The story you didn’t hear today

No. You’re a waste of my time, mentally ill, and not very bright. Don’t drink the bleach!
No, you know you can’t win an actual debate because you don’t have the facts. You gave yourself more rope with which to hang & expose yourself than even I ever could lol that’s why you’re backing down right now.

You’re blatantly fulfilling my prediction by not being willing to have a discussion because you are afraid that my facts will destroy your argument. Once again, you did the same thing with your little defense mechanism - call me names, imply I’m somehow mentally ill, etc even though it’s documented there people on the left - particularly white people & even more so white women ON THE LEFT are far more likely to be diagnosed with mental illness.
You don’t qualify for an actual debate due to years of wasting my time and showing awful conduct on here. I get to choose what I do with my time and you aren’t it. You are a true idiot and need help.
No. You’re a waste of my time, mentally ill, and not very bright. Don’t drink the bleach!
You went straight back to what I called out on which was the fact that when you have nothing else to say because you don’t know about what you’re talking you call me names. You jump to ad homonym attacks. You say it’s a waste of your time.

great job, punk. You just proved what I said to be true.
You don’t qualify for an actual debate due to years of wasting my time and showing awful conduct on here. I get to choose what I do with my time and you aren’t it. You are a true idiot and need help.
Well if that were true you could actually debate me with facts & prove your claims to be true. Of course, you won’t do that because you are too scared that I might know more than you & thus humiliate you with facts.

good game, have fun, looking forward to the next one as you’ve clearly lost this one.
Like I said, you aren’t worth my time. I have other things to do. You peddle in bizarre sexual theories about candidates that only show your own deep issues. You also appear to be openly racist, which as a Booker T alum is hard to do. Get help, I know there are some decent online options for therapy during this time.

My thread was about why Trump quit doing the press conferences. Multiple outlets reported my story today and yesterday. I was right.

I’m going to block you now. Say whatever you want. Get help.
You read it wrong g money I didn’t say that Finland is a third world country... I said he can’t use a homogenous country like that as an example as a country where white people commit crimes at a higher rate than non-white people.

Reas slowly, your feelings are showing too much.
Seriously though, this is great. Gold is proving he is unwilling to have a real discussion based on facts. He knows that if there is a chance I can cite precedent, Supreme Court rulings & other facts that refute/negate everything he’s arguing that he will be humiliated.

So what move does he have left? He has to accuse me of being mentally ill & “not worth” his time etc because his ego just won’t allow him to risk losing. It’s a beautiful W. I love it. He’s still a punk & a pab/pap, but now he’s actually walked right into my trap & fallen for it. He took the bait. I love it.

If he really wants to prove he’s right he will reply & actually come with facts instead of ad homonym attacks. Unfortunately we that won’t happen. His ego won’t allow it, once again proving him to be the pu$$y as punk I always knew him to be. Fuccing punk it sickens me when loses with egos can’t deliver when the chance is given, but whatever. He’s in that bag & there’s no chance he will ever escape it.
Seriously though, this is great. Gold is proving he is unwilling to have a real discussion based on facts. He knows that if there is a chance I can cite precedent, Supreme Court rulings & other facts that refute/negate everything he’s arguing that he will be humiliated.

So what move does he have left? He has to accuse me of being mentally ill & “not worth” his time etc because his ego just won’t allow him to risk losing. It’s a beautiful W. I love it. He’s still a punk & a pab/pap, but now he’s actually walked right into my trap & fallen for it. He took the bait. I love it.

If he really wants to prove he’s right he will reply & actually come with facts instead of ad homonym attacks. Unfortunately we that won’t happen. His ego won’t allow it, once again proving him to be the pu$$y as punk I always knew him to be. Fuccing punk it sickens me when loses with egos can’t deliver when the chance is given, but whatever. He’s in that bag & there’s no chance he will ever escape it.
You haven't used facts in any of your million posts. You're making a fool of yourself, and everybody is ignoring you,(Republicans and Democrats alike) but you still go on and on. They don't moderate this board or you would have been lifetime banned by Chris long ago. The only people who don't ignore you are myself, Gold, and Uredskin because we occasionally play with you for our own amusement. The only poster who treats you seriously is aTUfan. That should give you a permanent pause. You are totally unaware that the two of you treating each other seriously, makes those making fun of either of you's point, that much more valid.
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My doctor buddy in the Navy in Bremerton sent me this. Thousands of Americans prepped for this emergency but a politicians didn't. There's a big divide: politicians, science, and the uniformed services which includes the CDC.
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Like I said, you aren’t worth my time. I have other things to do. You peddle in bizarre sexual theories about candidates that only show your own deep issues. You also appear to be openly racist, which as a Booker T alum is hard to do. Get help, I know there are some decent online options for therapy during this time.

