Question For You Smart People


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Jan 3, 2004
I was just wondering if any of you Smart People on here know of a Website dedicated to Inflation. Specifically, one that might have a thingy where you could type in a year, say 1960, and an amount, say $100, and it would tell what it is worth now.

It just seems like the sort of thing some of you people might know.
It's not a question of intelligence, rather the willingness to spend ten or twenty seconds to use Google.

Try it! It's amazing.
Google, gives me about 1000 too many pages to sort through.

By the way, I thought the last time I read this board, you said you weren't going to post here anymore.
You know WATU2, the personal rancor I detect in that remark, I do not intend to dignify with comment.
Try this:

The CPI is the primary measure of inflation. Keep in mind that the inflation index has been manipulated over the years so nothing will give you a good answer (basically pre- and post 1984 with 1984 being the CPI "index year"). They now exclude things fuel (gasoline, natural gas, electricity) which were included in prior indices. Including the cost of fuel would make inflation over the last 6 years look really bad. You can find major components of the CPI here:

Don't be too hard on WATU. He is having hope and change withdrawal pains. Happening to a lot of liberals these days.

I was going to post here, but I don't qualify.
Originally posted by BanditBacker:
By the way, I thought the last time I read this board, you said you weren't going to post here anymore.
Backer that could have been six months ago, or a year ago or five years ago......if one quits or cuts back and says nothing then people can't laugh when you come back. BTW, no notice is required to quit.

Thank you Old Goat. That was pretty much just what I was looking for.

Now, I will be able to know just how much it cost me for everyone else to make History back in '08.

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