Donnie's Delay

Yeah, I’ll just say I was emotional when I posted that and I didn’t mean to convey I agree with Newsome’s angle or strategy here. I left California long before he was governor, and he’s not my cup of tea.

But in any case, I wouldn’t read too much into anything Newsome says or doesn’t say to Trump. We have a president that loves getting praise so much that it is a weakness. Stroke his ego enough and he will listen to you. Because of that feature/flaw, I generally don’t trust anyone praising him in any way ever actually means it so much as they are trying to get something from him. Take that for whatever it is worth.

Absolutely agree regarding both Newsome and Trump. They are both all over the place.
Sure would have been nice if the WHO hadn’t told the world that there was no evidence of human to human transmission in late January. Maybe Fauci and the rest of the European experts would have recommended ramping up testing at that point. Suppose the silver lining is we didn’t lag behind Europe in this pandemic like we were in 2009.

I guess I don’t understand why we didn’t listen to our own people as far back as December.
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I guess I don’t understand why we didn’t listen to our own people as far back as December.

Which people ? Fauci was saying the ordinary flu was a greater threat into the third week of February? We supposedly had no better authority.
The hypothetical that US nationals would have been allowed to “help” China with their response if laughable. There is no way on gods green earth that the Chinese were going to allow people into Wuhan who they couldn’t control. When our journalist got close they immediately kicked them out of the country. This was an all out black out of information by the Chinese government.
At least they might have been able to communicate with Chinese counterparts working on the front lines. It would have at least been SOMETHING that might have helped. (Especially considering China's past experiences with SARS / Avian Flu)
At least they might have been able to communicate with Chinese counterparts working on the front lines. It would have at least been SOMETHING that might have helped. (Especially considering China's past experiences with SARS / Avian Flu)

Suppose it’s possible they could have received brief communication before their counterpart “disappeared” :)
I reminded myself about when it started to get out of China by looking at this article again.

I forgot how late the new had started to break out of China. I might have been a little off on my early estimates about any other president than Trump reacting to it. I don't necessarily think the initial balking should have necessarily began between Christmas and New Years like i stated before. But I still hold to my feeling that another president should have and would have reacted by Jan 15, and ramped up the reaction immediately after.

Any other president should have been balking around Jan 7 and reacting by the 15th instead of the initial reaction right around New Years. It doesn't really change the appropriate time table at all. It just pushes the first reactions up by about 7-10 days, but still leaves a responsible president in the war room 24/7 between the 7th and the 14th before he reacts.

I do believe there would have been earlier warnings if the CIA was given the normal breadth by a president who didn't distrust any intelligence reports about everything. The CIA should have had early warnings around Christmas that were paid more attention.
I have a hard time believing any President would ignore the advice from our leading infectious disease expert who were telling us as late as mid-late Feb that this was no big deal. Europe certainly was being told the same line from their experts and everyone of their leaders acted similar to Trump. If reliable intelligence was out there I’m unsure why every western leader ignored the same. Any ideas?
Each day we get new numbers on the confirmed cases and deaths. These numbers are important, but they don't provide the complete picture. Other numbers need to be calculated.

I would like to see the percentages based on each countries population since most countries have reacted differently. Also how does this death toll relate to the normal death rate per day.

and I am sure there are additional factor to consider.
Each day we get new numbers on the confirmed cases and deaths. These numbers are important, but they don't provide the complete picture. Other numbers need to be calculated.

I would like to see the percentages based on each countries population since most countries have reacted differently. Also how does this death toll relate to the normal death rate per day.

and I am sure there are additional factor to consider.
Those numbers exist on line.

You just have to work a little to get to what you are looking for.
I have a hard time understanding why there is so little blame assigned to China. First by this Administration and now by the media.

Wuhan has a research facility for the very thing. It is close to the 'wet market" and handy for Igor to go gather bats. The two most likely causes were either an accident with the virus or weaponization that went wrong. There were some initial exchanges with workers at the virus facility but those people have "disappeared." We are told that blaming the Chinese is racist. I don't think so, but blaming the Chinese Communist Government should not be racist. They did let our friends at WHO in finally, but either they weren't allowed to look or didn't look too hard.

Trump is our President and as such should get and accept some of the blame as should Trump/Fauci. No President is an expert in virology but the delay is part of the problem. For the 317th time, the problem existed in Italy, Spain, France and UK. Probably all of the EU. Merkel gets an A. Germany has 3867 deaths and a smaller population than the US. 63 deaths yesterday.
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I have a hard time understanding why there is so little blame assigned to China. First by this Administration and now by the media.

Wuhan has a research facility for the very thing. It is close to the 'wet market" and handy for Igor to go gather bats. The two most likely causes were either an accident with the virus or weaponization that went wrong. There were some initial exchanges with workers at the virus facility but those people have "disappeared." We are told that blaming the Chinese is racist. I don't think so, but blaming the Chinese Communist Government should not be racist. They did let our friends at WHO in finally, but either they weren't allowed to look or didn't look too hard.

