Mike Flynn


Serious Cat Circle of Honor
Gold Member
Dec 3, 2003
So are they saying that he didn’t lie to FBI and president? Or are they saying that he lied to FBI and president, but it wasn’t really a lie? Or are they saying that even though he’s a liar, they don’t want it to be a crime ex post facto?

So here’s the question, if you commit heinous crimes in our country, espionage or drugs or resisting arrest or lying to law enforcement, can you magically make the bad thing you did go away? Is that pretending? Or do you just choose your reality?
There’s a local angle on that story. And I don’t say “angle” without all the irony intended.

Did you see Assange fathered two kids while in the Ecuadorian embassy? Confinement may have sucked, but we sure treat prisoners well. Michael Cohen is already out and Flynn never has spent a day in jail. It’s like their crimes never happened111!
So are they saying that he didn’t lie to FBI and president? Or are they saying that he lied to FBI and president, but it wasn’t really a lie? Or are they saying that even though he’s a liar, they don’t want it to be a crime ex post facto?

So here’s the question, if you commit heinous crimes in our country, espionage or drugs or resisting arrest or lying to law enforcement, can you magically make the bad thing you did go away? Is that pretending? Or do you just choose your reality?
They're probably arguing that it was entrapment when the FBI agents noted that they weren't sure what their course of action should be with him... ("are we trying to catch him in a lie?"). Per the entrapment wiki (lol) you need to use two tests to prove entrapment. Did the defendant have a predisposition to commit the crime, and did the actions of the government officers cause a situation where a normally law-abiding citizen would have committed a crime.

I'm not sure you can affirm either of those two tests via the disclosed evidence against Flynn.
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They're probably arguing that it was entrapment when the FBI agents noted that they weren't sure what their course of action should be with him... ("are we trying to catch him in a lie?"). Per the entrapment wiki (lol) you need to use two tests to prove entrapment. Did the defendant have a predisposition to commit the crime, and did the actions of the government officers cause a situation where a normally law-abiding citizen would have committed a crime.

I'm not sure you can affirm either of those two tests via the disclosed evidence against Flynn.

But the Federalist says cuz he didn’t know his kid was getting a deal (wink, wink, wink) and they allegedly didn’t disclose to someone (cough, cough, cough) that then there is some precedent that could mean that it wasn’t a fair sea even though everyone (fart sound with armpit) once said it was a lie. None of deez people broke the law. If they say so.
I don't believe there's a question (at least among most of us) of Flynn's guilt. The question is of a legal nature. Were the actions of the FBI illegal at worst or unethical at best? Did the FBI unlawfully withhold evidence at trial which might have influenced a jury? At this point I have no idea. Need better sources.
There was no trial, brau. He pleaded out quickly. Like a snitch or punk ass. This will likely go nowhere and then set up Trump’s pardon, which historians will view an absurdist admission of a criminal conspiracy.

But my question is more metaphysical. Does it erase the bad $hit he did? He still lied to the FBI and was working as an undisclosed of an autocratic (and frankly terroristic) regime in Turkey. If you do bad $hit, can you make the bad things you did go away? Or should those in glass houses not throw stones. Or something.
Dude admitted everything. I bet Stone is next in saying he should be let go because the FBI used bad intel to find out Stone was actually doing all the things he was actually accused of doing.

And it's funny how Flynn actually lies during an investigation about something that actually affects the intelligence and security interests of the country and his cronies like Nunes want him exonerated because there may have been nefarious means of evidence gathering while the GOP wanted Clinton skewered and run out of town on a rail because he "lied" about the semantics of the word "sex" and getting blown by an intern staffer. The hypocrisy runs real deep on the right.
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Shows you guys how much I'm up to date on this crap. Figured there was a trial since people were making a big deal about this. Teach me to assume based on internet comments.
It happened pretty early on. I actually think that they openly talked in the media about part of the deal being to let his kid off. This was incredibly open and obvious when it happened. I remember tv cameras following them home.

I don’t blame you for not paying attention. Most of us have better things to do. But I think that’s a major issue here. People, especially smart people, need to know the facts to quickly separate out the BS. And that’s hard to accomplish.

I get that we all have policy preferences and root for whatever side most of the time. But this was really bad. You had a former high ranking general, who was fired for being a dipstick, openly communicating with Putin and working with Turkish regime (that are a bunch of f#cktards). This has direct consequences on our security. The man lied about it and manipulated information to obtain highest level security clearance. That’s Manchurian candidate type stuff.