My thread was about why Trump quit doing the press conferences. Multiple outlets reported my story today and yesterday. I was right.

I’m going to block you now. Say whatever you want. Get help.
You seem to get under Rippen's skin way worse than either I or Uredskin. Bravo!
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You seem to get under Rippen's skin way worse than either I or Uredskin. Bravo!

It’s only more and more telling that he won’t have an actual debate. We leave Biden’s sexual deviancy/allegations of sexual assault on young women (include children) out of it. I’m talking about a serious discussion, a debate of ideas.

I’m not even going to address the accusation of racism because it’s ludicrous & entirely baseless.

What’s most interesting here is that Gold, while refusing to have this discussion/debate has once again proved my point that he has no ammunition to refute my claims that he is too scared to have this discussion/debate with me BY RESORTING TO MORE AD HOMONYM ATTACKS! Lol does I can’t believe my eyes. He read what I said & still doubled down with his “get some help” implying I’m mentally ill attack AGAIN & even upped the ante with a baseless claim that I’m racist!

It’s as shocking as it is awesome. In fact, I don’t know whether to laugh about it or pray for him! (I’ll probably pray for him but I won’t stop lmao.)

It’s the exact thing I predicted twice, I just honestly expected him to not respond after I challenged him directly & called him out for using ad homonym attacks/stooping to the level of name calling. That’s not what intelligent, educated people do when challenged to a discussion, a debate or a meeting of the minds of some sort.

So who really got under whose skin? It’s pretty obvious to myself & anyone who has read this objectively that he backed down because he is too scared of the possibility that I would destroy him with facts. I’ve shared this thread with many friends of mine, some of whom are far smarter than I am & they all agreed with me - some questioned the delivery & vulgar nature of what I’ve said but none disagreed with the overall content of my posts.

This is a W I will take, I just wish it hadn’t been so easy. I wish he’d’ve manned up & actually accepted my challenge. However, at this point it is blatant he’s simply too scared that he would lose in a debate/discussion with me, too scared that I know more than him & too afraid of what the consequences could be on this stupid board to the point he won’t even risk it. His ego will not allow it.

Good game, Gold. I do wish you would’ve suited up or even shown up for the game, but nonetheless, I’ll take the W.

If you (or GMoney or Uredskin or Aston for that matter) ever want to take a shot at a real discussion/debate where statements/arguments are backed by FACTS (not feelings) are cited as evidence, I’m down for it. This is an open challenge. As in, anywhere, anytime, you name the place & bring your own ball, as we used to say on the playground. I know the likelihood that any of you grow a pair & give it a real try with an A for effort is slim to none, however I’m leaving the open invitation.
Lmao I'm honestly still shocked he even bothered to reply at all. I’m even more shocked that AGAIN he proved my point that I was blatantly calling him out for re: his childish behavior/inability to have a rational conversation with someone with whom he disagrees & instead responding with ad homonym attacks... he had to do it again! Lol what is that? Three times in a row that he used his same obvious defense mechanism of a child by responding with name calling?! Lmao this truly is GOLD (NO pun intended) LMAO
You haven't used facts in any of your million posts. You're making a fool of yourself, and everybody is ignoring you,(Republicans and Democrats alike) but you still go on and on. They don't moderate this board or you would have been lifetime banned by Chris long ago. The only people who don't ignore you are myself, Gold, and Uredskin because we occasionally play with you for our own amusement. The only poster who treats you seriously is aTUfan. That should give you a permanent pause. You are totally unaware that the two of you treating each other seriously, makes those making fun of either of you's point, that much more valid.
Banned for what? Please, do tell. Explain your position, please. Also, where, exactly, did I not cite facts? I know it’s hard to take facts that make you uncomfortable as being the truth. However, as an adult you can take it.

