Changes coming because of the virus?

This is an interesting graphic I've seen going around. Not sure how accurate it is. This is the internet afterall

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This is an Interesting graphic I've seen going around. Not sure how accurate it is. This is the internet afterall


I trust the Chinese government, too.

Once again, why was Angela Merkel in Wuhan with Chinese President Xi in mid-Sept 2019?

Keep that rat wheel a turning...
The constitution is pretty specific about it. Would an administration go beyond it? I'm sure under certain circumstances they would, but not for an illness that presents mildly for the vast majority of people.
Spoken like a True Commie who doesn’t care about people’s lives... by the way, keep on trusting communist China. See where it gets you.

You clearly haven’t been paying attention to the statistics. The true mortality rate is over 10% - just look at Italy (another country that isn’t being honest with their reporting). Keep it up, it’s gonna save you when you catch this bioweapon. Trust me, they don’t care about you nor your loved ones.
I really don't understand why you have to be this way all the time. Martial law means you'll be suspending habeas corpus. The constitution specifies the circumstances under which that can be done. Not mentioned: other people getting sick.
The constitution has been steadily infringed upon every year for over a century.
It's been done for fire and earthquake, otherwise known as a national emergency. Was that to stop looting as the justification, or to insure the safety of the residents from fire, dangerous buildings, downed electrical lines, etc. It would not be too much of a swing, to call a potentially deadly illness a danger just like fire, downed electrical lines, etc.
It’d be so much better if we would just allow everyone entering the US illegally be it via the southern border or overstayed visa to get free healthcare. That way at least these old US citizens that need to die already really won’t be getting the beds they need for treatment in the hospitals. That’s what your party wants, man. Give yourself a pat on the back - hell, throw a party! They don’t care about you but boy, are you virtuous!!
It's been done for fire and earthquake, otherwise known as a national emergency. Was that to stop looting as the justification, or to insure the safety of the residents from fire, dangerous buildings, downed electrical lines, etc. It would not be too much of a swing, to call a potentially deadly illness a danger just like fire, downed electrical lines, etc.
It’d be so much better if we would just allow everyone entering the US illegally be it via the southern border or overstayed visa to get free healthcare. That way at least these old US citizens that need to die already really won’t be getting the beds they need for treatment in the hospitals. That’s what your party wants, man. Give yourself a pat on the back - hell, throw a party! They don’t care about you but boy, are you virtuous!!
It's been done for fire and earthquake, otherwise known as a national emergency. Was that to stop looting as the justification, or to insure the safety of the residents from fire, dangerous buildings, downed electrical lines, etc. It would not be too much of a swing, to call a potentially deadly illness a danger just like fire, downed electrical lines, etc.
I like this but how do you know it’s not more deadly than a fire, earthquake or downed electrical lines, etc?
Interesting article:

I have a lot of professional ties to the University of Pavia and have been there a few times. I have a Ph.D. student there that I have been working with and he was supposed to come out here next week as a visiting scholar for the next two months. Obviously that has fallen by the wayside. Fortunately everyone I know over there appears to be okay so far. But Pavia is just a quaint little college town in northern Italy, and rarely gets international press, so I could hardly resist sharing.

I was also unaware until I read this article that modern probability theory was born out of a mathematician at Pavia that was a terrible gambler.
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Interesting article:

I have a lot of professional ties to the University of Pavia and have been there a few times. I have a Ph.D. student there that I have been working with and he was supposed to come out here next week as a visiting scholar for the next two months. Obviously that has fallen by the wayside. Fortunately everyone I know over there appears to be okay so far. But Pavia is just a quaint little college town in northern Italy, and rarely gets international press, so I could hardly resist sharing.

I was also unaware until I read this article that modern probability theory was born out of a mathematician at Pavia that was a terrible gambler.
Thank you for sharing.
Lol I'm a millennial. I don't have kids
I think you missed the joke entirely. No one on here actually thinks you’d be able to find a girl willing to bless you with children.

Lol nah I’m playing but foreal find a girl get married start a family
Lol I'm a millennial. I don't have kids
And stop making the millennials look bad. Lol

Clearly I’m just tagging on you as there is no way the millennials could use any single person’s help in looking bad as a generation. Although you do seem to have the same stupid beliefs plaguing that entire generation.

It is interesting that the same users with whom I’ve disagreed for years in The Alley also have opposite political beliefs. That causes me to believe in the smaller amygdala’s of liberals even more.
I think you missed the joke entirely. No one on here actually thinks you’d be able to find a girl willing to bless you with children.

Lol nah I’m playing but foreal find a girl get married start a family

I'm not sure why you keep replying to me, but I am in fact married. What you were responding to is commonly referred to as sarcasm.
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It is interesting that the same users with whom I’ve disagreed for years in The Alley also have opposite political beliefs.

