The POT is leading the effort to undermine faith in science, vaccinations and other public health measures. The hypocrisy of Trump's whining about the vaccines not being available before the election and complaining about not getting credit for Warp Speed sharply contrasts with the POT's efforts to undermine their use. Party over country.
I didn’t ask a single question involving politics. I asked why aren’t we pushing or even requiring individuals take actions against obesity and other known health risks? You know…..those health conditions we have verified result in death and hospitalization among Covid patients.
I’m vaccinated and recommend everyone get stuck. However, we’re going to see that the current vaccines aren’t the cure all as this thing continues to morph especially in those who have been vaccinated. We will continue to see more variants which are vaccine resistant. The only measure guaranteed thus far to reduce the severity of this virus is good overall health of the host. Yet crickets. I don’t understand.
Remember the good ole days when our health officials blamed the lack of available tests as the reason for the spread?