How the media kept the Benghazi scam alive

As a Republican, I think the thing yesterday was a mistake. Everyone already knew that Hillary is a liar...and not a very good one...with a convenient memory like being shot at by snipers. They already knew that her emails were done illegally and were being investigated by the FBI.

The endless "she's terrible" and "she is great" alternating speeches made both sides look rehearsed. Sometimes you quit while you are ahead.
Media??i thought the investigation was being lead by the FBI; investigating a democrat onder a democrat administration.
Too bad the House Republicans give more credence to fake stories than they do to the worldwide community of scientists. We would all be better off if they had put this level of effort into climate issues.
kHere's what kept the thing going. Hillary is such a bad lair. Most politicians message, bend, twist, and parse the truth. But Hillary is so conceited that she things she can get by with pushing the envelope. Hillary, like many of our generation, has not adjusted to the modern world. Gone are the days when you could go to Tennessee and talk about more money for the TVA and then go to a few states away and talk about cutting pork. That stuff gets noticed with the internet, plenty of news sites, and you get caught.

She says security decisions were made below me. That makes sense. She says the President decided something and that makes sense. If she should become President, I hope she remembers.

A third of the people love her no matter what. A third of the people hate her no matter what. And the remaining third will decide.

Of the about a dozen members of Congress that were there, only one was interested in talking about what could be done about future security. A Democrat, she was, Congresswoman Duckworth. Why? Because it was really to her...real as her terrible combat wounds. The rest were interested in attacking or defending.
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Too bad the House Republicans give more credence to fake stories than they do to the worldwide community of scientists. We would all be better off if they had put this level of effort into climate issues.

I give total credence. It's over. We have reached the point of no return. Mass extinctions are coming...not the first. I believe in evolution. Look at just Hominoids. Several died out. We got too successful. Too many. Too selfish. There is no law that evolution has stopped or that selection no longer happens. The earth will come back. A huge number of species have died out. We are not immune. We've passed the point of no return. Climate scientist were right.
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Too bad the House Republicans give more credence to fake stories than they do to the worldwide community of scientists. We would all be better off if they had put this level of effort into climate issues.
fake story?? Evidence found by the FBI and other party neutral agencies show she lied. hrc the phone rang at 3am and you failed the test. Climate change is real. Man can affect regional weather patterns, but CC is just part of the history of the Earth.
The dog and pony show the House put on this week was ridiculous. We were running a CIA operation out of a diplomatic complex. The State Dept failed to provide proper security given the operation and situation. The State Dept then lied about the incident. Americans died. Not sure why we needed an investigation and hearings to talk about the F up and subsequent poorly conceived cover-up.
There was a charade. But both sides played it. Cummins, et al, delivered softball questions that were cleverly worded and she returned answers to questions she had in advance. The Republicans delivered questions to highlight points of contention that were also orchestrated. It wasn't a bright moment in history, but neither were the actions being looked at. Clinton quoted the final report from the investigation earlier when it fitted her needs and ignored the parts that did not. She accepted formal responsibility but found herself at the same time blameless.
hrc's most common responces/ excuses " i dont know", "someone else did that", "not my job" . . .

intersting; when someting happens in a corp, the ceo has to fall on his swoard. ie. If a mccdonalds clerk makes a racial comment, all the employees would get diversity training, and the ceo would take the blame and resign.

that's leadership.
Reagan and Dubya evidently do not share your views on "leadership".
Reagan doesn't share anyone' views, the Moose out front should have told you he's dead.
The Democrats said that the Benghazi hearings by the Republican's was a "witch hunt".

They are right.

The Republicans found one.

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