Trump’s people are trying to whitewash the historical record and change the facts. I’m not sure the Watergate crowd was this openly terrible. They literally want to change the facts. And then one little thing seeps our and the conservative commentariat is ready to announce him innocent. It’s like they knew what was getting leaked out.

If we can agree treason is wrong and should be punished, I’m not sure why this is a debate unless you simply want to change the facts. And if we can’t agree treason is wrong, and/or that a lie is a lie, God help us. And I think that’s where we are. And that’s one of the major things that informs my political opinions. We spend so much time on complete nonsense.
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So Barr is being pushed to exonerate Flynn? He’s one corrupt SOB.
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And then one little thing seeps our and the conservative commentariat is ready to announce him innocent. It’s like they knew what was getting leaked out.
I think you've hit the nail on the head. Something gets released and the GOP immediately pounced and started trashing the FBI and spouting things off like "This totally exonerates General Flynn". 1st, there was nothing about anything that exonerated Flynn. At best there may have been nefarious means of obtaining evidence. The fact that there was still evidence of a crime and an ADMISSION of a crime by the criminal is where the focus should always be.
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So Barr is being pushed to exonerate Flynn? He’s one corrupt SOB.

No judge will do that. I’ve represented some people on criminal cases from time to time. They flip out about asking for a second or third deferred sentence for a dui, petty drug offenses, or talking back to a cop. I had one kid who was sent through DOC supervision for high crime and misdemeanor of bringing xanax to a pot party.

To plea out, you have to tell the judge under oath that you are waiting certain rights and state that you committed the crime. In federal court, this is done through the accused’s testimony to the judge in open court. (So you lied to me about lying to the FBI? Huh?)

This is all about setting up a pardon for a “corrupt” justice system that can’t rationally answer that question. They will make it look like there judge is “unreasonable,” even though those of us in the real world (where people get punished for their crimes) see the obvious. The administration is choosing its facts. They have to go.
No judge will do that. I’ve represented some people on criminal cases from time to time. They flip out about asking for a second or third deferred sentence for a dui, petty drug offenses, or talking back to a cop. I had one kid who was sent through DOC supervision for high crime and misdemeanor of bringing xanax to a pot party.

To plea out, you have to tell the judge under oath that you are waiting certain rights and state that you committed the crime. In federal court, this is done through the accused’s testimony to the judge in open court. (So you lied to me about lying to the FBI? Huh?)

This is all about setting up a pardon for a “corrupt” justice system that can’t rationally answer that question. They will make it look like there judge is “unreasonable,” even though those of us in the real world (where people get punished for their crimes) see the obvious. The administration is choosing its facts. They have to go.
It's for issues like this that I say whoever is on the ticket opposing him needs to be voted in. You cannot pull this kind of thoroughly unethical actions against the roots of our justice system and have the right to be reelected. If they really wanted to push this, and if our justice system hadn't already been corrupted by politics, and if our public hadn't already been conned by the GOP congressmen's unwavering support, this would be outright impeachment material. As long as the plan could be traced back to Trump by the special counsel, it would be better and more easily provable grounds for impeachment, than the two times the Democrats have swung and missed.
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It’s pretty obvious. You have these fake tv Fox News lawyers who can’t beat a paper bag on an evidentiary objection. They are seriously complete trash. If they lose, which they will, then Trump won’t know them. But if they win, they get a medal of Freedom or a “Noble” prize. After Trump gives himself one while watching Stormy.

The whole thing is crap. The one good thing that hopefully comes from this era is that it kills much of the news cycle for future generations. The whole thing is nonsensical theater.
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I'm a big fan of the Constitution, but how did they sneak in the presidential pardoning power?
He absolutely has the right to pardon whenever he wants within the boundaries of the law. No one is saying he can’t.

One arguably could abuse that power. That’s what this is about. They are creating a completely fake pretext to justify abusing the pardon power to keep a federal official who compromised national security from spending a day in jail.

Imagine if Obama had pardoned Hilary and said “the emails don’t matter now.” This is way worse than that. It’s worse than complaining about the crimes of others when you too have committed crimes. Only someone who believes they can change the facts would think this was ok.
He absolutely has the right to pardon whenever he wants within the boundaries of the law. No one is saying he can’t.

One arguably could abuse that power. That’s what this is about. They are creating a completely fake pretext to justify abusing the pardon power to keep a federal official who compromised national security from spending a day in jail.