You mean like when you said Shaq Harrison wasn't a D1 point guard?
You mean like when you said Shaq Harrison wasn't a D1 point guard?
He wasn’t. He did, however, turn out to be a late bloomer & a steal of a recruit. He’s continued to develop. I’m pretty sure he’s shot around 33% or 34% on 3pt FGAs the last two years & he averages at least 1 3pt FGA every 8 minutes. HE WAS NEVER SHOOTING 3s AT THAT RATE AT TU!

Also, not only did I eat crow on that statement BUT I still stand by what I said at the time. When I said that he was an unpolished sophomore (or heading into his JR year) starting & at the time I couldn’t understand it. Darien Jackson shoots the 3 better than Shaq ever did during his entire TU career - in fact, I’m pretty sure Jackson has already made more than 2 or 3 times as many threes this year than Shaq did his ENTIRE CAREER! You can keep bringing that up but a D1 PG needs to be able to knock down 3s when needed & also needs to able to score from anywhere within 30ft in a variety of ways. Even as a senior Shaq was extremely limited in how he could get buckets. His scoring style was one dimensional. Granted, he ended up being INCREDIBLE at the way he did score & he also hit his FTs - even in the clutch BUT he was never a complete PG.
You mean like when you said Shaq Harrison wasn't a D1 point guard?
I forget - was he a first or second round draft pick? Can you remind me?

Oh, that’s right - he wasn’t drafted. How many years did he play overseas/in the G-League before signing that first 10 day contract? 3 years?

I’m proud of him, don’t get me wrong but my analysis was by no means completely off base at the time.
Rippin has been stocking up on tp. He’s Charmin soft.
lol good one. Actually I’m not one of those idiots who goes to the store & buys up to 4 or 5x the normal amount of tp they’d buy thus ruining it for everyone else. I’ve been buying up food & supplies but I’ve been doing it smart for a long time meaning incrementally increasing what I will need should shelter in place be necessary for an extended period of time. I guess that makes me a prepper lol

It’s so funny how leftists can’t meme, they can’t come up with original jokes & they just repeat stupid stuff. They’ve all been socially engineered & they truly think differently - I already posted the article proving the difference in amygdala size between liberals & conservatives. It’s true. They (leftists/tiblards) also have lower IQs on average (“the quotient of the quotient”) Lol...

Or no, what was it? Oh sh*# I said “the quotient of the quotient” because one of y’all said “the IQ quotient” lmao wow that was great.

What’s most interesting is the people with whom I’ve consistently disagreed in the Alley happen to be Leftists/Liberals/RINOs/never-Trumpers. That’s crazy. & of all my friends & family who support Trump I’m by far most critical of him.


I think my favorite part of this is that I spend 10 seconds typing a sentence and it results in you spending the next hour composing a manifesto.
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I think my favorite part of this is that I spend 10 seconds typing a sentence and it results in you spending the next hour composing a manifesto.
Lol a manifesto? Do you need education on what a manifesto is?
I understand it will never happen but all Americans should be supporting Trump as well as other federal leaders, the CDC, scientist and health care workers, the private companies charged to develop tests, treatments, and hopefully a vaccine. In the past Americans have come together during times of crisis. Sad to see people putting political motives above humanitarian concern and support for one another. People are going to die. Millions of people are going to lose their jobs. Thousands of businesses are going to fail. This virus and the accompanying economic collapse doesn’t give a damn which party you support. It attacks us all the same.
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I understand it will never happen but all Americans should be supporting Trump as well as other federal leaders, the CDC, scientist and health care workers, the private companies charged to develop tests, treatments, and hopefully a vaccine. In the past Americans have come together during times of crisis. Sad to see people putting political motives above humanitarian concern and support for one another. People are going to die. Millions of people are going to lose their jobs. Thousands of businesses are going to fail. This virus and the accompanying economic collapse doesn’t give a damn which party you support. It attacks us all the same.
Exactly. They’re seriously happy about this virus (to which a lot of Americans - both on the left & right - will succumb) because it gives them a chance to try & frame the President’s response as inadequate. That’s how deranged & obsessed they truly are. Meanwhile, back here in reality & outside of their clownworld bubbles Trump’s response has been better than that of every single developed, Western nation. I have friends all over Europe right now who can’t leave their house - it’s martial law. What’s scary is now certain states with left leaning governors are already declaring their own states of emergency & EO’ing that police can violate the citizens’ 1st, 2nd & 4th amendment rights. These governors are actually taking advantage of this thing to bypass their previous ERPO or red-flag laws they wish to pass or have already passed just to confiscate firearms. It’s sickening. Those governors need to be arrested & thrown in federal prison. They are tyrants & they’re violating their oaths of office.
Also, real quick - aside from Trump’s desire to increase instead of diminish legal immigration, I also agree with the First Step Act. Alice Johnson was the star of that & she wasn’t the first time non-violent offender they’d like you to believe she was - she was at the top of a multi-million dollar cocaine distribution ring & make no mistake about it - because of her actions people died, families were ruined & inner-city gun violence increased. There are many other examples.

