The story you didn’t hear today


Serious Cat Circle of Honor
Gold Member
Dec 3, 2003
Trump was going to get nailed by the press today. He deserves it. These daily briefings are worthless nonsense. I’m actually more critical of the White House press corps, which quite frankly is the biggest bunch of wimps this side of the French army.

Nonetheless, I had poured a whiskey and closed my laptop. This was going to be epic. History favors the brave. Or something.

So, Trump walked off the stage. Like the stupid whiny b!tch he is. No questions. He can’t handle the heat. There’s a Voltaire line I immediately quoted, “O che segura d’essere senza coglioni.” (Oh what a shame it is to be without testicles.)

But what history and the public won’t know is just minutes before this started, Trump’s people tried to move CNN to the back of the room. They threatened to use the Secret Service to coerce this. The White House press corps has strict rules about this and Trump was overruled.

That’s why he walked out of the room. Like a whiny b!tch. He can’t defend his words and just didn’t want CNN to ask him a question. (Acosta wasn’t even there.)

Here’s another thing. I’ve seen several people note that whatever happens, there have been several signs and exhibitions of the inherent goodness of humanity lately. I’ve struggled with that at times — I think locally we are about to shoot ourselves in the foot and nationally we are governed by out of touch bozos.

But this sort of proves the point, doesn’t it? Trump is such a whimp, he won’t even stand by this garbage. That’s hopefully the end of these stupid press briefings. All because he hates CNN. That’s good news for all of us. This was a moment of history. And the world got a little better. Shortly after this, Axios ran a story saying they aren’t going to do endless press conferences anymore.

I turned off the news and put on Bob Dylan. Salute! :drink:
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Trump was going to get nailed by the press today. He deserves it. These daily briefings are worthless nonsense. I’m actually more critical of the White House press corps, which quite frankly is the biggest bunch of wimps this side of the French army.

Nonetheless, I had poured a whiskey and closed my laptop. This was going to be epic. History favors the brave. Or something.

So, Trump walked off the stage. Like the stupid whiny b!tch he is. No questions. He can’t handle the heat. There’s a Voltaire line I immediately quoted, “O che segura d’essere senza coglioni.” (Oh what a shame it is to be without testicles.)

But what history and the public won’t know is just minutes before this started, Trump’s people tried to move CNN to the back of the room. They threatened to use the Secret Service to coerce this. The White House press corps has strict rules about this and Trump was overruled.

That’s why he walked out of the room. Like a whiny b!tch. He can’t defend his words and just didn’t want CNN to ask him a question. (Acosta wasn’t even there.)

Here’s another thing. I’ve seen several people note that whatever happens, there have been several signs and exhibitions of the inherent goodness of humanity lately. I’ve struggled with that at times — I think locally we are about to shoot ourselves in the foot and nationally we are governed by out of touch bozos.

But this sort of proves the point, doesn’t it? Trump is such a whimp, he won’t even stand by this garbage. That’s hopefully the end of these stupid press briefings. All because he hates CNN. That’s good news for all of us. This was a moment of history. And the world got a little better. Shortly after this, Axios ran a story saying they aren’t going to do endless press conferences anymore.

I turned off the news and put on Bob Dylan. Salute! :drink:

Someone is definitely being a whiney beezy...

keep reading cnn & vote for Biden. CNN cares. We need to let convicted criminals (including sex offenders & murderers) out of prison because of social distancing. We need to take our children to drag queen story hour as soon as the library opens! Oh, the horror! Why aren’t they doing livestream drag queen story hour?! Virtual drag story hour! I mean, I know they’d never do it because they only do it in the first place because they look forward to my kid sitting on their lap BUT DAMMIT I WANT TO TAKE A PHOTO OF ME TAKING MY KID TO DRAG STORY HOUR SO I CAN POST IT ON SOCIAL MEDIA!

Seriously, though, vote for Biden. He can’t even hold a debate - that’s part of why we have this virus right now. They know he can’t do it.