Imagine if Obama had pardoned Hilary and said “the emails don’t matter now.” This is way worse than that. It’s worse than complaining about the crimes of others when you too have committed crimes. Only someone who believes they can change the facts would think this was ok.
I'm not arguing about this possible pardon. I am saying that the Founders didn't want the president to have the powers of a King. So why did they even come up with the pardon. I know he has that power but how did they come to the conclusion at the Constitutional Convention to give him that power?
I'm not arguing about this possible pardon. I am saying that the Founders didn't want the president to have the powers of a King. So why did they even come up with the pardon. I know he has that power but how did they come to the conclusion at the Constitutional Convention to give him that power?
It should have some legal oversight from the supreme court if it is going to be a Presidential power. The oversight would be on the order of a veto, if it brings about overwhelming personal gain for the President trying to enact it,(We should name this oversight the, 'I am not a King' oversight. :D)

The statement was serious, the naming wasn't. This is for those who mistook the green face to reflect on the statement not in parentheses.
I'm not arguing about this possible pardon. I am saying that the Founders didn't want the president to have the powers of a King. So why did they even come up with the pardon. I know he has that power but how did they come to the conclusion at the Constitutional Convention to give him that power?
Shady pardons were supposed to be prevented by the threat of impeachment (for abuse of power, not for crime)... but, as we've recently seen congress now refuses pass the removal of the POTUS without immediate evidence of a crime, and essentially no one is allowed to investigate the executive unless they're the Senate post-impeachment articles.... so we're in a catch-22.

Here's a summary of the George Mason v. James Madison debate at the Virginia constitutional ratification convention regarding the misuse of the pardon power and it's relation to impeachment and removal:

On the afternoon of Wednesday, June 18, 1788, George Mason rose from his chair on the floor of the Virginia Ratifying Convention deeply troubled by what he thought of the convention’s failure to understand—the president of the United States might not always be someone of sound character and high intelligence. There would rarely, if ever, he reminded the delegates, be a commander in chief with the courage and rectitude displayed by George Washington during the War of Independence. There might even be a president who would try to change our form of government. The president, argued Mason,

ought not to have the power of pardoning, because he may frequently pardon crimes which were advised by himself. It may happen, at some future day, that he will establish a monarchy, and destroy the republic. If he has the power of granting pardons before indictment, or conviction, may he not stop inquiry and prevent detection? The case of treason ought, at least, to be excepted. This is a weighty objection with me.

Some of the most famous men in American history were there that day as delegates to the Virginia convention. Patrick Henry, afraid that a national government would destroy the states, was leading the fight to reject the Constitution. John Marshall, who, as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, would do more than anyone to make the Constitution the foundation for the kind of strong national government Henry feared, was one of the leaders in the fight to ratify it. But there was no one—no one in Virginia, nor in the country—with a deeper understanding of the Constitution and what it meant than James Madison.

Madison understood immediately the force of Mason’s objection, but he had a response—a response in which he described limitations on presidential power that, to our great misfortune, have for too long been forgotten. Was there a danger in giving the president the power to pardon? “Yes,” replied Madison, but there was a remedy for the danger in the Constitution as drafted.

“There is one security in this case to which gentlemen may not have adverted: if the President be connected, in any suspicious manner, with any person, and there be grounds to believe he will shelter him, the House of Representatives can impeach him; they can remove him if found guilty.”

Impeachment, in other words, can start, not when the President has been formally charged with a crime; he can be impeached if there are “grounds to believe” that he might “shelter,” that is to say, protect with a pardon, someone with whom he is connected “in any suspicious manner.”

Seems to me, that in this case, James Madison miscalculated the susceptibility of the executive to impeachment given the nature of his party and that of the ruling party in congress (specifically the Senate) being linked. This is exhibit A for why the US Constitution remains fundamentally flawed.

George Mason 1 : James Madison 0
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Shady impeachments were supposed to be prevented by the threat of impeachment (for abuse of power, not for crime)... but, as we've recently seen congress now refuses pass the removal of the POTUS without immediate evidence of a crime, and essentially no one is allowed to investigate the executive unless they're the Senate post-impeachment articles.... so we're in a catch-22.

