So much for the theory that heat and humidity would stop the virus


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003
Right now the new cases are 50,701 and deaths 667. Hopefully no more today.

This is getting a bit scary.
It's a bit too hot in the south now for the sun to be a benefit. Everybody is staying in the air conditioning when they can.

The south and southwest are probably getting their first real outbreaks because they were actually successful in flattening the curve (i remember when that was the goal) early on. Thankfully there is no place in these regions with the kind of population density or crowded public transit of NYC and New Jersey so it's probably near impossible for them to approach the kind of issues they had up there. CA, TX, and FL are also the three most populous states finally having an outbreak so it's not that surprising that the numbers are pretty high. If NY had been testing at the levels the country is testing at now the case numbers would have been insane.
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I understand your point. But we were told all Spring that when the heat and humidity got here, the virus would go away.
Dr. Trump said that. Most things he says are lies, so there’s that.

Drinking Clorox and shoving a light up your rear apparently doesn’t do the trick either.
Dr. Trump said that. Most things he says are lies, so there’s that.

Drinking Clorox and shoving a light up your rear apparently doesn’t do the trick either.
1. You don't need masks, they don't do any good.
2. Only professional quality masks work
3. Everyone needs to wear a mask in public.
4. Heat and humidity will make it go away.
5. It is a Southern problem.
6. Illinois and Mass are Southern states. 7000 and 8000 total deaths.
7. Penn had 39 deaths yesterday and NJ 41. Dixieland.
8. Fauci and Birx said the heat and humid story.
9. "Drink Chlorox" was a lie.

This is the first time for a new virus. Nobody knows Shit. Not CDC and not WHO.
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Anyone utilizing what Trump says about a virus or any other serious medical issue in order to make decisions on the matter were already in big trouble. I've never looked to a President, especially one with no medical background, for medical advice. I'll stick with actual doctors in those matters.
He just fired doctors, he never played them on tv.
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Anyone utilizing what Trump says about a virus or any other serious medical issue in order to make decisions on the matter were already in big trouble. I've never looked to a President, especially one with no medical background, for medical advice. I'll stick with actual doctors in those matters.

Unless of course it's Dr. Fauci and our Surgeon General two months ago telling us the "noble lie" that masks are useless
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Speaking of Trump's medical recommendations. Studies on Hydroxycloroquine have been all over the map. There have been some that have shown potential negative effects of the drug, but this one out of Detroit purports to show a significant benefit.

"The study analyzed 2,541 patients hospitalized among the system’s six hospitals between March 10 and May 2 and found 13% of those treated with hydroxychloroquine died while 26% of those who did not receive the drug died."

“We attribute our findings that differ from other studies to early treatment, and part of a combination of interventions that were done in supportive care of patients, including careful cardiac monitoring," said Zervos, division head of infectious disease for the health system. Zervos conducted the study with epidemiologist Dr. Samia Arshad.

Other studies, Zervos noted, included different populations or were not peer-reviewed.

“Our dosing also differed from other studies not showing a benefit of the drug,” he said. "We also found that using steroids early in the infection associated with a reduction in mortality."
Right now the new cases are 50,701 and deaths 667. Hopefully no more today.

This is getting a bit scary.
President said he’s hopeful it will disappear soon.
Numbers are high because we test more than anyone.
It’s not as bad as you think. I mean, well, we may not actually be first in the world with cases based that opinion so see, it’s not that bad.

The August heat will certainly kill it.
Don’t worry about a mask.
Party like it’s 1999 because tonight may be your last chance.
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Anyone utilizing what Trump says about a virus or any other serious medical issue in order to make decisions on the matter were already in big trouble. I've never looked to a President, especially one with no medical background, for medical advice. I'll stick with actual doctors in those matters.
Most of us are fine with that...but when POTUS dominates press briefings about the virus and what the data is saying and he starts going off the rails on crazy treatment tangents that he doesn't understand and then the Drs. are silent because they don't want to piss off the lunatic and get fired for contradicting him or making him look bad. He's the only voice talking. Most of us know better not to listen to a damn word he says on anything because he's never been successful at anything long term with maybe the exception of his TV show.

Why would you appoint a politician to be in charge of a medical crisis? Fauci should be the only voice for the gov't on COVID 19 until it came to actual policy adjustments. He's been in the position through 5-6 presidents (all the way back to Reagan) and the expert. And right as things are getting super bad here, the US has withdrawn from WHO (thankfully it only goes into effect in 2021 and by then we should be in more sane and reasonable hands).
In Oklahoma?!
OK had 850+ new cases yesterday. That was 11th most in the US yesterday. We are 28th in population. At least one hospital in metro Tulsa and another in OKC are at capacity when it comes to ICU beds being used. One of the providers in OKC was readying a satellite center it could expand to.

I read yesterday that in Florida, the vast majority of hospitalizations right now are between 18-35 years old.

Wear a damn mask. Don't go to bars, physical church, or other indoor gatherings right now. My neighbor's daughter just tested positive in OKC. She's 26. She went to a wedding at the end of June.
Too bad we shut down too early. Everywhere but new york couldve stayed open at least at half capacity until we got to where we are now everywhere else in the country.
I have found that pretty much every doctor I come across is more than willing to discuss the coronavirus. It's up to the individual to gain the knowledge rather than listening to a President that has no medical background give his opinions on the matter.
Publicly and on a national scale.

Hell, we can't even get the mayor of Tulsa or Broken Arrow to even acknowledge the fact that Dr. Dart is begging them to mandate masks through some of his comments such as "I cannot foresee how football will proceed this Fall unless people start wearing masks now".
Publicly and on a national scale.

Hell, we can't even get the mayor of Tulsa or Broken Arrow to even acknowledge the fact that Dr. Dart is begging them to mandate masks through some of his comments such as "I cannot foresee how football will proceed this Fall unless people start wearing masks now".
Okay so people won't wear masks to protect themselves and others. But they might be tempted if it is going to effect football!?!?
Okay so people won't wear masks to protect themselves and others. But they might be tempted if it is going to effect football!?!?
In Oklahoma...of course. This state is insane to support its HS and college football teams and if the season depended on whether or not OK has reduced its daily new positive test % to 2% or less or football and fall sports would be canceled, people would put on a mask in a heart beat. They're just defiant right now because they thing the gov't is trying to control them b/c Trump told them. Whereas really, it's a matter of courtesy and showing some compassion to the others we share society with.
If so, I can think of no stronger indictment of our culture. But I'll take people wearing masks if that is what does it.
I wear my mask. It really isn't just Oklahoma. Try Texas in place of Oklahoma. Same result. Probably Kentucky, Duke, UNC in basketball.