Do you even realize just how racist it is to say that voter id laws are racist? Minorities have IDs! ****ing hell
You are and always have been a pap. That’s an acronym - the second letter stands for Ass, the last letter stands for punk, the first letter begins with pus ... figure it out, beezy
“Let then eat ice cream.” - Nancy Antoinette.
The country saw that while suffering.

Well, let your punk ass drink whiskey & listen to bob dylan. ****ing punk
It’s so much worse because I know who you are & how big of a wuss you are irl... Lord, help us all
Take your meds. Or go drink some bleach. Your president said you should.
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“Let then eat ice cream.” - Nancy Antoinette.
The country saw that while suffering.

Well, let your punk ass drink whiskey & listen to bob dylan. ****ing punk

By the way, thanks for the new signature.
9 million stories in the Naked City. Here is a different story a woman posted on Facebook from her son in law who is a respiratory therapist. Probably Trump's biggest mistake was lying when he said he didn't mean what he said.

So as a Respiratory Therapist....I watched the clip about the "disinfectant that Trump talking about". People need to listen closely. He is basically brain storming for an idea to help the lungs. He stated that the disinfectant kills the virus in one minute, so he proposed the question can we inject disinfectant (not Lysol), he used the word "disinfectant" the lungs, but that is for the doctors to figure out. Now a lay person like Trump will say disinfectant and a medical person would say "medicine". Medicine dumped into the lungs happens all the time! I personally have dumped respiratory medicine down an Endotracheal tube directly into the lungs. When babies are born prematurely, guess what? Yes we "inject" the lungs with a medicine called surfactant that helps keep the alveoli open to oxygenate the lungs. Antibiotics are sometimes injected into infected parts of lungs through a chest tube. So what I want the general public to know, is that we do "inject" medicine into peoples lungs, that yes act like a disinfectant (antibiotics), so why is everyone in uproar over this? If you are a lay person and don't understand what he said then ask a medical person. His statement was so twisted around and misinterpreted, and this is coming from a Respiratory Therapist that has injected medicine in peoples lungs. Lysol brand has perpetrated misinformation and panicked the general public who doesn't know anything about lungs. And Trump never used the word "Lysol". So why did Lysol brand think he was talking about them, that's narcissistic on their part. Why would Lysol brand embrace that? they look ignorant. So people, yes we do inject medicine into the lungs! This is why people need to know the facts and stop panicking people.

I read this and called a friend who is a doctor. He said that an antibiotic is used to fight an infection so although it isn't called a disinfectant it has that function. A whole lung lavage is a medical term for flushing a lung with salt water. On the UV light, it is done, but isn't considered main stream medicine.
That’s bull:crap:. He said what he said. He’s out of control and unfit for office. There is no rationalization. He needs to go. If you support him, you are against America. It’s that simple.
9 million stories in the Naked City. Here is a different story a woman posted on Facebook from her son in law who is a respiratory therapist. Probably Trump's biggest mistake was lying when he said he didn't mean what he said.

So as a Respiratory Therapist....I watched the clip about the "disinfectant that Trump talking about". People need to listen closely. He is basically brain storming for an idea to help the lungs. He stated that the disinfectant kills the virus in one minute, so he proposed the question can we inject disinfectant (not Lysol), he used the word "disinfectant" the lungs, but that is for the doctors to figure out. Now a lay person like Trump will say disinfectant and a medical person would say "medicine". Medicine dumped into the lungs happens all the time! I personally have dumped respiratory medicine down an Endotracheal tube directly into the lungs. When babies are born prematurely, guess what? Yes we "inject" the lungs with a medicine called surfactant that helps keep the alveoli open to oxygenate the lungs. Antibiotics are sometimes injected into infected parts of lungs through a chest tube. So what I want the general public to know, is that we do "inject" medicine into peoples lungs, that yes act like a disinfectant (antibiotics), so why is everyone in uproar over this? If you are a lay person and don't understand what he said then ask a medical person. His statement was so twisted around and misinterpreted, and this is coming from a Respiratory Therapist that has injected medicine in peoples lungs. Lysol brand has perpetrated misinformation and panicked the general public who doesn't know anything about lungs. And Trump never used the word "Lysol". So why did Lysol brand think he was talking about them, that's narcissistic on their part. Why would Lysol brand embrace that? they look ignorant. So people, yes we do inject medicine into the lungs! This is why people need to know the facts and stop panicking people.