Here's a summary of the George Mason v. James Madison debate at the constitutional convention regarding the misuse of the pardon power and it's relation to impeachment and removal:

On the afternoon of Wednesday, June 18, 1788, George Mason rose from his chair on the floor of the Virginia Ratifying Convention deeply troubled by what he thought of the convention’s failure to understand—the president of the United States might not always be someone of sound character and high intelligence. There would rarely, if ever, he reminded the delegates, be a commander in chief with the courage and rectitude displayed by George Washington during the War of Independence. There might even be a president who would try to change our form of government. The president, argued Mason,

ought not to have the power of pardoning, because he may frequently pardon crimes which were advised by himself. It may happen, at some future day, that he will establish a monarchy, and destroy the republic. If he has the power of granting pardons before indictment, or conviction, may he not stop inquiry and prevent detection? The case of treason ought, at least, to be excepted. This is a weighty objection with me.

Some of the most famous men in American history were there that day as delegates to the Virginia convention. Patrick Henry, afraid that a national government would destroy the states, was leading the fight to reject the Constitution. John Marshall, who, as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, would do more than anyone to make the Constitution the foundation for the kind of strong national government Henry feared, was one of the leaders in the fight to ratify it. But there was no one—no one in Virginia, nor in the country—with a deeper understanding of the Constitution and what it meant than James Madison.

Madison understood immediately the force of Mason’s objection, but he had a response—a response in which he described limitations on presidential power that, to our great misfortune, have for too long been forgotten. Was there a danger in giving the president the power to pardon? “Yes,” replied Madison, but there was a remedy for the danger in the Constitution as drafted.

“There is one security in this case to which gentlemen may not have adverted: if the President be connected, in any suspicious manner, with any person, and there be grounds to believe he will shelter him, the House of Representatives can impeach him; they can remove him if found guilty.”

Impeachment, in other words, can start, not when the President has been formally charged with a crime; he can be impeached if there are “grounds to believe” that he might “shelter,” that is to say, protect with a pardon, someone with whom he is connected “in any suspicious manner.”

Seems to me, that in this case, James Madison miscalculated the susceptibility of the executive to impeachment given the nature of his party and that of the ruling party in congress (specifically the Senate) being linked. This is exhibit A for why the US Constitution remains to be fundamentally flawed.

George Mason 1 : James Madison 0
That is something desperately in need of a constitutional amendment.
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Shady impeachments were supposed to be prevented by the threat of impeachment (for abuse of power, not for crime)... but, as we've recently seen congress now refuses pass the removal of the POTUS without immediate evidence of a crime, and essentially no one is allowed to investigate the executive unless they're the Senate post-impeachment articles.... so we're in a catch-22.

Here's a summary of the George Mason v. James Madison debate at the constitutional convention regarding the misuse of the pardon power and it's relation to impeachment and removal:

On the afternoon of Wednesday, June 18, 1788, George Mason rose from his chair on the floor of the Virginia Ratifying Convention deeply troubled by what he thought of the convention’s failure to understand—the president of the United States might not always be someone of sound character and high intelligence. There would rarely, if ever, he reminded the delegates, be a commander in chief with the courage and rectitude displayed by George Washington during the War of Independence. There might even be a president who would try to change our form of government. The president, argued Mason,

ought not to have the power of pardoning, because he may frequently pardon crimes which were advised by himself. It may happen, at some future day, that he will establish a monarchy, and destroy the republic. If he has the power of granting pardons before indictment, or conviction, may he not stop inquiry and prevent detection? The case of treason ought, at least, to be excepted. This is a weighty objection with me.

Some of the most famous men in American history were there that day as delegates to the Virginia convention. Patrick Henry, afraid that a national government would destroy the states, was leading the fight to reject the Constitution. John Marshall, who, as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, would do more than anyone to make the Constitution the foundation for the kind of strong national government Henry feared, was one of the leaders in the fight to ratify it. But there was no one—no one in Virginia, nor in the country—with a deeper understanding of the Constitution and what it meant than James Madison.

Madison understood immediately the force of Mason’s objection, but he had a response—a response in which he described limitations on presidential power that, to our great misfortune, have for too long been forgotten. Was there a danger in giving the president the power to pardon? “Yes,” replied Madison, but there was a remedy for the danger in the Constitution as drafted.

“There is one security in this case to which gentlemen may not have adverted: if the President be connected, in any suspicious manner, with any person, and there be grounds to believe he will shelter him, the House of Representatives can impeach him; they can remove him if found guilty.”

Impeachment, in other words, can start, not when the President has been formally charged with a crime; he can be impeached if there are “grounds to believe” that he might “shelter,” that is to say, protect with a pardon, someone with whom he is connected “in any suspicious manner.”

