This is the Democratic Party.

She should have picked Kelly. This is a superficial pick. Appearances will quickly fail when the campaign gets very far along.
She should have picked Kelly. This is a superficial pick. Appearances will quickly fail when the campaign gets very far along.
Kelly would have been a good pick, but his anti 2A views would have made winning key southern states problematic..
A perfect VP pick should help you win a contested state and not hurt you elsewhere. Vance and Walz both fail here imo. Two odd choices.
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You say this until he gets going.

He spent 24 years in the National Guard, was the top shooter in congress, passed universal background checks (which like 90% of America wants btw), was a high school football coach and has done things that you are going to find hard to argue against.

You say this until he gets going. He appears to be pretty good in interviews. He is the one who got this whole 'they are just weird' thing going, and it has flummoxed Trump. He probably isn't nearly as fake as JD Vance appears to be.

Look at what trump did yesterday - going on there and running an all-day interview with some weirdo TikTok dude who blamed Biden for banning abortion as the reason he supported Trump. Then you got people on like Charles Gasparino calling the Democrats antisemitic for not pulling the trigger on Shapiro. It's like, dude, how many Jews are in Congress vs Republicans? Did the Republicans put a Jew on the ticket? Why is that? Is this what qualifies as hardcore analysis in 2024 by national media figures? What is the real reason for the hardcore support by the right-wing evangelicals on Israel? Is it really because they love Israel so much? Or is it some mythological end-times stuff invented by some American preachers like Scofield and Darby? Just wondering...

They make fun of Kamala dancing, and then he tries to break off to the YMCA at every rally and on that TikTok deal yesterday.

JD Vance runs an advert about being pissed off at Kamala wearing a tiffany necklace in a picture while Melania is running around with various Louis, Hermes, Birkin and Burberry bags.

Do you know why Comedy Central goes to trump rallies and interviews people? There are endless people who believe you can execute children a month after they are born in the state of California because of their belief about the abortion laws pushed by Fox News BS artists. It's hilarious and sad at the same time.

This is why the term "weird" sticks so well.
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Walz helps the ticket in all the rust belt states, he'll help the Harris ticket win Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, a rural every man. Arizona, Nevada and now North Carolina look very achievable if not likely to go blue. Can't wait fot the debates, all you Republicans will get to see your boy prime time, should be a thing of beauty, he's at the absolute top of his game.
Walz helps the ticket in all the rust belt states, he'll help the Harris ticket win Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, a rural every man. Arizona, Nevada and now North Carolina look very achievable if not likely to go blue. Can't wait fot the debates, all you Republicans will get to see your boy prime time, should be a thing of beauty, he's at the absolute top of his game.
вперед товарищ!!!!!!
You never answered the question about Kamala meeting with Netanyahu.

You are arguing with the wrong person here. My views on this issue fall much more into the Republican views, and I think Kamala is a bit simplistic here. But to continue pointing out the fallacy of your arguments, it doesn't matter if Palestinians want to eliminate them as a people, they aren't capable, despite the Iranian and Lebanese funding. For 1 5-30 years before Oct 7, the Palestinians killed on average almost 20 Israeli soldiers and/or civilians per year. That's hardly elimination capability, despite their desires. Where a little over 400 Palestinians were killed per year for those same years.

The direct conflicts with Lebanon shared an approximately similar amount of Israelis killed per year as opposed to a little closer to even on the side of the Lebanese. Nobody has exhibited the capability to eliminate the Jewish population over the past 30 years. So when the civilian casualties jumped to 39k Palestinian over the past year and a half compared to around 2k on Oct 7, and in fighting since then of Israeli civilians and soldiers. The numbers didn't exactly change from the large gap that existed before. In fact that gap widened for the Israeli's, as far as the # killed in a short period of time, while the ratio stayed the same.

So once again, your argument that they want to eliminate them doesn't hold up, comparable to their ability to do so. Like I said though, I am only pointing out the fallacy of your arguments. This is a much more complicated situation that Kamala doesn't admit to herself, when forming her views. But a numbers-to-numbers argument is not a good argument on your part no matter what their desire to do the israelis. They are constantly killing more Palestinians and other enemies by a wide gap.
Israel let them come across their border & ambush some IDF, then ransack rape & pillage innocents before showing up to fight. Oh, and when they showed up to fight, they killed more israeli citizens than Hamas fighters that were left behind. I don’t care about Palestine & I don’t care about Israel, they’re both a bunch of squatters in my opinion.