By the way, Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, Raymond Santana Jr, Korey Wise & Yusef Salaam ARE GUILTY!!! They are the Central Park 5 & they 100% raped that woman. It’s been confirmed. They didn’t collude with each other after the crime was committed & decide collectively that they’d all confess. No, they all confessed on their own volition. Each one of them, on the own, confessed. There was no coercion.

Fuccing hell the amount of slack given to criminals by bleeding heart liberals is sickening & it’s also racist. Just like it’s racist for those same bleeding heart liberals to claim voter id laws are racist - they’re assuming non-whites don’t have IDs. Well, guess what? THEY DO HAVE FUCCING IDs! That’s a fact! Ugh I digress but this is why you fools are afraid to debate me
More entertainment from Uncle Devon (much more entertaining than anything I can say & he’s a SANE Liberal):

The press conferences are back. He couldn’t go one business day. But he won’t take questions, like the eunuch he is.

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The press conferences are back. He couldn’t go one business day. But he won’t take questions, like the eunuch he is.

Lmao you are such a pussy!

even one of my girls is laughing at you RIGHT NOW! LMAO


You have also demonstrated at least 3x in a row that you are afraid to get into facts & details with me because your ego simply wouldn’t be able to handle the L! LMAO THIS MIGHT BE THE BEST THREAD IN THE HISTORY OF THIS BOARD!!

Fuccing eat a satchel of Ds & pay me you beezy! Fccn punk
The press conferences are back. He couldn’t go one business day. But he won’t take questions, like the eunuch he is.

How’s about this? We debate... if you win I will destroy my anonymity, you can make any epic meme with my face & name on it if you want, I will give you full ability to socially shame the utter fucc out of me. If I win, I expose your identity and basically do a crip walk dance on your face for everyone to see (meme wise, not literally). Deal?

That should be worth it to you since you think there’s some evil, racist Booker T alum lurking around here... you can virtue signal to the whole world “LOOK AT THIS RACIST WHO HAS 90% BLACC FRIENDS!” I dare you.
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Disclaimer to newcomers: It’s all in good fun - this is an ongoing feud. We currently are at an impasse on the Internet. An Internet impassay, if you will. He has been challenged. The dare is beyond being on. He must respond. His masculinity must be proven. Will he back down from another dare? To debate or not to debate? THAT BE-ITH THE QUESTION!!!
I see that Trump takes no responsibility for the increase in people ingesting cleaning products since his comments and sees no reason that he would.

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I see that Trump takes no responsibility for the increase in people ingesting cleaning products since his comments and sees no reason that he would.

I’m sorry, I have to address the racist accusations which you have foisted upon myself.

It would be racist if I pretended to know WHY some races commit violent crimes at a higher rate than others.

Now, let me make this clear: ALL RACES COMMIT VIOLENT CRIMES! Unfortunately, some commit them at a higher rate than others & if not for those disproportionate rates of violence perpetuated by that/those race(s), the USA would be one of the safest countries in the World. I grapple with this everyday as I have lost more friends & family members to violence than I can count. Seriously, every morning I wake up, I thank God I am alive & I pray for the safety of my family, friends & enemies. Do you know what I do immediately after that? I pray that we find an answer to this problem of cyclical violence that seems relentless or that people’s behavior/decision making changes. Every. Day.

The point is I actually care about this issue because I’ve been directly affected by it countless times. I’ve lost close friend after close friend. You don’t ever say anything to me that gets under my skin. Calling me racist, however, FOR STATING FACTS, does begin to scratch at the skin. There’s an itch that could form. It is not under my skin BUT IT IS VERY CLOSE.

I talk to my people all the time about this. My people being friends & family members (both of which are mostly black - bet you didn’t know that). I do not know how we can get out of this cycle on a national level, but I know something we can change on a local level that would help & that’s report the news accurately.

The main reason I highlight the things I do that have probably been the reason you have mislabeled me as a racist is because (as an analytical person) I know it is impossible to solve a problem without identifying the problem. Well, we have an entire new (secondary) problem that has arisen from this main problem (the violence) is which is how the news media lies to us.

