Patriot Party 🎉

I don't think Ross caused it by divisiveness. He did cause it by dividing the conservative vote.
He divided the Republican vote.. he was a result of "no new taxes".. he stripped the Reaganites away from HWB..
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Let's talk about McConnell. He was clearly upset by what happened January 6. He is a person and spoke his mind, got it off his chest. As a person he has the right to say what he thinks. When it comes to a vote he is the leader of Senate Republicans and now the main leader. Let's not forget, he was the one who brought three Supreme Court Justices in. That is worth something. The one he stiffed is going to be AG.

Now Romney is there for one thing and that is Romney. Utah will take care of that. I'm not talking about the removal vote. His made no difference, except to get him publicity. Even if Trump would have been removed, he still would have regular criminal issues over the riot.
I’m not a Rep merely a spectator and connoisseur of the political game. There is a saying that titles and tiaras don’t make you a leader. McConnell may be the paper leader however Trump overwhelmingly is the de facto leader of the Republican Party. As an example, thousands of people from all over the country flocked to Mar-a-Lago for Presidents’ Day to pay homage to Trump. When was the last time a former president received that much love? This really reminds me of the Obama model. The Obama term on paper had ended however all throughout the gov, people were still forcefully carrying out his policies. IMHO, this is exactly what’s now happening with Trump. Despite his term having ended, key people within gov are still carrying out his policies. I believe the CPAC meeting this weekend will reflect just how in control of the Rep party Trump truly is! Add Ron Klain to the list of people who will soon come to light! What are you your thoughts?
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Actions have can get you a little at a time. Do you think Trump will still have the same support in a year? I especially don't think in four years. Sometime when you sprain your ankle it hurts more the second or third day. Trump won't crash, but he will fade. Here's a tip, don't buy stock in a company that makes Trump hats.

Trump and I a virtually the same age, he is a few months older. I doubt he would be able to do three live rallys in the same day ub 2024, He is still very energetic today...four years though? He lost some support among non Trumper Republicans over Jan 6. Probably this CPAC will be a little less fun. The first true messure of how much strenght his message has will come at mid-terms.

There is a lot still out there to watch. McConnell won't stay forever. Will the D's be able to stack the Court? Will Trump live down Jan 6 (my guess is no...dead people don't come back.) In the long run he would have been better off to admit he lost and exit quietly, but that is not who he is.
Actions have can get you a little at a time. Do you think Trump will still have the same support in a year? I especially don't think in four years. Sometime when you sprain your ankle it hurts more the second or third day. Trump won't crash, but he will fade. Here's a tip, don't buy stock in a company that makes Trump hats.

Trump and I a virtually the same age, he is a few months older. I doubt he would be able to do three live rallys in the same day ub 2024, He is still very energetic today...four years though? He lost some support among non Trumper Republicans over Jan 6. Probably this CPAC will be a little less fun. The first true messure of how much strenght his message has will come at mid-terms.

There is a lot still out there to watch. McConnell won't stay forever. Will the D's be able to stack the Court? Will Trump live down Jan 6 (my guess is no...dead people don't come back.) In the long run he would have been better off to admit he lost and exit quietly, but that is not who he is.
Your point about age will definitely be a huge factor in what happens moving forward. You discuss 6 Jan as playing a big factor however when you look at Trumps polling numbers after the failed impeachment, his approval rating was higher than Bidens. Most Republicans do not believe the narrative the Dems and establishment Reps pushed. More and more info coming to the surface is shedding light on that skewed narrative.

I do not believe Trumpism will diminish in any way, shape, or form thanks to the Dems. The Dems push censorship, cancel culture, calling white christian Conservatives racist and white supremacist, and banks droppings them only solidifies their support for Trump. Let’s not forget the two failed impeachment attempts that elevated Trump to God status as a guy who stood for the people that was falsely persecuted by Dems and was able to beat the system twice.

The other factor that plays a huge part in this is Biden. 56 Executive Orders and counting have many people questioning their decision to vote for him. As we experience the inevitable self inflicted economic collapse under Biden via self inflicted Job losses based on his political policies, tax hikes, immigration policies, packing the courts, on and on will also drive people right back to Trump or someone like Trump. I got my popcorn ready for CPAC!
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Actions have can get you a little at a time. Do you think Trump will still have the same support in a year? I especially don't think in four years. Sometime when you sprain your ankle it hurts more the second or third day. Trump won't crash, but he will fade. Here's a tip, don't buy stock in a company that makes Trump hats.

Trump and I a virtually the same age, he is a few months older. I doubt he would be able to do three live rallys in the same day ub 2024, He is still very energetic today...four years though? He lost some support among non Trumper Republicans over Jan 6. Probably this CPAC will be a little less fun. The first true messure of how much strenght his message has will come at mid-terms.

There is a lot still out there to watch. McConnell won't stay forever. Will the D's be able to stack the Court? Will Trump live down Jan 6 (my guess is no...dead people don't come back.) In the long run he would have been better off to admit he lost and exit quietly, but that is not who he is.
Trump is yellin, Whose your Daddy Mitch!
JUST IN: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says he'll "absolutely" support Donald Trump in 2024 if he's the GOP nominee -Fox News
I don't think Ross caused it by divisiveness. He did cause it by dividing the conservative vote.

That’s not what an analysis of the 1992 election shows. Clinton was polling at 25% in third place in the spring with Bush and Perot both in the race. Perot dropped out before the Democratic convention and after the convention Clinton was polling at 55% and Bush was only at 31%. Clint on continue to poll around 50% for most of the race with Bush in the mid to high 30’s until Perot re-entered in September and was allowed to participate in the debates. Exit polling and showed that most Perot voters were evenly split with their second choice between Bush and Clinton and many saying that they would not have voted if not for Perot. What We do know is that after the Democratic convention Bush never polled above the high 30’s and ended up with 37.5% of the vote. Before Perot re-entered Clinton was polling high 40’s to low 50’s and ended up with 43% of the vote and Perot ended up with 19%. There is really no way of knowing what would have happened if Perot had never been a part of the ‘92 race but to say that he is the reason for the Bush loss is not backed up but the data. Something to remember is that Bush only had a 34% approval rating in October 1992, he only hit 38% after the Republican assembly.

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