10 Examples of a classic economic process in action today

Reason Number 10 says it all. World population. Think in terms of Root Cause Analysis. The root cause of all the other problems is population.

World population in 1950 was 2.5 Billion.
World population today is about 7.2 Billion.

It took a very long time to get to 2.5 and in the last 65 years we have nearly tripled that. Everything else is a symptom. The problem has been known for decades. The only county that has tried to do anything, China, has failed. Yes for effective ways of taking codfish has contributed to that problem, but that is only because someone is eating them. Look at Lake Meade. Drought may have contributed but the growth of LA, Las Vegas, and farming in California has been huge.

There are efforts to control the symptoms, but little to control the real problem. Perhaps there is no way to control it. And it really has very little to do with people living least in developed countries. People living into their 90's are consumers but not breeders. Since nobody...including myself...favors what it would take to end the population explosion...we may as a species become so successful that we destroy ourselves.

No one will like this post because it involves unpleasant thoughts.
I thought it was a Great Post. The solutions to almost every problem requires unpleasant thoughts. If it were Pie in the Sky easy the problem wouldn't exist.
Originally posted by TUMe:

Reason Number 10 says it all. World population. Think in terms of Root Cause Analysis. The root cause of all the other problems is population.

World population in 1950 was 2.5 Billion.
World population today is about 7.2 Billion.

It took a very long time to get to 2.5 and in the last 65 years we have nearly tripled that. Everything else is a symptom. The problem has been known for decades. The only county that has tried to do anything, China, has failed. Yes for effective ways of taking codfish has contributed to that problem, but that is only because someone is eating them. Look at Lake Meade. Drought may have contributed but the growth of LA, Las Vegas, and farming in California has been huge.

There are efforts to control the symptoms, but little to control the real problem. Perhaps there is no way to control it. And it really has very little to do with people living least in developed countries. People living into their 90's are consumers but not breeders. Since nobody...including myself...favors what it would take to end the population explosion...we may as a species become so successful that we destroy ourselves.

No one will like this post because it involves unpleasant thoughts.
You are correct, unfortunately. But almost everything we do here in the US is counter to what is occurring in other less developed countries. Generally speaking, we are controlling our population (the traditonal american family hasn't changed much), but are a victim of what occurs in the rest of the world. We invent a new medicine that benefits us and the world - the result is it increases population worldwide and later on threatens us as well as them. We improve our economy benefitting our own folks and then are invaded with "illegals" ready to take what they want and later encourages a breakdown of our own society and political structure. We gradually become more like them - and open to more of them. The rule of law is ignored. To counter population trends we encourage abortion which goes against our basic Judeo-Christian "ethic" and is (at least in some form), the murder of innocents. Yet it becomes a "way out" of the societal dilemma we are faced with.

So who is to blame? I think a defining event was when those illegal "train" children came thousands of miles to the US and were then "absorbed" into our country as if nothing had occurred and were quickly ignored and forgotten as the days went by. At almost every level it was a threat to us that we couldn't deal with because our leadership was so weak. We now seem to be under attack abroad as well as at home. Our own society seems to be in decay with one segment saying we have "evolved" into some kind of "fairness" and "justice" as if the US, the most generous and forgiving nation on earth, was somehow at some point, the bad guy. But every world crisis seems to need us and our resources to come to the rescue. That doesn't sound to me like we are the problem.

We need to "conserve" truth, justice and the american way. That sounds pretty old fashioned, but so what? Maybe we need a little more of that instead of a lot of "hope and change". We used to be Utopia imo, at least as close to it as is humanely possible. We'll probably never see those days again.

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