Youth soccer club

TSC will make it a mini pep rally.

Girls are learning and getting better.

Texas conference is very difficult. Winning isn’t the most important thing. We do well in national events against teams outside the conference (what they don’t tell you is that those events are seeded so if you’re at the bottom of the Texas conference you’re playing other bottom feeders).

TSC puts a lot of girls in college programs. This is the best place for you. Stay the course. Believe in our coaching staff and club.

Let me know if I missed anything

Now the 2011 girls meeting will be quite different

I’ll take notes against this lol
I took a quick gander at WSA's standings in ECNL - RL. It isn't phenomenal. Why do people keep promoting this idea? These parents at WSA have no idea what the next level is. It is such a joke to listen to.
WSA's sheer size is one of the things that touches this off every season. The fact the Bushes went and absorbed all these tiny clubs all over the state and renamed them WSA-North/South/East and Western Wear (Drysdales) makes them seem bigger and better qualified for ECNL membership. The problem is their facilities throughout the state are not good and outside of the one field at River Parks in Sand Springs (#10 I think it is) their game fields are actually pretty bad. I'm not sure they've ever gotten the lights fixed at River Parks after the flood 5 years ago and #10 is the only lighted field and we know West Bank is a complex no person should ever play or practice soccer at until they get an environmental company to come in and dig up the top 10 feet of soil and ship it off to a contamination isolation facility and bring in new soil with a barrier liner around the complex to keep the refinery materials from leaching in.

The size and volume of players WSA can claim is still all window dressing. The majority of their teams that are not based in Tulsa can barely compete on the OPC level. Their teams in Tulsa, even the RL teams, are on par with Blitz. I've always heard TSC had a territorial veto right to admitting any new clubs within a certain radius. I don't know if that's true or not but it might not matter if TSC loses their NL status due to poor performance and a relegation.
Travis Featherstone
Do you think? I've known Travis for a couple of years and nothing he's said in conversation with me sounds anything remotely like Tulsa Soccer Guy. We had an extended conversation with him in the Tulsa airport when we were taking my son up to Boston to move in at Tufts. And I've refereed games with him and his daughter before. Her daughter is a good player and I believe she just committed to College of the Ozarks just south of Branson, MO (interesting school finance concept there).
Your attitude toward academy soccer is 100% correct. It should be all about development and fun. Focus on playing out of the back and through the midfield. If your kid is playing for a kick it to the corner flag and chase coach they need to look somewhere else. Winning is irrelevant at that age. Development needs to be the focus. Teach development and the wins will come.
And this is why I find it puzzling that Barry ran the Carreno's off from TSC. Donny, Bobby, and Amanda all were great technical teachers and taught kids at a very young age to play this way coming out of the back and lots of passing.
Do you think? I've known Travis for a couple of years and nothing he's said in conversation with me sounds anything remotely like Tulsa Soccer Guy. We had an extended conversation with him in the Tulsa airport when we were taking my son up to Boston to move in at Tufts. And I've refereed games with him and his daughter before. Her daughter is a good player and I believe she just committed to College of the Ozarks just south of Branson, MO (interesting school finance concept there).
Maybe coincidence that TSG waited until Joao left Blitz before putting him on blast ? TSG has always struck me as a bitter man who has grown tired of the Tulsa club soccer scene. Something I can at least partially agree upon.
And this is why I find it puzzling that Barry ran the Carreno's off from TSC. Donny, Bobby, and Amanda all were great technical teachers and taught kids at a very young age to play this way coming out of the back and lots of passing.
Top level coaches have egos. Barry has an ego. It can be hard to coexist at times when neither party is willing to put their’s aside. I also believe Barry historically hasn’t been willing to pay to retain top level coaches.
Maybe coincidence that TSG waited until Joao left Blitz before putting him on blast ? TSG has always struck me as a bitter man who has grown tired of the Tulsa club soccer scene. Something I can at least partially agree upon.
Yes, Tulsa Soccer Guy had some insights to the Tulsa club soccer scene and politics and the $ games they play with people all while understanding that the clubs miss the mark most of the time when it comes to actual player development. TSG was also a harsh critic of clubs sending teams 1000s of miles away to play in all these tournaments and showcases and not playing any local tournaments, especially in those of rival clubs. And he has a point with that, especially when you're talking 2nd or 3rd teams travelling 6-8 or more hours away to play in a simple tournament. I get the top teams playing in NL or RL (or even EA) might be obligated to play in a couple of those leagues' showcases each season, but you can plan for that and not make every tournament one that you have to take an extra day off work just to get there are a reasonable hour on Friday so you can be at the field at 6:30AM for a 7:15AM kick. I always appreciated my son's time with Blitz because they played in lots of local tournaments in OK and always tried to do a couple each season requiring an overnight stay in Dallas or St. Louis. Even my son's 3rd team at TSC was always wanting to go to anywhere except Oklahoma and we were still traveling to Wichita, KC, Arkansas, north Texas to play league games.

TSG was also a vocal critic of all the animosity between the clubs in Tulsa. He was right about that actually hurts soccer in Tulsa overall.
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I have never talked to Barry once, but I find it odd how many people blame him for everything. Many of these coaches have huge egos, too. They want more money; they think they should be coaching something different. He has probably screwed up a lot but don't doubt these idiots' ability to mess up too.