I read this and called a friend who is a doctor. He said that an antibiotic is used to fight an infection so although it isn't called a disinfectant it has that function. A whole lung lavage is a medical term for flushing a lung with salt water. On the UV light, it is done, but isn't considered main stream medicine.
Not going to trust “friend posted something on Facebook that her son-in-law said” over my own interpretation of the event. No layman I’ve ever heard calls antibiotics “disinfectants”.

There is no reason to make excuses for him, TUMe. He’s way over the line on this one. I play devil’s advocate as much as possible myself, but this is not a one off. He has a long history of saying really dumb things and then later claiming something very tenuous as a half plausible mitigating explanation. Besides, he now claims he was being ‘sarcastic’, which completely undercuts this defense.
That’s bull:crap:. He said what he said. He’s out of control and unfit for office. There is no rationalization. He needs to go. If you support him, you are against America. It’s that simple.

I didn't say anything about support. I'm not rationalizing anything. There is a certain value to seeking the truth...even when it doesn't match what you want to believe. I heard him and at the time thought it was out of line. If what he said the next day was true it was worse because it was taking lightly 50,000 deaths.

The world doesn't stop when he doesn't like something and it also doesn't stop when you hear something that you don't like, Gold.

I am going to ignore the idea that you would be calling me against America. You know my opinion that nothing is ever decided on Crossfire.

Once again we are facing an election between two people who should not be president. One thinks everything he does is wonderful and perfect and another who doesn't know what state he is in or what office he is running for.
I didn't say anything about support. I'm not rationalizing anything. There is a certain value to seeking the truth...even when it doesn't match what you want to believe. I heard him and at the time thought it was out of line. If what he said the next day was true it was worse because it was taking lightly 50,000 deaths.

The world doesn't stop when he doesn't like something and it also doesn't stop when you hear something that you don't like, Gold.

I am going to ignore the idea that you would be calling me against America. You know my opinion that nothing is ever decided on Crossfire.

Once again we are facing an election between two people who should not be president. One thinks everything he does is wonderful and perfect and another who doesn't know what state he is in or what office he is running for.
If I have misunderstood your post as support for Trump when it was not intended, then I apologize. You are a very good poster. But know that it can be easily interpreted that way.
I didn't say anything about support. I'm not rationalizing anything. There is a certain value to seeking the truth...even when it doesn't match what you want to believe. I heard him and at the time thought it was out of line. If what he said the next day was true it was worse because it was taking lightly 50,000 deaths.

The world doesn't stop when he doesn't like something and it also doesn't stop when you hear something that you don't like, Gold.

I am going to ignore the idea that you would be calling me against America. You know my opinion that nothing is ever decided on Crossfire.

Once again we are facing an election between two people who should not be president. One thinks everything he does is wonderful and perfect and another who doesn't know what state he is in or what office he is running for.

There is a lot of garbage being spewed to justify what Trump said. But it’s just that, garbage. I will not let this go.

Support for Trump is anti-American. He’s a symptom of a very bad disease. The nonsense rationalization by that author is another one. I will not back down and will call it out every time. I believe that’s the only way things change. We have created this culture where people just rationalize crap to make them fell better about choices they made. But it’s still crap.

I don’t believe you are anti-American. But you have a choice to make in the election. And putting up nonsense like that when the simple text of what Trump says directly says otherwise does not suggest you are coming from a position of reason here. I know you are good. But I will cal out crap like that.

If Trump didn’t mean what he said, he wouldn’t be coming up with endless justifications and avoiding the press, for now two days in a row. Today he tweeted that he was misquoted. That’s a complete lie. That must stop. And I will do everything I can to call it out.
Not going to trust “friend posted something on Facebook that her son-in-law said” over my own interpretation of the event. No layman I’ve ever heard calls antibiotics “disinfectants”.