This secondary problem prevents us from addressing the actual problem & it exists because of educated liberals like you who are too scared to tell the truth for fear of being called racist. I can take being called racist - you’re not the first person to do so, probably not the last.

I let it fly the first couple of times but when you call me racist & cite some stupid sh-t like equating terrible, corrupt countries (which I called sh1tholes) with race, I must speak up because you are, Thus implying that you care more about those countries - where you don’t own property no in which you have any interest, you’re implying you care more about those countries than your own!

You care more about the feelings of people you don’t even know than people you don’t know but happen to live in your own city & are dying from violence at a rate of 1.3 to 1.5 times a week! In your own city! Yet, you don’t speak up about how the media just covers it up & seem to be fine with that subculture JUST SO YOU CAN PRETEND IT DOES NOT HAPPEN & YOU CAN VIRTUE SIGNAL YOU ARE NOT RACIST!! WELL, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MAKES YOU?!

Seriously, think about it - you know damn well that I was right when I said it is racist to call voter ID laws racist because it implies minorities can’t get an ID which IS FUCCING STUPID BECAUSE THEY CAN AND THEY DO! THEY HAVE IDs! That’s why you didn’t say anything about that! Even though you’ve said voter ID laws are racist!

But when you only speak up about bs like Dylann Roof or the Good Friday Murders or the race riot or Nia Wilson, guess what? You’re being fuccing racist because you are ignoring the black on black crime that plagues your community.

You’re ignoring the fact that the media is just as uncomfortable as you are when it comes to reporting the facts - WHICH IS THEIR JOB BY THE WAY, because they are exactly like you!

They’d prefer to pretend to care about people from some other country (which is a sh1thole) when they really don’t care about those people (just like you) YET, WHEN IT COMES TO VIOLENCE IN THEIR OWN COMMUNITY ESPECIALLY WHEN ITS MINORITY ON MINORITY OR MINORITY ON WHITE VIOLENCE THEY IGNORE IT!!

Just like you. That’s racist. That will never help our community heal / recover from this terrible, senseless cycle. You’re a fuccing hypocrite & you’re too scared to get owned by me in a debate because it would destroy your stupid pompous ego... you’re a such a fuccing punk it’s damn near hopeless to get you to listen but I try because I ACTUALLY DO CARE, unlike you!

Now, I reward you all with more entertainment from Uncle Devon (this one not following same narratives of previous videos shared by me of Uncle Devon’s brilliant/brutal honesty.)
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I see that Trump takes no responsibility for the increase in people ingesting cleaning products since his comments and sees no reason that he would.

People have been buying more disinfectant household clean products since the start of this, actually since before the lockdown even started, so... when more people are purchasing disinfectant household products, it would make sense that more people would have accidents with those products, right?

I mean, have you not researched how many people would die in a month on average from household cleaning products before the outbreak? Have you? I’m asking because I have. I have that answer.

Also, the man & woman (hubby & wifey) who infested fish tank cleaner in Arizona is highly questionable - there is evidence she wanted her husband to die & by the way, they were not supporters of Trump, they were Bernie Bros
Do I have to lay out the statistics? Are we going to go there? Lmao

Noteworthy, as well - 15% fewer people died in the USA in March 2020 than the average of the previous 4 years. March 2020 was also the 5 year low for total deaths in the USA.
Before I actually break out the real statistics just know that the number of people who die on average in the USA from household cleaning products is almost twice as many as die from non-self-inflicted gunshot wounds (homicide by gun - including justifiable homicide.)
It’s truly sad how hard I would own him or gwmoney or uredskin or Aston... I would DESTROY them & I will patiently await the day they challenge me to a debate/discussion. I will stay ready, willing & prepared. LOL
Actually the virus is alive - it needs a host to survive. However, you’re also correct, the President did not in any way suggest people ingest household cleaners, he clarified that after asking a question about UV light being used as a treatment. He said “maybe it’s a thing maybe it works maybe it doesn’t, I’m not a doctor.” Good Lord, help us all.

And yes Gold, you are a fkn pussy ass beezy made punk. You aren’t cool now, you were never cool & you never will be cool. You may be hip, but it’s not cool.
Viruses are not alive. They cannot replicate on their own. Best way to explain it to people is it's bad computer code to disrupt your normal programming. There's a reason why computer viruses are called viruses.

