We need sports


I.T.S. University President
Gold Member
Jun 13, 2005
Politics replacing sports really isn't good for anybody, myself included. I've caught myself saying dumb stuff a couple times (not that unusual), but also it's really just not much fun around here these days. I think I'm out until we have some sports. And judging by some of the insane stuff that's been on here lately I think a lot of people would benefit from taking a break.
Crossfire was created to keep political crap off of the sports boards. URedskin is correct...mostly. There is too much of it now. The main reason I limit that to "mostly" is because there isn't any sports now. And people like ITS so some are coming here who wouldn't normally, at least, not as much. It also happens to be an election year.

Before many of us made the move over here, there was such a board where we came from and for the same reasons. It's a great way to keep in touch with those you may or may not know...during a pandemic. No mask required.

The name, I believe, comes from a TV spot on CBS 60 minutes with another form on Saturday Night Life. "Jane you ignorant slut." I don't think it goes back to the Gnostics.

Taking a break is great until you look and see something you just have to answer.
Crossfire was created to keep political crap off of the sports boards. URedskin is correct...mostly. There is too much of it now. The main reason I limit that to "mostly" is because there isn't any sports now. And people like ITS so some are coming here who wouldn't normally, at least, not as much. It also happens to be an election year.

Before many of us made the move over here, there was such a board where we came from and for the same reasons. It's a great way to keep in touch with those you may or may not know...during a pandemic. No mask required.

The name, I believe, comes from a TV spot on CBS 60 minutes with another form on Saturday Night Life. "Jane you ignorant slut." I don't think it goes back to the Gnostics.

Taking a break is great until you look and see something you just have to answer.
Politics replacing sports really isn't good for anybody, myself included. I've caught myself saying dumb stuff a couple times (not that unusual), but also it's really just not much fun around here these days. I think I'm out until we have some sports. And judging by some of the insane stuff that's been on here lately I think a lot of people would benefit from taking a break.
Yeah, this. I have been making a concerted effort the last week or so to minimize my exposure to the news cycle and just try to keep my head down. I can't say it's made me feel great or anything, because pretty much everything is miserable right now. But there's no reason to compound that, and I think it has been helpful.

We could all do with some diversion right now. I went camping out in the wilderness for a couple of nights with my two daughters. Hardly saw a soul. It felt really good to ditch the masks for a couple of days and just relax with no phone service and do some off-trail hiking. Being a drought year, we were extra careful about bears. Naturally, we had no problems and came back home last night to find our trash can at the house broken into and trash strewn about.

Crossfire was created to keep political crap off of the sports boards. URedskin is correct...mostly. There is too much of it now. The main reason I limit that to "mostly" is because there isn't any sports now. And people like ITS so some are coming here who wouldn't normally, at least, not as much. It also happens to be an election year.

Before many of us made the move over here, there was such a board where we came from and for the same reasons. It's a great way to keep in touch with those you may or may not know...during a pandemic. No mask required.

The name, I believe, comes from a TV spot on CBS 60 minutes with another form on Saturday Night Life. "Jane you ignorant slut." I don't think it goes back to the Gnostics.

Taking a break is great until you look and see something you just have to answer.

Ditto on the LOL. Thanks for that!