What should have been done.


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003
This EO was prepared inexperienced and arrogant people in a hurry to get something out and look effective in the first week. I think the following makes more sense.

1. Leave people alone who are here legally and have a clean record. There is a lot of talk about illegal aliens and that we have a legal process. That being the case show that we treat those here legally right.

2. No ban on people from most of the seven countries. Follow the process. Do as much investigation as is possible. Don't use religion as a qualifier or disqualifier.

3. People from the war zone of Syria and Western Iraq. Obama had a six month pause for Iraq in 2011. Four months now is not unreasonable. The Syrian government, ISIS, the rebels, and the Kurds are all in the fight along with the US, Turkey, and Russia. In the US we have background checks, but who of the local four groups in Syria are trustworthy and have the resources for that? Use the 4 months to decide how we will screen people. Begin the screening process.

If an orderly plan along these lines had been brought out without a hurry up to make Trump look "effective" announced out on a Friday night that looked arbitrary, there would have been much less anger and angst.
Many of the people who are " here legally", were admitted within the last 8 years, and received little or no vetting.

Some or these need to reassessed.
Many of the people who are " here legally", were admitted within the last 8 years, and received little or no vetting.

Some or these need to reassessed.

Crazy thing about that....these "unvetted" people have been here all this time and haven't committed any terror attacks. Weird

It's possible to worry about the cultural impacts of immigration from the ME en masse, but still not get stupid about it and still want to help people.
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Many of the people who are " here legally", were admitted within the last 8 years, and received little or no vetting.

Some or these need to reassessed.
This is just BS. I have an aunt who is technically Muslim (although she's not very stringent) and she was from Morocco. She was married to my uncle and she still had EXTREMELY close vetting. To the point that my cousin from another uncle, who was a Marine in Iraq during the time the aunt was immigrating here, got pulled into an interrogation about his new aunt that he didn't even really know. She wasn't even from one of these extremist countries and she received tougher vetting than anyone should expect and she was married to a white US national from Kansas.
The entire EO and its implementation was amateur hour. You can't ban people who are already here legally. You would need to have some sort of implementation process instead of simply refusing people who were in the air or at an airport when the ban went into effect. If you're going to institute a temporary ban until the vetting processes can be reviewed then you sure as hell better have some guidelines and timelines for what's going to happen and when.
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The entire EO and its implementation was amateur hour. You can't ban people who are already here legally. You would need to have some sort of implementation process instead of simply refusing people who were in the air or at an airport when the ban went into effect. If you're going to institute a temporary ban until the vetting processes can be reviewed then you sure as hell better have some guidelines and timelines for what's going to happen and when.
That's because deep down Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller are racist buttholes who don't care and they are two of the guys that are closest to Trump. They are faux intelligentsia who think their way is the best way and don't care if anyone tells them differently.

I finally realized what my D.C. friend was talking about when he said that Jeff Sessions' staff were the ones that were coming up with a lot of the racist rhetoric coming out of Trump's campaign. It was Miller. Miller was Sessions' communications director before becoming Trump's strategist. It was Miller that wrote the doom and gloom speech RNC speech that got roundly panned. And I'm betting it was Miller that was responsible for the negative rhetoric blacks / muslims / hispanics in 2016. Before Washington politics he was known for his conservative columns in the Duke Newspaper around the time of the Duke Lacrosse scandal. More interestingly, he was apparently a pal of the notable white supremacist Richard Spencer while at Duke.

Spencer commented that Miller was even more outspoken in meetings of the Duke Conservative Union, where the two reportedly bonded over “concerns that immigrants from non-European countries were not assimilating.” (This would have been back in 05 or 06. Long before any ISIS threat existed)

“It's funny no one's picked up on the Stephen Miller connection,” Spencer said. “I knew him very well when I was at Duke. But I am kind of glad no one's talked about this because I don't want to harm Trump.”

I think Miller is dangerous because he has no objective moral values. His morals lie in some idealized fantasy of 1950's esque America which for some people, might be fine, but for a lot of others is VERY scary.
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Your aunt is Barack Obamas father?
No, but my mom was born in the same town that Barry O's mom is from as well as Tim Kaine's mom. El Dorado.

My fam started out in Kansas but moved around a lot due to my grandfather being a geologist for 30+ years. They eventually ended up in Wichita where my two youngest uncles went to school and the one that eventually married a lady from Morocco went to KU for a PE degree.

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