Berhalter’s replacement may not have been to Oklahoma,

Fernando Torres? Has never managed at the international level. Zero chance. None. God, the opinions of people in soccer always amaze me. It is fun to listen to and make fun of. You are going to join TU_Bla in insanity.

The only move is to make the Godfather offer for Klopp 10M/year and houses in Atlanta, Aspen, NYC and Miami. This is the way.

Do we have to offer 4 houses in kind to Miss Hayes, or are material goods an exception. That would be quite a raise for her.

The First Debate

why bother having the primaries where voters choose the party candidate, if in the end, the party leaders pick who they want?
God, where did you happen onto that criticism. If they choose someone else, it will only be if he drops out. What a loon you are. Like the party or him want this situation. Go smell your fart in the dark. What a cheese ass comment. I don't think too many Democrats out there will be making the complaint that they were robbed of Joe Biden if that happens. I hope that happens to the Republicans, so you can make that complaint all the way to the election. I want my DONALD, I want my Donald. Waaaaahhh!!! SMH at your ignorance. You really must want to be slapped down.