Trump is our President and as such should get and accept some of the blame as should Trump/Fauci. No President is an expert in virology but the delay is part of the problem. For the 317th time, the problem existed in Italy, Spain, France and UK. Probably all of the EU. Merkel gets an A. Germany has 3867 deaths and a smaller population than the US. 63 deaths yesterday.

It's almost like we've become dependent on China for life saving products as well as products which are vital to our economy and are now scared to take a hard line stance for the fear of being cutoff from those things.
Because our Commander in Chief refuses to accept responsibility for his own inaction and follow up actions. Capt Crozier took responsibility for his actions and ended his career to protect his crew. Some public revulsion moderated the result, but the effect on the military remains huge.

I have a hard time understanding why there is so little blame assigned to China. First by this Administration and now by the media.
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Because our Commander in Chief refuses to accept responsibility for his own inaction and follow up actions. Capt Crozier took responsibility for his actions and ended his career to protect his crew. Some public revulsion moderated the result, but the effect on the military remains huge.
Great reason for letting China skate on shutting most of the world down and especially this country. When did they take away the chain of command? There are better ways to communicate as Douglas MacArthur found out.
Great reason for letting China skate on shutting most of the world down and especially this country. When did they take away the chain of command? There are better ways to communicate as Douglas MacArthur found out.
We let China skate for everything. The Chinese make our richest citizens richer. They make the phones that we browse Facebook on. They make the products that Walmart sells. The people that buy our elections have no interest in changing the framework of the Chinese government because the Chinese government, with all its despotic faults, props up their bank accounts more than any other entity besides our own government.

As far as the chain of command goes, when the chain of command is broken I don't have a problem with a person speaking out if they have exhausted all avenues. These sailors lives are only to be jeopardized for the sake of protecting Americans. They shouldn't be jeopardized because we can't test them for a cough.
I'm sure everyone including the media would support places tariffs on Chinese goods as part of the negotiation of fairer trade deals....correct? Our companies will continue to exploit cheap Chinese labor until we make it cost prohibitive to do the same.
I don't understand.

A couple of years ago, some state and local governments refused to cooperate with any federal agency charged with enforcing immigration laws as outlined in the Constitution.

Now these same entities are complaining about the lack of federal edicts.
I don't understand.

A couple of years ago, some state and local governments refused to cooperate with any federal agency charged with enforcing immigration laws as outlined in the Constitution.

Now these same entities are complaining about the lack of federal edicts.
I say let them burn on their own. Those states are nowhere I’d prefer to live under any circumstances. This is all by design. Why did China/President Xi come out 4-5 months ago come out & publicly state that we shouldn’t have firearms in the USA? You can’t occupy a country that’s armed to the teeth - that takes people. You also can’t bomb a country from which you’d like to seize natural resources by force. China wanted us divided, they succeeded. Now they want to go to war - well, they’re going to get it.
It’s not just China. I keep telling y’all - these people have been scared for 3.5 years of the fact Trump (an outsider) knows of their horrendously atrocious crimes & that he will hold them accountable. They will stop at nothing to avoid this - they’d prefer to watch this country burn. By the way, of those crimes, the crimes of selling us out to countries like China to line their own pockets is the least of which they’re afraid of being exposed - in fact, they prefer having China’s help to avoid being exposed (& executed under the Logan Act). These people are not smart, though & lucky for us, China isn’t as strong as these criminals in our federal government think it is.
I reminded myself about when it started to get out of China by looking at this article again.

I forgot how late the new had started to break out of China. I might have been a little off on my early estimates about any other president than Trump reacting to it. I don't necessarily think the initial balking should have necessarily began between Christmas and New Years like i stated before. But I still hold to my feeling that another president should have and would have reacted by Jan 15, and ramped up the reaction immediately after.

Any other president should have been balking around Jan 7 and reacting by the 15th instead of the initial reaction right around New Years. It doesn't really change the appropriate time table at all. It just pushes the first reactions up by about 7-10 days, but still leaves a responsible president in the war room 24/7 between the 7th and the 14th before he reacts.

I do believe there would have been earlier warnings if the CIA was given the normal breadth by a president who didn't distrust any intelligence reports about everything. The CIA should have had early warnings around Christmas that were paid more attention.
No other president would’ve been facing the scrutiny of being called racist & xenophobic for taking such precautions at such an early date with so much uncertainty looming, which your President still faced when he took the first step of banning travel from China.

You’re being a friggin hypocrite, man. You’re straight up lying to us! You weren’t calling for those things to happen back in mid January & you know dw you were happy to jump on the bandwagon or criticism toward your president back then!

It’s so obvious how biased & hypocritical you are. Actually, it’s worse than that - you’re deranged. You’re actually suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.