Seems to me, that in this case, James Madison miscalculated the susceptibility of the executive to impeachment given the nature of his party and that of the ruling party in congress (specifically the Senate) being linked. This is exhibit A for why the US Constitution remains to be fundamentally flawed.

George Mason 1 : James Madison 0
In those days there were no political parties. Washington is grouped with the Federalist, perhaps due to his ties with Hamilton. The Senators were, and continued to be for many years, appointed by the States. (Washington didn't need no stinking parties) I, however, see your point. Madison couldn't foresee the turmoil of the Adams/Jefferson split. Things did not stay as calm as it might appear. Please refer to Hamilton/Burr or the Alien and Sedition Acts. I guess I am partially answering my own question, but I do agree with you.
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Find a new word. Just cuz you know a big ole latin word doesn't make you appear any brighter, no matter how many times you repeat it, repeat it.(ad homina homina) Just say insult or any other # of synonyms.

What do you all think about the environment, or the corona virus, or Joe Biden, or...
Just trying to keep things on topic.
Homina homina homina

Said some people who know they have no chance to sit for the bar
Homina homina homina

Said some people who know they have no chance to sit for the bar
Lol that was actually a good one

But come on, dude... they went after Flynn’s son & convinced Flynn that he NEEDED to admit to lying when he did not lie.

No worries, nothing can stop what’s coming. Nothing.

Keep swinging for the fences, though. One day social clout will be absolutely meaningless to you & of no value. You will understand that all those years you spent trying to fit in where you can get in were not worth sacrificing the truth. Let’s not act like TU is not guilty of anything here, either. They are a Confucius institute that has been infiltrated by both China & OPEC. I’m not going to go further than that but if you went to TU, you ought to know.
cnn: all virus all the time. they cant find time to report that the flyn conviction
has been documented as bogus.
cnn: all virus all the time. they cant find time to report that the flyn conviction
has been documented as bogus.
There you go jumping to conclusions with 1/10th of the information necessary to make that claim.

One or two emails that could reflect badly on the investigators does not make Flynn innocent. Just like there was an investigation to convict, before he accepted a plea in the face of that investigation, there will also be an investigation to determine if that plea/conviction was as you put it 'bogus'. You can't even figure out what a cart and a horse is, much less which order they go in.
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cnn: all virus all the time. they cant find time to report that the flyn conviction
has been documented as bogus.

Beahahahahahahaha. No it hasn’t. Please support your conclusion that it has been documented as bogus. Let’s talk about law, Junior.
There you go jumping to conclusions with 1/10th of the information necessary to make that claim.

One or two emails that could reflect badly on the investigators does not make Flynn innocent. Just like there was an investigation to convict, before he accepted a plea in the face of that investigation, there will also be an investigation to determine if that plea/conviction was as you put it 'bogus'. You can't even figure out what a cart and a horse is, much less which order they go in.
Would you take your neighbor’s income, literally his job/livelihood just because he or she asked you to do so? After doing so, would you also steal all his patented secrets that created their livelihood for his family’s financial security? Would you then take that knowledge you stole from him & lend him money from which you both earn off his job/patents/intellectual property & then loan him money (with what is cleverly stated as his/her own money) to be paid back with interest? Is that something you would do?

Because that’s not only what China has done to us, they’ve become so used to our corrupt administrations just selling us (the hypothetical neighbor) & also the “landlord” of the neighbor being the precious corrupt administration who only cared about getting rich off China. If you don’t understand it, I’m very sorry you paid for a degree from a Confucius institute which is the university of Tulsa because if you think China hasn’t infiltrated TU show me how leftist Marxism isn’t being taught there.

It’s shocking. They can’t invade our country nor go to war with us because Trump wouldn’t allow it (& I hate a lot about Trump but it was divine intervention that he won the election). Trump does many things with which I disagee, Eg we need a 10 year moratorium on all immigration but I’ll take any type of halt of all immigration. I have faith he has a plan.

Regardless, nothing can stop what’s coming. None of these corrupt commies operating in the USA are safe.
There you go jumping to conclusions with 1/10th of the information necessary to make that claim.

One or two emails that could reflect badly on the investigators does not make Flynn innocent. Just like there was an investigation to convict, before he accepted a plea in the face of that investigation, there will also be an investigation to determine if that plea/conviction was as you put it 'bogus'. You can't even figure out what a cart and a horse is, much less which order they go in.
Not only do you take your neighbors jobs but you burn your neighbor’s shot at getting a real (not nominal) wage in any other industry by flooding the labor market with outsiders of all industries of his/her expertise?! Would you do that?!

