mavericks game

Always been a Celtics fan since the Cousy/Sharman days when the NBA game of the week included the Celtics about 70% of the games .
Don't forget Bill Russel, Sam & K.C. Jones, Tom Heinsohn, Satch Sanders, & so on.
I grew up in the 80s so all I knew was Bird, Parrish, McHale and those great Celtics teams
Bla and II are spot on that we were so fortunate to see these greats in our lifetime. Don't really know the current Celtics but their 18th championship brought back some great memories from the 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's.
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This is the Democratic Party.

I go on a partisan rant because the issue is fundamentally partisan…, it’s only brought up because it’s a topic of partisan divide that one side uses as a stick to beat the other with, and when offered an opportunity to negotiate and do something about it they refused to take action…. Mostly so they could keep holding their stick.

Do you not see the irony that you’re talking about not being partisan while asking to talk about a non-priority issue in a thread about the Democratic Party???
Doesn’t really matter whether we talk about in the Dem or Pub thread since we don’t have an immigration thread. The topic is in the Dem thread because the Biden Admin is currently the party making the decisions re immigration. My point has always been that most of the issues cited shouldn’t be partisan. I get frustrated when the far left and far right posters go on partisan rants instead of engaging in substantive discussions. I’m not necessarily talking about you btw. Going on a tangent about Herns and McDonalds is an example. Adds zero.

I’m on record stating the #1 issue facing us is the deficit and inflation btw.
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This is the Democratic Party.

Are the people who are actually doing labor beneficial to our larger economy actually the ones we want to target?
I don’t want to target anyone. I want the immigration process to work. Capturing an illegal to only immediately release and not track them is not acceptable. The system is broken. Also, picking up someone in this country illegally is not targeting. It’s enforcement. Maybe if an illegal is caught in the states but he has a verified job have a different process than someone who doesn’t. The figure cited above is only half find employment during the first year in the county. Not sure what the net benefit is with those numbers but I’m willing to treat those who are contributed differently.

This is the Democratic Party.

So as posters of we don’t believe the issue being discussed isn’t one of the most important problems facing this country the proper response is to go on the partisan rant which deflects from the question posed ? We’ve never had such a standard on this board. You clearly don’t care to discuss this issue in a substantive manner which is fine. I don’t see the need to clutter up the discussion with partisanship regarding a topic which shouldn’t be partisan.
I go on a partisan rant because the issue is fundamentally partisan…, it’s only brought up because it’s a topic of partisan divide that one side uses as a stick to beat the other with, and when offered an opportunity to negotiate and do something about it they refused to take action…. Mostly so they could keep holding their stick.

Do you not see the irony that you’re talking about not being partisan while asking to talk about a non-priority issue in a thread about the Democratic Party???

This is the Democratic Party.

I only deflect because this is not nearly the most pressing thing facing our country…. And people have still refused to comment on the fact that overall immigration has, as of late, been a benefit to the economy.

International affairs between the USA, China, Russia, and India…
The war in Ukraine
Finishing the fight on inflation,
Driving down budget deficits
Making businesses and the extremely wealthy pay a fair tax rate, and ending under taxes cap gains investment / untaxed loans backed by stock packages
The corruption of the Supreme Court
Climate Change
Improvement of the Electric Grid
Fixing a broken Medical System
Fixing a broken Higher Education System
Suring up Social Security

All things which I think are much more important than immigration policy that Republicans refused to even try to compromise on anyway, simply because it would have given Biden a win and taken a talking point away from Trump.
So as posters of we don’t believe the issue being discussed isn’t one of the most important problems facing this country the proper response is to go on the partisan rant which deflects from the question posed ? We’ve never had such a standard on this board. You clearly don’t care to discuss this issue in a substantive manner which is fine. I don’t see the need to clutter up the discussion with partisanship regarding a topic which shouldn’t be partisan.

This is the Democratic Party.

Huffy is correct. Policy did change in 2021. Raids were being conducted prior which is why the order to cease the same came down. An action which encourages employers to utilize illegals btw.

Are the people who are actually doing labor beneficial to our larger economy actually the ones we want to target?
