think Republican representatives went quite overboard in a number of their states' limits to that time window, past the sentiments of many of the constituents who may have voted for them.

P.S. since the Republican Party is so unabashedly resurrecting zombie political positions like states rights' in this fight, I wouldn't put it past them to try and rehash the Nullification crisis if a federal law on abortion were passed.
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Harris wants the 3rd debate on cnn
Why does she get Home Field advantage for all three?

It should be on Fox to be fair
If your best bet on such a contentious topic is an inherently precarious social norm made from tenuous compromises then there will always be a lack of surety equivalent to only having a personal freedom being protected ~50% of the time or in some subsection of the country, depending on which party is in power. I don't think you can settle for that in the case such monumental personal freedoms.

I agree that strategically an amendment is unlikely, but a federal law, while better than nothing is still insufficient.

I do want to be able to reach a certain consensus rather than a compromise. It seems like there is a general consensus about abortions in cases of rape, incest, or for the imminent safety of the host. I also believe there is relative agreement about terminations earlier in the pregnancies rather than later, though I think Republican representatives went quite overboard in a number of their states' limits to that time window, past the sentiments of many of the constituents who may have voted for them.

P.S. since the Republican Party is so unabashedly resurrecting zombie political positions like states rights' in this fight, I wouldn't put it past them to try and rehash the Nullification crisis if a federal law on abortion were passed.
Is it as contentious as you believe? I think there are some true zealots, but it appears the majority of the country is all in abortion. It is why the republicans don't talk about it anymore, and those who were once defenders are now "let the states deciders." It's kind of like how the dems have been forced to give a rats about illegal immigration.
When did Democrats become comfortable embracing Communist idealology? They have left Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren in the dust.
name a successful left lead State or City: low crime, low taxes, livability.
It’s funny, just as we know the common denominators of all left leaning policy, the same is true for demographics across countries worldwide. Some races score better on tests depending on subject matter. The same is true in behavioral patterns, too.

Given the lies of modern mainstream media, & the lack of physical artifacts (like ships) to prove it to be true, as well as everything you know about whites & backs today, do you believe whites ever enslaved blacks & that blacks allowed it?

Really? You do?

I absolutely do not.

Similar to the lack of slave ship artifacts anomaly, there’s also the issue of which race is actually most racist in the USA. For example, over 90% of hate crimes reported are hoaxes. In a similar distribution, of violent crime between whites & blacks, over 93% of it is committed by one of the groups against the other (the victim is white in over 93% of all interracial violent crime between whites & blacks in USA.)

I’ve shared this w/ close friends & family of mine (both of which contain whites & blacks, fam mostly white & friends mostly black by happenstance of who my friends & family are) & they all describe experiencing a similar feeling of discontent & conflict when taught history about ancient Egyptians building the pyramids as they did when taught about colonial whites enslaving blacks.

The truth is, it’s highly unlikely either actually happened.
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It’s funny, just as we know the common denominators of all left leaning policy, the same is true for demographics across countries worldwide. Some races score better on tests depending on subject matter. The same is true in behavioral patterns, too.

Given the lies of modern mainstream media, & the lack of physical artifacts (like ships) to prove it to be true, as well as everything you know about whites & backs today, do you believe whites ever enslaved blacks & that blacks allowed it?

Really? You do?

I absolutely do not.

Similar to the lack of slave ship artifacts anomaly, there’s also the issue of which race is actually most racist in the USA. For example, over 90% of hate crimes reported are hoaxes. In a similar distribution, of violent crime between whites & blacks, over 93% of it is committed by one of the groups against the other (the victim is white in over 93% of all interracial violent crime between whites & blacks in USA.)

I’ve shared this w/ close friends & family of mine (both of which contain whites & blacks, fam mostly white & friends mostly black by happenstance of who my friends & family are) & they all describe experiencing a similar feeling of discontent & conflict when taught history about ancient Egyptians building the pyramids as they did when taught about colonial whites enslaving blacks.

The truth is, it’s highly unlikely either actually happened.
If I’d remembered how awful that feeling of conflict was, I might not have shared this. A couple days ago it return to a conversation between a close friend & I. Now I’m not only glad I did share it, my resolve to find the truth is firmer than ever. Here goes the rest:

A friend of mine (for the racist libs who think race matters in this anecdote, he’s black) & I were brainstorming what could be the truth that slavery is used to not just discredit but entirely eradicate it from US history. I suggested it could be an act or trait (physical or behavioral) so good (or bad,) so inherently superior or inferior that it would be dangerous to publish as fact. One example would be that blacks are the original humans (of God,) or perhaps the natives were black (I believe many if not most native tribes were.)

One could be that blacks’ DNA hold the key to the universe.

Another could be they saved the world from imminent destruction from alien invaders (being the whites.)

Another example could be blacks being those alien invaders & their intent was to harvest humans for consumption. .

I then suggested one that seemed so realistic to the both of us we preferred to stop talking about it altogether: that blacks, for no apparent reason, are inherently more aggressive & prone to violence than all other races combined. That would be a reason to invent slavery as a lie to protect & facilitate public order.

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