Yall need to wake tf up. For real. All this is so ****ing stupid. I just got off the phone with one of my people (& this is one of the people that don’t usually give me a damn thing) … I’ll try to get this verbatim “You know I can’t say much. Russia & Xi are violating our airspace multiple times throughout the day. They’re just taunting us at this point. Small incursion into Alaska seems to be without consequence, but who really knows with dei fucc all command? There isn’t enough for a sustained fight here or abroad… pray.”

So all you ****ing pansies worried about people’s feelings, it’s about to get real & the mfuccrs that vote Democrat yall deserve every bit of this :crap:.

The enemy is already here. Your precious dei military & executive branch will be begging Trump to take over soon.
everyone supports ss/mc. it how she wants to use it. Medicare fo all. redistribution of wealth. open border, pro. hamas, reparations, ...

government is the answer.
None of you you just stated is true though, so there's that. Strongest border bill in decade, in decades, was voted against recently by the GOP, at the command of Trump.
None of you you just stated is true though, so there's that. Strongest border bill in decade, in decades, was voted against recently by the GOP, at the command of Trump.

Have you read that border bill? Allowing for 5,000 people a day to be released into the USA after crossing the border illegally, no vetting process whatsoever, any number less than or equal to 5,000 a day catch & release. Does that sound like a strong border bill to you? Is that a secure border? Is that going to keep Hamas from paying the cartels to bring 4,999 of them across the rio grande so they can go find a group of democrats arguing for Palestine vs for Israel & just kill them all?
Hey the good news is for all yall weekend at Biden’s & Coup-mala (that’s what this is, a bad coup) supportin mfuccrs is you’ll finally get to try telling the enemy “but I was on your side! I supported you” & maybe just maybe they won’t treat you like the never met a war coward degenerate support kiddie diddlin turning innocent lil boys gay & sterilizing adolescent girls & castrating young boys trans weird ass pedophime fuccs YALL ALWAYS BEEN
lol just maybe they’ll appreciate that you stood up to all the ¡RACIST! Americans who just wanted to see their country made safe & the American dream affordable again. Then again, maybe I’ll catch a few laughs as I catch a glimpse of yall runnin like females from them as they make yall do the iron hot feet dance
At least yall won’t get scared by “popping sounds” & hit the deck! Right? Isn’t that what yall said? Trump was scared by popping sounds & fell?

Lmao it’s such a wonderful metaphor for this country, the kind of quality people who look up to our founding fathers & respect all those who fought & laid it all down for our freedom, taking shots but rising up again saying FIGHT!

No, not the type of fights yall ride ferry’s to Paris to see, those aren’t real fights. Wait a second… the fighter was what? Algerian? I think I’m starting to understand why yall support Hamas lol it’s not a good fight if it’s not some dude beating a woman’s ass right?
everyone supports ss/mc. it how she wants to use it. Medicare fo all. redistribution of wealth. open border, pro. hamas, reparations, ...

government is the answer.
What do hamas and reparations (which won’t happen) have to do with communism? Lmao

If you think Hamas is communist, I think they need to rebrand with some hammers and sickles.
What do hamas and reparations (which won’t happen) have to do with communism? Lmao

If you think Hamas is communist, I think they need to rebrand with some hammers and sickles.
Damn, that’s embarrassing. Reparations are communism. Hamas is “HONOR THE ONE WE DEEM TO BE OPPRESSED, SIDE WITH THE OPPRESSED OR GET CANCELLED!” That is the logic of the pro Hamas protestors in the USA.

Hamas itself may not be communist; the American lefties supporting them absolutely are.
None of you you just stated is true though, so there's that. Strongest border bill in decade, in decades, was voted against recently by the GOP, at the command of Trump.
no need for the border bill; it's all covered by the constitution, plus it contained lots of minutia
What do hamas and reparations (which won’t happen) have to do with communism? Lmao

If you think Hamas is communist, I think they need to rebrand with some hammers and sickles.
she supports terrorists, and BIG government.

all thing statr with the gov for her. she wants a federal law for abortion, the Supremes have said it a state by state issue. . .
she supports terrorists, and BIG government.

all thing statr with the gov for her. she wants a federal law for abortion, the Supremes have said it a state by state issue. . .
Lol... I think it's funny that in the same paragraph a Project 2025 Historian / Professor can praise Lincoln for holding the Union together and (with the help of Congress) imposing federal mandates on abolition.... but then talk about abortion and suddenly start bashing the 20th century progressive movement and espousing state's rights.