And you are detached from reality sir if you think the current admin has handled this pandemic appropriately or on time. And you make the further mistake of thinking Trump gives a crap about you or anyone else on this board.
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" a well-known example being reverse transcriptase in RNA viruses." I wrote a 20 page paper on this process in grad school.

Thanks for the article by the way. It's fascinating stuff really. Viruses are really that '?' in terms of the biological world...or maybe they're not. When I took immunology, viruses had never been included in the "living" kingdoms of biology because of their inability to replicate on their own which even the simplest of prokaryotes have. I guess I had always learned what the first guy discussed in what a virus is and not classifying it as 'alive'.
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" a well-known example being reverse transcriptase in RNA viruses." I wrote a 20 page paper on this process in grad school.

Thanks for the article by the way. It's fascinating stuff really. Viruses are really that '?' in terms of the biological world...or maybe they're not. When I took immunology, viruses had never been included in the "living" kingdoms of biology because of their inability to replicate on their own which even the simplest of prokaryotes have. I guess I had always learned what the first guy discussed in what a virus is and not classifying it as 'alive'.
If you don’t mind me asking, what is your field, BLA? I did a lot of work on modeling singular ventricle heart defects once upon a time, but generally biology is way outside my bailiwick.
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Viruses are not alive. They cannot replicate on their own. Best way to explain it to people is it's bad computer code to disrupt your normal programming. There's a reason why computer viruses are called viruses.

And you are detached from reality sir if you think the current admin has handled this pandemic appropriately or on time. And you make the further mistake of thinking Trump gives a crap about you or anyone else on this board.
WHATEVER they do not last on certain surfaces after a certain amount of time. They need a host to be spread. Stop with the semantics. I’m not a doctor, I’m not a scientist. Come with something realer than this. Oh, wait, you can’t.
Viruses are not alive. They cannot replicate on their own. Best way to explain it to people is it's bad computer code to disrupt your normal programming. There's a reason why computer viruses are called viruses.

And you are detached from reality sir if you think the current admin has handled this pandemic appropriately or on time. And you make the further mistake of thinking Trump gives a crap about you or anyone else on this board.
He certainly cares about the average citizen more than any other politician in the three decades (if not 4, 5 or 6 decades).

“Economic intercourse,” though. Is Joe Biden related to Mike Dement? He certainly has dementia.
No, Rippen.
The ad homonyms have continued. Anyone looking at this objectively will notice that none of you are willing to debate me nor have a discussion with real, fact based arguments & I’m not talking semantics about the virus. I am talking about a discussion about the actual ideological differences between us & citing facts on actual policies & why they are better for the country.

No one is wants to risk taking the L in such a debate/discussion w/ me. I get it. Having a large ego & being a sore loser has to be a difficult life to live. It’s fine. Keep it coming, though, please. I am still enjoying it.

Those who scream the loudest &/or respond with ad homonym attacks...
The ad homonyms have continued. Anyone looking at this objectively will notice that none of you are willing to debate me nor have a discussion with real, fact based arguments & I’m not talking semantics about the virus. I am talking about a discussion about the actual ideological differences between us & citing facts on actual policies & why they are better for the country.

No one is wants to risk taking the L in such a debate/discussion w/ me. I get it. Having a large ego & being a sore loser has to be a difficult life to live. It’s fine. Keep it coming, though, please. I am still enjoying it.

Those who scream the loudest &/or respond with ad homonym attacks...
Sure you want to pick that hill to die on?

I say this with the utmost respect: I don’t know you, but if your behavior here reflects your sincere beliefs and isn’t just some juvenile act, then I think you may be mentally unbalanced. A juvenile act wouldn’t reflect much better. You should seek professional help. There’s no shame in it. But in any case, I am ignoring you now.
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cnn is so obsessed with covid-19 and Trump, they missed some other stories: hrc and the dnc colluded with russia, the fbi illegally spied on the trump campaign, biden actually DID what trump said he liked to DO, aoc is happy that some companies will fail.

No one cares what you think, rivalcane.
We should start up a Conspiracy Board and quarantine aTUfan and CB President Rippen over there.
False. CNN is much better than Fox or whatever crap you get your info from. You are incapable of understanding reality. You are just a racist moron.
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