BHO is not


I.T.S. Athletic Director
Apr 18, 2011
la la land
going to attend the funeral for Nancy Reagan. Instead he will attend a concert event in Austin.

again, another example of his lack of "leadership".
going to attend the funeral for Nancy Reagan. Instead he will attend a concert event in Austin.

again, another example of his lack of "leadership".
I believe he said with the Scalia funeral, which would apply here as well, that he thought funerals were private affairs for mourning with close family and friends. He thinks his presence will/would turn it into a political scene and his security details and extra media he attracts would detract from its solemnity. He did pay his respects to Scalia during his wake. Not sure about Reagan, but I'm also not sure he ever even met her...

There's some truth to what you say. The public wants/expects to see him at such events, and that need may even outweigh the desires of the family. Can't say I fault him for not going though. I'd feel weird about crashing a funeral with a full entourage of guests for someone whom I may have never even met too. Ironic that by NOT going, the funeral still gets politicized.

I'm content to let him make his choice and try to leave funerals out of politics.
Setting aside heads of state, Obama has attended roughly eight funerals during his time in office. Of the eight, four were Senators and one Member of the House...all were Democrats. He also attended the funeral of Biden's son and one for a civil rights leaders. Draw your own conclusions.

Note: I would rather be on Austin than a funeral too.
He could do both. Airforce one is a real fast jet

total lack of respect. Yes that's what I have for him. I totally apologise for drinking the cool aid and voting for him in 2008.
Setting aside heads of state, Obama has attended roughly eight funerals during his time in office. Of the eight, four were Senators and one Member of the House...all were Democrats. He also attended the funeral of Biden's son and one for a civil rights leaders. Draw your own conclusions.

Note: I would rather be on Austin than a funeral too.
To be fair, it is also more likely that he knew the family/friends of those people more personally. Especially Biden's son. But your point is well-taken. I still think it is generally silly to be talking about whose funerals he prefers to attend, instead of simply focusing on the departed.

I swear I don't remember hearing anything about whether GW Bush attended Lady Bird Johnson's funeral or not. I don't know whether he was there or not, but the fact that I didn't hear about it is A-OK by me.
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I don't really care either. Maybe he'll catch a funeral of a Republican once he's out of office for those who care :)
She wasn't the President... I don't expect Trump to attend a Michelle Obama funeral if she were to pass unexpectedly. I'm sure the President will attend the funeral of someone like H.W. Bush if he were to go before Obama gets out of office.
Not attending makes Obama look even more partisan. There comes a time when a president has to show whether he is the president of ALL the people or not and this makes him look even more petty to the people. It is just another example of why he is hated so much by so many and why about half the country wants him gone sooner than later.

There is a protocol to being a president and part of it is showing the people you serve you are a good person, not a hack. Obviously BHO didn't get that memo. This needs to be remembered when he meets his maker.

Golf anyone?
Haven't heard this much whining since I passed the daycare recently.
Not whining. Just FACTS.

I would just like to see some LEADERSHIP from potus.
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