If you would, you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself because you’d be a total pos & hypocrite. Which you are. China is a low trust country. Our previous administrations are low trust people & even after 3.5 years Trump can’t get out all of the bureaucrats against him. I’m not saying I agree with everything Trump does, I don’t. But I do not believe there is an alternative option even close that wouldn’t result in our country being burnt to the ground. We live in a high trust culture. China is not one of those. They would rather save face & lie than do what’s right. Same with our previous administrations. Wake up, fool.
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So are they saying that he didn’t lie to FBI and president? Or are they saying that he lied to FBI and president, but it wasn’t really a lie? Or are they saying that even though he’s a liar, they don’t want it to be a crime ex post facto?

So here’s the question, if you commit heinous crimes in our country, espionage or drugs or resisting arrest or lying to law enforcement, can you magically make the bad thing you did go away? Is that pretending? Or do you just choose your reality?
You do know Comey (Corney as it’s spelled in the archived history of certain FBI docs - hence, Nunes saying “Corn ready for to be cut”) has since admitted to sending his goons to the White House to complete Razor (attack & charge Flynn) by now, right?

“What a beautiful black sky.” - Gen Flynn 3x in that interview. Calm before the storm. Trump didn’t become president without having certain paid spies throughout the government/country/world.

Calm before the storm. Nothing can stop what’s coming, nothing.

In the words of the great Billy Gillespie, “you ain’t seen nothin, yet.”


What happened to your scientist from the UK? Neil Ferguson who recommended that we shut down? What about the WHO? Oh, yeah - Ferguson has resigned for being a hypocrite & the WHO has had its US funding cut.
Would you take your neighbor’s income, literally his job/livelihood just because he or she asked you to do so? After doing so, would you also steal all his patented secrets that created their livelihood for his family’s financial security? Would you then take that knowledge you stole from him & lend him money from which you both earn off his job/patents/intellectual property & then loan him money (with what is cleverly stated as his/her own money) to be paid back with interest? Is that something you would do?

Because that’s not only what China has done to us, they’ve become so used to our corrupt administrations just selling us (the hypothetical neighbor) & also the “landlord” of the neighbor being the precious corrupt administration who only cared about getting rich off China. If you don’t understand it, I’m very sorry you paid for a degree from a Confucius institute which is the university of Tulsa because if you think China hasn’t infiltrated TU show me how leftist Marxism isn’t being taught there.

It’s shocking. They can’t invade our country nor go to war with us because Trump wouldn’t allow it (& I hate a lot about Trump but it was divine intervention that he won the election). Trump does many things with which I disagee, Eg we need a 10 year moratorium on all immigration but I’ll take any type of halt of all immigration. I have faith he has a plan.

Regardless, nothing can stop what’s coming. None of these corrupt commies operating in the USA are safe.
Would you hump an male/female elephant and steal his/her peanuts. Is that something you would do?
Where did Rivalcane go? I’m still waiting on the proof regarding Flynn. I think Rivalcane is just eating pudding instead, but has found no proof.
Where did Rivalcane go? I’m still waiting on the proof regarding Flynn. I think Rivalcane is just eating pudding instead, but has found no proof.
They released the MOSTLY unredacted scope of investigation Rod Rosenstein, who was acting AG at the time, gave to Mueller when special investigator was approved/assigned. Um, nothing fishy or illegal or sketchy about what Mueller or his team did in getting the info they needed BASED on the scope and parameters given to him. How anyone thinks it was after reading through it is beyond me. Next they'll go back to GOP talking point #1 about the dossier even though it was first shopped to GOP candidates during the primaries.

Right now Trump and his GOP cronies are like a bunch of dogs at the vet who are waiting to see who gets called back for neutering next. All yelping loudly hoping beyond hope people just leave them along.
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So are they saying that he didn’t lie to FBI and president? Or are they saying that he lied to FBI and president, but it wasn’t really a lie? Or are they saying that even though he’s a liar, they don’t want it to be a crime ex post facto?

So here’s the question, if you commit heinous crimes in our country, espionage or drugs or resisting arrest or lying to law enforcement, can you magically make the bad thing you did go away? Is that pretending? Or do you just choose your reality?
So... case dropped? I guess he didn’t lie. You’re golden reputation is becoming tarnished by the day, Gold.

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