Cases rising, will they close it again

This article was published today by an epidemiologist who specializes in bat borne viruses.He argues that the shaming about masks is a bit much considering the limited evidence of their efficacy. Still believes it makes sense to wear one of course.

I also read Denmark has a pretty large study in the works, so that should hopefully confirm their usefulness
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No one has a “right” to go out in public without the possibility of getting sick. That is not realistic at all.
Oh my god. You are takiing this literally. If you had a gas leak, or a toxic cloud over so many square miles because a truck turned over, the area would be quarantined with police keeping you out of the area. So if there is a disease that is a death sentence to a large segment of the population,(seniors) at least half of the time when one comes into contact with it, it gives cause to consider ordering the population to wear masks. I was not talking about going out and completely avoiding ALL illness, that might be life threatening. You are PUTTING WORDS IN MY MOUTH. We have an illness that is a direct threat to a sizeable segment of the population with no vaccine yet. This is so getting old.
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Oh my god. You are takiing this literally.

I’m not a mind reader. I can only engage with the ideas that you actually state. My apologies if you were being hyperbolic. To me, that was not clear from your post.


I disagree. Taking you literally is the exact opposite of putting words in your mouth. All I did was respond to your assertion as you stated it. I did not assume that you really meant something other than what you posted (that would have actually been an example of me putting words in your mouth).
I’m not a mind reader. I can only engage with the ideas that you actually state. My apologies if you were being hyperbolic. To me, that was not clear from your post.

I disagree. Taking you literally is the exact opposite of putting words in your mouth. All I did was respond to your assertion as you stated it. I did not assume that you really meant something other than what you posted (that would have actually been an example of me putting words in your mouth).
One can avoid having words put in their mouth by wearing a mask :)
I’m not a mind reader. I can only engage with the ideas that you actually state. My apologies if you were being hyperbolic. To me, that was not clear from your post.

I disagree. Taking you literally is the exact opposite of putting words in your mouth. All I did was respond to your assertion as you stated it. I did not assume that you really meant something other than what you posted (that would have actually been an example of me putting words in your mouth).
Taking someone literally when there is obvious context surrounding their statements? Playing dumb in the middle of an argument imo is another method of putting words in one's mouth. If you weren't playing dumb then my apologies.
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At a major hospital in Tucson the official report is that the icu is operating at 89% of its current available beds.


The available bed count only includes beds with staffing. About 33% of the total icu beds are not staffed; those people have been furloughed or have reduced hours. So the hospital icu is really operating at about 57%(covid and non-covid).

My source is a nurse thst works there.
At a major hospital in Tucson the official report is that the icu is operating at 89% of its current available beds.


The available bed count only includes beds with staffing. About 33% of the total icu beds are not staffed; those people have been furloughed or have reduced hours. So the hospital icu is really operating at about 57%(covid and non-covid).

My source is a nurse thst works there.

Seriously, my wife is an ICU nurse. Please quit dangerously dismissing the nature of this threat. ICU bed usage is at 91% capacity across the entire state of Arizona, per that liberal lying bastion known as the Arizona department of health website:

And dont try to argue that they have reduced beds which has caused the percentage to go up without new patients. At the beginning of June, there were ~375 Covid ICU patients in Arizona. Now there are 871 ICU patients and the trajectory is not going in the right direction. The number of inpatient COVID patients (non-ICU) has risen from ~1000 to ~3400.

I don't know or trust you well enough to accept your interpretation of what your friend said at face value. I'll accept at face value that you aren't lying and this is what you genuinely believe you heard from him/her. I'll even suppose you are halfway correct and that staffing levels are low causing a decreased availability of beds. But that doesn't really help anything. If they don't have the staff for whatever reason, then they don't have the staff to treat more patients. There are NOT a bunch of excess nurses and doctors just sitting around waiting to get a call in to work.

Here's an article about a guy being sent to Phoenix from Tucson because they were out of staffed beds.

It doesn't matter if they could theoretically treat more people if they don't have the staff to do it. Obviously, the hospital is turning people away and that is not a great sign. If it is true that the hospital is short staffed due to furloughs rather than illness, then that means the hospital can't afford to hire more ICU nurses and is furloughing them while simultaneously sending patients 150 miles away, I don't see how that is in any way an argument that we aren't near the capacity of our medical system in Arizona. There is not some conspiracy of hospital administrators to ring alarm bells while secretly having a bunch of beds and nurses in reserve. They are starting to ship people out of state to San Diego and Albuquerque. AZ is at or near capacity.

It is true that hospitals aren't making much money off of COVID and some are struggling mightily and even furloughing people. Furloughs of qualified staff have happened, but those workers have mostly taken up shop elsewhere already and it is misguided to believe there is a vast reservoir of talented nurses just waiting in the wings sitting at home unemployed. If hospitals can't afford to combat this epidemic, then hospitals suffer decreased capacity and that loss is real. It is not evidence that we are just fine and dandy, it is evidence that our system is nearing the brink of failure. Hospitals in hard hit areas need access to as much federal dollars as they can right now to keep staffing and patient care levels as high as possible instead of furloughing people and cutting capacity for financial reasons.
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mexico is sending cases to az.
So now it is a big deal, but Mexico's fault? Just stop it.

The border is more or less closed right now, and don't tell me COVID patients that need to be hospitalized are trekking across the desert.
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Why do states like California and New York blame Trump for their spike. When was the last time one of these states adhered to any trump policy?