There is no reason to make excuses for him, TUMe. He’s way over the line on this one. I play devil’s advocate as much as possible myself, but this is not a one off. He has a long history of saying really dumb things and then later claiming something very tenuous as a half plausible mitigating explanation. Besides, he now claims he was being ‘sarcastic’, which completely undercuts this defense.

I knew this cloud burst was coming. Didn't see it from you, but that's fine, at least you didn't say I am against America. I am making no excuses for him. I have never met the poster in my life nor her son in law. I didn't take either of their words. Trumps words the next day were worse than the original ones. They really do flush people's lungs, even premature babies when coated. Yes, the sarcastic line does undercut him. Being wrong is one thing, being sarcastic about 50,000 deaths is worse. I do know the doctor I talked to quite well and what he told me was reasonable. He doesn't post here nor as far as I know does the therapist. (my computer hung up sorry for the hiatus.)

The reason Trump misused the term disinfectant is his basic ignorance of what he was talking about, not that I know much, but I do seek to find out.
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I knew this cloud burst was coming. Didn't see it from you, but that's fine, at least you didn't say I am against America. I am making no excuses for him. I have never met the poster in my life nor her son in law. I didn't take either of their words. Trumps words the next day were worse than the original ones. They really do flush people's lungs, even premature babies when coated. Yes, the sarcastic line does undercut him. Being wrong is one thing, being sarcastic about 50,000 deaths is worse. I do know the doctor I talked to quite well and
I don’t doubt they do amazing things with people’s lungs, stuff I might not even believe if not hearing it from an MD or DO. But I just see no reason to even bring it up right now, because it clearly isn’t what he meant, and any discussion about it comes across as offering a defense of this guy. If he meant it that way, he can come out and say that himself. He hasn’t, and I think his press conference stands for itself.

If there is a doctor somewhere doing an experimental UV light treatment for Covid, Trump could easily point to it and say, “This is what I’m talking about. I apologize for my poor explanation of the good doctor’s work, it’s way out of my field and I try to leave that stuff to the professionals. I will deflect any follow up questions to those same professionals.”

He won’t do that because a) he can’t keep his mouth shut or step out of the spotlight or admit any sort of fault, no matter how frivolous, and b) I doubt any such research on Covid is being done.
I knew this cloud burst was coming. Didn't see it from you, but that's fine, at least you didn't say I am against America. I am making no excuses for him. I have never met the poster in my life nor her son in law. I didn't take either of their words. Trumps words the next day were worse than the original ones. They really do flush people's lungs, even premature babies when coated. Yes, the sarcastic line does undercut him. Being wrong is one thing, being sarcastic about 50,000 deaths is worse. I do know the doctor I talked to quite well and what he told me was reasonable. He doesn't post here nor as far as I know does the therapist. (my computer hung up sorry for the hiatus.)

The reason Trump misused the term disinfectant is his basic ignorance of what he was talking about, not that I know much, but I do seek to find out.
And I certainly know you are not anti-American. I usually appreciate your perspective and find you to be respectful. I have often gained valuable insights that I hadn’t previously considered from you, so I hope you don’t take my very strong objections to this specific post of yours here personally.
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And I certainly know you are not anti-American. I usually appreciate your perspective and find you to be respectful. I have often gained valuable insights that I hadn’t previously considered from you, so I hope you don’t take my very strong objections to this specific post of yours here personally.

I’ve started to see dozens of attempts to rationalize what Trump said. They are all obviously silly. And it has to be called out.

To get back to my broader point, Trump and his ilk traffic in crap like this, going back to Birthirism, Central Park, and if you want a deeper Roy Cohn tie in, McCarthyism. It’s a disease of bad information, often with the worst intention.

