This is the Democratic Party.
1). I said largely supplanted not wholly supplanted. Please quote me accurately.I have long compared the pandemic to war time in terms of the needs of the nation for alignment and cooperation for the safety of the nation. The fact that Congress couldn’t get their head out of their butts long enough to come to terms with that shows how screwed up our government really is.
I don’t agree that the clear and present danger doctrine has wholly been supplanted. Even in Brandenburg the justices acknowledge the need to limit speech which will imminently cause harm. (They reference Holmes’ fire in a crowded theater analogy) The main difference being what is considered imminent.
Again, I think I’m more open to what should be considered an imminent threat to safety than what the current government considers.
I do agree with Holmes in subsequent cases that things like proposing strike dates aren’t inherent threats to public safety and shouldn’t be regulated in the same way as disinformation about pandemics or inflammatory remarks that maliciously detriment public safety.
2). Holmes never said anything about regulating pandemics. You can’t agree with him on things he never addressed.
Limiting speech based on Congressional action is a vital part of this discussion as is war. Both were intricate to Holmes’ decision. Again…the fact that one person is violating Americans first amendment rights even with speech which is factual is alarming. Please note there was also speech censored which had zero to do with the pandemic. History shows us the silencing of the people often starts in one area and spreads to others. Funny how things repeat themselves. The fact there are Dems supporting such a gross violation of our civil rights is even more alarming. Can we not place the precedent being set over partisanship?. Shall we go back to through history and discuss regimes which silenced the voices of dissenters ?