Being a part of soccer for 36 years, there is a vast array of opinions about the ills of soccer, locally and nationally and how they should be fixed. This market is funky for those who have never lived outside of Tulsa. It also helps to see how other places do things. As I mentioned, OEFC has been blessed with being big and homogenous. The question is, why? What has allowed them to do that?
WSA's sheer size is one of the things that touches this off every season. The fact the Bushes went and absorbed all these tiny clubs all over the state and renamed them WSA-North/South/East and Western Wear (Drysdales) makes them seem bigger and better qualified for ECNL membership. The problem is their facilities throughout the state are not good and outside of the one field at River Parks in Sand Springs (#10 I think it is) their game fields are actually pretty bad. I'm not sure they've ever gotten the lights fixed at River Parks after the flood 5 years ago and #10 is the only lighted field and we know West Bank is a complex no person should ever play or practice soccer at until they get an environmental company to come in and dig up the top 10 feet of soil and ship it off to a contamination isolation facility and bring in new soil with a barrier liner around the complex to keep the refinery materials from leaching in.

The size and volume of players WSA can claim is still all window dressing. The majority of their teams that are not based in Tulsa can barely compete on the OPC level. Their teams in Tulsa, even the RL teams, are on par with Blitz. I've always heard TSC had a territorial veto right to admitting any new clubs within a certain radius. I don't know if that's true or not but it might not matter if TSC loses their NL status due to poor performance and a relegation.
A whole host of clubs perform at one level of TSC in the NL division. There are a couple of awful ones, a couple of good ones, and lots of mid-tier ones. Who is speaking about the relegation? I have heard this stuff since I have lived in Tulsa for the past 5.5 years. It has never happened. If you listen to the ECNL director, he talks about a club-based vs. team-based model. Joao recently had a phenomenal 2015 girls' team at blitz, but they aren't getting promoted to the ECNL-NL division at Blitz. Ain't happening—sorry bruh. One team isn't getting them there. He was, however, telling them that you don't really need to be in NL anymore to get recruited, which is an extent. How do I know this? We have a very close friend's daughter on that team.

West Bank is total dog dook. I come out of there coughing because it is windy and dusty when I visit. The fields are terrible.
A whole host of clubs perform at one level of TSC in the NL division. There are a couple of awful ones, a couple of good ones, and lots of mid-tier ones. Who is speaking about the relegation? I have heard this stuff since I have lived in Tulsa for the past 5.5 years. It has never happened. If you listen to the ECNL director, he talks about a club-based vs. team-based model. Joao recently had a phenomenal 2015 girls' team at blitz, but they aren't getting promoted to the ECNL-NL division at Blitz. Ain't happening—sorry bruh. One team isn't getting them there. He was, however, telling them that you don't really need to be in NL anymore to get recruited, which is an extent. How do I know this? We have a very close friend's daughter on that team.

West Bank is total dog dook. I come out of there coughing because it is windy and dusty when I visit. The fields are terrible.
What are the “couple” of girls ECNL teams at TSC which are good? There’s not a single team with a winning conference record nor is there a team ranked in the top 75 nationally.

Agree the West Bank is crap. You don’t need NL to get recruited but it is very very difficult to go D1 from a non NL team. Especially based out of Oklahoma
I have never talked to Barry once, but I find it odd how many people blame him for everything. Many of these coaches have huge egos, too. They want more money; they think they should be coaching something different. He has probably screwed up a lot but don't doubt these idiots' ability to mess up too.
I have talked 1 on 1 with Barry many times. I was the manager of my son's team at TSC. Most of the conversations started as an email from me to Barry and he would always call me to address them and what he planned. Issues ranged from the lack of transparency in the tryout process, i.e. the ECNL boys in the age group never had to go to "tryouts" and if they did go on those nights, they were kept on a separate field from the rest of the age group and the NL coaches/boys' director never saw kids who weren't on the NL team at the club already. It was like this before Barry took over (I expressed the same concern to Mark McIntosh). Boys coming into the club who had been promised NL spots were dropped onto their field and usually they were only there for 1 day out of the 3 tryout days. Also, the lack of a GK coach and consistent GK training at TSC was a concern...we discussed that and even needing that GK coach to do an actual GK tryout and provide recommendations on placements. While Barry promised this for 3 years, it never actually happened. There was also the concern about training fields and conditions as my son's team had several injuries occur at the now Scheel's complex playing in the gravel. My son actually ripped open his arm from elbow to just above the wrist diving on the gravel. We also discussed the lack of attention from the club to the lower teams in scheduling. We were supposed to communicate with the club GM to get us registered for tournaments that weren't the TSC tournaments because the club went to a single pay fee model for all teams instead of the manager's collecting any monies (I appreciated this greatly). This was always a bigger chore than it needed to be. Same with rescheduling games...always supposed to go through TSC GM to do reschedules. Did this several times and on more than one occasion the two teams would show up for a game and there were no referees. Anyway, managers were always part of meetings with Barry and Eric to discuss tryouts, upcoming season stuff, processes, etc. Lots of promises were made, only a few of those were ever followed through on. If I seem jaded towards TSC about some stuff, it's because I am because promises were made by Barry and Eric and not followed up on and those things always seemed to negatively affect the 2nd, 3rd and lower teams. I don't blame him for everything, but I do hold a grudge for not following up on promises made. Also, he came in with a drill sergeant approach and basically told coaches it was his way or the highway. Many of the coaches on the girls side all left (for WSA) when this was made clear. @lawpoke can attest to this.

As for the Carrenos, they were tired of the promises not being kept. They were also basically busted down to the lower level teams every time TSC got the idea to hire some coach from another club. And with all coaches, they also didn't appreciate the micromanagement from the top. I did have a conversation with Donny about this last Spring. He was sort of done with the club culture altogether and I think it was easier for him to walk away from clubs and do his own thing when his son basically finished out his club career (he might still have this year, I know he's an '06 but I think he was on the younger side, trapped '06; going to be a senior at BTW this year). Bobby was (and may still be) working for FC Tulsa and I wouldn't be surprised if he gets involved with the youth academy FC Tulsa is rumored to be starting.