This is why Trump won’t do interviews with media outlets (Fox doesn’t count) and didn’t do press conferences for a long time. He’s actually an idiot in real life. He just says the first thing that comes through his syphillic brain, without any moment to pause. The people around him can’t really control it so they try to limit the chances he has to strike out. He was able to get away with abusing the press for a few weeks by calling everyone “fake news” because the White House press corps is so weak. He finally truly got himself and can’t handle the embarrassment.
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And I certainly know you are not anti-American. I usually appreciate your perspective and find you to be respectful. I have often gained valuable insights that I hadn’t previously considered from you, so I hope you don’t take my very strong objections to this specific post of yours here personally.
I am good., no problem with anyone.

Note that I said the doctor I consulted said UV "therapy" isn't considered mainstream medicine. Translation "Quackery."
9 million stories in the Naked City. Here is a different story a woman posted on Facebook from her son in law who is a respiratory therapist. Probably Trump's biggest mistake was lying when he said he didn't mean what he said.

So as a Respiratory Therapist....I watched the clip about the "disinfectant that Trump talking about". People need to listen closely. He is basically brain storming for an idea to help the lungs. He stated that the disinfectant kills the virus in one minute, so he proposed the question can we inject disinfectant (not Lysol), he used the word "disinfectant" the lungs, but that is for the doctors to figure out. Now a lay person like Trump will say disinfectant and a medical person would say "medicine". Medicine dumped into the lungs happens all the time! I personally have dumped respiratory medicine down an Endotracheal tube directly into the lungs. When babies are born prematurely, guess what? Yes we "inject" the lungs with a medicine called surfactant that helps keep the alveoli open to oxygenate the lungs. Antibiotics are sometimes injected into infected parts of lungs through a chest tube. So what I want the general public to know, is that we do "inject" medicine into peoples lungs, that yes act like a disinfectant (antibiotics), so why is everyone in uproar over this? If you are a lay person and don't understand what he said then ask a medical person. His statement was so twisted around and misinterpreted, and this is coming from a Respiratory Therapist that has injected medicine in peoples lungs. Lysol brand has perpetrated misinformation and panicked the general public who doesn't know anything about lungs. And Trump never used the word "Lysol". So why did Lysol brand think he was talking about them, that's narcissistic on their part. Why would Lysol brand embrace that? they look ignorant. So people, yes we do inject medicine into the lungs! This is why people need to know the facts and stop panicking people.

I read this and called a friend who is a doctor. He said that an antibiotic is used to fight an infection so although it isn't called a disinfectant it has that function. A whole lung lavage is a medical term for flushing a lung with salt water. On the UV light, it is done, but isn't considered main stream medicine.
You act as though Trump has a clue about these differences. The whole thing was actually about the new info about disinfectants and UV light “killing” the virus on hard surfaces. (You can’t really kill something that isn’t alive”. He literally looked at Dr. Birx and asked her if they could try injecting disinfectant(and in The context of the press conference he was talking about a Lysol/Clorox/bleach solution as those are being used to wipe down surfaces everywhere). Lysol of course did what they did because they don’t want to get sued since you can’t sue the guy who told you to try it.
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That’s bull:crap:. He said what he said. He’s out of control and unfit for office. There is no rationalization. He needs to go. If you support him, you are against America. It’s that simple.
I know, Biden needs to drop out yesterday.
Oh, you’re talking about the President who is actually competent while Biden clearly is not. Tara Reade. Yeah, check that one out. No one cares for your pompous, elitist bs when we know that you are ultimately for open borders & allowing people from sh!thole countries enter the USA in a flow that will be relentless & bring waves of crime with it. Good plan, dude.
You act as though Trump has a clue about these differences. The whole thing was actually about the new info about disinfectants and UV light “killing” the virus on hard surfaces. (You can’t really kill something that isn’t alive”. He literally looked at Dr. Birx and asked her if they could try injecting disinfectant(and in The context of the press conference he was talking about a Lysol/Clorox/bleach solution as those are being used to wipe down surfaces everywhere). Lysol of course did what they did because they don’t want to get sued since you can’t sue the guy who told you to try it.
Actually the virus is alive - it needs a host to survive. However, you’re also correct, the President did not in any way suggest people ingest household cleaners, he clarified that after asking a question about UV light being used as a treatment. He said “maybe it’s a thing maybe it works maybe it doesn’t, I’m not a doctor.” Good Lord, help us all.

