what is the first thing you will do after this is over?

Probably go buy some things to work on my house.
I know I could potentially go out to do that now, but I don't want to risk picking up the virus after having whatever it was I had (if it wasn't it).
Hopefully go to a high school baseball game in a rescheduled season...
Hopefully go to a high school baseball game in a rescheduled season...

Are they talking about this? One of my best friends is a high school head coach for one of the better large school teams in the state and he hasn't mentioned that possibility. Of course, we only talk thru texting now.
Go to court would be nice, but not probable immediately. The funeral/wake/family reunion is about to be set for June 27th/28th of June whenever to minister gets back with me. I guess I would probably go to a coffee shop with the girlfriend and laze the day away around other people.
Are they talking about this? One of my best friends is a high school head coach for one of the better large school teams in the state and he hasn't mentioned that possibility. Of course, we only talk thru texting now.

I get snippetts but nothing to really get hopes built on...