Who decides elections?

There is an out of control pandemic ravaging the country and our ‘president’ is holed up sobbing about his personal future while the people he is supposed to protect are dying in larger numbers daily. Pence, the Covid task force leader, is AWOL focused instead on an election he lost.

The idea that Trump cares or ever cared about anything but himself is a joke.
With a vaccination about to roll out in two or three weeks and less than 70 days left, what do you expect? Or better yet what policies or actions would you take if you were king for a day? Lockdown isn’t one of your options available.
tucker had a list of 25 dead people that voted in the election last night. And had a list of hundreds of folks that had moved out of states but voted in those states anyway.

I doubt that there is enough "proof" to overturn this election for Trump. But that's not the damn issue. The issue is, as Americans, are we going to allow our election system to be B.S. or not?

why does one have to show an ID to get a hotel room, to take an SAT test, to open a bank account, to cash a check, to drive, to pick up a package at the post office, but not to freaking vote?

And there should be a mandatory "both party" system to verify mail-in signatures at every state's election.

After that, no bitching allowed.

With a vaccination about to roll out in two or three weeks and less than 70 days left, what do you expect? Or better yet what policies or actions would you take if you were king for a day? Lockdown isn’t one of your options available.
It's actually going to roll out in 5 or 6 weeks.(mid to late December)
It's actually going to roll out in 5 or 6 weeks.(mid to late December)

Regardless of rollout date, mid-late December seems too hopeful considering there is still testing on-going, it will take at least 6-12 months to get enough people two doses that there is a level of general immunity.

This doesn't even address how they will transport and store this mass number of doses at -94F and how long the immunity lasts. 3-6 months immunity won't help much. 12-18 months would allow for this thing to be decently managed.

Then, you still have folks that won't take it because vaccines cause autism, anal leakage, or causes you to grow a testicle on your neck and, the folks that will want to wait to make sure none of that happens since the studies and trials were done so rapidly (as they should have been).
Regardless of rollout date, mid-late December seems too hopeful considering there is still testing on-going, it will take at least 6-12 months to get enough people two doses that there is a level of general immunity.

This doesn't even address how they will transport and store this mass number of doses at -94F and how long the immunity lasts. 3-6 months immunity won't help much. 12-18 months would allow for this thing to be decently managed.

Then, you still have folks that won't take it because vaccines cause autism, anal leakage, or causes you to grow a testicle on your neck and, the folks that will want to wait to make sure none of that happens since the studies and trials were done so rapidly (as they should have been).
I have made a killing in the stock market on the companies that are involved in the rollout. The Mil is also involved so no need to worry getting it rolled out quickly or about the freezing part.
For me personally, I can’t EVER see myself getting this vaccination.
Regardless of rollout date, mid-late December seems too hopeful considering there is still testing on-going, it will take at least 6-12 months to get enough people two doses that there is a level of general immunity.

Agreed. Best case is that it takes about a month to get the two shots and for them to be protective. Given the added logistical challenges, think Q2 next year for anything close to a 'rollout'. . It will be a full year before people are really returning to somewhat normal routines.
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Regardless of rollout date, mid-late December seems too hopeful considering there is still testing on-going, it will take at least 6-12 months to get enough people two doses that there is a level of general immunity.

This doesn't even address how they will transport and store this mass number of doses at -94F and how long the immunity lasts. 3-6 months immunity won't help much. 12-18 months would allow for this thing to be decently managed.

Then, you still have folks that won't take it because vaccines cause autism, anal leakage, or causes you to grow a testicle on your neck and, the folks that will want to wait to make sure none of that happens since the studies and trials were done so rapidly (as they should have been).
I heard how they are going to roll it out with temperatures in mind. It is going to be transported in containers with dry ice. They(Pfizer) know that will keep it cool enough to get it transported and then put in freezing units. The first roll out will be to compromised at risk seniors, then in January they will begin hitting all seniors. The general non-senior populace won't begin to get it until somewhere around March or April. It won't be completely accessible to everybody until June-July. Can't remember if they were going to do compromised non seniors in the first batch or the second batch for all seniors.
Plus Moderna will come up with their results in a couple of weeks. If their results are even almost as good, then we will have it rolling out a couple of weeks after Pfizer's. I think they said their immunization wouldn't require cold storage.
Plus Moderna will come up with their results in a couple of weeks. If their results are even almost as good, then we will have it rolling out a couple of weeks after Pfizer's. I think they said their immunization wouldn't require cold storage.
My understanding is that Moderna's vaccine is also mRNA based and poses the same logistical challenges. But at least it is another source.
My understanding is that Moderna's vaccine is also mRNA based and poses the same logistical challenges. But at least it is another source.
Thanks, I was getting astra zeneca mixed up with moderna on the cold storage.

what does that have to do with dead people mailing in votes, and having a system where you know the people that are eligible actually voted?

just because someone ruled “no tech funny biz” went on doesn’t mean we didn’t have a party that took 10,000 ballots and had people “vote” that weren’t eligible.
what does that have to do with dead people mailing in votes, and having a system where you know the people that are eligible actually voted?
Yeah if it's anything more than innuendo, then more power to him!

Let's see the proof first, not last.(never)
My understanding is that Moderna's vaccine is also mRNA based and poses the same logistical challenges. But at least it is another source.
Pfizer's vaccine has to be kept at minus 75 degrees Celsius — or about minus 103 degrees Fahrenheit. No other vaccine in the US needs to be kept that cold, and doctors' offices and pharmacies do not have freezers that go that low.

Moderna's vaccine can be kept at minus 20 degrees Celsius, which is about minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit. Other vaccines, such as the one against chickenpox, need to be kept at that temperature.
Voter fraud, yes. Proof, hard to find.

There are no footprints, or smoking guns.

Registration is on a post card or on line with nothing more that your assurance that you are you, and each January you receive a voter card. Its not an id; no picture or validation.

Voting in person; if you don't have a voter card, just show up and claim you are who you are and vote

Just exactly how do you validate a mail in ballot? Why are so many just "found" after election day? What is wrong with requiring ballots to be received by election day? You could move election day into December and there would still be late ballots.
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I'm not saying Trump's claims are valid - this thing is over.

But to require IDs and proof for so many things in life, but not voting, is B.S.

There is NO way to make sure that we don't have a manipulation of our system without IDs or proof you are who you say you are.
Where were all of these republican tears in 2016?

(D) 65,853,516 to (R) 62,984,825 (Diff 2,868,664) but (R) 306 to (D) 232 (Diff 74) vs
(D) 77,372,350 to (R) 72,255,311 (Diff 5,117,039) and (R) 217 to (D) 290 (Diff 73)?

Seems there was a much better argument in 2016 for the Dems than 2020 for the Reps.
Hillary conceded on Nov 8th. We're at Nov 11th.

I don't mind the challenges. I think they're almost compelled to fight the fight but, the President not conceding, playing his 441th day of golf in 4 years, and hiding behind Twitter screaming like a child is not how to handle this at any level.
trump held rallies with 20k attendees. Biden would have a few hundred. Talk about the silent majority.

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