It’s kist the same as these people on the left who believe that there all these white supremacists committing hate crimes when the opposite is true - most hate crimes are fake hate crimes or they’re committed by black people. That’s 100% true, one need look no further then Jussie Smollett or the increasingly rampant, random anti-Semitic crimes committed everyday in NYC/tri-State area. OR you can go to the FBI UCR & you’ll see they white people commit hate crimes at a rate of ~1.26 per 100,000 & black people commit hate crimes at a rate of ~3.55 per 100,000. You’ll also see that the vast majority of hate groups are black separatists. I’m sure someone will say stating facts is racist, as always but it’s not. Everyday I’m in Tulsa I go to parts of town most of y’all wouldn’t dare. That’s where my family is. It doesn’t stop me from being as objective as possible when it comes to analysis of crimes, though.
where in the constitution does it give local, state or federal governments the authority to shut down any business and then arrest those that dont.
10th Amendment, 14th Amendment, and hundreds of Supreme Court cases after 1930. States have broad authority to regulate heath, morality, and welfare. Also, Huffy has referenced Title 42 a couple of times and that is very interesting stuff that the media has not discussed. Basically, the federal government can do it, too.

I’d say thanks for playing, but I really don’t thank you.
where in the constitution does it give local, state or federal governments the authority to shut down any business and then arrest those that dont.
Go ahead and try to open up a law firm with no bar approved attorneys present and see how long you are allowed to operate. I’ll wait, cause it shouldn’t take too long.

Or what if I really wanted to sell more than 3.2 beer in Oklahoma (until recently)? Where does it say in the constitution that the state can take away my right to sell moonshine and arrest me if I refuse? Or marijuana? Or where does it say specifically that anyone can stop me from dumping my industrial waste in your front yard? You may want to rethink your argument.
You usually only associate this with communist and dictatorship governments

No, you don’t. You associate these doctrines with FDR, the New Deal, World War II, and things our government did when it was truly great. You are such an ill informed moron. Please go away. You are an embarrassment to TU and our community. You have no idea about law or government. Some of us have devoted our lives to it.
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Go ahead and try to open up a law firm with no bar approved attorneys present and see how long you are allowed to operate. I’ll wait, cause it shouldn’t take too long.

Or what if I really wanted to sell more than 3.2 beer in Oklahoma (until recently)? Where does it say in the constitution that the state can take away my right to sell moonshine and arrest me if I refuse? Or marijuana? Or where does it say specifically that anyone can stop me from dumping my industrial waste in your front yard? You may want to rethink your argument.

There was one dip$hit in the OK legislature who was trying to disband the bar association/ get rid of the requirement of membership a few years back. He made the comment that he we set himself on fire if it didn’t pass and someone at the OBA handed out matches at some event in OKC not long after. That person was reprimanded, but it was damn funny.
You usually only associate this with communist and dictatorship governments
I worked with somebody like you when I was doing an internship in the early 90's, for WTG in their IT department. He wore the corduroy suit 3 days out of every 5. Is that you Randy?
No, but I bet you can hear him and smell him coming your way, just the same.
Yeah the 10th amendment about does it. A few governors have overstepped but the vast majority of things that have been done, while I’m uneasy with them by my nature, are perfectly legal imo. (I say this as a humble history/social science major and in no way a legal expert)
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Go ahead and try to open up a law firm with no bar approved attorneys present and see how long you are allowed to operate. I’ll wait, cause it shouldn’t take too long.

Or what if I really wanted to sell more than 3.2 beer in Oklahoma (until recently)? Where does it say in the constitution that the state can take away my right to sell moonshine and arrest me if I refuse? Or marijuana? Or where does it say specifically that anyone can stop me from dumping my industrial waste in your front yard? You may want to rethink your argument.
Im just noting that thete have already been countless lawsuits foled for various reasoms.
Im just noting that thete have already been countless lawsuits foled for various reasoms.

I hate it when the foles get involved with litigation. It’s a national tradedy. So much contiverdy.

Seriously tho, litigation (“fole”-big lawsuits) has almost NOTHING to do with the state police powers. You are talking about totally different issues. We get it, you’re a scared white guy. That’s not a reason to vote for a $hitbag like Trump or waste people’s time.
10th Amendment, 14th Amendment, and hundreds of Supreme Court cases after 1930. States have broad authority to regulate heath, morality, and welfare. Also, Huffy has referenced Title 42 a couple of times and that is very interesting stuff that the media has not discussed. Basically, the federal government can do it, too.

I’d say thanks for playing, but I really don’t thank you.
I'm no lawyer and I didn't sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night, but don't most state constitutions as well as the US Constitution give broad power to protect the interests of the nation and its citizens? And it probably isn't only associated with trade and the economy.
I hate it when the foles get involved with litigation. It’s a national tradedy. So much contiverdy.

Seriously tho, litigation (“fole”-big lawsuits) has almost NOTHING to do with the state police powers. You are talking about totally different issues. We get it, you’re a scared white guy. That’s not a reason to vote for a $hitbag like Trump or waste people’s time.
The strange consistency of typos, along with their bizarre character, and the simplistic points of view expressed has often led me to idly wonder, "Is DJT aTUfan?"
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