And yes Gold, you are a fkn pussy ass beezy made punk. You aren’t cool now, you were never cool & you never will be cool. You may be hip, but it’s not cool.
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I know, Biden needs to drop out yesterday.
Oh, you’re talking about the President who is actually competent while Biden clearly is not. Tara Reade. Yeah, check that one out. No one cares for your pompous, elitist bs when we know that you are ultimately for open borders & allowing people from sh!thole countries enter the USA in a flow that will be relentless & bring waves of crime with it. Good plan, dude.

How’s that bleach taste?

I deal with a lot of mental health diagnoses in my job. Biden is not incapacitated. He’s a bad speaker. Always has been. He’s also going to win by 10+ points.

But tell you what, since we’re playing, Trump produces all his health and tax records and Biden does the same. Deal?

You think Raw Dog Trump is going after the the alleged inappropriate act that was recanted menu times? I mean, if you want to talk about Trump and Biden’s sexual history, great. I’m not sure the state let’s you do that on Google.

And you went with the racist “$hit hole” countries. Because that’s what you are.

Enjoy bring wrong and losing. You’re used to it.
Trump was going to get nailed by the press today. He deserves it. These daily briefings are worthless nonsense. I’m actually more critical of the White House press corps, which quite frankly is the biggest bunch of wimps this side of the French army.

Nonetheless, I had poured a whiskey and closed my laptop. This was going to be epic. History favors the brave. Or something.

So, Trump walked off the stage. Like the stupid whiny b!tch he is. No questions. He can’t handle the heat. There’s a Voltaire line I immediately quoted, “O che segura d’essere senza coglioni.” (Oh what a shame it is to be without testicles.)

But what history and the public won’t know is just minutes before this started, Trump’s people tried to move CNN to the back of the room. They threatened to use the Secret Service to coerce this. The White House press corps has strict rules about this and Trump was overruled.

That’s why he walked out of the room. Like a whiny b!tch. He can’t defend his words and just didn’t want CNN to ask him a question. (Acosta wasn’t even there.)

Here’s another thing. I’ve seen several people note that whatever happens, there have been several signs and exhibitions of the inherent goodness of humanity lately. I’ve struggled with that at times — I think locally we are about to shoot ourselves in the foot and nationally we are governed by out of touch bozos.

But this sort of proves the point, doesn’t it? Trump is such a whimp, he won’t even stand by this garbage. That’s hopefully the end of these stupid press briefings. All because he hates CNN. That’s good news for all of us. This was a moment of history. And the world got a little better. Shortly after this, Axios ran a story saying they aren’t going to do endless press conferences anymore.

I turned off the news and put on Bob Dylan. Salute! :drink:
I can’t wait until John Durham begins dropping his indictments from his CRIMINAL investigations into all the shenanigans (aka crimes, in this case) committed by all these bureaucrats/cabinet members from the Obama administration who peddled the Russia conspiracy hoax etc...

By the way, #DropOutBiden is trending twice as much as #KIMJONGUNDEAD on twitter right now. Think about that. Of course, Americans (especially those who haven’t lived in third world countries) are far more concerned with domestic issues on average, but the potential/imminent death of Kim Jong Un threatens world war & especially threatens the well being of all the minorities you bleeding heart liberals pretend to care so much about when we all know you don’t really care about the broke orphan in El Salvador or Nicaragua or Cameroon. You’re just trying to score social brownie points. It’s obvious to those of us of a higher IQ & ability to see what’s really happening with any ounce of realistic perception.

Also, Andrew Cuomo has pierced nipples & is into some weird Dominatrix s&m nasty degenerate sh!t & that’s on top of all corrupt history (he’s an oppo-researcher’s wet dream & he knows it) thus he is refusing to say that he will consider running for president in November. He can’t even manage NY state, for fks sake! He has FAILED at that. In fact, that should be a rule - if you fail at running your own state as governor you can’t run for president & attempt to run the entire country. I digress.