It's almost like some seismic shifts have gone on within the Republican Party since 1860
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Lol... I think it's funny that in the same paragraph a Project 2025 Historian / Professor can praise Lincoln for holding the Union together and (with the help of Congress) imposing federal mandates on abolition.... but then talk about abortion and suddenly start bashing the 20th century progressive movement and espousing state's rights.

It's almost like some seismic shifts have gone on within the Republican Party since 1860
It’s okay, because this is a common misperception.

The only things that have changed is the colors. Before Reagan, republicans were the party represented by the color Blue. For some reason, post-Reagan, it switched to red. The parties never switched.

Democrats were the party of the KKK, the confederacy (pro-slavery) & not one of them signed the Civil Rights Act of 1965. Did I mention Jim Crow? Yeah, they own that.

If you make sandwiches & there’s only one other sandwich maker in town, they’ve got a better sandwich but you have a bigger problem. You have a history of being racist. You need to sell sandwiches gotta feed your family. What are you gonna do? Accuse the other sandwich guy of being racist.

This is how, after years of accusing each & every one of their opponents of being racist, people begin to mistakenly associate democrats with Abraham Lincoln & the Union. I believe this is also why democrats were so inclined to get behind Labor Unions, well, this & their blatant preference for corruption.
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Freewill is a coup now. Realize that Trump doesn't have it in him to do what Biden did, step down for the good of the country, good of his party. I must say it's nice to have the national Democratic Party no longer chained to the misadventures of one Hunter Biden, a certain freedom there now.
You limit the scope of that event to a couple 100 people… it wasn’t just a couple hundred people… it was a couple hundred people who were being egged on and lied to by many multiple political pundits, public figures, and politicians… none of whom were ever punished for encouraging such an event. When I say “This is the Republican Party” it’s not the 100 stooges who are the worst of that party… it’s the people at the top who are praying on the stupidity of others for their own gain, to the detriment of Democracy.

Again… inflation isn’t even close to as big of a problem. Hell I would take another Great Depression just to keep the people who tried to subvert Democracy out of office.

And no one is coming for your freedom of speech. Quit whining about what the same people who tried to overthrow democracy a few short months ago tell you to whine about.
The people who were protesting on Jan 6 were defending what you call democracy, which is actually a constitutional Republic (& to the republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, with Liberty & Justice for all.)

When democrats say “democracy,” what they really mean is their power of US policy (ie exec branch ie White House, legislature or congress, preferably SCOTUS but they defy that if they have the other 2)

If January 6 wasn’t a setup by Nancy Pelosi & the democrats, why did she deny both of Trump’s written offers for National Guard to secure the Capitol on Jan 6? And why, after being video recorded earlier that day telling her daughter “I’ve been waiting for this, for this day, I’m going to punch him in the face if he comes onto Capitol grounds,” did she admit it was her fault? She’s on video in her private car leaving the Capitol saying it was her fault “I take full responsibility…” then she continues with what I believe is a lie saying “I didn’t know.” Okay, maybe she didn’t know, but she definitely hoped.
Freewill is a coup now. Realize that Trump doesn't have it in him to do what Biden did, step down for the good of the country, good of his party. I must say it's nice to have the national Democratic Party no longer chained to the misadventures of one Hunter Biden, a certain freedom there now.
Well if he’s intent on causing WWIII before leaving office why should he step down?

Trump is the only president of my lifetime to not start any new wars while in office. As a matter of fact, he avoided multiple (North Korea, Abraham Accords are just a couple examples.)

Trump also kept Putin from invading Ukraine while he was in office. Do you know how? He told Putin if he did he would bomb Moscow. Biden may have said the same thing but there’s a key difference for when Trump said it: Putin believed him.
It’s okay, because this is a common misperception.

The only things that have changed is the colors. Before Reagan, republicans were the party represented by the color Blue. For some reason, post-Reagan, it switched to red. The parties never switched.

Democrats were the party of the KKK, the confederacy (pro-slavery) & not one of them signed the Civil Rights Act of 1965. Did I mention Jim Crow? Yeah, they own that.