You can hate him all you want but Fauci & Birx are about to be fired once we get through this thing because they’re awful Obama holdovers & didn’t recommend he act as early as he did. Even the WaPo & CNN are finally reporting this thing came from a lab. No one suggested he close the borders on January 15th but regardless all you have to do is look at the graphs - President Trump’s decisive action allowed us to avoid disaster.

You should be ashamed of yourself. Go join Kim Kardashian & help her racist ass try to get guilty murderers out of prison.
I don't understand.

A couple of years ago, some state and local governments refused to cooperate with any federal agency charged with enforcing immigration laws as outlined in the Constitution.

Now these same entities are complaining about the lack of federal edicts.
This coming from a man in the party that's all about modern day state's rights.
Speaking of states, how are some of these states going to pay their bills? They can't simply borrow money like the Feds.
No idea. Some were already in the red.

Assume....cut cut cut. This is what annoys me about some of my left leaning friends who advocate keeping state's closed indefinitely. There's a point where the economy won't come back (no idea where that is). Poor economy means drastically less tax revenue on the local, state and federal level. The result is the slashing of social services. You know....those services most in need when people don't have jobs. Poor people will suffer like we haven't seen in years. Yet they give no thought into these consequences.
Assume....cut cut cut. This is what annoys me about some of my left leaning friends who advocate keeping state's closed indefinitely. There's a point where the economy won't come back (no idea where that is). Poor economy means drastically less tax revenue on the local, state and federal level. The result is the slashing of social services. You know....those services most in need when people don't have jobs. Poor people will suffer like we haven't seen in years. Yet they give no thought into these consequences.
For some of these states, there's not much fat left to trim. You're going to start talking about reducing infrastructure budgets, etc...

I completely understand your desire to reopen the economy... but if we see another spike a few weeks later and have to shut down again, will that just make things even worse for these states?

I look at it like going to the dentist for a root canal. Will it hurt? Yes. Will it cost you money? Yes... but will it be better than if you just ignored it? Yes.
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For some of these states, there's not much fat left to trim. You're going to start talking about reducing infrastructure budgets, etc...

I completely understand your desire to reopen the economy... but if we see another spike a few weeks later and have to shut down again, will that just make things even worse for these states?

I look at it like going to the dentist for a root canal. Will it hurt? Yes. Will it cost you money? Yes... but will it be better than if you just ignored it? Yes.

i think you reopen it slowly. Test at each stage and track the infected. If you see a surge then you either back off or don't go further The goal would be to recognize the increase and halt the easing so you don't have to go backwards. Going backwards would be a disaster. Going back to your root canal example.....How long can I not treat it before the infection spreads to the rest of my body and it can't be fixed?
i think you reopen it slowly. Test at each stage and track the infected. If you see a surge then you either back off or don't go further The goal would be to recognize the increase and halt the easing so you don't have to go backwards. Going backwards would be a disaster. Going back to your root canal example.....How long can I not treat it before the infection spreads to the rest of my body and it can't be fixed?
I think the real analogy would be... the tooth gets more expensive to fix, the longer you wait to fix it. This is why I don't at all understand Trump / the Feds' pushback on prioritizing testing availability.

I get that certain states might not warrant the same kinds of preventative procedures in terms of what they need to do to start opening up their communities, but I have to feel that when 50 states all impliment differing policies on how to handle their crises, a lack of uniform strategy backed by comprehensive testing could spell disaster. (Both mortal and economic)
I think the real analogy would be... the tooth gets more expensive to fix, the longer you wait to fix it. )

Let's go with the tooth get's to a point where the dentist doesn't have the tools to repair the damage done by the wait.

I understand the concern regarding the lack of an uniform roll out. Wyoming obviously has needs and resources then New York and should start it's phases at different times. Tracking and testing will be the key. Someone tests positive and there needs to be tracking and testing of who they've been in close contact too. Oklahoma should be able to follow up on say 60 cases a day. That's less than one case per county. Start slow and monitor.
Let's go with the tooth get's to a point where the dentist doesn't have the tools to repair the damage done by the wait.

I understand the concern regarding the lack of an uniform roll out. Wyoming obviously has needs and resources then New York and should start it's phases at different times. Tracking and testing will be the key. Someone tests positive and there needs to be tracking and testing of who they've been in close contact too. Oklahoma should be able to follow up on say 60 cases a day. That's less than one case per county. Start slow and monitor.
I just don't think that's enough. You need to be able to test people that have symptoms but weren't in close contact with confirmed cases. All it takes is a confirmed case (or not confirmed case) passing a credit card to a worker at a fast food place and hundreds of others could have it. And those hundreds pass it to thousands more when they get home.

If it weren’t for the stay at home orders this stuff could very well be exhibiting near exponential growth due to the transmissibility and lag of the appearance of symptoms.