It’s sickening how out of touch you are with reality, gold. Do you know how many people have had their first amendment stolen from them by the likes of CNN “journalists” (they’re activists) Oliver Darcy, Brian Stelter & Don Disgusting that you would complain about this. They don’t have a right to be in the WH press corp & they certainly don’t have a right to trample the unspoken rule of reciprocity by silencing others’ first amendment right while exercising their own first amendment right to the fullest by lying to We the People!

You & your ilk really are fkn punks.
How’s that bleach taste?

I deal with a lot of mental health diagnoses in my job. Biden is not incapacitated. He’s a bad speaker. Always has been. He’s also going to win by 10+ points.

But tell you what, since we’re playing, Trump produces all his health and tax records and Biden does the same. Deal?

You think Raw Dog Trump is going after the the alleged inappropriate act that was recanted menu times? I mean, if you want to talk about Trump and Biden’s sexual history, great. I’m not sure the state let’s you do that on Google.

And you went with the racist “$hit hole” countries. Because that’s what you are.

Enjoy bring wrong and losing. You’re used to it.
Lmao what?!

ok, let’s get at it then, you fkn scrub ass punk...

First, Biden is suffering from, at best, early onset dementia. We can see if before our eyes. He’s also a sick pedo. He likes to diddle kids. There’s an entire website with his name in the url that shows video proof of this.

Second, I don’t care about Trump’s taxes. It has been investigated three times over by the feds & congress & nothing was found. Believe me, if he had done anything illegal on his taxes, Comey or Mueller would have inducted him for it. He didn’t.

Third, calling countries that are sh!tholes is in no way, shape or form racist. They are sh!tholes! Go live in one of those countries, I fkn dare you! You won’t because you know it’s pointless & you would lose & you wouldn’t be able to tolerate the level of dishonesty & straight up crime to which you would be subjected! Also, a fuccing country isn’t a fuccing race, you fuccing DIPSH!T!!!

Fourth, I dare you to put your money on Biden not just winning but winning by “10+ pts” seriously I fuccing dare you to bet all your money on that one.

I love this, though. Thank you, for showing us how jaded & out of touch with reality you truly are. It’s amazing. I can go at this all day.

Lastly, stating facts will never be racist. You’re the one who brought race into it. Here’s a challenge: can you please find me one third world country where where people commit the most violent crimes? Fucc it, find me any country where that is true, please. Also, don’t pick some homogenous nation like Finland or something & pretend it’s a gotcha - that’s cheating & it isn’t a gotcha.

mic drop

you’re a pap
"You can't kill something that isn't alive."

Perhaps but after it kidnaps cells which are alive, it become de facto alive. I'm not sure whether we can tell if something that is only seen by an electron microscope is alive or not anyway. It is often said to be on the border of life.
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Lmao “he’s a bad speaker,” really? Is he bad with words? What does that make him with young kids? Is he just bad with little girls, too? Lmao
"You can't kill something that isn't alive."

Perhaps but after it kidnaps cells which are alive, it become de facto alive. I'm not sure whether we can tell if something that is only seen by an electron microscope is alive or not anyway.
I only meant that it’s alive in that it can “survive” on certain surfaces for hours as it tries to find a host (human or apparently in some cases an animal). That’s how it spreads.

hold up, though Lmao this fool gold tho ... I don’t think he knows what he’s tryna start here. I am about to destroy him, own him & then disown him publicly. This is going to be great!
Rippin took some bleach with his lithium. He’s basically a walking Nirvana album.

And utterly wrong and full of poo. I’m sure his parents had higher aspirations for him. The good news is he can’t get committed while Covid is going on.
"You can't kill something that isn't alive."

Perhaps but after it kidnaps cells which are alive, it become de facto alive. I'm not sure whether we can tell if something that is only seen by an electron microscope is alive or not anyway. It is often said to be on the border of life.
Yeah, a virus is kind of a weird category. More of a complex chemical than organism, but it has all the trappings of life.
Rippin took some bleach with his lithium. He’s basically a walking Nirvana album.