If you make sandwiches & there’s only one other sandwich maker in town, they’ve got a better sandwich but you have a bigger problem. You have a history of being racist. You need to sell sandwiches gotta feed your family. What are you gonna do? Accuse the other sandwich guy of being racist.

This is how, after years of accusing each & every one of their opponents of being racist, people begin to mistakenly associate democrats with Abraham Lincoln & the Union. I believe this is also why democrats were so inclined to get behind Labor Unions, well, this & their blatant preference for corruption.
No, it had nothing to do with the hippie movement of the sixties, or the civil rights act, or South and the North flipping their belief systems related to that, or the white southerners being scared that their hold on power was going to disappear, or the higher level of education in the north, or any of the other things tied to the change. But no, they just changed colors, that's all. There is racism in both parties. Membership in a party does not exclude one from being racist. But the racism in the now Republican south, is much more expansive than racism in the Democratic North and East. And it used to be the opposite.

You actually speak as if you think anybody on this board, other than aTUfan thinks you are a rational human being and that we would be convinced by your words.
It’s okay, because this is a common misperception.

The only things that have changed is the colors. Before Reagan, republicans were the party represented by the color Blue. For some reason, post-Reagan, it switched to red. The parties never switched.

Democrats were the party of the KKK, the confederacy (pro-slavery) & not one of them signed the Civil Rights Act of 1965. Did I mention Jim Crow? Yeah, they own that.

If you make sandwiches & there’s only one other sandwich maker in town, they’ve got a better sandwich but you have a bigger problem. You have a history of being racist. You need to sell sandwiches gotta feed your family. What are you gonna do? Accuse the other sandwich guy of being racist.

This is how, after years of accusing each & every one of their opponents of being racist, people begin to mistakenly associate democrats with Abraham Lincoln & the Union. I believe this is also why democrats were so inclined to get behind Labor Unions, well, this & their blatant preference for corruption.
Many Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Act. Admittedly not all of them…. There were of course a bunch of blue dog Democrats that would whine that the party left them and turned Republican alongside Reagan.
I don’t support price controls based on their history and limited success elsewhere, but I do think there is a level of regulatory over site that can be a middle ground. The US is not the first western entity to look into price gouging of grocers during this inflationary cycle. I’ve seen articles on the UK, Canada, and France all doing the same.
I don’t support price controls based on their history and limited success elsewhere, but I do think there is a level of regulatory over site that can be a middle ground. The US is not the first western entity to look into price gouging of grocers during this inflationary cycle. I’ve seen articles on the UK, Canada, and France all doing the same.
The proposal doesn’t limit the governments ability to regulate prices and profits to inflationary cycles. As such it’s overly broad and appears to give the government wide discretion to regulate private business. As you correctly stated, price controls have a poor history of success. It’s more of a low IQ voter proposal to blame inflation on Walmart.
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The proposal doesn’t limit the governments ability to regulate prices and profits to inflationary cycles. As such it’s overly broad and appears to give the government wide discretion to regulate private business. As you correctly stated, price controls have a poor history of success. It’s more of a low IQ voter proposal to blame inflation on Walmart.
That’s why we have a Congress who should debate and amend / alter such proposals, even if their first draft is insufficiently broad. The solution is not just to ignore the problem.
That’s why we have a Congress who should debate and amend / alter such proposals, even if their first draft is insufficiently broad. The solution is not just to ignore the problem.
1) The fact that a proposal which would give the federal government vast control over private commerce was made by a Presidential candidate is troublesome.

2). There are already laws in place to address price gouging in times of national emergencies. Do we need additional laws widening federal control over commerce ?
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1) The fact that a proposal which would give the federal government vast control over private commerce was made by a Presidential candidate is troublesome.

2). There are already laws in place to address price gouging in times of national emergencies. Do we need additional laws widening federal control over commerce ?
Taking advantage of an inflationary environment does not run afoul of those laws, so the answer could be yes, especially for grocers who represent near monopolies.
Taking advantage of an inflationary environment does not run afoul of those laws, so the answer could be yes, especially for grocers who represent near monopolies.
A pandemic certainly does though. Not sure how the law is written but there would be an argument there was still an emergency situation. I would rather see the existing laws modified to included the immediate effects of a national emergency.
A pandemic certainly does though. Not sure how the law is written but there would be an argument there was still an emergency situation. I would rather see the existing laws modified to included the immediate effects of a national emergency.