And utterly wrong and full of poo. I’m sure his parents had higher aspirations for him. The good news is he can’t get committed while Covid is going on.
Name calling, interesting. I mean, you are a punk - that’s a fact. You’re also another p word that is synonymous with soft. It’s also synonymous with warm & wet, in my case, but once again I digress. (I’m talking about pussy, obviously, which I love when it’s a beautiful woman - unfortunately I’m also familiar with having to deal with the other kind of pussy which is YOU!)

This is typical leftist behavior. You know it was stupid to say calling a country a sh!thole isn’t racist because a country is not synonymous with race. You realized that & resorted to ad homonym attacks. Well done, sir, well done. You really showed your ability to hold a debate with someone who is on point with their political talk.
Rippin took some bleach with his lithium. He’s basically a walking Nirvana album.

And utterly wrong and full of poo. I’m sure his parents had higher aspirations for him. The good news is he can’t get committed while Covid is going on.
Let’s liven it up a bit, seriously. Come with some facts. Come with some ideologies that you can either point to success in history or if those ideologies have failed in history at least come with something saying how you could change it.

Maybe say how Biden doesn’t diddle kids/female interns. Maybe say why it’s unfair to state facts that make you uncomfortable.

****ing anything, man... you make this too easy! You really do. I expected more from you. Ad homonym bs lol it’s actually sad

I think you know I will destroy you in a debate that excludes the president & that’s based on facts, not feelings. Thus, it’s much easier for you to try to get a kick out of some stupid name calling that you think will cause others who are on your side to laugh. It’s so stupid and sad. Your generation got nothin on me, you fuccing punk. That’s why you won’t debate me!
It’s epic, beautiful silence from this dude gold, now. It’s the wonderful feeling of a sweet, sweet W. I don’t usually call people names but I have called him soft, a push over, a pussy & a b!tch. I regret all of that (even though it’s true.) I do wish he would have a real discussion based on facts, though, but he’s clearly too scared because he knows there’s a high chance I know more than him. I have familiarized myself with these facts. They are engraved into my memory forever. I think he knows this. If he doesn’t then he truly is just scared.
For example, just as it’s racist to say voter ID laws are racist because it implies minorities can’t get an ID (THEY HAVE FUCCING IDs!) it is also racist to say calling countries sh!tholes is racist BECAUSE IT PROVES THAT EVEN THOUGH THE PERSON SAYING IT IS RACIST TO CALL THEM THOSE THINGS WILL NEVER GO LIVE IN ONE OF THESE COUNTRIES, ALL THEY CARE ABOUT IS VIRTUE SIGNALING TO YOU TO TRY TO CONVINCE OTHERS THAT THEY CARE WHEN THEY DO NOT! If he cared about these sh!thole countries he’d be more familiar with them & he’d admit they are, in fact, sh!tholes & he’d be able to explain why they are so bad & what needs to be done to fix them. But he doesn’t actually care about any of that. He’d rather pretend that a country is a race just so he can virtue signal by calling someone who disagrees with him racist (which is fuccing stupid as all hell).

You have fallen for the trap, Gold. I can only imagine how star struck you would be if you met a celebrity and they were willing to be close friends with you. You’d be on their D so hard and bragging to all your friends and your woman and all that hell you’d even brag about it to your clients. I know your kind I know exactly who you are & it ain’t flyin wit me. Take that bs & live life insecure & starstruck of celebrities. Fkn punk

I can’t believe you’d try to start a conversation and resort to make calling because you are too afraid you’ll lose. Actually, I can believe it. I was just excited because it looked like you were down to actually discuss things so now I’m disappointed you are backing down. Whatever.
It’s crazy, too because we all know he’s seeing this. He’s too scared to have a real discussion about the issues about which he pretends to care so much. He is an attorney - hell, he should be an expert at this stuff. What’s crazy is I could cite so much case law & so many precedents he would just left to nothing but citing the vaguest of all rulings in US history. That’s right, I’d even own you at law - not just politics & foreign relations/affairs (I’ve had multiple foreign affairs, too, which were all awesome), Gold. LOL


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